[3.3] Fate Of The Elements(Elemental Hit) | 3mil+ Dmg | 2mil Shaper Dmg | Fast map clearing!
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() For Softcore and Hardcore play!!! ![]() What's up Path community! I'm back here again with another build guide, this time focusing in on changes that were made with the addition of patch 3.3. I can honestly say, I was excited when GGG reworked Elemental Hit and actually made it viable! :O I know I know. It's not the ability everyone was looking for changes, but it needed help for sure. It was probably one of the least used skill gems in existence and now, it's back with a vengeance! In this build, I focus on three key elements that dish out nasty damage; the new Elemental Hit, the incursion unique Fate of the Vaal, and critical hits. The synergy between Elemental Hit and Fate of The Vaal is incredible and are a match made in heaven. Together they make a deadly combo that cuts through packs and even puts up a fight again big bosses such as Elder and Shaper. Currently, this build is still in testing, so bare with me. The majority of the kinks are worked out, but I'm still scaling the content and more updates will be posted as I go along. Build Mechanics The build isn't complicated by any means, but is quite expensive. The total cost of the build can go upwards to 400+ chaos. Setting that aside, it's extremely fun and easy to use. So as I stated, this build uses two key elements, Elemental Hit:
![]() and also Fate of The Vaal:
![]() The new Elemental Hit states, When attacking it will choose an element at random and then hit with the chosen element. Also when attacking, it will avoid choosing the same elemental damage twice in a row. So it will always hit with a different element when cycling through all three elemental damages; fire, cold, and lightning. This is fantastic, because we can use things such as Elemental Equilibrium which will raise the resistance of the currently element that you just hit with, but also will lower other resistances by %50. So with this cycling process, the enemy will always have -50% resists to all our damage. That's a nice bit of penetration. Now the fun part is when we add in elemental ailments; igniting, freezing, and shocking. This happens when we use Fate of The Vaal which will always inflict ailments when we hit using it. Also, we gain upwards of 60% increased damage when the target is inflicted with each ailment, meaning that we can have 180% increased damage with a perfectly rolled Fate of The Vaal. That's insane! But we're not done there. Paired with Elemental hit, we gain 10% more damage per ailment that is on the target. So with all three ailments currently, elemental hit is gaining a 30% more damage boost. This is such a beautiful situation and it's so much fun to fly through maps and watch everything melt and explode. So after all that is said and done, we can look at our total damage numbers on PoB and we get something like this:
![]() and Shaper damage that looks like this:
![]() Recently, I've had to change our setup to include all three heralds; Ice, Fire, and Lightning. This helps out the synergy of both our weapon and Elemental Hit so their elements can sync together and inflict an attack of the same element. ![]() ![]() + This build has great defensive measures such as enfeeble, modest life pool, and dodge chance to survive in end game maps. + We're reflect resistant from the assassin ascendancy from crit hits not being able to be reflected and since we crit 80+% of the time(90% when using flask), that's almost always. + Map clear speed is insane due to 2mil+ damage numbers! + Super easy to level with. ![]() ![]() - The build is still under construction at the moment. I know I don't usually publish builds that haven't made it to T15 maps, but this one is an exception! ;) - It's friggin' pricey. - Chaos res is needed on rolling gear so that we don't get destroyed by incursion mobs. ![]() ![]() Required Uniques
Self explanatory, Fate of the Vaal is what makes this build work and without it we wouldn't have this legendary damage. Lycosidae is also required since we don't have any accuracy, this build wouldn't be useful without it. Recommended Uniques
The Taming Ring
![]() It's a great addition to the build. Perfectly rolled, it can give us up to 20% increased damage per ignite, freeze, and shock on the target. Since we have all three, now we gain a 60% damage boost. On top of an additional 30% increased damage with elemental attacks and 30% elemental damage, this ring gives us a total of 120% increased damage. No other ring does better and is a huge benefit to the build. However expensive, it's not mandatory to make the build great but if you want to hit those big numbers I would recommend saving to get one! Inpulsa's Broken Heart
![]() Not required but in some ways needed if you want to clear the map a bit faster. It will also help us with shocking as well, since we need to do a % of damage to the target if we want to shock and that's big since shocking will be a major support in our total damage. Having the increased shock effect from Inpulsa is very nice, but again isn't required to run the build. Windshriek Boots
![]() A nice quality of life addition to the build. It gives us a little bit of elemental damage but more importantly an additional curse to our build setup. This will enable us to use Enfeeble which will give us an extra form of survivability. Yoke of Suffering
![]() A bit expensive, but it gets the job done. This would be a good way to gain more map clear if your Inpulsa explosions aren't clearing full groups of enemies since all our elements are causing shocks. Tombfist
![]() Another good but expensive addition to our gear setup. This adds a great bit of attack speed to our setup which is much needed. This also allows us to have a decent bit of life to our total lifepool and if we socket a Murderous Eye Jewel, we can intimidate enemies which causes us to do 10% increased damage. Not too bad! ![]() ![]() The ascendancy passives are as followed: Unstable Infusion > Deadly Infusion > Opportunistic > Ambush and Assassinate In this ascendancy order, it will guide us towards maps and make us defensive enough so we can take on the more difficult stuff until we complete uber lab. We start grabbing Unstable Infusion so we can gain power charges early. This way when we take our crit passive nodes they'll work well with our setup until we can do cruel lab and get Deadly Infusion. This will give us a bigger chance to crit, along with damage multiplier and an additional power charge. Next, we will take Opportunistic for surviving big hits when we make it into maps. At this point, bosses will start becoming a bit scary, especially when we don't evade a specific attack and get hit with a lot of damage. This will tune down the damage in boss fights, and also buff us when fighting bosses as well. This will also help map clearing, since we gain 20% movement speed when we kill on top of reflect resist when we crit. Finally we will take Ambush and Assassinate to further cap off our damage. This is left last, because it's not entirely necessary to run maps with, however it's meant to carry us further into red high tier maps to compete with bigger mobs. Following this order, I believe you will get the most out of your class and help you level efficiently. PoB Link
*NOTE* Fate of The Vaal sword hasn't been fully configured with PoB quite yet and the creators are missing some important elements are needed to find the the total damage of the sword. We are still using it, however to calculate the end result, I had to make a fixed sword. (Thank you @Nostrademous for pointing this out). Looking at the build in PoB, this is how the gear and skills should be setup. Note, the gear can be expensive, but things such as jewels with damage isn't that necessary. Focus on life to further help you when mapping and find damage later. If you do not have a big budget to spend, it's okay! Just mainly focus on getting your sword and shield and that's really all you'll need until you're able to farm for the rest. Passive Tree
Starting off - https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/3.3.0/AAAABAYBAAW1EJIRLxGBFr8XsCM2JpUqCysKMgEyMjY9SotTEFVLXfJh4mHrYqxjp2yMcFJ6U4nTjDaNv5TxmyadqrIZtDi0xbxvwuzPetQj2YbdRuUZ6NbrY_iX-_U= Mid-Game - https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/3.3.0/AAAABAYBAAUtBbUGIAaiDY0QkhEvEYEWvxewF9wjNiPTI_Yk_SaVKgsrCjB8MgEyMjY9QzFKfUqLTP9Nkk4qUUdTEFVLVvpbr13yYeJh62KsY6dnoGyMbydwUnSgdO1313j5elN6737dfyuHdonTjDaNfY25jb-PYJTxmmqbJp2qshm0OLTFvG_C7M961CPUUtmG2sHdRuOf5RnnVOjW62P4l_v1_W7_3g== Mapping - https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/3.3.0/AAAABAYBAAHcBS0FtQYgBqINjRCSES8RgRa_F7AX3Bm0IzYj0yP2JP0mlSj6KgsrCjB8MgEyCTIyNZI2PTrhQYdDMUd-Sn1Ki0z_TZJN404qUUdTEFVLVvpbr13yYeJh62KsY6dlTWegapNsRmyMbydwUnJsdKB07XfXd-N4DXj5elN6737dfyuCx4TZh3aJ04w2jX2NuY2_j2CU8ZitmmqbJp2qplepbrIZtDi0xbXytz68b702vqfAGsLsz3rUI9RS2L3ZhtrB3Ubjn-UZ51To1utj8kX4l_no-_X9bv4K_o__3g== Final Build - AAAABAYBAAHcBS0FtQYgBqINHw2NEJIRLxGBFr8XsBfcGbQjNiPTI_Yk_SaVKPoqCyo4KwouUzBxMHwxsDIBMgkyMjWSNj031DpCOuE8KEGHQzFHfkp9SotKyEt4TP9Nkk3jTipRR1MQU7tVS1b6W69d8mHiYetirGOnZU1noGqTbEZsjG6qbydvO3BScmx0oHTtd9d343gNePl6U3rvft1_K4LHhNmHdonTjDaNfY25jb Bandits
Kill all or help Alira.
The choice is up to you. My recommendation would be to kill all. You can choose to help Alira if you want more damage, however I feel we do plenty of damage and we would have to lose a jewel socket up near the shadow tree if we were to go the alternate route and thus lose a bit of life from our jewel. Pantheon
Soul of Arakaali(Major) - This will benefit us from taking reduced damage from all DoT sources, as well as avoiding lighting damage at a small rate. This will also help us take less damage from shock and in hopes, keep it off us from here and there. But the kicker, the 25% chaos resistance from DoTs.
This means and caustic clouds, poisons, asshole exiles that one shot me with essence drain, won't hurt as much!! ^.^ Soul of Shakari(Minor) - 5% reduced chaos damage helps out more than you know. Since we don't gain resists from any sources but gear, we need as much chaos res as possible. But the best part about all of this, is the immunity to poison. What a gift. Keep in mind that my choices are purely personal and there's really no right or wrong ones. If you feel you need to switch over to other Pantheons, then by all means do so. ![]() ![]() Elemental Hit Setup Elemental Hit > Elemental Damage With Attacks > Hypothermia > Ruthless/Ancestral Call > Multistrike > Empower(Level 3 or 4) *NOTE* Use Ancestral Call on packs, then switch to Ruthless when fighting bosses. Defensive Setup Immortal Call > Cast When Damage Taken > Increased Duration > Vaal Haste Movement Setup Shield Charge > Faster Attacks > Fortify Protector Setup Ancestral Protector > Summon Lightning Golem Herald Setup Herald Of Lightning > Herald Of Ice > Herald Of Fire Curse Setup Orb Of Storms > Curse On Hit > Enfeeble > Elemental Weakness ![]() ![]()
Currently, this is my gear setup walking into maps(Level 71). There's a lot of improvements that I will be implementing on my gear as I travel deeper into mapping. So far, everything is go swell and the clear speed is insane! ![]() ![]()
Starting Off
Starting off at level 2, grab a Frost Blades gem. If you can, ask a friend or jump on another character and grab Ruthless and Ancestral Call. You can use these in a 3 link setup for now and can level with them as you go. You can use many useful uniques to start out with:
and many more. Level 12-30 Equip your Lycosidae and Grab Elemental Hit and socket it into a piece of gear to level it. We won't be using it until later so continue on with using Frost Blades for now. You'll continue to use this setup until you make your way to the end of act 3. If you can get a four-link setup, you can socket in Elemental Damage With Attacks which will greatly improve your leveling. Level 35 At level 35, we get the little sibling sword of Fate of the Vaal, Story of The Vaal:
And now we can use our Elemental Hit setup. With a Four-link your setup should look like this: Elemental Hit > Elemental Damage With Attacks > Ruthless/Ancestral Call > Multistrike. If you have a 5-link setup already, use Hypothermia as your 5th link. If you're able to do normal lab by now, complete it as it will further help you deal damage and push faster in your leveling process. Level 56 Now we get the Big brother sword, Fate of The Vaal:
Now, we will be dealing incredible amounts of damage. If you can, do cruel lab and take your next ascendancy. End Game Now we can put on our Taming Ring and other pieces of gear that will help us in maps. Make sure to update your gear frequently and cap your resistances so mapping becomes a joke. If you obtain your windshriek Boots, make sure you have your Enfeeble curse setup, as this will help with surviving big hits from those pesky map bosses. ![]() ![]() I've had so much fun with this build so far, and I haven't even made it to Shaper quite yet, but I am confident that he will meet a very short end. ;) I will frequently update the build guide as I move my way through maps. Next to come will be a video guide explaining the build and also a leveling guide to help demonstrate the quickness and ease of making your way to mapping. I hope you all enjoy and if you have questions, please leave them here in the comment section. I will respond to comments and concerns as soon as I can. And as always exiles, stay safe out there! ![]() Thunderous Heavy Strike https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2070651 Arctic Breath Elementalist https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1832063 Shadow Clone Ninjutsu https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2006007 Change log 06/27/18 - Added current gear into the Gear Setup section of the build. 06/27/18 - Updated the "Curse on Hit" Setup and changed Faster Casting to Increased Duration as this was a better fit when fighting bosses and tough rares; felt fasting casting wasn't necessary. Also changed Anger to Hatred as our cold damage was the lowest and it needed a face lift, so Hatred adds a nice bit of damage to level out our setup. Total damage numbers are still over 2 million dps. (06/27/18-06/29/18) - Updated the Path of Build link to accommodate for the changes to the build. 06/30/18 - Gave the build guide a new face lift. Been working with the passive tree and found better pathing and ways of getting better attack speed for a total of 3.2mil damage. Our life pool as also increased for a minor improvement. 06/30/18 - Updated the PoB link and passives so we can get faster attack speed. I've been getting a lot of messages with concerns to attack speed, so this should help quite a bit. Thank you all for your patience. Dernière édition par Morphyne123#0419, le 30 juin 2018 11:18:26 Dernier bump le 7 août 2018 09:00:51
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Reserved for future editing.
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An amazing build. I rate it 10/10.
Dernière édition par lol88998899#4044, le 25 juin 2018 15:18:04
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Quick question on synergy,
-Skill chooses a random elemental and only does damage with it. Lets say it choose fire one hit. -Fate of the Vaal also converts 100% of damage to a random element. Lets say on same hit it choose cold. So, would the cold damage from Fate of the Vaal be ignored, and you are just hitting with the bonus damage from Elemental hit? How does that work? |
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" The damage would not be ignored. Elemental Hit takes priority and chooses the final element of damage and attacks with it. So if Fate of the Vaal chose cold damage and Elemental Hit is going to be a fire hit, the damage of both would then be chosen as fire and attack with it and apply that ailment. |
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hey um you lvling passive trees seem to be broken cant quite follow
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How does Anger play with EH/FotV?
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" Fixed, thanks for pointing that out. PoB links are broken when trying to export them out separately. :) |
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" It's really only giving our fire damage a buff between our three elements. I really couldn't find much else to use in this setup. I was comparing the damage between Anger and Hatred and the outcome was anger giving our biggest damage source a bigger buff which is our fire damage. But we could use Herald of Ash or Ice instead to help with clear speed in mapping. If you have any suggestions, I'm open for ideas. :) |
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" Thanks. I don't have any suggestions but that certainly was useful to know. EDIT: Does the same thing happen with gems like Added Cold Damage and whatnot? If EH doesn't pick cold, the damage doesn't get added? Or will it convert? Dernière édition par pirate_yar#4253, le 26 juin 2018 13:38:49
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