[3.3] Explosive + Seismic Slavedriver Saboteur - 100% fire conversion - Uber Atziri/Shaper [Budget]
![]() Build Goals: Utilize both explosive trap and seismic trap to their full potential. since explosive trap had 50% fire conversion to begin with it made sense to convert seismic to fire as well. 1)Maximize the potential of slavedriver's gloves which allow cast speed to apply to trap throwing speed. Additional area of effect, blood magic, and endurance charges are nice benefits. 2)Convert to 100% fire damage (AoF + Signal Fire) to take advantage of: -saboteur's 10% elemental penetration -high explosive's 10% elemental penetration -wise oak flask's 15% elemental penetration -xoph's blood 10% elemental penetration + covered in ash increased fire damage taken (non-budget version) -new combustion gem 3) Important breakpoints to aim for: -224%+ trap trigger radius. The passive tree + hairpin trigger with a decent roll will get you there. -Don't go lower than 0.18 second cluster trap throwing time. My build aims to stay between the 0.2 and 0.3 range. 4) Porcupine divination cards + Essence of Misery, essence of misery's up to 42% cast speed synergizes well with slavedriver's gloves (higher cast speed = more seismic explosions, and more explosive traps activated): 5) Take advantage of trap throwing speed on jewels/items that previously did not matter but with 0 cooldown and slavedriver's gloves are now cast speed for traps: 6) Operate on a budget overall: A 6L Carcass Jack for explosive trap + 2 good elder weapons would run in the 10+ exalt range in total. For this build (excluding xoph's blood which can be replaced with avatar of fire keystone), the cost is 6 chaos for a 6L bow for explosive trap + 4 chaos for essence of misery + 10 chaos for signal fire. 20 chaos vs 10 exalts is good! I will put in a disclaimer: from a pure explosive trap build with xoph's blood; dual wielding elder weapons with the following stats(40% elemental implict, 20% cast speed, 35% physical added as fire damage, 25% global crit multiplier) will do ~40% more damage than a non-corrupt signal fire/non +1 gems deafening essence of misery bow (0% change in seismic DPS as damage is offset because only 50% is converted to fire without signal fire). Videos: Regular Atziri: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QKcMkrlwSWc Uber Atziri: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NMXVBYN3BVw&feature=youtu.be Shaper: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GzGHJrtHoqM&feature=youtu.be My Gear:
Passive Tree
https://www.pathofexile.com/fullscreen-passive-skill-tree/3.3.0/AAAABAYDAQQHBUIFtQZABncHHgjUCPQOSBEvEZYb4B0UHvAi6iP2JpUqCysKLJwtHzBxMHwyATIYM3g2PTfUOkI6WD1fQZZJUUt4TLNNklFHUlNTMVVLVcZd8mHiYetirGpDbAhsjG06cFFwUnZvelN7DXtffrB_K3_Gg9uD8YnTjDaNfY2_jmSPRo_6kA2U8ZUglS6XlZuhnaqio6yYrrOvjbIZswO0xbVItvq3dbmTvOrB88LswwnPetAf0PXUI9aK2FTb592o6KTo1utj6_XtP-_r8NXxivId8nX3pvfX-Jc= Non-Budget: https://www.pathofexile.com/fullscreen-passive-skill-tree/3.3.0/AAAABAYDAQQHBUIFtQZABncHHgjUCPQOSA_EES8RlhvgHvAi6iP2JP0mlSoLKwosnC0fMHEwfDIBMhgzeDY9N9Q6QjpYO3w9Xz7PQZZJUUt4TLNNklFHUlNTMVVLVcZd8mHiYetirGpDbAhsjG06cFFwUnNtdm96U3sNe19-sH8rf8aD24PxidOMNo19jb-P-pANlPGVIJUul5WdqqKjrrOyGbMDtMW1SLd1uMq5k7zqvebB88LswwnPetAf0PXUI9aK2FTb592o51TopOjW62Pr9e0_7-vw1fD58YryHfJ1-Jf_3g== Pastebin:
Gem Setup
Explosive Trap: Seismic Trap: + increased duration + added fire Movement: Blood Magic + Flame Dash Other Traps: Bear Trap + Advanced Trap + Increased Duration + Multi Trap Lightning Trap Auras: Grace + Herald of Ash + Arctic Armor CWDT: Enfeeble + Ice Golem Leveling Guide:
Leveling Items: Boots: Wanderlust (level 1) --> Deerstalker (level 22) Gloves: Doedre's Tenure (level 12) --> Slavedriver's gloves (level 45) Belt: Rustic Life/Res --> Sunblast (level 37) Weapon: The princess (level 10) --> Death's Harp (level 32) Weapon2: The princess (level 10) --> The Signal Fire (level 24) - Fire and brimstone prophecy Helmet: Goldrim Armor: Tabula Rasa Ring1: Life/Res Ring2: Life/Res Amulet: Atziri's Foible (level 16) --> Ngamahu Tiki (level 45) - prophecy Initial leveling steps: -Hillock --> Explosive Trap -Buy Movespeed boot from vendor -Blue + Green 2 link item : use until prison: Freeze Pulse + added poison -Tidal Rake for quicksilver + buy onslaught (sell all blue items) -2 link is now freeze pulse + onslaught (if you have GGB) then put in added poison -Look for +1 fire gems wand/dagger (flame spinner) -Get multitrap gem from prison (link to explosive trap) -Breaking some eggs = bear trap gem -added fire damage is what you add to explosive trap -AT PRISON USE EXPLOSIVE TRAP EXCLUSIVELY -after brutus --> PURCHASE ARCANE SURGE AND FLAME DASH (BB) -fire res + alteration orb + magic rarity wand --> sell to vendor = +1 fire gems (GGR) -kill weaver for trap and mine damage support -chambers of sin = herald of ash Dernière édition par link1313#3590, le 3 juil. 2018 23:41:34 Dernier bump le 5 juil. 2018 00:15:44
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Hi! Thanks for sharing this build. Can we see a PoB link pls?
Making some variation of this with xoph's inception and EO - https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2151348 but still not sure about max profit with seismic link |
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" Read you're build , great ideas as well! Pastebin: https://pastebin.com/b7GSE7zw I added xoph's inception to test: Flat DPS = +4.5% Explosive traps thrown per second = -28.5% Overall DPS = -23% Seismic trap explosions: 5 to 4 (without increased duration) Overall DPS = -20% Dernière édition par link1313#3590, le 10 juin 2018 12:11:27
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" Yeah, thanks! Yes Inception didn't boost damage, but there's another option for non crit version :) Also you can check in my pastebin - I didn't turn on flasks, ash and shock things :) Did you try to reduce duration for seismic for clear only with this skill? Dernière édition par Kursed_one#7454, le 10 juin 2018 14:48:01
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" Would you kindly be able to let me know what to check in pastebin? For the calculations i did above I switched out faster cast bow for xoph's inception. With tinkerskin, all cooldown nodes, and advanced traps seismic cooldown gets down to just under 4 seconds, unfortunately i don't think that's enough to reliably clear with seismic only. i use seismic for super large packs or bosses. Dernière édition par link1313#3590, le 10 juin 2018 19:13:26
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I'm about mine non crit version.
Yeah, I tested many variations, but now I think that seismic is about solo target thing for bosses. Switched advanced traps in late game and didn't feel that I'm need it. Dernière édition par Kursed_one#7454, le 11 juin 2018 01:51:09
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Looks like a very cool build! Good Job!
One question, why the belt change in the shaper fight to Coward's Legacy Chain Belt? |
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Also, do you think this build can do the uber elder fight?
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" Appreciated, thank you. I spend two points since I'm in the area to grab pain attunement (30% more spell damage), the belt allows pain attunement to work even when not on low life. I think it's a nifty trick for shaper, the whole fight seems like a DPS check. Based on what I've seen for trappers doing Uber elder, I think this one could do it. The caveat I see is currently have 4300-4400 life though and I saw a trapper who did it take big hits of ~5000. Therefore I would probably drop carcass jack and replace it with kaoms heart to get ~5500+ life. Would move cwdt + enfeeble + Arctic armor + grace to helmet (drop faster casting on gloves for last aura) and fully remove seimic trap. Need to focus on only one main trap in a chaotic fight like that. Edit: then again might be better with a 6l seismic in carcass jack and good skill macro/dodging, would have to try it. Dernière édition par link1313#3590, le 12 juin 2018 20:48:20
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Is it viable for Guardians and Uber Elder?
Dernière édition par wi77iam26#3421, le 13 juin 2018 13:45:40
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