[3.5] Oni-Goroshi Wild Strike/Molten Strike: (Slayer/Jugg, 7K+ HP, 5k+ Leech) ~ Uber Elder Down!
" I should probably make this more clear in my guide, as I only mention it under the "CONS" section... but one of the HARDEST map mods for this build is actually "Reduced recovery rate by 40-60%" - which I assume is what you mean by less life regen. Recovery rate in PoE INCLUDES LEECH. That means a map mod with 60% reduced recovery rate effectively means your leech, normally at around 4000hp/second, turns into 1600hp/second. That's a really, really big deal; since this build is a Slayer leech build, with high EHP, your primary defense is to leech back any damage you take. For lower maps, it's not a big deal; but I highly recommend rerolling this map mod on high red tiers. This mod, in my opinion, is harder than stuff like %increased cold/light/fire damage, vulnerability, etc. - since it's really tanky as long as you can utilize your full leech. Otherwise, just be sure you really focus on stacking LIFE. I notice your 1 ring has 25 life, other ring has 0, and necklace has 0... THIS IS NOT GOOD. Do not focus on damage rolls on your rares... those are luxury when you can afford them... you want high life rolls on everything. Shoot for 6k life minimum with Kaom's - if it's lower, your gear is incorrect. Ideally you want 7k HP in decent gear, and 7.5K+ with high budget/endgame gear. Cospri CoC Cold->Fire Trickster:
https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2576559 Divine Ire Trickster: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2459778 |
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I love this sword, I love the idea of a sword that has actual lore and talks to you, can easily be farmed consistently at the start of every league and can wreck face. Your build also seemed interesting and powerful so I farmed the ol' girl again an started leveling. Enjoying it so far and probably will be enjoying it more towards late game as I won't need to message 80 people to buy a highly min-maxed rare that caps my resist just right while giving me 10 DPS or something as this build uses mostly easy to acquire uniques. An advice I can give to people starting out is to use Infernal Blow while leveling as Molten Strike tends to feel sloppy at earlier levels. If you are coloring for Wild Strike and planning to use it with RRRRGB links I recommend Inf. Blow-Multistrike-Melee Splash-Added Fire-Elemental Prolif. Onslaught/Faster Attacks. It hits hard and it hits once with these links also keeps you aflame consistently so you can run around faster. I don't know how it performs late-game but you probably theory crafted with it and didn't like it that much so I won't question you not using it in this build. The build looks amazing, thank you for posting it.
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Hey man pretty nice build, loving it so far, but I'm having a small problem that I never am full life when using Blood Rage, I have 6987 life but got hard stuck with 6963 when using it, I cannot leech over it, life flasks dont get me full life either, so the damage on full life gem is being useless, or does this count as full life?. Im level 91 my tree is exactly the PoB of the Slayer/Jugg version a here are my itens:
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" Yes, they changed it around a year ago so that Dmg on Full Life works as long as your regen is more than your degen (whcih it is, while you are leeching). Some sort of rounding off to 100% from 99% maths. See a GGG response here: https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/688b78/psa_melee_damage_on_full_life_works_with_blood/ You can verify this by hitting some stuff, then unequip the Dmg on Full Life gem while you are at 6963/6987 life. If your tooltip damage drops, you can confirm it was working. Just be sure that your actively leeching when you test. On a sidenote, you need to fix your CWDT setup. It's level 1 so it's not proccing your golem. You should level it up, all the way to 20. Also suggest running Inc Duration over Flammability; it really boosts the uptime of IC to well over 4 seconds. The Daresso's Salute is a pretty cool budget neck option. May want to consider Carnage Heart though, it's also quite budget, and probably better overall since it provides "increased damage" over "increases melee damage". The melee damage would only apply to the Wild Strike regular hits, and Molten Strike hit, not the icy wave projectiles or molten strike balls. Try to reroll your Goroshi socket colors ASAP to fit in Combustion Gem. It's an extremely strong gem now, after the buff. Conc Effect is also extremely strong on Molten Strike. Cospri CoC Cold->Fire Trickster: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2576559 Divine Ire Trickster: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2459778 Dernière édition par KooperT#6353, le 29 juin 2018 12:38:33
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" Hey thank you for the pretty in depth response. The golem I rather manually cast, was using a 20/20 lightning golem, just changed to ice so its no max level yet. But Ill test the CWDT + Immortal call level 20 setup too. Thanks for the Carnage Heart tip, already got one, and the Goroshi 750 chromatics and not a single 4r2b, 5r1b or 4r1b1g. Thank you! |
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hey OP or anyone.
managed to get to 90. slowly farming my way up the tiers.. looking at upgrades again... any suggestions? also.. i have a carnage heart would that be a better option than my current rare ammy (assuming im still maxed resist)? i lose around 150hp lmk thanks |
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" A good Rare amulet will outperform Carnage Heart, with the right stats, in order of priority: 1) High Life 2) Crit Multiplier 3) Added Flat Physical 4) Added Flat Fire However, a necklace like this will be more costly than a Carnage Heart, which is practically free. For it's cost, Carnage Heart is great; it provides good INT which we need for gems, a decent % increased damage bonus, and some resists. You have two Herald of Ash socketed... why? Replace the one in your boots with Blood Magic or Leap Slam. Also, you have an empty green socket in your glove... perfect for Blood Rage. Keep that up and you get 3 frenzy charges on trash, which is a great boost. Otherwise, your gear looks ok until you decide to invest more into upgrades... Your flasks however are terrible. Look into replacing all your flasks. You have not a single utility flask. You don't need 3 life flasks and 2 quicksilvers; this is a leech build, you only need a single life flask of Staunching to remove bleeds. Review the Flask section of my OP. You will perform much better with a Diamond Flask as #1 priority, Basalt/Granite on a budget, and Wise Oak/Lion's Roar if you can afford. (EDIT - Also, noticed you are only using 1 Wildfire jewel. For some reason you have a Burning Arrow threshold jewel socketed... mistake? Pick up a 2nd one, it's a massive single target DPS increase.) Cospri CoC Cold->Fire Trickster: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2576559 Divine Ire Trickster: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2459778 Dernière édition par KooperT#6353, le 3 juil. 2018 10:46:33
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" i have 2 herald of ash because im leveling one of them... found a superior quality while farming earlier. normally i have leap instead. i tried using bloodrage in the green slot... i lose too much hp when its on. im not sure if its the way to go. can someone explain how to handle blood rage? the flasks i have.. but i was just running T3-5 maps so i didnt need the flasks. ill look into getting another wildfire jewel but where do you put it to get the extra fireball bonus? Dernière édition par mojohorlick#0485, le 3 juil. 2018 20:44:39
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I'm pretty much a noob, so please correct me. If you're getting 2.5M dps, you obviously know a lot more about the build than I do.
Wouldn't it be better to get more physical damage on the tree than to take the weapon elemental damage node? At least if you don't have Xoph's Blood? Her Embrace scales off of attack physical damage, so increasing physical damage will pay the most dividends when everything is said and done, right? I'm a casual on a budget so I am currently running your skill tree with abyssus, lightning coil, and carnage heart (and a bunch of meh rares). It's working well for me but I've only done up to T8 maps. I steamrolled uber izarro and all of the maps I've done so far. |
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" PoE mechanics are complicated (to say the least.) You are partially correct - scaling FLAT physical damage provides the most dividends (as does Crit Multiplier). However, "increased physical damage by X%" is a weak stat. This is because unlike flat damage, the increase is applied after your base damage. Also, the majority of your damage is already being converted (or extra gained) as elemental. Her Embrace scales off your FLAT physical damage, not your physical damage after increases/multipliers. That's why something as small as +5-7 flat physical on a ring provides so much more DPS than say +30% increased physical damage. Wild Strike converts 100% of your physical damage to elemental, and Molten Strike converts 60% to fire. So lets say, for example, your base damage is 100 physical. With Her Embrace and Herald of Ash, and WITHOUT Xoph's Blood, your damage will look a bit like this with Molten Strike: 100 Physical Damage --> 40 Physical + 60 Fire 138% as extra fire --> 138 Fire Damage TOTAL: 40 Physical + 198 Fire So now, if you apply 10% increased physical damage... or 10% increased elemental damage... you get +4 physical or +20 fire damage. Big difference. Kinda paper-napkin math since there's a lot of other factors, but this should be clear as to why we want to scale Elemental damage over Physical. Also, a big factor to remember is you have a decent amount of Elemental Penetration - so stacking all elemental damage will benefit better from it. TLDR: "Increased sword damage / total damage" nodes on the tree are strong. Increased physical damage nodes are not. Cospri CoC Cold->Fire Trickster: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2576559 Divine Ire Trickster: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2459778 Dernière édition par KooperT#6353, le 6 juil. 2018 10:11:04
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