[3.5] Oni-Goroshi Wild Strike/Molten Strike: (Slayer/Jugg, 7K+ HP, 5k+ Leech) ~ Uber Elder Down!
How are you blinding? In your PoB you have that checked, it gives a ton of evasion basically a chance to survive. On the watchers eye I do see blind but I dont see you running Grace, and if you were to run grace what do you usually give up for it?
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I wondering about Iron Reflex, that really a good idea to have 0 evasion ?
+ I thinking about MS Setup, in PoB Elemental Focus are a big boost DPS, compared to Combustion but no ignite with that support skill. So imagine, we change combustion on MS for EF then when it's time to dps boss we can ignite with Wild Strike then switch to MS and start DPS, so that mean = Ignite Boss with Wild Strike + Combustion switch MS do insane dps with EF = big win ! But maybe it's completly bad idea i don't yet level up Elemenal focus for test that in-game so... Dernière édition par Migjack#5527, le 13 déc. 2018 23:03:04
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You don't think that Pathfinder ascendant is better than Rider? Same attack speed, 6% penetration, more MS and we have endless flask charges. Frenzy charges we get from Blood Rage anyway.
Just thinking. Dernière édition par Vladmade#6562, le 15 déc. 2018 09:13:43
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Little update :
Ok, so i did Red Elder(T13) and Shaper last night(Deathless Shaper, 1 death vs Elder by something i didn't see), No Xoph's, No enchant on helmet(just wild strike enchant) and no unnatural instinct + bad belt and bad boot's and my ring's sucks... oh and i don't have Dying Sun too Overall the build are good, good dps without expensive item, the only problem it's Wild Strike : - The skill are really weak for killing rare mobs during clearing, that annoying to switch to MS for finish the jobs, sometime i just ignore rare mobs cause i lost so much time every time (I have Wild Strike enchant on my helmet but still, too weak) - During Elder Portal Phase it's really annoying too, cause Wild Strike can't clear the portals fast enough, i have to switch to MS to close portal but MS haven't good AoE so the trash just rekt your face during dps portal you have to be careful. - Syndicate Boss are not really a problem with this build, just be careful if you use Oskarm gloves (i personnaly don't use this gloves, it's really big dps boost but i don't like the -% chaos resistance, i like to play safe and use tombfist) My next goal is Uber Elder, but i think wait to have double socket Tombfist, Xoph's, Dying Sun flask, and maybe Unnatural Instinct, and i need to upgrade all my rare gears too, then after maybe going into ! Dernière édition par Migjack#5527, le 18 déc. 2018 15:13:34
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i got a small question. If i realy want to change from jugg to raider cause of the deeps… i can unskill all the bonus endurance charges as well or do we get them with something else i didnt nothiced?
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Hello, I have been thinking about the conversion with xoph’s AOF when paired with wild strike. Will I still be able to do other elemental damage when I proc icy wave/chain lightning? If only 50% is converted, won’t it be weird?
Don’t get me wrong I’m actually playing this build and I’m enjoying it but I’m pre xoph’s so I was kinda interested in how the whole Mechanic would change when xoph’s added in. |
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" careful! you get avatar of fire with xophs! "Deal no Non-Fire Damage" youll only be able to deal fire damage! I just started this build in SSF. I dont know if its SSF, but I am currently lvl 83 (first SSF char) and this is my gear: At first it was a bit tough regarding survivability, but yesterday I dropped TWO, Kaoms and Starkonjas in the afternoon xD Merry Christmas! Anyways so far so good, thinking about looking for a carnage heart or a nice rare ammy, not trying to go for Xophs, too much of a hassle. And yes I say that after 1138 Hillock kills.... just gonna upgrade rares, maybe get tombfist, then Im done. BTW I didnt really like the feel of Wild Strike, so I swapped it out for Tectonic Slam, which feels GREAT. Insane AOE, decent DPS, nothing to complain about. Thinking about swapping out IC with MS, since I do get quite a bit of Dmg Reduction with my flasks up and dont see the need for IC spending my Endurance Charges when I could use them for charged Tectonic Slams... Anyways thanks for the template, the tree stayed the same pretty much, Im going for a bit more attack speed though to make it feel smoother (since I cant just buy decent AS/Life jewels) and atm less jewel slots! The moment I feel the Single Target DPS is too low I can just reallocate a few points for Point Blank and some Projectile nodes and I can swap out Tectonic Slam for Molten Strike :) As Map Clear Skill I tried Reave, Wild Strike, Tectonic Slam, Infernal Blow. Out of all those I preferred Tectonic Slam! Dernière édition par nobosy#4694, le 26 déc. 2018 07:39:40
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i realy need some help with this build. Im stuck at Tier 9 Maps and i am constantly dying. Can anyone help me? The next thing i am looking for is my second Oni-Goroshi. http://poe-profile.info/profile/FLeMmo Greeting and tank you :) Merry Christmas! Dernière édition par FleMmo#4933, le 26 déc. 2018 08:35:01
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For anyone who’s Curious about how xoph’s work with wild strike, I have a theory on it could work:
When it’s lightning or cold hit, there’s a total of 150% phys to element conversion, 100% from wild strike and 50% from xoph’s. That 150% will then be pro rated to 100%. Take cold hit for example, we will do 67% cold and 33% fire. And then xoph will further convert 50% of that cold into fire and negate the rest. We would then be effectively dealing 66% fire damage on cold and lightning hits. While this may feel lacklustre, we have kaom’s heart and based on OP’s build some fire pen which boosts wild strike overall now that it’s pure fire which really balances things out. Also, we can now get fire mods with anger on watcher’s eye. Also, wild strike literally just melts everything in its path I’m level 70 and thrash mobs on red maps die as easily as yellows or whites. PS: This is just my interpretation based on wiki and I really do hope someone with more experience towards this build will be able to correct me if I’m wrong! |
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" Disemboweling doesn't do anything for your MS balls, but if you check PoB, the "Main hit" portion of Molten Strike actually does considerable DPS. For only 3-4 skill points, with decent crit chance (and diamond flask) it easily increases your melee hit portion by 100-150K+ DPS. You can definitely drop these nodes if you prefer to save skill points or at later stages when your DPS is crazy high anyway. " Blind is from a single Abyss jewel with %Chance to Blind on Hit. With just one jewel, you are throwing out so many balls each second that even 4-5% chance to blind is essentially 100% guaranteed uptime of blind on most single-target bosses. Trust me - you can feel the difference. I tested on stuff like Minotaur and with just one abyss jewel, he misses most hits. " Pathfinder is probably fine for mapclear, but Raider is still superior for bossing. You'll run out of flasks and you don't get any Frenzy charges from bosses (most don't really have trash to kill with blood rage). 5-6+ frenzy charges with 100% uptime is a lot of DPS. " Remembe that OniGoroshi scales damage with levels, so being at least 90+ is quite helpful for DPS. Obviously as you get better gear, you'll struggle less with DPS - but yes, even then, the idea of this build is to easily be able to just push X and switch to a completely different 6-link (molten strike) which ANNIHILATES bosses, and packs of tanky mobs (like Syndicates). I really dislike builds that require you to "gem swap" on your chestpiece, like swapping Inc AoE for Conc Effect. Pushing X is so much easier. Personally I rather have option for strong AoE clear alongside quick swap for single target, rather than relying only on a single skill. Example, some people play pure Molten Strike... and mapclear is so crappy, even with Ancestral Call. " You drop Endurance Charges to pick up Frenzy Charges. " " I explained this in the "Maths" section in my build post. I'll repost here:
So, if you deal 100 physical damage, it will look like this:
FIRE HIT 100 Physical -> 238% to Fire = 238 Fire Damage LIGHTNING HIT 100 Physical -> 171% to Fire + 67% to Lightning = 171 Fire Damage and 67 Lightning Damage 67 Lightning Damage -> 50% to Fire = 33.5 Fire Damage (Total 171 Fire + 33.5 Fire = 204.5 Fire Damage) The difference between 238 Fire Dmg and 204.5 Fire DMg is about 13-14% less DPS (The Cold Hit portion has the same calculations.) If you have PoB, plug in my build and take a look at the "Calculations" section. It shows the calculations of the "Hit" portion of Wild Strike as such: Fire Hit: 14648 to 23164 (479K DPS) Lightning Hit: 12797 to 20279 (419K DPS) Cold Hit: 12797 to 20279 (419K DPS) This isn't even counting the "awesome" explosions/lightning chains/frost waves that also shoot out, which deal: Fire Explosion: 148K DPS Lightning Bolt: 130K DPS Icy Wave: 227K DPS ^--- NOTE - Icy Waves is considered a projectile, and will benefit from Iron Grip and Point Blank, greatly increasing it's damage! Not to mention you are regularly launching 2-4 projectiles each swing (2 from hit, 2 from ancestral call). If you use Dying Sun, it goes up to 4-6 projectiles! The Lightning Bolt is also sweet - it should really be called "chain lightning" since it chains 6 times, or with the helm enchant, 12 times! Just as awesome as Arc! My Lightning Bolt regularly oneshots all white trash, even offscreen. As you see, the damage difference from the "Hit" portions of Wild Strike don't differ too much... it's about 13% less damage with the Lightning/Cold portions... which really isn't that much - and strangely, the Icy Wave portion does MORE than the fire explosion, so it sorta evens out. TLDR: You lose "some" dps if it picks Cold/Lightning but its not that big of an amount. You only lose about 13-15% dps. Also, as mentioned by many others in this forum thread, Xoph's is NOT absolutely mandatory. A good RARE amulet with decent crit multiplier will suffice in terms of DPS, and is really only about 5-10% less DPS than a Xoph. Xoph is just BIS as the Covered in Ash is good extra DPS alongside more HP from Strength (if you have Minmax BIS gear, most of your rares should have high life AND high strength). Cospri CoC Cold->Fire Trickster: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2576559 Divine Ire Trickster: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2459778 Dernière édition par KooperT#6353, le 3 janv. 2019 16:09:37
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