[3.5] Guffin's McSundae Strike | All Bosses Down | Fast and Safe Mapping | Skillchoices

Good evening Gents:

First of all I want to say I absolutely love reave builds.
Ever since they nerfed sunder I haveswitched to reave.
Until level 97 I have been doing slayer/jugger and the leveling has been smooth. However when I switched to raider / slayer the dps is good but
the survivability is not there. Can you please have a look at my gear.

My health is pushing over 7.5k. I use warlords mark on hit to keep
my endurance charges all the time. I have a low cast when damage taken
and a high cast when damage taken linked to molten for extra defence.
I do not know what is killing me in Delves mining. Only at around level 250. Very disappointed. Please tell me your thoughts sensei. I need guidance.
Dernière édition par Porsche112#3210, le 16 oct. 2018 06:57:34
Guffinn a écrit :
ripslyme00 a écrit :
Hello OP, I love this build, hands down most fun melee build! Just did Shaper last night first time as melee!

I would like some advise and feedback on my setup ! (I have tried your approach, but I want to use my Farrul's Fur armour and I am trying to push a bit further down in Delve!! so instead of Raider, I took Jugg, and I took starting as Duelist [Yes I know it needs more points]) I took Jugg because he is immune to stun and I can always keep endurance charges and keep immortal call up.

I am in quite deep delve at the moment 315+, I find BF is a bit slow and lacking? and will die when I get surrounded and I am using Reave to progress, it is alright so far....

Another thing I have trouble with is BF, I don't seem to be able to maximize BF how do you actually use it? EG do you Release then charge to 6 release? or how is it done? (sorry I am a returning player and never experienced with BF before)

This is my build so far.


Yo dude, cool to see you decide to give this a shot and that you're enjoying it so far :)

In terms of BF: you channel to 6 (seen in the Buff Bar or when a sign and sound flashes up above your head) and then release. Then channel instantly again to 6. This makes a huge difference in DPS.

Your Build Variation is obviously okay to do, but your Tree (not the one from the Pastebin, the one you're using right now) is still missing a looot of Stuff.
Something like this is fine to do, but you will need to finetune it yourself:

Pathing from Duelist or Scion scentre to Claw Nodes is just inefficient and pretty bad in general.

Your Gear is obviously great in many terms:
extremely nutty Claw (wish I had that :P), great Stat Stick, Farruls Fur is cool, good Car Boots, Precursor gives free Onslaught and great Accuracy, well corrupted Tombfists, etc.

Amulet is decent offensively, but I recommend you to never wear one without Life.
Don't think the LGoH+WM Ring is needed at all, especially not for the WM. You can get rings that offer more Life, and thus tankyness and stronger Leech, and way more offensiveness pretty cheaply.
The Life Recovery Belt could be way better with more WED.

I can't help you out with the feel of BF, that's an individual question whether or not you like to play it I guess.
If you end up not liking it at all, a BF Build isn't for you :P
That said, you can always give the Molten Strike Variant a shot if you want. It's explained in the seond Post. Trees are out of Date, they still use 3 Meeks. Simply use the 2 Meek + Unnat Instincts setup if you wanna give it a shot.

Lastly, I don't think going Jugg is worth it for us. You can get free Endurance Charge sustain by socketing an Enduring Cry somewhere, or simply using a Herald of Ice + CoH WM ring.
1000 Accuracy is great, but that can be fixed on Jewellry easily on the main Buil.
Stuns shouldn't be an Issue with a high HP pool and killing Mobs quickly, but if you really wanna be safe you can always wear Kaoms Root in those Situations.

tbh there is literally no benefit whatsoever to going raider with farruls. jugger/slayer is far better, given that u have your charges up 100% of the time, and you can use an onslaught flask if you want.

while that tree hes using is very bad, i disagree on pathing from duelist being bad/inefficient. try this: https://poeplanner.com/AA4AARUADhAAAIcIZ5M6vScYVrfW21ktqL6AvryC5JARiq97w_TGRQo11jGeplc64fJF_grYvTWSTeP-j5stXzmK8MSCsKu-p2VNvTZHfmBBY3AR1VeXQzFM_04qKjjDM1oaW68NjfzFFfZieQAG2sF07QUteu8uU9Nv7g6jiiP2jX1Nkod2Sn3vetN-AF4Zju2DCC4wfFFHPs-95jfU7T_nVCT9_96NvwW16NabJnpTYevPerIZwuy0xRX9jYHBoHgZb1dkr0X0ijjWBwzypctirGyMnaq1SNRChG91_Ra_JpVh4lVLjDaJ03BShO-i6hLhNj3rY4Gs5GqpedvnbAjxihEvAl-kDGDeqLtEJfd9AMGEU-_97pAAAAAAAA==


My damage is too low i guess
can you help me to figure it out please
Dernière édition par _Kamin_#0344, le 18 oct. 2018 05:10:09
Sulphur or Diamond? ;)
aim972 a écrit :
tbh there is literally no benefit whatsoever to going raider with farruls. jugger/slayer is far better, given that u have your charges up 100% of the time, and you can use an onslaught flask if you want.

while that tree hes using is very bad, i disagree on pathing from duelist being bad/inefficient. try this: https://poeplanner.com/AA4AARUADhAAAIcIZ5M6vScYVrfW21ktqL6AvryC5JARiq97w_TGRQo11jGeplc64fJF_grYvTWSTeP-j5stXzmK8MSCsKu-p2VNvTZHfmBBY3AR1VeXQzFM_04qKjjDM1oaW68NjfzFFfZieQAG2sF07QUteu8uU9Nv7g6jiiP2jX1Nkod2Sn3vetN-AF4Zju2DCC4wfFFHPs-95jfU7T_nVCT9_96NvwW16NabJnpTYevPerIZwuy0xRX9jYHBoHgZb1dkr0X0ijjWBwzypctirGyMnaq1SNRChG91_Ra_JpVh4lVLjDaJ03BShO-i6hLhNj3rY4Gs5GqpedvnbAjxihEvAl-kDGDeqLtEJfd9AMGEU-_97pAAAAAAAA==

That's true, but Farruls Fur is an extreme Fringe Case.
I won't include it in the Guide due to it's extreme cost, and the uncertainty how that will develop in the Future.
And it's benefit are, in the end, extremely minor.

Also, the Endurance Charge Generation of Ascendant Jugg is shit. It's incredibly slow, and we lose Endurance Charges often via CwDt.
Obviously its a nice passive defensive Benefit, but not a great one. Like I said, socket an Enduring Cry if you want to. Or use CoH Warlords Mark.

Pathing like that is still inefficient. Significantly less DPS, for a bit more Life at the cost of no Acro/Phase Acro. Did you test your Tree at all?
If you really wanna path from Duelist, you can go like this:

For lower DPS and the same Life.

F1uckTheDuck a écrit :

My damage is too low i guess
can you help me to figure it out please

Hey mate, you are not following this Build Guide.

I recommend to go wherever you read about that Stuff and ask there.
Or, if you really were following this Guide, read everything again.
Your Tree is fine, but you followed almost nothing in the Gear Department.

No bad blood, but I cba to explain Stuff like that when it's the centerpoint of the Guide :)

ThngsLikeThis a écrit :
Sulphur or Diamond? ;)

Diamond. No contest. If you compare it in PoB, make sure to uncheck "your crit chance is lucky" in PoB.
8.59 Million Shaper DPS with a Diamond, 6.8 Million with a Sulphur.

If you play a Crit Build, there is no way around a Diamond.
Dernière édition par Guffinn#6759, le 18 oct. 2018 16:56:59
I have reached lvl 50 with the same items I used since level 1 and because I am fairly new I don't know what to do now and which items to use and I became too weak but I am really lost cuz idk if I should try to gather end game items or should I try to find build rest alone.Can you please explain what to do now when the gear I used is too weak because some new players like me don't know what to do after.Nice guide btw,thanks a lot!
BabaYagâ a écrit :
I have reached lvl 50 with the same items I used since level 1 and because I am fairly new I don't know what to do now and which items to use and I became too weak but I am really lost cuz idk if I should try to gather end game items or should I try to find build rest alone.Can you please explain what to do now when the gear I used is too weak because some new players like me don't know what to do after.Nice guide btw,thanks a lot!

Yo mate, if you are that new I recommend watching some Beginner Guides on this Channel:

That said, I recommend getting a Felsh Eater and a Prismatic Eclispe with 3 green Sockets (OR a Tempestuous Steel instead of the Eclispe) for levelling now.
Should fix the Damage issues.

But levelling the first few Characters in this Game is always a struggle if you are that new, there is tons of things to learn etc.

That experience is so far in the past for me, I honestly don't know what to tell you other than to watch some of the awesome Guides out there :)

And btw, I linked an indepth levelling Guide for elemental Sunder in the section. He uses slightly different Gear and Tree, but maybe you can still learn something from there.
Guffinn a écrit :
aim972 a écrit :
tbh there is literally no benefit whatsoever to going raider with farruls. jugger/slayer is far better, given that u have your charges up 100% of the time, and you can use an onslaught flask if you want.

while that tree hes using is very bad, i disagree on pathing from duelist being bad/inefficient. try this: https://poeplanner.com/AA4AARUADhAAAIcIZ5M6vScYVrfW21ktqL6AvryC5JARiq97w_TGRQo11jGeplc64fJF_grYvTWSTeP-j5stXzmK8MSCsKu-p2VNvTZHfmBBY3AR1VeXQzFM_04qKjjDM1oaW68NjfzFFfZieQAG2sF07QUteu8uU9Nv7g6jiiP2jX1Nkod2Sn3vetN-AF4Zju2DCC4wfFFHPs-95jfU7T_nVCT9_96NvwW16NabJnpTYevPerIZwuy0xRX9jYHBoHgZb1dkr0X0ijjWBwzypctirGyMnaq1SNRChG91_Ra_JpVh4lVLjDaJ03BShO-i6hLhNj3rY4Gs5GqpedvnbAjxihEvAl-kDGDeqLtEJfd9AMGEU-_97pAAAAAAAA==

That's true, but Farruls Fur is an extreme Fringe Case.
I won't include it in the Guide due to it's extreme cost, and the uncertainty how that will develop in the Future.
And it's benefit are, in the end, extremely minor.

Also, the Endurance Charge Generation of Ascendant Jugg is shit. It's incredibly slow, and we lose Endurance Charges often via CwDt.
Obviously its a nice passive defensive Benefit, but not a great one. Like I said, socket an Enduring Cry if you want to. Or use CoH Warlords Mark.

Pathing like that is still inefficient. Significantly less DPS, for a bit more Life at the cost of no Acro/Phase Acro. Did you test your Tree at all?
If you really wanna path from Duelist, you can go like this:

For lower DPS and the same Life.

I have tested it, its very strong. Honestly, as a jugg/slayer I have no survability issues playing without acro/phase acro (even with lower life). Not sure how much it helps, but I'm using a level 8 cwdt setup (with enfeeble also) for slightly longer ics. I havent tried slayer/raider at all (and im assuming you havent tried this version either) but i think the survability problem happens when you're a raider without acro/phase acro...

Your tree has a little less life. I find it a little silly pathing down from scion through sentinel (which is null due to might of the meek), when you can get 48% melee phys damage for 1 more point on the left. I also dont agree with giving up 2 frenzy charges, especially wearing farruls which guarantees 100% uptime. Went herald of ash instead of hoi/curse/ass mark as I dont need power charge generation, also running purity due to enlighten.

Reoptimized a little bit and ended up with this

Overall, very strong build, im enjoying it. my setup's below

Dernière édition par aim972#0336, le 18 oct. 2018 19:03:06
aim972 a écrit :
I have tested it, its very strong. Honestly, as a jugg/slayer I have no survability issues playing without acro/phase acro (even with lower life). Not sure how much it helps, but I'm using a level 8 cwdt setup (with enfeeble also) for slightly longer ics. I havent tried slayer/raider at all (and im assuming you havent tried this version either) but i think the survability problem happens when you're a raider without acro/phase acro...

Your tree has a little less life. I find it a little silly pathing down from scion through sentinel (which is null due to might of the meek), when you can get 48% melee phys damage for 1 more point on the left. I also dont agree with giving up 2 frenzy charges, especially wearing farruls which guarantees 100% uptime. Went herald of ash instead of hoi/curse/ass mark as I dont need power charge generation, also running purity due to enlighten.

Reoptimized a little bit and ended up with this

Overall, very strong build, im enjoying it. my setup's below

Ty for getting back to me :)

I have played extensively (Uber Atziri, Shaper, one whole Uber Elder Spawn meaning 8 T16s and a couple T15s, Uber Elder) as Jugg/Slayer and felt that Jugg was incredibly unneeded and unreliable.
I personally deem it the inferior Option, and thus won't include it in my Guide.
That said, this is your Character and you can do what you want with it :) As long as you feel it's fine, it is fine.

The Tree I linked has the same Life as the one you initially suggested, if you use a 6 to 7% Life Jewels (which you always should :P).

Acro and Phase Acro has a huge Impact, and there is no Discussion to be had there.
If you feel you don't need it and are happy without, you do you. Again, it's your Character :)

I dropped the Frenzies simply because for 2 Points, Frenzies were the lowest DPS loss. They usually are.
You can get 100% accuracy regarding those questions in PoB.

I path through Sentinel because it opens up Access to a very good 3 Point Jewel Socket, and the pathing grants a lot of flat Life via Strength and makes Attribute Requirements (e.g. for Kaoms Heart) easier to hit.
Grabbing the 3 Melee Nodes and Path of the Warrior, and dropping the Jewel Socket, 4 Strength Nodes and Sentinel leaves me with 2 Points to Spend, 100k more Shaper DPS and 200 less Life. 2 Life Nodes leave me then with 60 less Life, not meeting Str Requirements and 100k more DPS. Simply a better Jewel weighs the DPS difference up easily, and that pathing always results in better Life.

Not trying to deter you or anything. It's your Character and you can do what you want with it. Jugg/Slayer is a good Choice, just not one I will ever recommend.
Glad you enjoyed your Time with the Build so far :)
Dernière édition par Guffinn#6759, le 18 oct. 2018 19:26:15
Big fan of your guides Guffinn, keep it up.


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