[3.5] Guffin's McSundae Strike | All Bosses Down | Fast and Safe Mapping | Skillchoices

Hello, can someone check my PoB: https://pastebin.com/pyMviUnt . With 6,3k life and I'm still getting one shot a lot. I'm using sword version and kaom's root for life pool.
sh0ckzz a écrit :

Hey Guffin,

thanks for the detailed response again! :)
just wanted to make some things clear from my previous post...

I was aware that you mentioned the inc aoe on helmet, just not the extend of the difference I felt it makes. I was very surprised when I experienced the difference in overall QoL and clearspeed and since someone asked right before me I wanted to share that...
Also I wasnt expecting such a detailed explaination as for why Belly/kaoms over Loreweave as I didnt intend to criticize your build. I just felt somewhat obliged to give you some feedback after you made such an effort to improve my setup. So I put some thought into it and compared builds on poeninja and that was the clearest distinction from the "high-performing" builds and i wanted to share that with you. But thank you anyway, was a good read :) By the way I actually happen to have a Kaoms Heart lying around^^
But my guess would be, that I wouldnt be able to put it to use since I´d need a pseudo 6link in my gloves, which, even if I could get that, I cant use it due to not having Watchers Eye Conversion (damn you, Elder!) I guess I could use a 6link elder offhand, but with my current claw I suppose getting rid of the extra ele dmg from shaper sticks seems unreasonable... or am I missing something?

Im pretty happy with my gear too, Fossils are rly a blessing for SSF !
about Ring and amu... would you try to annul one of them ? I´m sweating just by thinking about it! :D

Oh and btw, can confirm: SSF Shaper viable :P

Greetings and have a nice day :)

One more thing to the ppl complaining about the leveling progress (not the one with 1,5k health in maps, you´re beyond hope o0)... From my experience with leveling scions, they generally feel worse then other classes due to the nature of their progression. While every other class gets dope ascendancies on normal lab we get basically nothing so thats one thing. The other one is the Sunder nerf, that at least for me, felt rly bad. My next one will definetly use something else for leveling... And last but not least the fact that we dont have access to good damage nodes early on will only later after we respec be compensated. So imho some people are right to complain about having a hard time leveling to maps (compared to lets say arc witch or RoA anything), but its not because the build is bad, but Scion being a harder class to level by nature (and by nature I mean GGG)... just my 2cents

Yo mate, I hope that part about Belly/Loreweave didn't come off as rude.

As for a Kaoms Setup:

Something like that with a VDS, or an Insanity Craft with Multi and Faster Attacks or so for BF are a possibility.

I won't tell you to annul anything, never had big luck with that :D And in SSF you can't just buy a replacement.

Maybe I'll put some emphasis on the Inc Aoe Helmet, that's a valid input.

As for the levelling: personally haven't really felt the sunder Nerf since it only affected the Range, not the Damage.
That said, I'll do a Conc Path or Smite or something levelling Segment before the end of league event.
And yeah, Scions are just harder to level than some other Classes. Sad, but we make it up in the end with some juicy benefits :P

Hope your adventures in SSF go smoothly, and that you don't destroy your cool Jewellry with Annuls :D

Janneban a écrit :
So i've facerolled Shaper and Uber elder (havent tried Uber Atziri but pretty sure it would be np). Currently pushing delve deeper (only at 310 if i recall properly).

I am looking for ways to improve. Disclaimer: I am using Loreweave.. (i just read your 'rant' about that vs belly :D)

I am wondering how to improve?

Sitting at almost 6300 life, 3,2M shaper DPS.
It would seem that all proper improvements are atleast 25-30ex (maybe getting Unnatural Talent would be worth..)
Could replace Kaom's roots but they're just so good at cheesing Uber Elder...
Struggling for resist and int, but i guess i could get that on some jewels.

Anyways, any tips/improvements would be welcome!
- And thanks for a really nice and enjoyable build!

EDIT1: Fixed some subpar talents...

Yo dude, glad to hear you're having such a great time!

That said, there are tons of improvements you can make for way below 20 EX :P
A 2 socket Tombfist goes a long way for Life and DPS.
Your Rings are both pretty trash. Go grab some with Phys, WED and ideally Accuracy from the Endgame Gear Tradelinks. These will be a huuuge DPS increase.
Your Amulet can also be easily improved even tho it has that gained as extra. One with Phys, WED and Multi or Accuracy will beat that.
You can also shoot for a Stygian with more WED easily.

Again, all of that has Trade Links in the Endgame Gear segment. Just see which ones offer you the best PoB DPS increase.
Hope that gives you a point to start from, let me know how it goes for you :)

KostyaDominator1 a écrit :
Hey man, iam have problem. Have good staff, but dont have damage(~2.5m shaper dps). See my profile plz and tell me what to replace.

Yo dude, cool to hear from you :)

What do you mean exactly? With a full DPS Flask Setup, Frostbomb and Herald of Purity you are sitting at 4.8 Million Shaper DPS.
That's totally plenty to steamroll Uber Elder etc.

Here is your PoB: https://pastebin.com/rAQBvWzE
Remember that Unnatural Instincts has to be adjusted manually since its interaction with Meeks doesnt work in PoB yet.

Just remember to exchange HoI for Purity and use full DPS Flasks on Bosses.

OberstGruber a écrit :
Bought my new gloves and crafted a new Searching Eye Jewel :-)
Replaced my head with a new one with as much life as available and got now exactly 6.666 HP :-)

Haha, gz on the nice upgrades and the cool Health Number :D

I'd still like for you to get a better claw with a better Attackspeed Roll, just because it will feel a lot better.
Your char looks very damn solid now tho, hope it goes well for you :)

Shankhook a écrit :
Hey mid 80's trying this out and enjoying so far, can't say i like BF as a skill but can't argue with the damage...might consider MS version down the line.

I give up a flask for quicksilver, if the game was only diagonal then ok but leap slam up/down/left/right just feels bad.

My gear


Yo dude, cool to see your interest in the Build :)

It's your char, you do what you want, but a Whirling Blades (or Leapslam if you want) setup will net you way faster Clears if you get used to it.

Your Gear looks solid, just the Rings could be improved easily.
And obviously 2 socket Tombfists :P

Let me know where you take the Char/where the Build takes you :)

khachavippoe a écrit :
Hello, can someone check my PoB: https://pastebin.com/pyMviUnt . With 6,3k life and I'm still getting one shot a lot. I'm using sword version and kaom's root for life pool.

Yo dude, you don't play this Build.

That said: Foils are worse for Surviability than Claws.
Wearing an Abyssus is basically asking to get killed. Read the FAQ.
Acuities are a direct Nerf to your Survivability, as they disable your Overleech.

Go get 2 socket Tombfists, replace that Abyssus.
Hope that gives you a point to start from, but please go to the Guide you are following :)
Thanks again Guffinn.
Killed shaper yesterday with 2 death ☠. The first was in phase 1 where I just made a mistake ☺.

I'm having around 3 to 4 ex which is a lot for me. You wrote something about my claw. Can you make any recommendation? Thanks again for your great help and work.

Ps: the corrupted tomb fist socked is perfect for switching to herald of purity for me ☺
Hey. So I've almost reached 1mil shaper dps (987k), or at least I think I did, I might've made some mistakes in PoB configuration. Anyway, here's my PoB
https://pastebin.com/acdFqpDn and I'd really love to receive any piece of advice on what to upgrade next, or what to fix (before you say that I obiously should get quality on my flasks - I'm on it. And I also have to use the hybrid one for mana sustain, cause I clearly have mana issues sometimes on bosses, and no regen maps can be harsh if I haven't gained enough souls for vaal reave). I tried to research what I should upgrade myself, but it seems like any useful upgrade is like 5ex+, and that's a lot of currency for an average player. Maybe I just search wrong stuff lol.
Dernière édition par Slandsj1o#4675, le 2 oct. 2018 19:52:33
roya82 a écrit :
Does a headhunters provide much to this build? (i've never had one but might be able to get my first this league)

Use a zerphi's heart instead. Significant boost to clearspeed and helps with deliving.
Hmm, I just bought Unnatural Instincts.. and am not sure about whether it is an omprovement over my current jewel (which it should^^)

It improves the average damage, but totally decreases the dps...

/me confused ;)

Just found that:
"Remember that Unnatural Instincts has to be adjusted manually since its interaction with Meeks doesnt work in PoB yet."

Hmm.. how the heck do I do that? ^^
Dernière édition par ThngsLikeThis#7774, le 3 oct. 2018 09:23:04
Slandsj1o a écrit :
Hey. So I've almost reached 1mil shaper dps (987k), or at least I think I did, I might've made some mistakes in PoB configuration. Anyway, here's my PoB
https://pastebin.com/acdFqpDn and I'd really love to receive any piece of advice on what to upgrade next, or what to fix (before you say that I obiously should get quality on my flasks - I'm on it. And I also have to use the hybrid one for mana sustain, cause I clearly have mana issues sometimes on bosses, and no regen maps can be harsh if I haven't gained enough souls for vaal reave). I tried to research what I should upgrade myself, but it seems like any useful upgrade is like 5ex+, and that's a lot of currency for an average player. Maybe I just search wrong stuff lol.

You could change the passives left of Scion from life / life reg to the mana / mana reg. That should help with getting some more mana leech per second. You use Vaal Pact anyway so the life reg doesn't do anything. You lose like 10 strength and 20 flat life?
Dernière édition par motormilk#4541, le 3 oct. 2018 08:35:51
motormilk a écrit :
Slandsj1o a écrit :
Hey. So I've almost reached 1mil shaper dps (987k), or at least I think I did, I might've made some mistakes in PoB configuration. Anyway, here's my PoB
https://pastebin.com/acdFqpDn and I'd really love to receive any piece of advice on what to upgrade next, or what to fix (before you say that I obiously should get quality on my flasks - I'm on it. And I also have to use the hybrid one for mana sustain, cause I clearly have mana issues sometimes on bosses, and no regen maps can be harsh if I haven't gained enough souls for vaal reave). I tried to research what I should upgrade myself, but it seems like any useful upgrade is like 5ex+, and that's a lot of currency for an average player. Maybe I just search wrong stuff lol.

You could change the passives left of Scion from life / life reg to the mana / mana reg. That should help with getting some more mana leech per second. You use Vaal Pact anyway so the life reg doesn't do anything. You lose like 10 strength and 20 flat life?

Great idea, probably going to do that.

Hey man, I just wanted to extend a large thank you for being so responsive to everyone asking questions/posting in this thread. You really are one of the very few who actually does that so consistently, so I hope you know that your hard work doesn't go unnoticed. Not only do you reply, but your replies are also super in-depth and informative. It's awesome!


Since you last recommended that I upgrade my claw, I went ahead and did that. The one I have now is definitely a lot better, lol. Next I would like to upgrade my Pain Spiral ring.

I have two questions for you in the meantime:

1. Regarding Blood Rage health degen, is there anyway to mitigate this or stop it entirely? As you know, sometimes in maps you might have to travel for a bit before you hit a pack of mobs, and with Blood Magic supporting our movement skill, even with >6k health, we can kill ourselves pretty fast.

2. Regarding our Ice Golem, he's pretty worthless. In endgame content he's dead basically instantly all the time, and even for maps he barely lives as well. Have you thought of anything to help out?

The only thing I can think of is to drop Frost Bomb for Minion Life when it comes to mapping since Frost Bomb is pretty essential on bosses. What do you think?
OberstGruber a écrit :
Thanks again Guffinn.
Killed shaper yesterday with 2 death ☠. The first was in phase 1 where I just made a mistake ☺.

I'm having around 3 to 4 ex which is a lot for me. You wrote something about my claw. Can you make any recommendation? Thanks again for your great help and work.

Ps: the corrupted tomb fist socked is perfect for switching to herald of purity for me ☺

Gz on the kill mate! Next time deathless for sure, the fight is 90% about dodging :)

As for the currency: did you set up a full Bossing Set yet?
If not, check the Endgame Gear Bossing Setup for that.
Other than that, a Taste of Hate is a suuuper nice Flask to have. Significant DPS and Survivability Boost.

The only other Unique Thing you can go for would be Unnatural Instinct, but that is super pricey.
So I recommend upgrading your Rares from now on. Just look for better and better and better Rings/Amulets/Belts/Claws/Statsticks, there is almost no Limit on how high you can go :P At some point everything becomes overkill tho, no reason to spend dozens of exalts.

Slandsj1o a écrit :
Hey. So I've almost reached 1mil shaper dps (987k), or at least I think I did, I might've made some mistakes in PoB configuration. Anyway, here's my PoB
https://pastebin.com/acdFqpDn and I'd really love to receive any piece of advice on what to upgrade next, or what to fix (before you say that I obiously should get quality on my flasks - I'm on it. And I also have to use the hybrid one for mana sustain, cause I clearly have mana issues sometimes on bosses, and no regen maps can be harsh if I haven't gained enough souls for vaal reave). I tried to research what I should upgrade myself, but it seems like any useful upgrade is like 5ex+, and that's a lot of currency for an average player. Maybe I just search wrong stuff lol.

Yo mate, cool to hear from you :)

From what I can see when Importing your Character, you are at 1.3m Shaper DPS:
And if I give you a bossing Set and the proper Gems:
2.75m Shaper DPS

The Difference being: 20/20 Blood Rage (why don't you have one?), Frost Bomb (huge for DPS), full bossing Flasks, Herald of Purity instead of Ice for Bosses, Bubonic Trail + Lightpoacher.

But that is all explained in the Bossing Gear Segment.

As for Gear Upgrades, there is plenty you can do for well below 5ex.
Your Rings are both pretty weak, and the left one sadly doesn't have Life. I found plenty for below 1ex, and pretty good ones for below 2, that would be DPS Upgrades. Did you really look at the Trade Links I have in this Thread? All offline now tho, since the Servers just restarted.

You're looking for Life, Flat Phys, WED, and Accuracy on Rings.
And a 3rd Meek is also below 2EX I think.

As for the Mana Flask, there is no way in hell you need one :P
I recommend dropping Fortify and using Blood Magic on Whirl, that is the only thing that could possibly hold you back. Remember that Fortify applies at the end of Damage Calculations and thus never is a straight 20% Reduction. It's still nice obviously, but I don't think you'll need it.

Hope I could give you a point to start from, let me know how it goes for you :)

ThngsLikeThis a écrit :
Hmm, I just bought Unnatural Instincts.. and am not sure about whether it is an omprovement over my current jewel (which it should^^)

It improves the average damage, but totally decreases the dps...

/me confused ;)

Just found that:
"Remember that Unnatural Instincts has to be adjusted manually since its interaction with Meeks doesnt work in PoB yet."

Hmm.. how the heck do I do that? ^^

PoB doesn't take the Nodes in Unnatural Instincts Radius being amplified by the Meeks into Account when calculating the Values. That's simply an oversight by Openarl. An Issue has been open for that on Github for a while, but he hasnt gotten around to fixing it yet.

In the meantime, you can use this:
Guffinn's Unnatural Instinct placeholder for 2 Meeks Scion Setup, as its Interaction with Meeks doesnt work in PoB yet.
Viridian Jewel
Radius: Small
Limited to: 1
Implicits: 0
26% increased Attack Speed
+82% to Global Critical Strike Multiplier
8% increased Maximum Life
16% increased Movement Speed
+10 to Intelligence
16% increased Cast Speed
+10 Life gained on Kill
+10 to Dexterity
Minions have +6% Chance to Block Attack Damage
12% increased Spell Damage

Paste it into PoB, save it as a new Item. Make sure you have the correct Pathing (through the Spell Damage Nodes) and the 2 Meeks in the other Sockets and put that Custom Jewel into the top Right Socket.
Just make sure you drop the Attack Speed and Multi Nodes like you can see in the Tree Section.

decyphier a écrit :

Hey man, I just wanted to extend a large thank you for being so responsive to everyone asking questions/posting in this thread. You really are one of the very few who actually does that so consistently, so I hope you know that your hard work doesn't go unnoticed. Not only do you reply, but your replies are also super in-depth and informative. It's awesome!


Since you last recommended that I upgrade my claw, I went ahead and did that. The one I have now is definitely a lot better, lol. Next I would like to upgrade my Pain Spiral ring.

I have two questions for you in the meantime:

1. Regarding Blood Rage health degen, is there anyway to mitigate this or stop it entirely? As you know, sometimes in maps you might have to travel for a bit before you hit a pack of mobs, and with Blood Magic supporting our movement skill, even with >6k health, we can kill ourselves pretty fast.

2. Regarding our Ice Golem, he's pretty worthless. In endgame content he's dead basically instantly all the time, and even for maps he barely lives as well. Have you thought of anything to help out?

The only thing I can think of is to drop Frost Bomb for Minion Life when it comes to mapping since Frost Bomb is pretty essential on bosses. What do you think?

Yo dude, appreciate the nice words :) Gotta say, sometimes the people that don't read the Guide and fail, and attack me/my work personally here or via PM really get to me. Talked a bit with other Guide creators about it, and everyone experiences the same stuff more or less :P
Gonna get used to it some day.

As for the Questions:
You have to travel reaaaally far for that then, but yes it can happen. Generally I say that this just comes down to needing to play faster, but there are a couple of things you can do:
Getting stronger Leech via more Max Life and recovery Rate scaling (elder Belts) or max Life Leech Rate scaling (Vitality Void and elder Amulets).
Or simply put your Blood Rage into one of your weapons, so that you can weaponswap to turn it off, and then swap back to the main weapons :P

Like I say in the Gemlinks section, I never take him for mapping since he dies way too often. On Bosses there is no reason to not use that one socket for a juicy DPS Boost tho, even if he dies more or less quickly.
Scaling Minion Life/Res/Leech/Regen is simply not worth it for us tho.

Hope that covers it :)
And for the Upgrades: just plug your Char into PoB and compare Items from the Trade Site by copying them (lower left of each item a copy button will appear) into PoB.

Yo guys, bout to hit 100 tomorrow or so on this Char. Gonna write a bit about the experience then.
After that, I will update the Videos, which might take a while tho :P
And I got a "how do I upgrade my gear/what to upgrade" video coming in the next weeks, that I can link whenever someone asks for that :D
Dernière édition par Guffinn#6759, le 3 oct. 2018 18:13:22


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