[3.5] Guffin's McSundae Strike | All Bosses Down | Fast and Safe Mapping | Skillchoices

imbafromNorth a écrit :
How to level this character ?

What do you mean? There is a recommended skill build to level up and video guide too, pay attention to the first post
It took me a bit to make this build work (around 10ex in now) but I'm now pretty impressed. I want to ask what your opinions on vitality void ? also is Hinekora worth wearing over rare amulets that has crit phys etc?
wackygoose a écrit :
imbafromNorth a écrit :
How to level this character ?

What do you mean? There is a recommended skill build to level up and video guide too, pay attention to the first post

I tried sunder untill lvl 41, it gets really naster at Act 5.

I switched to Vaal Reave and linked all links to my tabula, man its beena easiet leveling I've had so far! So Vaal reave is way to go! And 4 link Blade Flurry.
imbafromNorth a écrit :
How to level this character ?

I used frostblades to level and it felt pretty smooth
Just quick question, when do you respec from Sunder to this build?
After 2 labs at lvl55 range?

Also does the bloodrage, immortal call, cwdt setup even work after the nerf? I think I read that they nerfed it so it wont work anymore after Incursions.
And does really gem setup matter??? Like first gem up left has to be CWDT then next to it bloodrage and THEN immortal call to stop it with the Pantheon
Mathils actual cat
Dernière édition par HDTanel#2691, le 27 sept. 2018 19:28:16
HDTanel a écrit :
Just quick question, when do you respec from Sunder to this build?
After 2 labs at lvl55 range?

Also does the bloodrage, immortal call, cwdt setup even work after the nerf? I think I read that they nerfed it so it wont work anymore after Incursions.
And does really gem setup matter??? Like first gem up left has to be CWDT then next to it bloodrage and THEN immortal call to stop it with the Pantheon

im not the specialist Guffin is but here is my thoughts.

You never respec from Sunder, you will use the same leveling Skill Tree. You can start using Reave and BF as soon as they are available to you, you will just change which gem is socketed, and if it still feel not comfortable you can keep leveling with sunder until you can gear better ( all tips, stat priorities and links are provided for gearing ).

Gem setup matters, every link mentioned has to be connected, hence a link, but the order the gems are connected doesnt matter at all.

Look my chest, BF is the active skill and all other gems are connected just to suport it, I can swap "Increased Area of Effect" with "Elemental Focus" and it will work the same way.

I didnt understand what is your doubt about bloodrage, it works, if you want it to be casted by CwDt and be almost always active, you got to keep the gems at the same levels as in the gear Guffin linked as example or put it in any slot and cast manually.
Dernière édition par wackygoose#6648, le 27 sept. 2018 19:47:06
To Guffin,

you see im running different gem link setup, I always keep bloodrage up and preffer to level it and cast manually, it only deals damage to me when I've been not leeching for a while.

Im using frostbom with cwdt, and Vaal Haste+Inc Duration+AW.

Am I losing something here? Should I really follow the recommended links or it comes down to preference?

Dernière édition par wackygoose#6648, le 27 sept. 2018 19:53:04
wackygoose a écrit :
HDTanel a écrit :
Just quick question, when do you respec from Sunder to this build?
After 2 labs at lvl55 range?

Also does the bloodrage, immortal call, cwdt setup even work after the nerf? I think I read that they nerfed it so it wont work anymore after Incursions.
And does really gem setup matter??? Like first gem up left has to be CWDT then next to it bloodrage and THEN immortal call to stop it with the Pantheon

im not the specialist Guffin is but here is my thoughts.

You never respec from Sunder, you will use the same leveling Skill Tree. You can start using Reave and BF as soon as they are available to you, you will just change which gem is socketed, and if it still feel not comfortable you can keep leveling with sunder until you can gear better ( all tips, stat priorities and links are provided for gearing ).

Gem setup matters, every link mentioned has to be connected, hence a link, but the order the gems are connected doesnt matter at all.

Look my chest, BF is the active skill and all other gems are connected just to suport it, I can swap "Increased Area of Effect" with "Elemental Focus" and it will work the same way.

I didnt understand what is your doubt about bloodrage, it works, if you want it to be casted by CwDt and be almost always active, you got to keep the gems at the same levels as in the gear Guffin linked as example or put it in any slot and cast manually.

Im just at ACT IX now and I feel Sunder is falling in damage.. though im always doing 4-5 levels higher content lol.. but ye single target is pretty bad atm.. just thinking if I could just switch the gem setup to this build now? I´ve been leveling everything on other sockets, you can see from my character. I just looked at the RaizQT screenshot Guffin added for Sunder leveling and thought at ACT XIII-IX youd wanna outspec from that.. but he never mentioned when to stop playing with sunder setup. Just wondering if I mess around with everything, do 2 labs, is it worth it :D or should I wait until I can run all three labs and then start using Reave and Blade Flurry.

Oh and I know links lol :D I think you misunderstood me. I meant some people were telling that for THIS exact setup you NEED to have certain way the gems are socketed.. like CWDT is first that triggers and then it follows the links in line.. and you have to have the CWDT setup just perfect for it to actually work with the Pantheon Bloodrage combo.. I know a bit confusing but just wondering if it is true or not
Mathils actual cat
Dernière édition par HDTanel#2691, le 27 sept. 2018 21:12:39
HDTanel a écrit :
Guffin thanks for the reply!
Reporting in at ACT IV.. been total FACEROLL atm lol.. I think I played sunder last time in.. Breach league.
But why I didn´t play endgame with it if I remember correctly is that you are kinda locked in place and targeting only one area.

Anyway insane damage and I reaallly love that early on I have 40% chance to dodge all attack damage and 30% spell damage dodge.. Kinda makes me rethink on why I prioritized armour and phys reduction in my other builds lol.. maybe just balls out on life and just dodge everything..

Anyway I don´t mind at all buying and selling, I do it A LOT.. I just hate if I am faced with like YOU NEED THIS ITEM to do any damage at all.. that item is 3EXALTS.. or if you don´t buy this you get oneshot.. that item costs.. 5EXALTS.

Im just tryin to find a build that gradually increases in power and does not need any really expensive mandatories. I can deal with killing a boss in minutes if I don´t die doing it.. I can´t deal with being unable to kill a boss in yellow\white maps and even map mobs stun and kill me.. which happened with my Double Strike char..

Also do you think Phase Run is essential for Delve? I feel like I can´t play without it :P always get stuck behind mobs that I can´t see.. and get gibbed lol

edit: on a funny note I was reading and wondering why the hell are you using whrling blades for somekind of dps as reave is the main skill? Then I noticed.. OOOOHH.. theres whrling blades and theres Blade Flurry lol.. for some reason I really mix these up

Yo dude, cool to see Levelling is going good for you :)

Don't use Phase Run, don't use a Quicksilver (once you are in Maps). This is not a running Build, we use Whirl for Movement :P

Feel free to report back when you hit Maps etc. :)

elfril a écrit :
I hit lv95 earlier farming shaped T16 smoothly with just reave 6 link, seeing as I won't push any further in levels I'm gonna try doing some boss farming.

I melted shaper but am having trouble with T16 guardians still, I feel like I don't leech fast enough (which is why i'm using life flask instead of quartz flask that I used while mapping) and at 6.3k life gets 1shot/2shot by phoenix and minotaur before I can heal up. Hydra and chimera were easy. I do use a blade flurry setup for bosses.

I'm moving to uber elder soon but I'd like to know if there is something wrong with my setup or how I can improve it for these bosses?

Yo dude, glad to hear you're having some success :)

As for the Leech: you can always pick up Vitality Void for stronger Leech, it is noticeable but I personally never felt it.
Other than that, remember to keep your Blood Rage up to gain the Leech Bosst from Arakaali Lvl 2 + Immortal Call.
And remember, more max Life = stronger Leech, so that's always something we can improve on :P (maybe a Life Abyss Jewel in your Belt)
I'd recommend to drop Coldhearted Calc + the Node before, and the same for Aspect of the Panther, and get Vitality Void + an INT Node if you need it.

Other than that, Guardians are the rippiest things in this game, depending on Mods.
And maybe look into upgrading your left Ring Slot, that one is by far the weakest you have.

Feel free to keep me updated if these things help you out a bit :)

manmilk1 a écrit :
It took me a bit to make this build work (around 10ex in now) but I'm now pretty impressed. I want to ask what your opinions on vitality void ? also is Hinekora worth wearing over rare amulets that has crit phys etc?

Hey mate, first of all it's cool to see you enjoy the Build!

That said, you invested those 10 Ex very badly :P
Both of your Rings are very weak, for whatever fucking reason (no offense) you don't have a pseudolinked Helmet, your Tree is pretty suboptimal and doesn't follow the ones I have here, you're missing gems etc.

No offense intended, but I recommend a second Look at the Trees and the gear Segment :)
There are big upgrades you can make for very cheap in all regards.

HDTanel a écrit :
Just quick question, when do you respec from Sunder to this build?
After 2 labs at lvl55 range?

Also does the bloodrage, immortal call, cwdt setup even work after the nerf? I think I read that they nerfed it so it wont work anymore after Incursions.
And does really gem setup matter??? Like first gem up left has to be CWDT then next to it bloodrage and THEN immortal call to stop it with the Pantheon

Ty for the interest in this Build mate :)

I personally swap exactly when I have my Merc Lab and reach Maps. That decision is up to each and everyone themselves tho, you might have Gear that I never have at a League Start.

The IC+BR+Arakalli Level 2 interaction works, 100%.
The order of the gems doesn't matter, and I never said that. The Levels do.

Hope that clears up the Confusion :)

wackygoose a écrit :
To Guffin,

you see im running different gem link setup, I always keep bloodrage up and preffer to level it and cast manually, it only deals damage to me when I've been not leeching for a while.

Im using frostbom with cwdt, and Vaal Haste+Inc Duration+AW.

Am I losing something here? Should I really follow the recommended links or it comes down to preference?


I never said to keep BR in a Cwdt link only I think, I only have it there because you can keep it up passively on Boss Fights like Uber Elder with that.
We always want a 20/20 BR for the Attack Speed, but a second low level one in a Cwdt link can be used to keep it up passively. It refreshes the Duration, with no changes to the Values of the Buff.

That Vaal Haste / Totem Setup is up to you, that's completely fine :)
As for the Frostbomb, I'd personally never have it in a CwDt Setup, as we can't selfcast it anymore. And we should be able to drop one whenver we're about to unload Damage on a Boss.
wow, long post coming - sorry, I guess I've been holding it in!

Hi Guffin, I'm new to the game and the genre (just 1 month in) and your guide has really helped me to actually start learning something - the guide is well laid out and super easy to follow. It also appealed to me because it's not heavily dependent on a set of uniques that cost 50ex, and there is also a good strategy for levelling. I was looking for a blade vortex (it looked fun) and I'll admit that for the first few days that's what I thought I was getting here (however BF != BV, part of my learning) :)

So I started your guide with maybe 50c since I was fortunate to find 1ex in my first week (I started on a frostbolt inquisitor, but paid little attention to the guide - e.g. I killed Alira because that bitch is a bandit and deserved to die, oops). Anyway, I almost lost that 1ex because I didn't know I could trade it for >105c, I was about to blow it on a single piece of overpriced gear because that 1ex and 6c was the only currency I had! So it went that I learned about trading...

Initially reading your guide, I could comprehend about 20% of it and maybe 5% stuck (newbie) - so I've read it many times over the next few weeks. I even read it in my lunch break, browsing trade links and passive trees, determined not to screw it up. Maybe I'm still missing some things, but I started to get the hang of it. Fast forward ~3 weeks and I finally found the last trial for Uber Lab and bashed Izaro - I was level 85 and it might have been a bit unfair, but in the last phase I WB through him and nailed him from behind so fast he didn't even get time to turn his head and look me in the eye. He thanked me with a crappy mod on my helmet.

I have questions - admittedly I only read about the last 10 or so pages of comments, so I'm sorry if you have answered these in the previous 70. I have to say that I'm impressed that you're still taking the time to analyse builds and reply to questions 80 pages in!

Only after moving towards the end game tree did I finally feel like my overleech started to work properly and I'm almost ready to ditch the life flask (I'm still new and slow, so I'm not ready to quit it just yet) - before the end game tree it seemed like I was only hitting 100% life and immediately dropping - am I crazy or was it something I might have done wrong in my earlier tree?

My coordination is a bit sucky, so I bound the 4 support flasks to a spare mouse button - this made it super easy to keep my flasks up at all times (the difference is phenomenal). I also bound all 5 flasks to a second button I called 'flask panic' and I use that when my life bar starts tanking hard. Is there something in this game that tells you what killed you, or do I just have to read the map mods and know my enemy types?

Trade links were one of the things that got me hooked reading your guide, I even managed to change the league to 'Standard' most of the time and not message people in Delve. There were literally evenings where I did nothing but search and trade, no gameplay at all, and I loved it.
Can you recommend any resource that will teach me the more advanced search methods, like using the weighted sum effectively? I will learn on my own, but if there is a guide...

I feel like I'm at a point where I can make a few small gear tweaks with my meagre savings (50c right now), but probably only if I'm really active on trade to snag a bargain. Some of the ideal gear is super expensive in Standard - I'd be grateful for your advice on any cheap tweaks I can make in my setup, or if I should just save up for some bigger purchases and if so what first?

Any recommendations for my tree? I lucked out finding a MotM, but perhaps another cheap Jewel or two will give more benefit than other nodes I have?

A single accuracy node has a big benefit for me in PoB, but I probably should fix that with gear right? Same with my Int I assume..

Can I get rid of Mana Leech now that I have Soul Raker?


Overall I'm really enjoying this build and of course the guide. At the moment I'm crushing T10-12 maps (my first time in maps), my only problem is finding or affording to buy more maps to move up faster.

Btw, your sections on Uber Lab and Elemental Reflect map mods were super valuable - absolutely the only thing that got me through both.

Btw2, PoB is amazing, thanks for recommending it. Once I learned that I didn't have to manually type gear stats into it (2 days later) it was freaking amazing and has saved my from many truly terrible purchases.


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