[3.7 BUFFED] Phys Spec Throw Gladiator [SHAPER DOWN!] Uber Lab, Guardians, FUN, FAST & CHEAP!
" I think thread starter can answer better but still 1. No auras.. i feel like curse on hit setups are fine if you want it but definitely it will do just fine without that. Personally i run CWDT + immortal call + curse. I did use vaal haste for abit and it's good! 2. There's a few mods with corruption on one handed sword.. you can check the corruption list is poeaffix or poedb. I personally feel that other corruption is just fine as long as it benefits the build, but of course if you manage to get the block corruption it'd be good. for the record, i'm at lv 89 (you can check my profile), basically you'd still do fine without the corruption and even without LV (im using tabula btw) 3. i don't think it will be pricey for tha corruption mods, if you're planning to buy. i feel that it's not needed until you basically have no upgrade left to do.. lol |
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" I think I figured it out!! I think the issue with Curse on Hit or Blasphemy is the int requirement. I'm level 46 atm with some crappy rare amulet (with int) and just sitting at 29 int so leveling it beyond would be sub optimal. Also the riposte/vengeance setup is taking another spot which I think is better than a CoH setup for a blocking gladiator. Also reserves on BM would reduce life which is counter-intuitive to this build's purpose. I really want squeeze in Haste and Vaal Haste somewhere though! Yeah that's my understanding of this build. I hope Goddog replies soon and says I'm on the right track lol. (Feels like I'm leveling up in PoE knowledge 😎) I just checked Poeaffix and poedb, the block corruption doesn't come under the corruption section. But on Poe wiki it shows the mod on shaper suffixes. So confused.. But there's an abundance of other good mods so I guess it's fine for now. But yeah, Thanks for the input. :) |
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Hmm im lvl 47 rn and the build seems kinda bad for lvling? my as feels super low it takes me like 20 minutes to kill any orange boss can anyone help me?
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" U should get Haemophilia asap (https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Haemophilia). Huge damage boost and the bloodplosions stack with Gratuitous Violence 👍. The build is gonna feel a whole lot better with that and when you can equip Ichimonji at level 58. (I did my first full incursion clear after that!!). Until you can equip Ichimonji, you could use this (https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Innsbury_Edge). The Nomad is another awesome checkpoint that you can equip at the moment but is slightly more expensive than Ichi so get your weapons first. GET THE NOMAD ASAP! (It's part of the endgame build) Consider Belt of the Deciever and Meginord's for the belt slot and get Redblade Tramplers for boots. On the Spectral Throw setup, replace life gain on hit with another damage support. Chance to bleed/maim/brutality are all great. They are red gems though so you might have to chromatic them. Do this for Innsbury Edge and Ichimonji later. Try to get an Ancestral Protector setup. Possibly with chance to bleed. Also, add the riposte, vengeance & chance to bleed setup for extra damage and survivability. Add the CWDT-Immortal Call-Vulnerability-(Increased Duration). If you don't have the int for CWDT, manual casting Vulnerability is helpful for tough mobs/bosses. Ancestral Protector also helps with this. Add Leap Slam-FA-Fortify for mobility and defense (gonna feel sluggish until you have decent attack speed). I reached maps on 4-links using ST-Brutality-Maim-GMP/Slow Proj, felt good pre-Ichi and great after. Even better with The Nomad, Grelwoods and LVision :) No troubles with Labs, Kitava, etc. Be on the lookout for cheap Lioneye's Vision and Grelwoods while you're leveling towards that. TLDR: 1. Get ur leveling uniques (Haemo, Innsbury) 2. Add other gem setups - (CWDT), (Riposte/Vengeance), etc. Hope that helps 😊 Dernière édition par Bayonnaise#3440, le 10 juin 2018 22:19:11
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HOLY CRAP THT helped so much lmao thank you i was so sad becuz this build looks so fun thanks bro
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Also is this build a low attack speed build? ive seen someone playing a build like this and his attack speed was so fast it made him lag? do i just not have the right nodes? im on the left side rn about to grab constitution should i be going right into the ranger part?
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Wow nvm I jumped to conclusions to early just put both my I his on and holy heck my dmg is insane I legit click spec throw once and it bring them to half hp then my bleed finishes off with a nice explosion it's beautiful and I see now tht u grab more as nodes cant wait to play this in maps
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" Glad to have helped! To answer your latest question, this build has a lot of attack speed from the passive tree. I have 3.85 A/S on Spectral Throw and leap slam feels fast at 2.1 A/S. When I hold down the attack button, I cover the screen with golden weapons. That's nice and pretty and all but in incursions and breaches, I can feel my laptop going overdrive LOL 😄😂 But yea I gotta be more efficient with my attacks and trust that the 2nd, 3rd and following hits along with explosions will do the job. I actually stopped including attack speed on my rare item searches/purchases because of this ahahah. But yeah! Just got to maps and keen to push this character further. |
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what gear should i buy for leveling?
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I've been playing this build for past few days, I made one change yet and that's for block chance - as second weapon (offhand) I've equipped Scaeva - which gives me 8% block chance, so it's like 2 corrupted Shanks, and I think I can corrupt Scaeva to have few % block chance as well (not sure on that tho.) I'm just level 72 but it's been working quite good for me, right now. It needs more testing - I'm not losing that much DPS. Thanks for this build
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