3.2 - The ManaMancer - Indigon pure mana Hierophant - Full HP Shaper in two seconds.

Can I ask why you have 2 Clarity in the glove slots?
For mapping, I run with clarity off mana only. I only use the blood magic setup for triggered and controlled fights like uber elder and uber atziri. This is both due to laziness with swapping gems around and because I don't want to swap to a Shav's for mapping and go perma LL.
Just got this jewel and was deciding between building around it and selling for the 70ex price tag lol.

Is the 1% regen from cloak needed in your testing? I was thinking shavs or CI to avoid the need for a flask to stay alive.

Doesn't seem like even LL is needed though the mega dps is nice haha.

my original thought was trickster but the 30% mana as es seems way too good to pass up.
70ex? that's insane...

anyway, If I were to drop Cloak of Defiance, I'd lose around 2k mp/s I think. I bought a shav's recently to test with, but I have not been able to link it yet. The mana regen dictates the feel of the build just as much as the DPS, so I'd just do so testing if I were you. The regen without cloak should be adequate once you have 4 totems, searing bond and have gotten hit recently, but it will feel more clunky.

It's hard to say what the best way to do it is, so just test with different approaches and see what feels good for you.
OMG thanks OP for this build and post :) i configured one hiero in standard before incursion, and kinda liked it. So I made another one in incursion. Well not easy to survive spitters spam but damn first try at uber elder success! First ever and peak damage was just like 240k on tool tip. Totems made the fight way easy by just popping one totem every 1s and shield charge around the map.

Really feelsgoodman. Thanks again OP! Do share with us what u’r up to this league!
I am actually in the middle of releveling my manamancer as an arc totem character. Will post updates if I am happy with it. At level 72 now and it is looking good!
crit-based with shimmeron for those bosses?
Nah. I am going with a similar setup as last time around, just with Arc. It works quite well. When I hit level 72, I equipped a level 21 arc in a 5L and did Shaper pretty easily (DPS was still quite low ofc with low regen).
oic, bro i need help, can see my tree if i want re-spec 3 points into an extra jewel slot, which 3 points can i give up on the tree? thanks!
Your characters are private, so I can't check it out. Post a reply once your characters are public ;)


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