[3.7] Freezing Pulse Totem Hierophant | Cheap, Starter, Guide, Guardians, Shaper

Thanks for this build and apologies for a noob question:

Why not get elemental equilibrium (EE) instead of ancestral bond? It would seem like you could use firestorm or orb of storms or something to trigger EE and get a lot more net damage?

Alternatively, if the extra totem is really essential, why not use some kind of trap plus EE?

Finally, is there a way to search through all the posts of this thread for something?

Zallstone a écrit :
Thanks for this build and apologies for a noob question:

Why not get elemental equilibrium (EE) instead of ancestral bond? It would seem like you could use firestorm or orb of storms or something to trigger EE and get a lot more net damage?

Alternatively, if the extra totem is really essential, why not use some kind of trap plus EE?

Finally, is there a way to search through all the posts of this thread for something?


Our totem hits would also trigger EE. The only thing that doesn't trigger EE are minions. That's why EE is most exclusively used for minion builds.

It's indeed a bit confusing that totem counts as our hits, but not our damage.

You could use google to search in this thread by adding "site:https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2102655"

Has anyone cleared uber elder with this build?
What are some of the best maps for this type of build? I currently have a lvl 90 MF build
Thanks for this build. I was leveling a quad totem arcer but the damage just isn't there for maps. Have respecced to FP totems and although the tree isn't an exact copy it's getting close and the clear speed for trash and bosses is so much better

I play HC, so use Arctic Armour and a Lightning Coil as well MOM and endurance charges. With the perma freezing stuff it feels safe and quick
IGN - LeNavetBete
@foetal: Thanks! Glad, it's working out for you.

blackbird794 a écrit :
Has anyone cleared uber elder with this build?

I did beat Shaper and Guardians (with specific gear), but I feel Uber Elder is a much tougher and different fight. There is a lot of degen and stuff hitting you, so it would be difficult for us or our totems to stay alive without leech or much regen.

This build is mainly a mapping build and beating Uber Elder is not something, you do "on the fly". People build specific characters for it. If you really wanna beat Uber Elder with totems, I would probably go with Dark Pact or Glacial Cascade and optimize my build for this fight.

blackbird794 a écrit :
What are some of the best maps for this type of build? I currently have a lvl 90 MF build

Because of the range of our projectiles, we don't want too many walls and rather open maps. I shaped Fields, Dunes, Infested Valley, Vault (didnt know how bad divcard drops were) and Bog.

These open maps have less density than indoor maps, so we probably need to run a shaped tier 10 as well to sustain our maps. (an elder ring might solve that problem)

But you might still do well running density maps like underground sea, just test it out.

If you don't care about gaining exp, you could just run T3 Burial Chambers for currency drops and divcards.
This is an interesting build and I'm thinking of respecing my lvl 89 Freezing Pulse Inquistor. But I have a few follow up questions as I'm not 100% sure on the mechanics

I've always used a Blasphemy/Warlord set up for life/mana regen and to create Endurance charges for my CWDT/IM setup. Looks like the endurance charges can come from Conviction of Power, but you do gain 15% elemental damage reduction based on max endurance charges, so I think that's a decent trade off. However, how are you applying Projectile Weakness, without Blasphemy setup? Is this a manual cast action?

JerseyReef a écrit :
This is an interesting build and I'm thinking of respecing my lvl 89 Freezing Pulse Inquistor. But I have a few follow up questions as I'm not 100% sure on the mechanics

I've always used a Blasphemy/Warlord set up for life/mana regen and to create Endurance charges for my CWDT/IM setup. Looks like the endurance charges can come from Conviction of Power, but you do gain 15% elemental damage reduction based on max endurance charges, so I think that's a decent trade off. However, how are you applying Projectile Weakness, without Blasphemy setup? Is this a manual cast action?

Yes, I'm casting the curse manually, you only really need it against Bosses and red beasts. Because we are a totem build, we don't need to interrupt attacking/casting, so it's no problem.
Running it as Blasphemy wouldn't help too much while mapping cause you kill most mobs from pretty far. Running 40% MoM we also don't wanna run any auras.

We get a lof of life and mana regen from Ritual of Awakening and Endurance Charges from Conviction of Power, so running Warlords Mark seems unnecassary.
I'm still playing this build, almost level 90 now. I enjoy it.
I managed to put some MF items, and for lower tier maps I swap Inc. Crit Strikes for Increased rarity, the DPS stays good and drops are better...at least I feel so. For higher tiers I swap the Incr. Crit Strikes back
JerseyReef - i use a lvl 1 CWDT with a lvl 5 Frostbite for applying curses. Am only lvl 80 currently but am having no problem with clear speed

I guess a higher level frostbite/projectile weakness could be manually cast for tougher bosses but so far I don't see the need for it
IGN - LeNavetBete


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