Updated PoB link with an improved (more HP) tree. Thanks to Breakleg
Added a "Progression" section
Added my actual gear
Updated "Tree" section with new trees (more HP, almost same dps)
[spoiler="Old Guide Version"] INTRO[hr]
I’ve started using traps since my first day in Poe in February 2013, and for those who can remember, in early 2013 traps were not developed at all. Basically I was among the firsts using traps and trying to bring them in end-game.
Moreover i don’t like to play the same build differte times, that’s why i’ve theorycrafted it before Beastiary League started and not played this build yet.
This is my Bestiary League starter.
Guide will be updated as long as i'll progress in the Bestiary League.
Probably due to a bug, the skill effect duration of Prolonged Pain applies to traps, making their duration of 0,4s instead of 0,0 ->not a big problem
The build revolves basically on the burning ground created by fire trap, so we will focus mostly into
Burning Damage
Fire Damage
Trap Damage
Damage Over Time
Elemental Overload and Elemental Equilibrium coupled with Shock Nova Trap will greatly increase the dps.
Three curses (best if using an Heretic Veil) will ease the boss fights.
Consider we want to make the screen a lava ground, sunblast and cheap construction will be used to make traps trigger instantly.
- 6500 ehp with MOM
- Over 700k dps only with burning ground
- 3 Curse
- Cheap (non crit build)
Here i'll update my progression in Bestiary League
- Struggled a bit in early game, but things changed when i started using Searing Touch
- 5 linked Searing Touch tnx to the Prophecy i was lucky to get (colors are not correct, i'm waiting for more chromatics
- Completed 3 Labs, up to merciless, without any effort
- Mapping at Lvl 67 with 3,5k Hp, 14k burning ground dps tooltip, resistance are 30% lightning, 60% cold, 70% fire, but i can kill boss easily
- Actually lvl 81, mapping up to Tier 8, 38k unbuffed burning ground (in town), all gems 19/0 (Fire trap, conc effect, ele focus, swift affliction, burning damage)
Kill all for 2 points
Compared to Saboteur, it gives a lot more DOT dps (damage over time, frenzy and power charges, more mana) and Life. Mana, ES gained on kill, which is sweet.
In order of importance:
Patient Reaper - Prolonged Pain - Swift Killer - Weave The Arcane
Soul of Solaris for boss fights
Soul of Tukohama
Proceed in the tree taking this nodes: Clever Construction; Elemental Equilibrium, Elemental Overload and all the life nodes nearby
Fencoil - Mirebough - Deerstalker are the best for levelling
Don't care too much about gear untill you start mapping, save for a 5-6L Searing Touch
Start using Sunblast and 2 Cheap Construction as sooner as possible (3 alchemy for all)
[spoiler="Gear description"]
The only required gear are cheap one:
- Searing touch: Greatly boost our fire trap damage
- Sunblast: Gives trap damage, fire resistance and makes our trap trigger almost instantly
- Cheap Construction: we need 2 of them in order to make traps trigger once they hit the ground
- Doedre’s Damning or Windscream for our 3rd curse
Focus on HP, mana and resists on the other piece of gear[/spoiler]
[spoiler="Socketed in Searing Touch"]
Fire Trap + Burning Damage + Concentrated Effect + Elemental Focus + Swift Affliction + Trap and Mine Damage / Cluster Traps[/spoiler]
[spoiler="Socketed in boots"]
Sock Nova + Trap + Increased Critical Strikes + Innervate / Cluster Trap[/spoiler]
[spoiler="Socketed in Heretic Veil"]
Despair + Elemental Focus + Flammability + Enlighten[/spoiler]
[spoiler="Socketed in gloves"]
Vaal Lightning Trap + Increased duration + Greater Multiple Projectiles + Summon Flame Golem[/spoiler]
[spoiler="Socketed in Chest"]
Flame Dash + Faster Casting + Burning Damage + Scorching Ray + Cast while Channeling + Arc
In your chest you can socked what you prefer. Scorching ray is to increase our dps, but not required[/spoiler]
TIPS [hr]
Grab a Searing Touch (1 alchemy in BEstiary Std) and use it as soon as you can (lvl 60
Level differt copies of Fire Trap in order to get a lvl 21/20 Fire trap for end game
Deerstalker and Fencoil are the best uniques for levelling.
Deerstalker can also be used for end game if you get enough HP/Resistance from other pieces of gear
As we don’t use a 6l chest and skills in chest are just optional, you can consider go for Kaom’s Heart and use the movement skill in your alternate weapon set
Hi OP, i would like to say a few things. Your pob is poorly configured, first the Elemental equilibrium doesnt ignore the skill hit therefore you hit them with fire and boost they're resist by 50% even when you hit them with lightning that doesnt overcome the fire you just did, proof of that is that when you throw a fire trap on an enemy the Ele equilibrium debuff apears on it. Other thing is that checking shocked on pob doesnt work anymore, that box is for full effect of shock meaning 50% more damage, and since you only use vaal lightning trap for shock you only have 20% more... making your shaper dps around 200k damage, you should adress to those issues on the post, it's like a click bait at this point. Other then that you made a good job on the build.
Dernière édition par Levihc#6679, le 20 avr. 2018 17:04:39
Im currently trying this out in the flashback to prepare for my next leaguestarter.
Its pretty smooth and easily affordable, liking this a lot.
I only have a fencoil, with the cooldown reduction I think its worth to play a 4 link shock nova in the gloves with increased critical strikes, cluster traps and whatever else. Leave out lightning trap, leave out orb of storms and just socket the auras and stuff in the chest.
I do fine alternating between only the two, since I still use a 4l vaal lightning trap.
Overall I think though Im gonna start with saboteur since Im trying ssf for nexxt league.
This seems rather hard to make work smoothly, aspect of the spider and the staff might be hard-ish to get. And the 20% life regen is probably up 100% of the time, w/o fencoil my guy feels kinda feeble.
The lvl 21 fire trap tip is pretty sick, Im not gonna farm to even lvl 20 gems in the last few days. Only have yet to snipe it for 1-2 c :D
the dot is receiving a heavy buff with 3.3 (95% !!!! more damage, can be seen in ziggyD's recent video). however, the fire trap duraton is heavily lowered so you won't have burning ground on the whole screen anymore
good trade off i guess
Dernière édition par airparisderjesus#0654, le 22 mai 2018 11:33:12
Hello all!
sorry for my absence but real life is not so friendly with gamers..
seems like in 3.3 fire trap will be buffed a lot!
almost doubling the burning ground damage:
The burning ground it creates now deals 24.1 fire damage per second at gem level 1 (up from 3.6), up to 1362.8 fire damage per second at gem level 20 (up from 701.2). This damage is now modified by spell damage modifiers.
Only this will boos the damage a very lot!
Moreover FIre Trap is losing the cooldown, so basically we should be able to spam it.
Drawback is duration, which no more affect traps, but only the skill triggered.
I just have to decide if it worth to go with blastrain + 2 cheap construction or drop them for pure damage.
I may also reconsider EE.
Also Elemental Focus can be easily dropped as the boos to ignite. this may reasult in an higher damage output
I'm waiting for PoB to be updated with new skill in order to test before update the guide!
Good luck everyone in Incursion!
Dernière édition par Effe86#2062, le 31 mai 2018 00:40:31