tixyk a écrit :
if i can give you tips guys i try storm brand and its realy OP you can summons 3 and they chain to 3 enemy also they are on enemy and move with enemy so you can EE 9 enemy perma also got now 1k svg DMG so i think is alot better than orb of storm because he is static and chain only 3 enemy
crit chance on brands are lowen that on OfS
Like the others said, use immortal flesh if still not getting enough regen :)
Posté parSome_Day#1516le 9 déc. 2018 à 06:45:40
xxxenforcerxxx a écrit :
tixyk a écrit :
if i can give you tips guys i try storm brand and its realy OP you can summons 3 and they chain to 3 enemy also they are on enemy and move with enemy so you can EE 9 enemy perma also got now 1k svg DMG so i think is alot better than orb of storm because he is static and chain only 3 enemy
crit chance on brands are lowen that on OfS
i use crit strike support and got perma EO ofc i am only lvl 70 we will see later
Dernière édition par tixyk#1785, le 9 déc. 2018 à 07:32:30
Posté partixyk#1785le 9 déc. 2018 à 07:31:14
At which level do you guys swap to scorching ray totem ?
Posté parSystemlord#5352le 9 déc. 2018 à 08:32:15
Some_Day a écrit :
Like the others said, use immortal flesh if still not getting enough regen :)
made some calculations, please correct me if im wrong
1) with ancestral bond i have 3 totems SR (62055 each, 186 165 total) + 1 decoy (if u link decoy with multiple totems)
2) without ancestral bond, EE, EO and multiple totems support i have 4 SR totems (59047 each, 236 188 total) but 0 decoy (link with multi isnt working)
in my opinion decoy is mandatory so in 2-d option we will have 3 SR + 1 decoy and only 59047*3= 177 141 total damage!
According to this calculation i think that it is better to stay with ancestral bond with 3 SR + 1 decoy and 186 165 total DPS without need to proc EE and EO.
lemme know your thoughts
so brand in sumary
pos. 4x can summon brand,better set EE to groups,more dmg
neg.cannot use in ele reflect,lower crit chance
Dernière édition par tixyk#1785, le 9 déc. 2018 à 13:22:49
Posté partixyk#1785le 9 déc. 2018 à 13:09:52
JackStig a écrit :
Hi I'm starting league with this build. I have a few question about the build.
About the shield and fragility. Is it really worth sacrificing two jewel slots for onslaught? Are there some options for rare shield since crafting is going to be crazy this league?
I'm using lightning golem, its cast speed buff works on totems or is it just me?
Also hiero ascendancy now only gives 1 totem and some small more multiplier, rest of the points are kind of meh increased spell dmg, if I'm not missing something. It was no doubt best option with + 2 totems, but now... Are there any alternatives like chiftain maybe?
Also finally as you are HC player, I see you are investing in % phys dmg taken as some element, Is it doable to use rf + mom + divination destilate for extra max res, since we have high mana regen I guess we will be able to cast totems or even turn of rf with remove burn flask to cast totems and cast rf again?
im reposting these questions as mine are similar, particularly for the ascendency
Systemlord a écrit :
At which level do you guys swap to scorching ray totem ?
I swapped at lvl 33 after I got my first acendancy
Posté parSome_Day#1516le 9 déc. 2018 à 15:25:00
xxxenforcerxxx a écrit :
Some_Day a écrit :
Like the others said, use immortal flesh if still not getting enough regen :)
made some calculations, please correct me if im wrong
1) with ancestral bond i have 3 totems SR (62055 each, 186 165 total) + 1 decoy (if u link decoy with multiple totems)
2) without ancestral bond, EE, EO and multiple totems support i have 4 SR totems (59047 each, 236 188 total) but 0 decoy (link with multi isnt working)
in my opinion decoy is mandatory so in 2-d option we will have 3 SR + 1 decoy and only 59047*3= 177 141 total damage!
According to this calculation i think that it is better to stay with ancestral bond with 3 SR + 1 decoy and 186 165 total DPS without need to proc EE and EO.
lemme know your thoughts
Yes but once you go Righteous Fire, you can't do damage with it! Also I think your damage is off, because you cannot proc Elemental Equilibrium if you go Ancestral bond because you cant do damage yourself
Dernière édition par Some_Day#1516, le 9 déc. 2018 à 15:29:06
Posté parSome_Day#1516le 9 déc. 2018 à 15:26:26
Some_Day a écrit :
xxxenforcerxxx a écrit :
Some_Day a écrit :
Like the others said, use immortal flesh if still not getting enough regen :)
made some calculations, please correct me if im wrong
1) with ancestral bond i have 3 totems SR (62055 each, 186 165 total) + 1 decoy (if u link decoy with multiple totems)
2) without ancestral bond, EE, EO and multiple totems support i have 4 SR totems (59047 each, 236 188 total) but 0 decoy (link with multi isnt working)
in my opinion decoy is mandatory so in 2-d option we will have 3 SR + 1 decoy and only 59047*3= 177 141 total damage!
According to this calculation i think that it is better to stay with ancestral bond with 3 SR + 1 decoy and 186 165 total DPS without need to proc EE and EO.
lemme know your thoughts
Yes but once you go Righteous Fire, you can't do damage with it! Also I think your damage is off, because you cannot proc Elemental Equilibrium if you go Ancestral bond because you cant do damage yourself
i agree about RF but not for EE cause for option with EE i (ofc) unsreced ancestral bond