[3.16][HC][ON BREAK] Caustic Arrow Raider, DoT Focused | Tanky | 6k+ Health | All Content | In-depth
Hi, thanks for the great build! This is the first time I reach end game content and I'm enjoying every minute of it :)
One question - your recommend using efficacy on console instead of concentrated effect. However, when I imported my build to POB I noticed considerable increase of damage if I change to the latter. I'm not sure how the in-depth mechanics of the game work, so can you elaborate a little bit on that? |
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" I will have a guess and say its because on console its harder to aim especailly behind multiple enemies to make the most of pierce creating multiplle caustic pools so reducing your AOE could be problematic, Efficacy is a 10% damage reduction, but it means you have 30% extra AOE, its probably a QoL thing. |
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Lvl 98 55% SSF BHC rip - It That Slaps
Welp, no lvl 100 this league either. This death is totally on me. There were few factor i could've done better considering the situation to avoid death. I don't question the oneshot, since It That Fled has ridiculous damage and it's to be expected if you get hit (she was 3* leader). This was the first map i've decided to test how Mirage Archer would perform for farming outdoor elder map (changed from Scriptorium -> Desert Spring 2 days ago or sth). That's probably my last character this league, probably. Might remake CA or try a cold build as i dropped Pandemonius and Shroud of the Lightless, would be a waste to not try using them. " It is and multiple people who used the guide have done it. My last uber elder attempt that i've recorded was very poorly executed and decided to not share it in the end. I will record another run eventually. I've talked about +5 bows recently, you should take a look. The gear i showcase is the core you should be looking for - which is pretty much life and resistances. The upgrades to that can only be crafted or will cost fortune (most likely). Have in mind this is relatively beginner friendly guide and showcasing expensive gear will only screw them over - i've seen it happening too many times. If you're a veteran you probably know what you're looking for in the end game. Final upgrades for min-maxing can be found in crafting section, since that's what you'll do to get them anyway. I do hint to check the crafting section at the end of progression section once you acquire everything. " When PS4 launched a lot people who tried the build had problems with pierce, targetting and clear. Apparently there's an aim assist that makes it difficult to use the pierce effectively. It's crucial to shoot through monster packs for best clear possible. That's where Efficacy instead of Concentrated Effect comes in - it doesn't reduce your AoE, allowing for better clear. I also believe that with current damage overkill it's a superior choice until you can shoot 3+ arrows, making the AoE penalty from Conc Effect be negligible. Have in mind i don't have PS4 so i can't really test how the build performs personally. https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3053600 - My Guides
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honestly it looks like CA does need a bit of a damage buff. even scorching ray raider would out perform CAs damage (tho not range, obviously)
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Thanks to both of you for your clarificatons!
I feel I have a better grasp now on how the build is functioning and I really like the way it performs on PS4. Good luck next league in reaching lvl 100 in hc ssf, I'll cheer for you :) |
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Enjoying the build so far! The only thing I don't see mentioned anywhere in the guide is what anoints save the most points, or are the most useful.
Avatar of the Hunt looks decent for the price of it in oils. Any advice on other choices? |
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Thinking about trying this build out, did play Toxic Rain before and it was one of the skills I enjoyed the most. Just a little question to the Passive tree, why take "Toxic Strikes"? Just for the "Chaos damage with attacks" ? Because I mean Chaos damage over time isnt the same as Poison right?
Also would an multimodded "Increased Chaos Damage" ring increase the Chaos DOT from CA like on Toxic Rain? Dernière édition par zavson#3634, le 26 oct. 2019 12:36:07
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"You could play CA with majority of the gear that is used for toxic rain, with the difference you won't see as much benefit from extra attack speed and also shouldn't need as much mana cost reduction as for toxic rain setup, on the other hand you might want to add sources of pierce / extra arrows instead. "Increased chaos damage" / "increased damage over time" / "chaos damage over time multiplier" stats apply to both skills, so that gear will benefit either build. |
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I actually ended up anointing corruption. Super strong damage wise and pretty cheap to anoint. Also using a Gull mask. Damn near 100% uptime on resist/defense/accel/aoe shrines and it's a good stat and decent evasion helm and pretty cheap too.
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i anointed corruption on my toxic rain build. it is indeed extremely strong for pretty cheap/easy to obtain vials
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