3.1 Viper Strike Trickster(video guide)
Exponential Crazy's Viper Strike Only Trickster!
![]() Welcome to the new and improved Viper strike Trickster build! Things have changed a little bit, so let's do a rundown of the important items in the build:
Starforge is probably the best dps weapon to use outside of a GG rare. Other swords will work fine, and honestly i know claws or daggers would probably work better, but not by much. The great thing about starforge is it adds health, which we need massively in this build, and its insane dps is going to do work. If you can get your health up without it on a chest, Dendrobate is the best in slot chest for dps. Cherrubim's is a good middleground and has good defensive stats, while Cospri's will allow us to dual curse. There's still flexibility here, but I would go with Cherrubim's until you have high enough health to run Dendro or Cospri's. Same sort of thing again, all three of these helms are great, starkonja's provides more defensive stats, giving us health, while daresso's and rat's nest offer higher dps. Impresence is awesome in this build. The defense of Maddening presence is phenomenal in those crazy abyss encounters and the damage is just awesome. Our endgame goal with rings is to have steel rings with Deafening essence of envy crafts that round out our health/resists. master crafted chaos damage is a must for perfect GG rings, but keep in mind your defensive stats. We want spiked gloves for that sweet melee bonus, and then just rounding out stats. attack speed is good, and flat phys is good, but again, health and resists take priority in this slot. We don't need wed or anything else fancy on the belt, flask effectiveness/duration are good, but not necessary. focus on life and resists for the belt slot. Boots are just there for life/resists/stats/move speed, in that order of importance. My current gear: We need our strength and intelligence to be at 155 for our level 20 gems(higher for level 21) so we need to round out our stats on gear to not waste points on the tree. My gear is nowhere near perfect at this point, but its enough to do red maps and farm up so that I can transfer into GG gear, and it gets my life (barely) over 5k. Flasks: Pretty self explanatory here. Panic flask, remove bleed/freeze, sin's rebirth and atziri's promise give us huge dps buffs, as well as a diamond flask. The roll's on these could be better, and I want a curse immune flask, but I've been focusing my efforts crafting on trying to get my steel rings going, so it's not a priority at this point. The build is working fine without these minor upgrades. Links:
So depending on which chest you will use, there is some importance in where you place your links, if you're running dendrobate you want your single target in your chest and your clear in the sword, but if you're not it doesn't matter. Single Target Viper Strike: Viper Strike>Void Manipulation>Poison>Multistrike>Melee Physical Damage>Unbound Ailements Clear Viper Strike: Viper Strike>Deadly Ailments>MultistrikeMelee SplashAncestral Call>Unbound Ailements Auras: Haste>Blasphemy>Despair>Empower If you're running Cospri's: Haste>Blasphemy>Despair>Assassin's Mark(note: you need impresence for this to work!) Other setups: Cast When Damage Taken>Immortal Call Ancestral Protector>Leap Slam>Fortify>Faster Attacks Blood Rage Ice Golem Tree: ![]() ![]() Ascendancy: ![]() So we want swift killer first. Second lab you'll get Patient Reaper. Then we get walk the aether. Last is obviously going to be Weave the arcane. You can ALSO go assassin: ![]() You'll want noxious strike first Then get Unstable and then Deadly Infusion. Finish out with Toxic Delivery. DPS from PoB: Single Target Shaper DPS ![]() Viper Strike for map clear DPS ![]() LVL 100 PoB link:
Hope you enjoy! leave any questions or comments below. `Expo Brief Video Guide:
The old guide for lacerate:
Now we all know why Starforge is good, I shouldn't need to explain it. But just in case: No ele dmg...NO PROBLEM! One of the highest reliable phys dmg bases in the game Decent attack speed %accuracy (after all we are going crit) Life!!!! So all in all, without super GG abyss jewels and being at the level cap, I see no reason not to use starforge. So basically use edge of madness until you can get your hands on starforge, or you can use any good two handed sword with decent atk speed and crit if you can get it. Ok ok, so slapping starforge on almost anything will be somewhat viable, but tell me Expo, what kind of dps are you cranking out here? Can't be that good, right? Well....I mean it's nothing insane, but its pretty decent.
Viper strike shaper DPS at 5 poison stacks:
![]() Lacerate DPS for map clear: ![]() Now with Edge of madness I'm Basically doing about 3/4 of this damage, so at this point, as I said without way better jewels and lots of added flat phys/ele/chaos dmg on other gear, there's no reason to expend the effort when starforge easily breaks 1 million dps on viper strike when its not on shaper. Obviously, we use lacerate as our map clear, and then we use viper strike for single target. The main point of the build is do some hits and then let poison do the work while you walk away. So far it's working out pretty good. So what about the rest of the gear? Wellllllll:
So we have a few different build options, and I'd like to go over each of them seperately: So this setup will give you good dps, decent survivability and is something RELATIVELY easy to balance given stats and resists, etc. I'll talk a little more about the stats we need after this section. This is my setup that I got into tier 9-10 maps with, and it works really well, but it begins to slow down a LITTLE bit. That said it is still absolutely viable. In the next section I will also talk about the rings, those are important to note. but onto other gear setups. Impresence setup: So swapping out my amulet for impresence means major stat rebalancing. so i drop my amulet and this ring: and switch my stygian vises. Dendrobate: This is the highest DPS you can get with the build. It is slightly less survivability, but the resistances are nice and you will DEFINITELY notice the damage boost. a very good option. You can use this either with or without impresence. Cospri's: This will give you some nice damage as well, and is perfectly viable, however you can only use this with the impresence setup reliably unless you want to change your skill tree around, but with impresence you just switch out enlighten for assassins mark and boom, you get a nice dual curse setup that will let you mow through mobs and stay relatively healthy, especially with the life gained on kill and the impresence proccing you will be nice and safe. other helmet options: Both good options, if you go acro phase acro early starkonja's is really nice, rat's nest is great especially if you take the assassin version. This build is really quite flexible in its itemization. Atziri's acuity and inya's boots have been brought up, I don't think it's wise to overstack uniques on this build as we are already going to be hard pressed getting our life total above 5k, but its also going to be insane getting the stats and resists we need if we have uniques in ever slot other than rings and belt. If you can make it work, thats great. switching out our helmet for a great rare can make this viable, etc. You sort of need to figure out what works for you. Rings: End game BIS as I mentioned is going to be Steel rings essence crafted with Deafening Envy Essences. This can get pretty expensive. obviously what we want on the rings are: % increased chaos damage life flat phys dmg flat chaos dmg resistances we need stats if necessary. Ok, so, about those stats I mentioned: We need to hit 155 strength and 155 intelligence(especially if you're using dendrobate and want to push it as far as possible). But the main reason for this is for our gem requirements, and it's not easy to get that much strenght and int on the shadow tree. So that is something important to KEEP IN MIND. on to jewels:
Ok so, the viper strike threshold jewel is obvious. More damage for your single target setup. Other jewels, you want life/chaos dmg/crit multi/attack speed/ melee damage/resistances you may need to fill. Abyss jewels, obviously mine aren't that great right now, are where you need to get pretty specific. Flat chaos/flat phys/life/and unholy might are all that you really want. Attack speed isn't bad, but we can get better numbers for that elsewhere. Flasks:
Pretty self explanatory. I like to have one panic flask that can bring me up to almost full when i get low life ( i need more health in the build for sure, but well get there, everything's a process.) one regular flask with bleed removal. I take freeze immune on my diamond flask, and then atziri's promise and sin's rebirth give us HUUUUGE dps boosts as well as some survivability from the life leech/smoke cloud. If you manage your flasks correctly while clearing, they should always be up. It's really hard to run out of flask charges unless youre in the middle of some insane abyss mobs, but even then you should be doing enough damage and leap slamming around with fortify that you will survive most things. And now the moment weve all been waiting for: Skill links:
Viper Strike>Vile Toxins>Deadly Ailments>Multistrike>Melee Physical Damage>Unbound Ailments Lacerate>Poison>Melee Physical Damage>Multistrike>Void Manipulation>Unbound Ailments Leap Slam>Faster Attacks>Fortify>Ancestral Protector Cast When Damage Taken>Immortal Call Despair>Blasphemy>Haste>Enlighten Blood Rage Summon Ice Golem Ok now we move on to ascendancy: ![]() So we want swift killer first. Second lab you'll get Patient Reaper. Then we get walk the aether. Last is obviously going to be Weave the arcane. You can ALSO go assassin: ![]() You'll want noxious strike first Then get Unstable and then Deadly Infusion. Finish out with Toxic Delivery. These are very comparable DPS numbers. Again, its kind of up to you. I like the damage reduction and +max to both frenzy AND power charges of trickster, but its really up to you and your playstyle. Skill tree: ![]() ![]() This will get you up to level 85. From there it should be pretty simple to follow the pob, which i will include below with a level 100 tree. Just note, the first thing you'll want to get after following the path ive laid out above will be acrobatics and phase acrobatics for higher level content, then you can fill out Vaal pact and life leech nodes, then finish off with the extra damage. POB link:
For Bandit quest: Help Alira or kill 'em all! Up to you, Alira is a great option, basically an extra jewel slot, but if you want the extra points thats good too. So that's the build! If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to ask here, or send me a message. Hope you enjoyed! Dernière édition par Naeblis720#5335, le 4 févr. 2018 01:28:12 Dernier bump le 5 juil. 2018 19:17:53
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im really happy u posted this, cuz i found your profile and this build few days ago, but couldnt catch u online.
what do u think about Inya's boots and Atziri Acuity if we chose assasin version? did u consider chaos version of imprescence for free despair and other sweet stats it provides? (after mana we save maybe MoM possible if we chosed to go trickster?) is mapping speed satisfying enough? when lvling or just budget version to start with, maybe innsbury edge x2? fk i love the idea, would like to see vids if possible :> | |
" I leveled the build with decent claws and viper strike with ancestral call, but innsbury could work or even using a kondo's or oro's, something like that. MoM would be a bit of a stretch, getting there with the skill tree is rough, especially pathing through the witch section which is pretty inefficent for us to do on this build. You could absolutely make it work, and it will certainly be comparable damage, but I just don't like it because theres going to be a lot of wasted points on that path. But its up to you, this build is quite flexible. Mapping speed is fine, its certainly not the fastest clear speed you could get, but its quick enough to be satisfying and it does what its supposed to do. The real fun is bosses. They just melt once you get a few stacks of poison on them and its super rewarding. I basically just leap slam in and viper strike like six times then leap slam away and watch their health drop. The impresence is definitely a good idea, and I've added that into the main build guide. Glad this looks fun for you, I'll have vids up soon, now that I'm getting onto level 90 ish i should be able to take on higher level content and really see what this build can do! |
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Big old update to the guide.
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did u test which ascendancy is better? i feel like trickster for mapping and assasin for bosses. not sure which to chose
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trickster is more survivability but assassin does have charge generation for bosses. its kind of a toss up.
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Can you post some videos please? Would love to see mapping and some bosses.
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can this build do t15-16 and shaper? and why ancestral call support
Dernière édition par lindishorrible#1011, le 29 janv. 2018 23:09:20
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Ancestral Call is for map clear. We use two setups for viper strike, one for single target and one for clear. The clear skill has ancestral call. I believe that at level 90 I should be able to do shaper no problem. It is currently doing red maps quite nicely (when I'm not lagging or disconnecting constantly) and just needs a few more power nodes to take it to the next level. Video will be up shortly, its currently uploading to youtube.
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Video guide up.
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