[3.7-Slayer] 2h Freezing Cyclone! *Out Dated*
I won't be updating this build unless there is a league that brings heavy changes for it. With how bonkers impale cyclone is currently, if you're looking to play cyclone I'd suggest picking one of the many floating around.
~~~VP vs No VP~~~ I have done t16/Shaper with this build with/without VP and both were able to get the kills. That said, VP were much smoother kills and allowed me to ignore some mechanics that I wasn't able to ignore without VP. I have only done Uber Atziri with VP. In the end it's up to you. I prefer the VP play style so it is my choice but if you dislike VP it will work perfectly fine for you. My only suggestion would be dropping some damage to pick up either more life/life regen nodes or extra increased life leech per second. 3.7 Changes
Slayer Ascendancy has been reworked in 3.7 opening up some interesting options to try over the old crab leg branches everyone took before.
You can see the rework HERE I will still be taking the two upper branches(Headsman/Bane of Legends/Endless Hunger/Brutal Fervour) and trying others once I see how those are performing. The new cyclone skill gem is here!
![]() The "cannot be supported buy ruthless or multistrike" has also been removed. I don't know if anyone remembers ruthless with cyclone but it was pretty good. ______________ Ancestral Protector
Now deals base damage equal to, and has an added damage effectiveness of, 90% at gem level 1 (from 80%), up to 144% at gem level 20 (from 133%).
Now deals base damage equal to, and has an added damage effectiveness of, 110% at gem level 1 (from 100%), up to 133% at gem level 20 (from 123%).
Now has an attack speed multiplier of 90% (rather than 10% less attack speed). _______________ Leap Slam
Now deals base damage equal to, and has an added damage effectiveness of, 100% at gem level 1 (unchanged), up to 120% at gem level 20 (from 123%).
Now always knocks enemies back on hit. Now always causes your damaging hits to stun enemies that are on full life. Now has 20% increased stun duration against enemies on full life at gem level 1, up to 39% at gem level 20. Now costs 10 mana at all gem levels (from 15 mana). Now gains 1% increased Stun Duration on enemies per 1% gem quality (previously gained 1% knockback chance per 2% quality). None of this 'really' matters but the always stun is nice for endurance charge on melee stun support at the very least. _______________ Vaal Cyclone
Now adds 10 to 15 physical damage to attacks at gem level 1, up to 56 to 85 at gem level 20.
Now has an attack speed multiplier of 400% (previously had 100% more attack speed). Modifiers to melee attack range now also apply to this skill's area radius. If it no longer locks you in place, massive and amazing change. If it still locks you in place... well... meme worthy? _______________ Fortify Support
Supported skills now have 15% increased Fortify duration at gem level 1, up to 34% at gem level 20 (from 25% at all gem levels).
Supported skills now deal 20% more melee physical damage at gem level 1 (from 25% increased melee physical damage) up to 34% more at gem level 20 (from 44% increased). Supported skills now deal 20% more damage with bleeding and poison caused by melee hits at gem level 1, up to 34% more at gem level 20. Fantastic buff and makes using it in cyclone setup less of a damage hit. _______________ Those are the major changes that I saw. If you noticed something else that I didn't catch feel free to comment and I'll add it! 3.7 Legion observations and current league characters
Cyclone feels a lot better with being channeled now. It also allows for much faster reactions to leap slam out of harms way which was one of my biggest complaints.
Survival still feels low with all the nerfs to slayer leech. They gave duelist area a lot of damage nodes but we still have to travel a long way for life or defensive nodes. I've been trying steel skin, berserk and molten shell as extra mitigation. Since I have mostly armor gear right now I've been sticking with molten shell and keeping Immortal Call in cwdt setup for just general clearing. I've done mastermind fight again and it was worlds better now that cyclone doesn't lock you into a animation. Shaper is still a complete joke. RT Axe Character Uber elder down at lvl94
Five way legion battle done.
![]() Killed each of the five bosses 4 times each even with getting disconnected half way through. Pretty easy fight and did it deathless even with the disconnect(thanks overleech). Used molten shell on cooldown to help reduce incoming damage and made sure to kill any of the extra mobs that come near the bosses. If you let them stay alive they do WAY more damage than the boss it seemed. Uber Elder is now also down. Not deathless but dead regardless. I had three portals left at the end. Should be able to do it deathless in standard for a video once legion league is winding down.
![]() Gear used for Uber Elder kill
With cyclone being the 'new hotness' a lot of normal items I would use are stupidly overpriced this league. So instead I've been doing more crafting and getting good rares. Figured I would try my luck at crafting a 7-link elder ax and worked out nicely. Got a nice corrupt on my Daresso's Salute and found a cheap +1 gem hrimburns so figured why not?! I think I'm like 6ex in total spent this league and 5ex of that is just enchanting the ax. Comfortably clearing t15s but some legion encounters still destroy.
I am not running Taste of hate right now because I have wise oak triple balanced so the extra cold resistance would screw it up. Crit Sword Version
Level 74 at time of making this and feeling really good. Trying out some different setups to utilize crit and herald of ice like most other freezing builds do.
Trying to see how far I can get on just a terminus est before trying a multi-crafted sword. Also it seems that is what RNG wanted because it 6 linked itself in under 200 fusings while I was going for a 5link. I got an additional curse Daresso's Salute but before that I was using Windscream/Windshriek for the additional curse. I may play around with a frostbite on hit + assassins mark on hit ring combo in the future. Current gear on Muirey_ColdSword
I need to work on my flasks but consecrated ground is really good now for crit builds so Sulphur flask is a very nice addition. My other builds
Both are outdated and I'm currently only updating the Slayer version but if you want to check them out go for it! >.<
[3.4-Inquis]Fire and Ice Cyclone Inquisitor! [3.4-Raider]2h Freezing Cyclone! Raider Edition. Videos
If you have a request for a video feel free to ask. Hall of Grandmasters aside ask away, I don't mind adding content for the guide if it's wanted.
Ye ol Shaper 3.6 Phoenix 3.6 Chimera 3.6 Hydra 3.6 Minotaur Casual Shaped Channel t13 Shaped Infested Valley 10 Random Alched Maps Full Area meme cyclone The TLDR End Tree and PoB links
lvl 100 Tree
PoB of current league Character Muirey. https://pastebin.com/VZP6Hspu PoB of build for Bleeds_for_all lvl 98 in standard that has cleared t16/Shaper/Uber Atziri/t16 Elder Guardians. https://pastebin.com/aGDc9cEP That PoB is using the end tree I'm currently thinking will be the goal. Bane of Legends 20% attack speed on kill still isn't being calculated so I added it to one of the watcher's eyes. Just switch for the other if not turning on "Killed recently". Content Cleared
Phoenix clear
![]() Hydra clear ![]() Minotaur clear ![]() Chimera clear ![]() Shaper clear 284k tooltip ele/conc combo. No totem, no flask and so on and so on. ![]() Uber Atziri clear ![]() Abyss League Red Tier Elder clear in Abyss League sitting at 103k tooltip on a 5l without Conc or Ele Focus. ![]() League Deathless Hydra ![]() Uber Lab at 73 in league. Non-league start. ![]() Legion League Uber Elder ![]() A Quick look at cyclone dmg
Who doesn't like a fat tooltip?
In H/O Ele Focus+Conc effect setup With Totem~Hatred~Flasks~Killed Recently. ![]() Totem and Hatred only ![]() Infused Channeling+Fortify Setup With Totem~Hatred~Flasks~Killed Recently. ![]() With Totem and Hatred only ![]() The Story I had the idea for this build after playing several of the popular cyclone builds in 3.0 Harbinger(mainly Ngamahu's flame/Ahfack's Crimson Cyclone) and seeing what I liked and disliked about them. The Ngamahu's flame builds, while quite strong, didn't really feel like a 'cyclone' build but more of a magma ball build. Ahfack's Crimson Cyclone build was my favorite before this one and I actually have no dislikes. After playing a physical build for so long I wanted to have a similar hard hitting build but having as close to 100% elemental damage as I could manage. After looking at all the different options and passives easily gotten on routes I wanted to take, I settled on cold damage. The idea of Cycloning through a pack and watching them shatter to dust as I passed sounded pretty fun so I started building upon that idea. 3.7 Shaper - T16 - Uber Lab - Norm Atziri and Uber Atziri - T16 Elder guardians - Uber/Red/Yellow/White Tier Elders - Every Lich have been cleared solo so far. I start every league with this build and I am able to grind out more than enough currency to fund even the most expensive of builds that look fun to try. I almost always end up back on this build or a variation of it. Pro's & Con's + Fast clear speed. + Easy League start and scales well as you gain currency. + Cyclone kills as you move, no stopping. + Frozen things can't hit you. + Melee build, see their frozen faces before they shatter. + Immune to Stun and Bleed. + 3c budget gets you farming maps. + No mirror tier or Headhunter required. + No corpses left behind to be raised/detonated. + Hefty Overleech with VP and Slayer Ascendancy. - Melee build, gotta be some what up close. - Min/max End game items will be expensive but not unobtainable. - Requires one specific unique which makes SSF hard to go full cold. - Not a face tank build, requires dodging mechanics(a pro for me personally) Playstyle
Zone into map, hit a quick silver flask then spin to win anytime a pack is near. Elemental reflect nemesis packs were removed so they are no longer a thing we need to worry about making it even easier.
With bosses, drop totem and use flasks+vaal warchief+vaal double strike when you can. Leap slam away for big hits and if you are running fortify linked to Leap Slam try to leap now and then to maintain Fortify. The Gears These gloves are the only core item in the build. Everything else can be purchased once you have enough currency. They aren't super rare drops so it isn't impossible for a SSF character to get 90% cold conversion and even without them you'll still do great damage. The following is the gear I use on my Slayer Bleeds_for_all to clear t16/Shaper/Uber Atziri/Red Tier Elder and general mapping.
One Disfavour is for clearing maps with Hypo and second is for destroying bosses with Ele focus/conc effect. If a map has a Vuln or Temp chains I swap the quick silver flasks. Current gear on Bleeds_For_All
Using a watcher's eye to convert the last 10% physical. May replace hrimburn in the future or respec out of the right side of the tree. Ax isn't done yet as well but I'll finish crafting it after legion slows down. Other Gear Options
Weapon Choices
Any of these are good while leveling up but not needed at all. Now that cyclone has built in flat physical you can level up with rare axes/swords until mapping. When reaching maps I would recommend getting either a Kondo's Pride or a Sinvicta's Mettle depending on if you're swords or axes. As of 3.7 Disfavour is no longer the end axe for this build. The best sword/axe you can get as of 3.7 is a ilvl 80+ elder Vaal Axe or Exquisite Blade with "Lvl 20 Fortify Support". At a request I've added a detailed guide in the second post on how to make an axe like the following. I have played around with voidforge but I haven't tried to build around it since the 3.7 changes. I think it would work perfectly fine but would need it's own specific tree for it to really shine. It's on my life of things to do after Legion league slows down. Armour Choices
All of these chests are great uniques and fill different needs. Belly/Kaoms are if you want to be tankier. I personally go Carcass Jack as my first unique chest but since it was buffed Carcass Jack tends to be expensive. Shroud of the Lightless is also a fun chest to use but also tends to be very expensive. Rare Chests are a solid choice and you can get quite a lot for pretty cheap these days. Chests like these can be less than 10c and are very solid options. Loreweave is the chest I always end up with later in league. I personally never buy one, I just wait till I have close to a full inventory of unique rings saved up and then buy the last few I need for the vendor recipe. For information on the vendor recipe: https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Loreweave Helmet Choices
All of these uniques are great choices for helms. Depending on what you're goal is or if you're RT/Crit one may be better than the other. Devoto's and Rat's Nest are the best options if trying to get the highest clear speed possible. Min/Max wise a rare helm Fossil crafted with "Nearby Enemies have -9% Cold Resistance" wins out over all of the other uniques besides Abyssus but the rare helm doesn't come with the 'increased physical damage taken' draw back of Abyssys. Boot Choices
If you're all about speed and stacking frenzy charges then Darkray vector's are for you. It's slow at the start of a map but once you get frenzies up you'll be zooming all over the place. However I tend to stick with a well rolled pair of rare boots. High life, good resists and 20% or higher movement speed and you're good to go. One of the amazing crafts that was introduced with the crafting rework is "Cannot be frozen". It's a massive quality of life that frees up using a freeze immunity flask. There is also a 'cannot be chilled' + movement speed craft if you really want to ignore cold effects. Amulet Choices
Daresso's Salute gives pretty much everything a cyclone build could want and is my personal choice. The Pandemonius edges Daresso's Salute out if you can keep the chilled effect up but tends to be way more expensive than Daresso's Salute. Any of these are good options if you feel like using one over Daresso's Salute. Glove Options
Hrimsorrow/Hrimburn are going to be the gloves you use in 99% of this build. If you take the build far enough to buy/find yourself a Watcher's Eye with "Physical damage converted to cold while affected by hatred" then you can look at other options. You can continue using Hrimburn/Hrimsorrow to keep 100% cold conversion. You can drop back to 90% conversion but pick up Intimidate by using Tombfist. You can craft a pair of rare gloves, spiked gloves preferably, with mods on them like the example shown below.(just an example!) ![]() If you're trying to really min/max there is a rare temple mod that gives cold resist+"% increased damage against chilled enemies". Removing everything but that suffix and multi-modding life-flat phys-cold conversion-attack speed would edge out every other pair of gloves. Belt Options
Belt of the Deceiver is a very nice belt for leveling as well as The Magnate. A cold version of Doryani's Invitation is also a decent belt early on. Once you're starting to do maps I would start looking for a rare belt with some hefty resists on it. Any type of belt will do but a Stygian Vise will edge out the others with a good abyssal jewel. Look for belts with a good chunk of life and the resists you need. Cap(overcap for ele weakness maps) resists first then get others second. If possible getting one with a open prefix lets you craft on Elemental Damage with Attacks later on. Rings
This is where you will fill whatever you are lacking resist/stat wise. I chaos spammed into the two opal rings shown in current gear spoiler but any rings will do. There are some unique rings that are pretty good such as: Le Heup of All, Berek's Grip, Tasalio's Sign.
Damage wise The Taming wins out but is pretty expensive so I honestly don't include it. Also the fact that gaurdians/Shaper/Atziri aren't reliably getting shocked/chilled/frozen/ignited brings it down more. This build doesn't need more mapping damage and definitely not at the high price only to lose +life when a half decent opal ring does the job fine. While leveling pick up every two-stone ring you find and throw alchemy orbs at them. If they roll shit hang onto them and vendor them for a Prismatic ring when you have 3 of each two-stone. If you're lucky the rare Prismatic you get back could be good. Here are some examples of me doing this in Abyss league. I look for resists or maximum life first. If it has Life and one resist roll with an open suffix you're good to go. Also 2 good resists rolls(t3-t1) and a open prefix and you're good to go. Flat physical > flat elemental Flat physical or WED are about equal at the same tier rolls. EG: T2 Flat Phys = T2 WED. Jewels
Normal Jewels for this build will want: %Life > Attack speed > Damage such as these below
Abyssal Jewels are also good options. Always want to get flat life on them but after that there are a lot of options to choose from depending on what you want. Check out https://poecraft.com/jewels to see all the mods abyssal jewels could roll. Murderous Eye is the typical type we'd be going for. These are some examples ![]() Watcher's Eyes are also a thing now! Using a watcher's eye with physical damage converted to cold damage while effected by hatred will give us 100% cold conversion or free up our glove slot for more interesting options listed under the "glove options" spoiler in other gear section. Enchants/Corruptions
Helm: Cyclone attack speed - Cyclone Damage - Ancestral Protector added attack speed or Ancestral Warchief added damage - Frostbite increased effect
I prefer a Cyclone specific one because it doesn't require me to drop a totem all the time. Frostbite effect is a good cheaper alternative but loses out on damage against bosses because of their curse effectiveness reduction. Frostbite probably best all around for the price with Cyclone Attack Speed - Damage the end goal. If you use a watcher's eye to achieve 100% cold conversion, Frostbite enchant will beat out a cyclone enchant on everything except bosses which it is more/less even to a cyclone enchant. Weapon: 28% quality syndicate craft, 30% quality corruption beast craft, 30% quality with perfect fossils. Also getting 1-3 white sockets put onto it for easy gem swapping. 28% requires getting Hillock into Transportation safehouse and Lvl 3. 30% can be gotten with perfect fossils but is luck dependent. 30% quality corruption means you cannot change the weapon in the future but if it's already perfect it is an option. White sockets requires to be Vorici in research safehouse and lvl 3. Gloves: +1 socketed gems corruption for aura setup or Commandment of Force. Spiked Glove base is also a great implicit by itself to use. If you are maintaining frenzy charges +1 frenzy is also an option. Boots: Attack speed if killed recently is the best Lab enchant for 99% of things. Any boss that doesn't pop adds out enough to trigger the atacck speed you can use a Writhing Jar. If you don't feel like using a Writhing Jar "damage penetrates 10% of enemies elemental resistances if you haven't killed recently" is more consistent damage for bosses with little to no adds. Amulet: Additional Curse corruption. Used with either enfeeble for damage reduction or Ele weakness/Punishment for more damage. Attack speed is also a good corruption and tends to be much cheaper. Leveling Unique Suggestions
Aside from the typical leveling uniques such as Tanula, Goldrim, Limbsplit, Wideswing... these are what I recommend getting.
Best leveling weapons for the money. Kondo's will be with you until crafted axe/sword. Only downside is having to regret sword node points later on if you plan on using an axe. Sinvictia's Mettle is more expensive than Kondo's Pride but keeps you axes all the way. If you are playing Crit don't use Kondo's Pride. Stick with terminus est all the way until you craft a rare sword. I've killed shaper with a terminus est so it isn't something you need to replace soon. Hrimsorrow key part of the build and belt of the deceiver fantastic belt. Both usable at low levels and will stay with you into end game. When you get the currency you can buy the prophecy to turn your pair Hrimsorrow into Hrimburn. Great helm and not that pricey if you want to go faster sooner. First Unique Amulet I buy an stays with me till Pandemonius or Daresso's. On a budget?
Again the only item 'required' for this build are Hrimsorrow or Hrimburn gloves. Every other slot can be rares and filled out as you earn currency.
I only started playing PoE again during Harbinger league after a few years off. Through some minor crafting, a lot of selling random items, and loads of luck, I've been able to buy/find everything needed for this build and fund any other build I've wanted to try in every league since. The main thing to remember is in almost every case more raw physical damage is better than more elemental. Since we convert 90% of physical to cold and gain EXTRA cold damage based on physical with hatred getting more physical damage goes a long way. I use this as my league start and with around 7-10c I am breezing through yellow tier maps while saving for bigger purchases. Skill gems
Standard Mapping: These are the new links as of 3.7. You get a ton of defense running Infused Channeling + Fortify and it barely hurts overall damage. Some freezing will still happen but this focuses mainly on a balance of good damage + good defense. Four Link: Fifth Link and Sixth Link add You can choose between either of them for your fifth link. Other supports that are great but more situational based are Close Combat is a huge multiplier if you are keeping close. Pulverize is also an amazing support for clearing giving great Area of effect and melee area damage. The less attack speed isn't noticeable at all. Rage Support + Berserk is really fun to use. I have been playing around with it a bit, building rage while mapping and then popping berserk on the legion pylons to try to get the most I can out of them. Max Freeze: With this setup 99% of things you hit will freeze and then shatter. Lower damage, not really good for bosses but is perfectly fine to map with. Also really fun to use! If you're at the point where you have 2 x Disfavour I would run this in one of them for clearing. Bossing: Or The first setup is my preferred 6 link for bossing. Damage on Full life is edged out by Close Combat if you can keep yourself right on top of bosses. Second 6 link is more consistent damage if you're having to dodge a lot of effects and cannot be on top of the boss for whatever reason. Infused Channeling also gives a nice damage reduction to help mitigate damage on the harder hitting fights. Aura's Simple, straight forward Hatred-Blasphemy-Frostbite. When you get Enlighten throw it in to let it level and be done. Herald of Ice can also be used but Hatred + Frostbite wins out in the end. Enfeeble is also useful on bosses if you feel like you're taking to much damage. Vaal Haste is also a nice damage boost but we would only be using the vaal haste part of the gem not the haste aura. Movement Nothing new here. If you have fortify in your main Cyclone links you can swap in endurance charge on melee stun or another support like Bone Chill for example. Totem Indisponible This is the setup I run in my chest these days. I typically have a Portal gem 6th socket unlinked or linked. This setup will allow your totem to be freezing pretty much anything it hits. This has been great for Abyssal Cracks and anything where monsters are pouring out of portals. It is also great for delving! Vaal Warchief and Vaal Double strike I use against anything boss like to melt them quickly. Blind support is another additional level of defense build in. For harder bosses that don't 'really' freeze you can sub in bonechill support without having to recolor sockets. Protector or Warchief is really upto your personal preference. Protector maths out to more damage for you but with Warchief having a Vaal cooldown now it is my goto totem. CWDT Even with the changes to Immortal Call it is still fine to use in a CWDT setup. It still gives a nice damage reduction buff but no longer gives immunity. So be careful plowing into porcupine packs. I level my CWDT to trigger at about 1k damage but keeping it low is fine. Frost bomb is a very nice debuff for bosses to give some extra damage. If you want to drop Inc Duration you can pick up Cold Snap or Vortex to give a 100% chill chance for anything in their area. Cold Snap also gives passive frenzy generation while clearing which is nice. With the changes to leech duration/Amount of leech per leech instance in 3.6 I have opted to not use Blood rage anymore. The degen eats way to much of our overleech so unless you are 7k+ life I wouldn't bother using blood rage until leech gets reworked. That's me though! If you feel like you are fine with the degen by all means use Blood Rage. Nothing with it has changed, it's mainly the leech mechanics that have made it less a popular choice for me. Are you playing a Crit version?!
If the answer is yes then there are some different options for you!
Main Cyclone: As mentioned in previous skill gem spoiler if you have a fortify support crafted weapon you can switch out fortify for the supports listed there. If you feel like you have enough critical strike chance you can swap it out for critical strike damage support. Aura Setup: You can use either Assassin's Mark or Frostbite if you can only apply a single curse. Both are pretty much equal for clearing but Assassin's mark provides a better feel when combined with Herald of Ice + Power Charges. CWDT: This will give you your curses on bosses. If you want you can also link a low level golem if you don't feel like self casting it. Leveling Trees and Such Levelilng up ~ Ascendancy ~ Bandits
All tree's are 3.7 updated.
I will be re-leveling with upto the 93pt tree soon because with the accuracy changes I don't think we need to rush for RT now. I will also be re-leveling to try out the sword tree in the spoiler below
40 pt tree (Ready to enter Normal Lab) 68 pt tree (Ready to do Cruel Lab) 90 pt tree (Ready to do Merc Lab) 109 pt tree 123 points Ascendancy Head towards Brutal Fervour first and then Headsman. Bandits Kill them all Tips for Leveling
Use anything you want until cyclone is available. Can even use bow skills if you want! I used Perforate as a start in 3.7 and it was fine.
Having Revelry will make Cyclone feel much smoother but cyclone will still DEVOUR your mana early on. If you are having mana issues with Hatred/Frosbite using Herald of Ice/Frostbite will leave you with plenty of mana to not run out during single target cycloning. Lower damage but not that big a deal over all. Later on you will not need Revelry to sustain mana during single target cyclone. It is just useful for leveling. Once your damage is high enough the single 0.4% mana leech taken on the way to Vitality Void will be enough. Using Brute Force Solution jewel will take care of any Int problems you have while leveling. Placing it in the socket right next to Golem's Blood will give 50 int + whatever is on the jewel. ![]() Weapons while leveling Now that Cyclone has built in flat physical weapon upgrades are not as important as they used to be. In 3.7 I leveled up with rare axes all the way through to Mapping and it was perfectly fine. At lvl 51 if you want you can pick up Terminus Est. The movement speed alone will make everything just feel better. At lvl 64 you will be able to use Kondo's Pride or Sinvicta's Mettle. Either of them are fine but Kondo's Pride tends to be cheaper. Using Sinvicat's Mettle saves you having to regret points later on. Hezmana's Bloodlust is also an option but Sinvicta's Mettle is all around better. The first non-weapon unique I purchase is Hrimsorrw. Followed by Daresso's Salute depending on price. Carcass Jack is the next unique I save for but has been expensive after they buffed it so depending on price it may be better getting a rare chest with 100+ maximum life - % increased maximum life and resists. Rare chests like that are very common now and tend to be less than 10c for a decent roll. After sorting out resists it's time to save up for a sword/axe crafting base! Mapping
Cannot Leech Maps are a no-no
Elemental Reflect Maps
As the build is a 90% cold conversion build it means running elemental reflect maps technically isn't doable. However, the only thing making us elemental is a pair of gloves and 2 points. If you are cheap like I am, when I roll a elemental reflect map I just throw it into a tab with any other elemental reflect maps.
Up to you what you do with Elemental reflect maps. Either reroll it, save them up or if corrupted sell it off. Physical Reflect Maps 3.2 made us immune to physical reflect so everything is fine. Pantheon
General Mapping
Major: Soul of Lunaris. All of the additional mods are great to have when mapping. Minor: Soul of Ralakesh, Soul of Abberath, Soul of Garukhan are all good for mapping. For Lab runs Soul of Ryslatha. Bossing Major: Soul of Solaris. All of the additional mods are good for fighting bosses. Minor: Soul of Garukhan, Soul of Yugul(with Asphyxia) for fights with cold damage, Soul of Abberath for fights with fire damage, Soul of Gruthkul(with Legius Garhall) for physical damage bosses. Dernière édition par Muirey#5448, le 15 avr. 2020 12:10:54 Dernier bump le 15 avr. 2020 12:08:44
Ce post contient des objets qui sont actuellement indisponibles.
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How to craft a weapon
So you want to get an Elder 2-hand base that is item level 80 or above. If you're going ax then that's a Vaal Ax, Fleshripper, Void Ax you want to look for. If you're going sword you can choose from Exquisite Blade, Infernal Sword or Lion Sword
If going Ax
If you plan on going crit, which I'd recommend now, you want an Elder Fleshripper.
If you are going RT Vaal Ax is highest potential but is very expensive. Void Ax is barely less dps than a Vaal ax and is much cheaper. Fleshrippers:https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Legion/Md5mpMiJ Vaal Ax:https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Legion/pQYyws0 Void Ax:https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Legion/MWWmJGiJ If going Sword
If you're choosing sword I am assuming you're going crit as well. Exquisite Blade is the best base but is also the most expensive. A lion sword or Infernal Sword are perfectly fine options on a budget and give a bit more accuracy to help get to 100% cap even easier.
Exquisite Blade:https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Legion/jW82DlfX Lion Sword:https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Legion/jeqP3rfX Infernal Sword:https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Legion/Bgq9r4i8 After you choose a base, you want to make it normal(white) if it isn't already. Alteration Spamming
Make the base at least 20% quality and then use an Orb of Transmutation on it. If you want to spend more you can use single slot resonators+perfect fossils to try to get 30% quality.
Now that it's blue quality you are going to use Orb of Alterations on it until you see any of the following mods. "Socketed Gems are supported by level 20 Fortify"
This is the MAIN prefix that you are looking for. Level 18 isn't aweful but those 2 levels count for quite a bit now. If you get just this prefix you should move onto the Regal Spoiler "% increased attack speed" + "20% increased atack speed if you've killed recently"
This is another elder only mod that is worth keeping as a suffix. There are only two tiers of it and both are worth keeping. At this point you would use a orb of Augmentation. If you get VERY LUCKY and hit lvl 20 fortify support move onto the regal spoiler.
If you hit any of the following you can choose to chance a regal. Tier 3 or higher flat Physical damage. Example Tier 3: Adds 20-27 to 41-48 physical damage Tier 4 or higher Hybrid physical/accuracy perfix Example tier 4: 45% to 54% physical damage +65 to 82 to accuracy rating +20% attack speed or higher
Throw an orb of augmentation at it and if it hits level 20 fortify move onto regal spoiler.
If you hit any of the following you can choose to chance a regal. Tier 3 or higher flat Physical damage. Example Tier 3: Adds 20-27 to 41-48 physical damage Tier 4 or higher Hybrid physical/accuracy perfix Example tier 4: 45% to 54% physical damage +65 to 82 to accuracy rating 30%-49% physical damage + Hits with this weapon have culling strike against bleeding enemies.
This is an amazing suffix. If you get this as a suffix throw an orb of augmentation at it and pray for level 20 fortify support. If you manage to get it goto regal section.
If you hit any of the following you can choose to chance a regal. Tier 3 or higher flat Physical damage. Example Tier 3: Adds 20-27 to 41-48 physical damage Tier 4 or higher Hybrid physical/accuracy perfix Example tier 4: 45% to 54% physical damage +65 to 82 to accuracy rating Regal and Anulling
Now that you have at least Level 20 fortify on your base you need to make it rare quality by using a Regal Orb. After you regal there are a few questions to ask.
Did it give you any of the suffixes/prefixes listed under the Alteration Spamming spoilers? If the answer is yes, congrats you now have a base! Did it give you a suffix or a second suffix if you had one from alteration spamming?
If the answer is yes you can either chance using Orb of Annulment to get rid of one/two suffixes but you chance bricking the base and having to start over. If you have exalts to spend you can at this point craft "Prefixes cannot be changed" and use a Scouring Orb to safely remove both suffixes giving you a base with the single Level 20 Fortify Support Prefix. Did it give you a prefix?
If the answer is yes, what prefix?
If it is high tier flat physical or a high tier hybrid % physical/accuracy then congrats you have a base to start multi-modding from! If it isn't either of those or a low tier version of them then it's time to throw a Orb of Annulment at it. Hopefully the Annulment doesn't remove the level 20 fortify support prefix. If it does, you've bricked the item and you need to scour it back to normal quality to start over. If you are using a regal with a good prefix/suffix combo but not lvl 20 fortify support.
If you have 2 high tier rolls of the suffx/prefix listed in the alteration spoiler but not level 20 fortify support is an option to use a regal orb on it. If you hit level 18-20 fortify support you have won the lottery, I hate you and congrats on your new crafting base!
If you don't hit level 18-20 fortify support you've bricked the item UNLESS you managed to hit Tier 1 % Increased Physical damage. IF you managed that it's worth keeping it as a base but you lose out on it being a 7-link. After Getting a base
First, Congrats! You've reached the end basically an hopefully didn't burn your entire currency tab to do so.
Now, what to do?! What to craft?! Here are two axes that I've crafted so far for examples
The Vaal Ax is in standard and I don't have the +2 Support craft there but that is the last craft I would put on it in addition to getting it to 46% quality. If you have base with just level 20 fortify support like this The crafts you would add after giving it "Can Have Multiple Crafted Mods"would be.. Prefixes Adds 18-24 to 36-42 Physical Damage +2 to Level of Socketed Support gems If you managed to get a high tier flat physical roll on your base, just craft +2 to level of Socketed Support gems. If you managed to get a hybrid accuracy/increased physical damage roll on your base, just craft the flat physical damage. Suffixes +16-20% Attack Speed and either of the following +13-18 to quality + 21-25% increased critical strike chance +13-18 to quality + 211-250 to Accuracy Rating +13-18 to quality + 21-25 to Strength OR 25-28% to Global Critical strike multiplier I typically do the quality enchants but the crit multi is a good choices as well. If you managed to get either a high tier attack speed roll, Elder attack speed/attack speed if killed recently just craft either of the quality mods or global cri muli. If you managed to get increased physical damage + culling strike against bleeding suffix with level 18-20 fortify base just craft the Increased attack speed. After getting a finished weapon... what now?
If it doesn't have 28-30 quality base(before +18% enchant) you need to get Hillock into transportation and to level 3. Once the safe house is unlocked he will have crafting bench that will give your weapon 28% base quality. With the +18% quality enchant you'll now have 46% quality.
Also another thing to do is getting Vorici into research and level 3. When running a research safehouse with a lvl 3 Vorici in it you will find a crafting bench that will add 1-3 white sockets to an item. It's a nice quality of life thing to have but isn't required at all. If you get Hillock or Vorici level 3 AND to be the leader of that those safehouses(Transportation for Hillock and Research for Vorici) they will have 2 crafting benches to use. How to Craft everything else!
Using just frigid fossils you have a chance to get the mod "nearby enemies have -9% cold resistance". You can choose to just use frigid fossils, frigid fossils + pristine fossils to give a life roll or full 3 socket resonators with frigid-Pristine-Prismatic to try and get some good resistances as well. If you are planning to annul the helm down to just the Frigid fossil mod I would use only frigid fossils to save on cost. What to multi-mod on Nearby Enemies have -9% cold Resistance is a suffix so that leaves us with 3 Prefixes and 1 suffix after adding Multi modding. The crafts to go for are Prefixes Flat Life 56-70 +1 to level of socketed melee gems +1 to melee weapon and unarmed attack range +1 to level of socketed AoE gems 8-10% increased Area of Effect. If you have a flat life roll, you can craft hybrid life instead of flat life. Suffixes The only real option is to craft a resist that you need onto the helm. Whichever resist is you lowest depending on your other gear. Gloves
Once you have a watcher's eye with at least the cold conversion with hatred mod on it you can look into crafting a pair of gloves. There is a prefix enchant that will give you 25% physical to cold conversion which will keep you at 100% physical to cold.
I would choose a pair of Spiked gloves at least ilvl 76. This will let you possibly get the highest tier of Life/Flat Phys/Attack speed and upto tier 2 of resistances. An example of the ideal kind of gloves you're looking for is: ![]() You can find gloves with this cold resist + damage against chilled enemies mod in the Incursion Temple or typically rather cheap on trade sites. It is a suffix there are a few ways to get it multi-mod ready. If it only has the temple mod as a suffix and a free prefix you can craft on suffixes cannot be changed then use a scouring orb to have only the Temple Suffix remaining. If it has multiple suffixes then you need to throw some annuls at it. If you end up with a just the temple mod as a suffix and a free prefix follow the step above. What to multi-mod on The ideal things you'll want on a pair of crafted gloves are Life-Flat Physical-Attack Speed and if there is room Resistances. If you are using the temple mod and multi modding that is two suffixes gone already BUT the temple mod gives cold resistance. You can choose between attack speed craft or a resistance craft. Prefixes Flat Life Flat Physical damage 20-25% physical damage converted to Cold Damage Suffixes Attack Speed Any resistance you're lacking As I said above the Temple mod comes with high cold resistance so if multi-modding with the temple craft base you can choose another resistance or attack speed. Boots
It's rather easy to get a pair of boots like these. The first pair just search trade for boots that have no movement speed but have high life and high resistances. They are typically very cheap and you can craft on the Cannot be chilled/movement speed + cannot be frozen right away. If you're not having luck finding a pair or annuling a pair to be right or maybe you want a specific lab enchant you can annul the boots clean and multi mod them from there like the second pair. Rings
I typically either buy rings with what I want or chaos spam them into something good. Fossils, Shaper and Elder rings can be used to gain some unique mods if you are willing to put in the effort. Prismatic Fossils can give 25-30% increased Elemental Damage Incursion Temple can also give rings with Frostbite on Hit. Elder mods ilvl83+ 31-35% Increased Melee Damage ilvl80+ 17-20% to global Critical Strike Multiplier You can get warlords mark but it isn't desirable for this build. Shaper mods ilvl75+ 7-10% chance to free + adds 13-16 to 33-36 cold against chilled or frozen enemies ilvl80+ 21-25% increased global critical strike chance ilvl80+ Curse Enemies with level 12 Assassin's Mark on Hit Good crafts for rings One of the best crafts is the -8 to -9 to total mana cost of skills. Using this craft on both rings makes cyclone free to use. Others include: Flat Physical Damage Attack Speed % increased global critical strike chance + % to critical strike multiplier if you've shatter an enemy recently. % increased Elemental Damage with Attack Skills % increased Damage Change log
Fleshed out main guide 2/25/2018 Uber Atziri clear image added. 2/28/2018 Archived 3.1 Changes and Abyss league specific content. 6/4/2019 Clearing out old parts of guide to make ready for 3.7 rework. 6/9/2019 Entire guide brought up to current 3.7 information. Eyes bleeding? Check! 6/18/2019 Added 5 legion encounter screenshot to the 3.7 observation spoiler. Updated league thoughts. Updated current league gear. Added Uber Elder kill screenshot. 6/20/2019 Cleaned up 3.7 league observation are abit. Added Sword version spoiler with information of on my current character/goals. Added weapon crafting guide 6/27/2019 Further cleaning up after playing with all the new options in 3.7 Added a section with skill gem links for people choosing to go crit. Added a section on crafting other rare items under the weapon crafting guide. Reworked a few sections to give them a better... flow... I guess! Dernière édition par Muirey#5448, le 27 juin 2019 10:57:00
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Guide Archives
3.1 Changes
The Good
The following unique monsters are no longer Immune to Freeze, and instead have a minimum action speed that they will be set to if they are frozen: The Shaper, Guardian of the Chimera, Guardian of the Minotaur, Guardian of the Hydra, Guardian of the Phoenix, Vision of Justice, The Goddess, Argus, Abaxoth, the End of All That Is, Haast, Unrelenting Frost, Atziri, Queen of the Vaal, Vessel of the Vaal, Atziri's Devoted, K'aj A'alai, K'aj Y'ara'az, K'aj Q'ura, A'alai, Y'ara'az, Q'ura, Tormented Temptress.
The Pandemonius: The chilling effect now slows enemies by 30% when you are hit (up from 10%). These changes affect all versions of the item.
With Slayer Overleech helping us keep up the Daresso bonus almost all the time it's a toss up which is better. If you can keep a target chilled/frozen 99% of the time Pandemonius wins out. If you cannot then Daresso's is the clear winner. The 6l setup I recommend for t16 and higher bosses uses Conc Effect/Elemental Focus which cuts out cyclones ability to chill. If using that setup and not some other source of chill, like CWDT vortex, then Daresso's is the better choice. #3
Monster mods "Reflects Physical Damage" and "Reflects Elemental Damage" have been reworked. They now appear as Nemesis mods. Attacking a monster with Physical or Elemental Reflect now triggers a mortar spell targeted at your location. This spell has a cooldown.
Both versions of Reflect now only appear on Nemesis rare monsters. #4
Infested monsters that can spawn parasites when slain now grant increased experience and drops when shattered or exploded, to compensate for them not releasing their parasites on death.
Shield Crabs now give additional experience if destroyed before they would unleash their final form. Crimson Scholars also give additional experience if shattered. #5
The map bosses you are required to defeat to upgrade your Pantheon have, for the most part, changed. Shakari has been added to the Pantheon. What you say? ![]() Any reduced Chaos damage as well AND less caustic cloud damage is also welcome. The bad(?) #1
Vaal Pact has been significantly reworked. It no longer grants instantaneous Life Leech, and instead doubles the rate of your Life Leech as well as your maximum Leech rate. It has been moved into the Duelist's area.
What does this mean for this build? Means we get to use VP! Pre 3.1 I hadn't been using VP for the slayer version of this build because it was so far away and not worth getting. Now it's right along the path we take and compliments Slayer Ascendancy quite well! #2
Cyclone can no longer be supported by Ruthless Support.
Abyss League Tweaks/Tips
These belts tend to run a few Chaos and will give nearly 100% uptime on fortify while clearing maps. Very very nice defensive boost for doing what we normally do. Now well rolled ones are getting expensive but you can still find some for cheap. Elder weapons offer a lot of nice bonuses before you can afford a Disfavour. Endurance charge works with cyclone, generating charges as you're killing packs and the % Blind keeps bosses blind almost the entire fight. An axe with Fortify really boosts how tanky you are without having to sacrifice any damage supports. For Abyss rifts I highly recommend this setup for either Warchief or Protector. Indisponible Throw it down right on the edge of the big opening and it will freeze everything that comes out. Preventing them from doing their big nukes. If using Disfavour we will be applying bleed to boost totems damage. If using something other than that any phys support will be good, inc duration for longer uptime or blood magic so throwing down a totem doesn't hurt your mana for cycloning. 3.2 Pokemon League gear Beast crafted a Headhunter early league so used more currency than normal. Worth it for a perfect disfavour corrupted to 30 quality.
3.3 Incursion League gear Total currency used about 5ex.
3.6 Changes
Added a cap on the amount of any resource you can leech from any individual instance of leech. By default, that cap is 10% of that resource's maximum. In other words, a character with 4000 life will, by default, be able to leech a maximum of 400 life from a single hit.
I don't think this really matters much for this build because cyclone is already attacking fast so we have plenty of instances of leech. It does suck that there is a cap on it but will have to play it to see how it feels.
Hatred Now causes you and nearby Allies to deal 14% more Cold Damage at gem level 1, up to 18% more Cold Damage at gem level 20. Note that this cold damage multiplies the Extra damage granted by the aura. Now causes you and nearby Allies to gain 16% of Physical Damage as Extra Cold Damage (from 26%) at gem level 1, up to 25% at gem level 20 (from 36%).
Not the biggest of changes. Losing some damage converted to cold but buffing our overall cold damage. Could be better in the end.(shrugs)
Frost Bomb Mana Cost at gem level 1 is now 4 (was 6). Mana Cost at gem level 20 is now 16 (was 19). Now applies Cold Exposure to affected enemies, rather than reducing their Cold Resistance.
Will have to see if this is a buff or nerf but either way it will be slight one way or the other.
Let me know if I left anything major out. Left out small things like blood rage mana cost since it literally doesn't matter! Dernière édition par Muirey#5448, le 4 juin 2019 17:21:18
Ce post contient des objets qui sont actuellement indisponibles.
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This is my build so far, can i take out the hrim gloves and use and still be super effective. I mainly just speed clear maps atm.
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" Throwing your character into PoB, swapping the gloves and putting in a decent searching eye and just adding a second enthralling edge drops your dps by 83k. From 786k with Hrimburn and no intimidate check, to 703k with tombfist, the two abyss jewels shown in PoB and intimidate checked. https://pastebin.com/mx95sycN You would gain 200 hp and 0.2 attack rate with tombfist but unless you really want to wear them for reasons, it's just less dps for more work. You'd also go from doing 90% cold 10% phys to 40% cold 60% phys. Makes things like cold pen from Watchers Eye, passive tree and frostbite much less effective. That aside, everything else looks fine. My only suggestion would be Brute Force Solution down by Golem's blood to free up the one point in Wisdom of the Glade. Would also allow you to use more dps focused rings and craft Fire Resistance on your boots which would put you over Ele weakness cap. |
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" Much appreciated for the advice. I put in brute force and will be adding better rings. Used these rings for the purpose of intel. Ill stick with the hrimburn gloves. Ill be using a carcass jack once i hit a few more lvls and no longer care if I die much. By far the funnest build ive played this league. |
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Glad to here!
I may be a bit partial to it because I made it but I really enjoy it as well. I've been running many different versions of it because of questions I get if it works with insert ascendancy here and even then I've still been having a lot of fun with it. |
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Starting this build cause i loved my last cyclone build. Where should i focus on the tree while levelling ? Should i go all the way to herbalism and then to the left upper part ? |
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" Yes, just skip Vp until later. I level by heading towards herbalism picking up the life/mana leech along the way. Druidic rite and quick step I don’t take till very late but if you want them early it’s fine. After filling out the right I get the bottom nodes, wrecking ball and hematophagy, for some damage/leech and then start the trip to RT. Today I finally have time to sit down and flesh out this guide so I will have leveling trees up later today. |
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nice of you =)
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