[3.2] AVP - Abyssal Volatile Poet || Now with MF option

apemancometh a écrit :
HI, I am really enjoying your build, but i am having a tough time with T15 Red Elder fight...i do decent with the mechanics but seems my dps is a bit lackluster...if thats even possible with this build...

Could you look at my build and see what I can do to improve...thank you.


I honestly do not actually know hot to help you, you have the same damage I have (without anger), which is about 84k avg damage with VD and your attack speed is on point. That's way more than enough to clear everything. I killed both red elder and shaper with worst gear and less damage.
I don't know if you are actually using both anger and HoI, but that's probably not worth since you have MoM. During boss fights (I mean Shaper, Guardians and that kind of stuff) I suggest you to not reserve any mana to use MoM to its full potential. You have enough damage to clear everything without those buffs anyway.
The only things I can suggest you are finding a good WM ring, you already have the life leech from the amulet, but the mana leech from WM is very important when you are MoM (and the boots enchant is not very reliable in single target encounters). In combination with the consacrated ground regen it allows to fill the mana pool immediately after gettin hit.
I would respec the routing in the templar starting area, saving 2 points that you can spec into life. You can also lower the level of your gems (gmp lvl 16 and frenzy level 10) to be able to drop that 30dex node, if you cannot find any other way to obtain some dex.
Your life pool is a bit low for your level, but that's probably ok, since you should change some jewels that are already very good and obtaining boots with 2 sockets which are expensive as fuck right now.
Abyssal Volatile Poet: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2057243
MagicBlaster Deadeye: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2115343
Fortifier Aurabot: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2084465
Dernière édition par lallalaus#3590, le 31 janv. 2018 19:09:35
Ok, I will respec the starting to grab those 2 points back. So you think I shouldn't run HoI or Anger? I will grab a ring with HoM rather than HoI. What jewels were you referring to changing. I have tried to get high life rolls on all of them except the ones I needed resistances to cap. Good to know that you think my dmg is good. Aside from these tweaks you suggest. It might just be me fuckin up the fight.

Thank you.
hey i got some issues with my dmg, tooltip shows max 27k avg and iv already showed u my gear in game so u know its simular to urs. could u help?
aight i will do that, thank you for your fast response and the awesome build
apemancometh a écrit :
Ok, I will respec the starting to grab those 2 points back. So you think I shouldn't run HoI or Anger? I will grab a ring with HoM rather than HoI. What jewels were you referring to changing. I have tried to get high life rolls on all of them except the ones I needed resistances to cap. Good to know that you think my dmg is good. Aside from these tweaks you suggest. It might just be me fuckin up the fight.

Thank you.

We already talked about it in-game, so I won't repeat everything. Just to answer the main question though, so anyone interested in the same topic can find a solution.
Anger is 100% not needed for this build, the damage it provides is good but not necessary at all.
HoI is good when clearing, since it helps killing the stragglers that you may leave behind.
When dealing with big bosses (Shaper, Guardians and so on) I usually prefer to keep all my mana unreserved, since we are using MoM and that's a straight buff to our survivability (the damage offered by HoI is quite low anyway).
You have a jewel which has no life on it, but has a lot of damage. Ideally it would be better to have 40+ life on each jewel, but I understand it's very hard to achieve it at this point in the league.

Karcen a écrit :
hey i got some issues with my dmg, tooltip shows max 27k avg and iv already showed u my gear in game so u know its simular to urs. could u help?

Allright, let's see what's going on.
First of all you told me that you do not use PoB; I suggest you to give it a try though, you can download in a sec and check it, it's nothing that complicated when you start using it.

Let's move to the build.
- Full buffed you are at 3.91 aps with frenzy, which is a bit too high with the bug that makes you skip casts. You should try to lower it a bit. A simple solution is dropping one of those jewels that give you 7% attack speed on crit. If you take out one of those, you achieve 3.80 aps which is perfect.
- Full buffed and considering a full single target setup (Ele Focus instead of Bodyswap), your VD has an avg damage of about 70k. Really good. The damage you were seeing in game (27k) was probably without Ele focus and without every buff (consacrated ground, charges, flasks, golem).
- I'm not sure why there's a Herald of Ash over there. If it's there just to level it and you are not using it, that's fine, otherwise it's a big waste. It doesn't offer you any damage and you are sacrificing 25% of your mana pool for free.
- Your Arcane Surge level should be lower, allowing it to proc with every cast of Flame Dash. Your Dash right now is costing 33 mana per cast, which means you should use a level 7 Arcane Surge or lower. Right now you are proccing the buff like once every 2384756 casts, making it useless.
- You should place golem-HoI-Portal in your boots, this way you have the helm's links free. You can use there a damage support (Crit Chance, Controlled Destruction, Phys to Light) and an utility one (PCoC).
- You should drop that 30dex node (between witch and shadow) and lower the level of your Frenzy accordingly. We do not care at all about Frenzy level, it could be even level 1.
- You have a murderous jewel in the helm, which you could just put into the gloves. The intimidate bonus just boosts just your frenzy damage, which is 99% irrelevant, but since it's for free there's no reason to not use it.
- As far as I can see your fire and light resistances are not capped. That's not good.

Everything else seems really good to me.
Abyssal Volatile Poet: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2057243
MagicBlaster Deadeye: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2115343
Fortifier Aurabot: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2084465
Dernière édition par lallalaus#3590, le 31 janv. 2018 20:36:26
lallalaus a écrit :
Stazz268 a écrit :
can you please look at my character? im dying a lot to bosses with 5.2k hp, i dont have the fire dmg leech amu yet, will it change my survivability much? for mapping im using CoH WM wit HoI linked and im not sure if my ring and amu are usable for now im upgrading my abyss jewels 1 by 1

The problem with that WM setup is that's not very reliable as a leech source. You are going to curse monsters that are already dying by themself, so probably you are not leeching that much; moreover it's useless 95% of the time against bosses, which is the main istance where you actually want to always be able to leech.
I believe your jewels are ok for now, if you have some currency I'd invest in a WM ring, or you can even try to craft it yourself. Depending on the stats you can find some "cheap" ones, like 1ex or so if you just look for WM and some life. Considering 1ex is about 70-75c, you can farm that currency in like 2-3h of mapping. As I said, you can even try to craft it yourself if you have some hundreds of alterations around; just spam them until you hit WM, augmentation, regal and eventually mastercraft life if you do not have it already.
Otherwise I would just sacrifice the CoC setup for the moment, until you acquire the ring, using a CoH+WM in that setup.
Your amulet is nice, once you find a WM ring the fire leech on the amulet is not that necessary if you are just mapping most of the time.
You are just level 79, so you still have good room for improvements. You attack speed is a bit low though, full buffed you are attacking at 2.87 aps with frenzy. That's very low, considering you should try to achieve about 3.8 aps. In the FAQs there are some tips to achieve it.
Try to have 20% quality flasks, if they have only 1 mod you can just add another one; chances are that you are going to hit something useful.
Try to complete the last lab, those 2 final points are actually very important.
In the following levels you should also consider taking MoM and some mana related passives, sacrificing anger. That helps a lot with survivability once you have the last ascendency points and mana leech from WM to sustain your mana pool.

P.S. When you will have a WM ring, run some maps testing if it's better to keep the Diamond one you already have or the Gifts from Above. 'Cause both options are quite good.

i crafted some amu and ring for now with the said elder mods but for example my ring doesnt have any life and my amu has very low crit chance, do u think i should use the old amu or the new? and for my ring do u think they are ok ? or should i sell it and try to get 1 with life?
im planing now taking mom and the the mana nodes as well as the mana nodes at witch area i should have around 1500 mana and 5100 life
Stazz268 a écrit :
i crafted some amu and ring for now with the said elder mods but for example my ring doesnt have any life and my amu has very low crit chance, do u think i should use the old amu or the new? and for my ring do u think they are ok ? or should i sell it and try to get 1 with life?
im planing now taking mom and the the mana nodes as well as the mana nodes at witch area i should have around 1500 mana and 5100 life

The amulet is nice. If you use the WM ring you can probably go back to your old amulet if you feel like you are missing some damage, since that covers the leech problems in most istances.
With that ring I think you have 2 options:
- Either you sell it as it is. I'm not following all the prices atm, but if you can sell it for something like 1ex, for the same price or a bit more you can probably buy another one with life.
- Or you try to throw some annullment orbs into that ring. You have 1/6 chances to break it (removing WM), if you remove other suffixes it's not a big deal, and if you remove any of those three prefixes you can then mastercraft life (up to 44hp). It's not a lot, but better than nothing.

With the 3 points behind MoM you will be at about 1.5k mana, if you add the two mana nodes in the witch area you can reach 1.8/1.9k mana. So at level 85 (without changing anything from the currenct setup) you could have about 5.3k life and 1.8k mana, which is not bad.
Abyssal Volatile Poet: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2057243
MagicBlaster Deadeye: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2115343
Fortifier Aurabot: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2084465
lallalaus a écrit :
Stazz268 a écrit :
i crafted some amu and ring for now with the said elder mods but for example my ring doesnt have any life and my amu has very low crit chance, do u think i should use the old amu or the new? and for my ring do u think they are ok ? or should i sell it and try to get 1 with life?
im planing now taking mom and the the mana nodes as well as the mana nodes at witch area i should have around 1500 mana and 5100 life

The amulet is nice. If you use the WM ring you can probably go back to your old amulet if you feel like you are missing some damage, since that covers the leech problems in most istances.
With that ring I think you have 2 options:
- Either you sell it as it is. I'm not following all the prices atm, but if you can sell it for something like 1ex, for the same price or a bit more you can probably buy another one with life.
- Or you try to throw some annullment orbs into that ring. You have 1/6 chances to break it (removing WM), if you remove other suffixes it's not a big deal, and if you remove any of those three prefixes you can then mastercraft life (up to 44hp). It's not a lot, but better than nothing.

With the 3 points behind MoM you will be at about 1.5k mana, if you add the two mana nodes in the witch area you can reach 1.8/1.9k mana. So at level 85 (without changing anything from the currenct setup) you could have about 5.3k life and 1.8k mana, which is not bad.
aight, thx man really enjoying the build, lightpoacher is just a crazy helmet for clearing
Why not use something like Firestorm instead of Cremation on the CoC set up? Ultimately it seems like it would allow for more dps. (freedom to put bodyswap wherever, no corpse req, no 3 max, etc)
mightybirdPOE a écrit :
Why not use something like Firestorm instead of Cremation on the CoC set up? Ultimately it seems like it would allow for more dps. (freedom to put bodyswap wherever, no corpse req, no 3 max, etc)

I'm gonna quote directly from the FAQs:

Q: Why Cremation on the CoC setup? Can I use something else?
A: Well obviously you can use whatever you want on that setup. Cremation has many good reasons to be used there though, first of all it looks cool and fits the build theme. Aside from that, scale very well with everything we are already using (spell damage, elemental damage, area damage, etc), benefits from all the gems already present in that setup (the implicit Elemental Penetration, GMP and Crit Chance). Moreover it synergises very well with our pretty low accuracy rating, since we do not have to proc it all the time, but we just need to refresh it three times every 8s, which is easily achievable.
Abyssal Volatile Poet: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2057243
MagicBlaster Deadeye: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2115343
Fortifier Aurabot: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2084465


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