[3.1] Poet's Pen Volatile Dead - all content - HC/SC
" Wow, your gear is absolutely disgusting. Probably the best I've seen so far. @RickJamesWitch
http://www.youtube.com/user/69zirc/videos |
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" Where dat crit multi at on your ammy? |
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Just wanted to pop in at the end of the league with where I took this build. Stuck mostly to your tree, and made a hybrid mf/dps variant for super quick t14 vault clears
and my current gear for critique |
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Hello all !!! i need a little help (with my friend :wink: ) to improve my poet pen volatile (its my first league in this game). i have around 4ex but i dont know what can i change in priority. watcher eye is too expensive, there is no more starkonja with volatile enchant on POE trade.. so what can i do ? thanks a lot !!! (i surely made some big noobie errors ^^) profile : https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/Altistic/characters (character poetpennywale
i cant pass lvl 89 because of dying :=( if you can precise stats (for jewel for example) because "change your jewel" is not a thing i can understand for now ^^ ( dont know how to post my gear here) thanks all ! |
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" Btw using cremation in your bossing setup will do less damage than just pure Volatile in one wand and unearth in the other. Due to how spell rotation works, when your VD/Cremation goes off, it's consuming corpses, but not creating any new ones; meaning the next spell set of VD/Unearth, the VD will have no corpses to consume. You can easily see this if you just cast slowly in hideout, every other cast you won't be getting your VD spawns because all of the corpses were consumed last spell, but no new ones were placed before your next cast goes off. If you take out cremation you will get VD spawns on every single cast. Either you need to focus on pure VD/Unearth for bossing, or use an Unearth Spell totem to be able to sustain corpses with no corpse generation in the main spell setup. So like: VD Ele Focus Conc Effect Cremation Ele Focus Conc Effect Spell Totem Unearth GMP LMP Volley Faster Casting Dernière édition par Xanthochroid#2812, le 18 févr. 2018 13:34:41
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" You have some lvl 20 support gems that you can vendor with 1 gcp per gem to get them to 20 quality. Should improve your dps a bit. I would try to replace the Saphire ring with an Opal that has 60+ life and fire damage %. Instead of starkonja you can buy a helm with the enchant and +dex if you need it. Or Rats Nest or Lightpoacher with the enchant. Your flasks really should be 20 quality and magic. You need curse removal, bleed removal, freeze removal. @RickJamesWitch
http://www.youtube.com/user/69zirc/videos |
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4x shaper deathless, 50k tool tip
here is my gear
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" are you sure? by my count it casts unearth, creates 5 corpses, 4 of them are turned to vd and one is used for cremation, so long as i create enough corpses with unearth, cremation shouldn't hinder the casting right? checked in my hideout and im not seeing my vd miss any casts edit: reread your post, perhaps i was firing them off too fast to notice? I'll have to retest Dernière édition par FinnaDieFam#7339, le 19 févr. 2018 11:51:18
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" Here's the actual spell rotations: Volatile Dead and Unearth(5 Corpses Placed) (VD doesn't go off, no corpses yet, normal) Cooldown Period (Currently 5 corpses) Volatile Dead and Cremation(4 Corpses used for VD, 1 corpse used for Cremation) Cooldown Period (Currently 0 corpses) Volatile Dead and Unearth (VD doesn't activate due to no corpses, 5 corpses placed by Unearth) Cooldown Period (Currently 5 corpses) Volatile Dead and Cremation(4 Corpses used for VD, 1 corpse used for Cremation) Cooldown Period(Currently 0 corpses) Volatile Dead and Unearth (VD doesn't activate due to no corpses, 5 corpses placed) Easiest way to explain is that since Volatile is by its lonesome in Pen 1, it activates every attack, but corpses are only being generated every other attack because the Unearth is alternating with Cremation. You would need 10 APS rathern than 5 to get the same rate of volatile spawns, or only Unearth in spell 2 to avoid spell alternation. Dernière édition par Xanthochroid#2812, le 19 févr. 2018 13:07:52
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" Ah I see what you're saying, is there a better support for unearth then? I've taken to projectile speed for now for the slight extra damage and speed on the unearths Dernière édition par FinnaDieFam#7339, le 19 févr. 2018 13:19:50
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