[3.3] The Poet's Pen Volatile Dead/Bodyswap "Shaper Down"[Inquisitor ✌]

Basically the guide revolves around The Poet's Pen along with Unearth and Volatile Dead/Bodyswap.

-Added DPS Calculation

-Added Update PoB

-Added Update End Game Skill Tree

-Added Video Guardians and Elder Red Tier

-Added Leveling Passive Trees "Skill Tree"
-Added Update PoB Link

-Added Power Charge On Critical - Increased Critical Strikes "Gems Links"
-Added Culling Strike "Gems Links"
-Added Skill tree as scion (Slayer / Assassin) build cheaper "Skill Tree"
-Added Info Eye of innocence and Mokous embrace "Skill Tree"

Thanks to LiftingNerd Gaming for showing the build in their video
PoE 3.1 Builds - 5 NEW Endgame, Path of Exile Abyss League Build Guides! (2018)


Gem Links

Volatile Dead - Conc Effect - Inc Critical Strikes / Elemental Focus

Volatile Dead it is the damage of our build

Unearth - Greater Multiple Projectiles -Bodyswap.
You can change, Bodyswap by Culling Strike.

I'm looking for more options and at the moment Culling Strike is pretty good. linked with GMP (If you do not like to play with Bodyswap)
Bodyswap more clear speed and fun playstyle

"This combination generates the synergy of the build combined with The Poet's Pen gem links"
Frenzy - Assassin's Mark - Curse On Hit - Greater Multiple Projectiles

For Bosses you can swap Assassin's Mark - Curse On Hit For Power Charge On Critical - Increased Critical Strikes

Frenzy charges increased your attack speed.

Assassin's Mark More vulnerable to Critical Strikes and chance to gain a power charge.

Flame Dash - Arcane Surge - Faster Casting - Inc Duration

Scion Slayer/Elementalist
Flame Dash - Arcane Surge - Summon Ice Golem - Summon Lightning Golem

Cast when Damage Taken - Immortal Call - Anger - Herald of Ice/Herald of Ash

This build I'm playing with Kaom's Heart (end game item)

if you do not have it, you can use any other.

Tabula Rasa "6L" / Carcass Jack "AOE" / Rare "Life+Res"
you can use whatever you want or add another gem set for the extra slots

Links: Frenzy - Assassin's Mark - Curse On Hit - Greater Multiple Projectiles - Life Gain on Hit - Volley Support

Global Critical Strike Multiplier/Chance
Fire Dmg

Watcher's Eye
This jewel helps us with sustain
(1-1.5)% of Fire Damage Leeched as Life while affected by Anger

The problem is that it is very expensive :( . it costs around 420c 8-10ex

Skill Tree
Inquisitor or Scion? useful information.
You have two ways to do with this build. I recommend Templar Inquisitor if you have enough currency, also for end game inquisitor will have more damage on the scion, but it will depend on generating Power Charges with Assassins Mark or Power Char on Critical, its only sustain is Warlords Mark + the Whisper of Doom node to be able to use double curses, or have the jewel Watcher's Eye.

Scion (Elementalist-Slayer) is cheaper, since it will not depend on the Watcher's Eye jewel.Slayer gives you more life leech + Warlords Mark will have a good sustain. If you want you can combine it eye of innocence + mokous embrace and so you can farmear until you can get end game items. Elementalist gives you Damage Penetrates 10% of Enemy Elemental Resistances, Cannot take Reflected Elemental Damage, 40% increased Effect of Heralds on You and 1 additional Golem at a time.

So, if you want to do a lot of damage and have a lot of currency, play with Inquisitor.
If you do not have currency and end game wants to be more balanced, play Scion.

Inquisitor Skill Tree

Change 5 points on the tree to have more sustain. You should follow this tree if you do not have the Jewel Watcher's Eye.

I have equipped a ring with Curse Enemies with Level 8 Warlord's Mark on Hit.
Remove nodes of elemental damage, from shadow and take the passive Whispers of Doom.
Now I feel much better sustain for the high tier maps.

END GAME SKILL TREE "If you have the jewel", I recommend that you change your tree for this one.


Skill tree as scion (Slayer/Elementalist) build cheaper
Important:If you do not have currency and only have the wands, you must follow Scion skill tree. It is much easier, and cheaper to build.

As a scion we will have less damage, but yes, more sustain. You do not need the jewel Watcher's Eye, because we'll have Vaal Pact + Slayer leech and of course the curse Warlord's Mark. eye of innocence + mokous embrace, is a good combination to keep the leech higher, and they are cheap items.
We need Wise Oak + ele pen shaper amulet and Ele pen abyssal jewels, because we do not have the Inquisitor nodes.

Info Eye of innocence and Mokous embrace
BullHorn7 a écrit :
Let's see how quickly we can make the Watcher's Eye price drop, boys.
Watcher's Eye is extremely expensive (15-20ex now) and forces you to use Anger, which is a poopy aura for spellcasters - the damage bonus you gain from Anger is similar to what you can get from 1 Abyss jewel with a couple of "Fire damage to Spells" rolls. The only real reason to use it is for the leech from the Jewel, which most of us don't have anyway.

With this setup you have more leech than you would with Watcher's Eye (2% vs. 1-1.5%). As long as you are attacking, you are critting, you are self-igniting and you are leeching. In fact, it's somewhat like over-leech because you keep leeching for 4 seconds after the last enemy dies until the ignite runs out. With 5K life you only need to deal 50K DPS to reach the leech rate cap which means you're always reaching the cap.

This also means you don't need a crappy Warlord's Mark ring or going for Whispers of Doom.

Now what I'm still theorycrafting is what to do about Anger - there's many options but none of them are much better. Herald of Thunder, Vitality, Grace, Arctic Armour, Determination, Blasphemy+Ass Mark and using Faster Attacks + PCOC with Frenzy, maybe even not reserve the mana and go MoM for more survivability, thinking of ways to apply Shock, etc. Any more ideas?

By the way, here's a slightly optimized version of the tree: http://poeurl.com/bHY3

Leveling Passive Trees:

Scion (Elementalist-Slayer):

Alira or Kill all

Instruments of Virtue - Righteous Providence - Inevitable Judgement - Augury of Penitence

Soul of Lunaris-Soul of Solaris (for fights against bosses)
Soul of Gruthkul


Uniques Mandatory

The Poet's Pen

Kaom's Heart

Starkonja's Head. It is the best option, with enchant Volatile Dead destroys up to 1 additional Corpses. Anyway, if you get any helmet with the enchant it's fine for the build.

PoB link

Similar Build
Here is an interesting build created by lallalaus, similar to mine but with the Abyssal set. Since many players have asked me about this. Here you can learn more about how it works.
[3.1] AVP - Abyssal Volatile Poet || Now with MF option

DPS Calculation/APS
lallalaus is a great friend calculating the damage of my character with my items.Thanks for the help

With this new PoB link I see that your build has:

VD avg hit: 86'498 against normal monsters
VD avg hit: 69'301 against shaper
Life: 6'306

With 22% increased recovery speed (11% boots and 11% belt) you can cast VD every:
0.25*100/(100+22)=0.205 (instead of 0.250), which means up to 4*(100+22)/100=4.88 times/sec.
You have 4.98 aps with frenzy without onslaught and 5.34 aps with onslaught.
This means that when you are buffed up (even without onslaught) you have always more attack speed than you can afford, which means that you are going to skip casts of the skills (not just VD, but also unearth).
First of all you should drop the onslaught jewel, then you should also lower your total attack speed.
Cosindering there's also the bug that prevents correct roation of spells if you are too close to the cap (4.88 aps in your case) you should probably try to set your build around 4.6 aps.

Anyway, supposing the AVG hit calculated above, 4 balls each time and 4.88 cast/sec (even though 4.6 should be more realistic) you should have: 4*4.88*86'498=1'688'440 effective dps against normal monsters.

Gameplay Style
This build is designed to move without limits and kill everything that comes our way.

The synergy of the build depends on The Poet's Pen, along with Bodyswap, Unearth and Volatile Dead.

To achieve this movement and damage, I thought about having 2 The Poet's Pen with the skills.

Unearth - Bodyswap - Greater Multiple Projectiles.
Unearth (through enemies to impact the ground at the targeted location, creating a Bone Archer corpse).
Bodyswap (Your body explodes, dealing spell damage in an area around you, and a targeted corpse also explodes, dealing with damage around it.) Your body is recreated at the location of the corpse) - Greater Multiple Projectiles (to create more corpses).

Volatile Dead - Conc Effect - Inc Critical Strikes
Volatile Dead (Corpses near the targeted location explode, dealing damage in a small area and creating an orb which moves towards nearby enemies before dealing spell damage in a larger area).

The demonstration is in this video.
The Poet's Pen Volatile Dead/Bodyswap

It's incredibly fun and has a huge clear speed. For the end game or high tier maps. Depending on the boss, I recommend changing some gems, in this case removing Bodyswap by Culling Strike.

Its defense is the great amount of life, added to the continuous movement it is very difficult for something to hit you.

It depends on exclusive items, for example.
The Poet's Pen
Kaom's Heart (Life + Dmg)

Items end game and depending on the amount of currency you have but which I recommend as they will provide a lot of damage and sustain to the build.
Helm with (enchanted Volatile Dead destroys up to 1 additional Corpses).
Jewel Watcher's Eye (1-1.5)% of Fire Damage Leeched as Life while affected by Anger.
This jewel will give you a lot of sustain, the problem is that it is difficult to get and expensive if you have to buy it.

Some videos of my char without the helmet enchant

Videos of my Char with the enchant VD +1 additional Corpses
Shaper Down:

Guardians and Elder Red Tier

Xoph's Domain with Bodyswap

Enjoy the guide!. I will be updating information according to my free time.

Dernière édition par smelcami#2259, le 8 juin 2018 21:43:18
Dernier bump le 12 déc. 2018 17:25:56
Seeing poet pen VD/Body Swap videos is the reason I created a double Poet Pen Templar, and I gotta say, the best/quickest/funnest leveling I have ever had in PoE.

Thanks for the thread. Will defiantly track and let you know when I also have downed Shaper. As of now, I killed all Elder Guardians in T8-9 maps and had trouble with Elder, but that's because I still have garbage leach, no helm enchant, and level 79... so....

SUPER OP for sure, but VERY fun.
Dernière édition par sheeeeeeets#3568, le 18 déc. 2017 14:34:06
why gmp with frenzy and not culling strike(20%) for 10% extra attack speed?
ChunLiPOV a écrit :
why gmp with frenzy and not culling strike(20%) for 10% extra attack speed?

My reasoning would be to hit more targets at once with curse on hit to build up charges quicker and ensure the majority of the mobs you hit are cursed? I could see swapping to Cull for bosses though.
sheeeeeeets a écrit :
Seeing poet pen VD/Body Swap videos is the reason I created a double Poet Pen Templar, and I gotta say, the best/quickest/funnest leveling I have ever had in PoE.

Thanks for the thread. Will defiantly track and let you know when I also have downed Shaper. As of now, I killed all Elder Guardians in T8-9 maps and had trouble with Elder, but that's because I still have garbage leach, no helm enchant, and level 79... so....

SUPER OP for sure, but VERY fun.

I'm glad to know that there are more players interested in the content of this build.

It's true it's the best and funniest build I ever play.

I await your results. I know it's difficult without the helmet and the jewel the same thing is happening to me.
RIP Helm Enchant.

Dernière édition par sheeeeeeets#3568, le 18 déc. 2017 20:19:49
so no point using lmp when the enchant is nerfed right? what would be the link for unearth then? is bodyswap suicide vs bosses?
the +1 additional corpse explosion still better than 40% damage right?
Dernière édition par sivertry#3919, le 18 déc. 2017 20:55:01
sivertry a écrit :
so no point using lmp when the enchant is gone right?

Right, unless you use 2 VD's in one Pen linked with conc effect. I ran that way for awhile. Better clear, seemed weaker single target. Running VD/Ele Focus/Conc in one and GMP/Unearth/Body Swap in second. Clearing high yellows with EASE, dipping into reds soon and dont see myself having any issues.
sheeeeeeets a écrit :
sivertry a écrit :
so no point using lmp when the enchant is gone right?

Right, unless you use 2 VD's in one Pen linked with conc effect. I ran that way for awhile. Better clear, seemed weaker single target. Running VD/Ele Focus/Conc in one and GMP/Unearth/Body Swap in second. Clearing high yellows with EASE, dipping into reds soon and dont see myself having any issues.

Wouldn't body swap just keep tele u on top of the boss? Seems kinda dangerous
sivertry a écrit :
sheeeeeeets a écrit :
sivertry a écrit :
so no point using lmp when the enchant is gone right?

Right, unless you use 2 VD's in one Pen linked with conc effect. I ran that way for awhile. Better clear, seemed weaker single target. Running VD/Ele Focus/Conc in one and GMP/Unearth/Body Swap in second. Clearing high yellows with EASE, dipping into reds soon and dont see myself having any issues.

Wouldn't body swap just keep tele u on top of the boss? Seems kinda dangerous

It depends on the boss. You can use Bodyswap but you have to rotate near the boss. if you try to hit Mele it's 100% that you'll die.


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