[3.2] Slayer Reave - Extremely Fast Map Clear - Insane with new Shaper / Elder Items.
![]() I have a question wheres the best place to ask?: It's kinda hard to keep up to date with questions on the forum so if you have a question feel free to ask me ingame @Norse or if I'm streaming ask in chat. Is this build good for a newer player?: I wouldn't recommend this build unless you're confident you can spend atleast 10 Exalts + on it fairly early into the build, otherwise you will most likely have troubles with mid-endgame content. Why Reave!?: Reave got a decent area of effect buff and with the new shaper items you can make an insane stat stick off-hand which increases the DPS by a lot compared to old stat sticks. Why Slayer, Gladiator would be better?: Slayer gives more survivability with the insane leech you can achieve, not to mention the increased area of effect, damage, antibleed, OKAY I think you get the point SLAYER is a lot better. Can this build kill shaper, uber atziri and elder: Swap Reave with Bladeflurry and Multistrike with Elemental damage and all of a sudden you're a Bladeflurry build. SeemsGood. Does this build work with Oni-Goroshi: No, It's horrible.
Weapons: Main-Hand: Our main hand is a high pDPS, Attackspeed and critical strike sword, You want to prioritize Attackspeed and Critical Strike chance before aiming for a high pDPS foil. Personally I'd recommend trying to get a foil with atleast 1.9 attackspeed and 6.8% Critical strike chance and then look for the highest pDPS foil you can. Off-hand Our Off-hand is the the main reason reave is so good this league, you can make insane stat sticks that can give us 80%+ added elemental damage from our physical which is pretty much two added fires added onto our links. Best inslot off-hand would be a Sceptre with an the elemental penetration implicit with as much added damage from physical as you can get, some crit multi, accuracy is also really nice. Stat stick can be a Sceptre, Mace and an axe, Reave cannot use these bases to hit so their damage doesn't matter. Helmet: Helmet we're mainly aiming to fill resistances so aiming for a high life, resistance and if you can some intelligence would help. An elder helmet with "socketed attacks have 3% critical strike chance" and "Socketed gems are supported by concentrated effect" would be THE end game helmet for this build, Essentially being able to run a 6l bladeflurry for single target. The enchant you would want would be 12% Increased reave radius. Chest: Belly of the best would be our best inslot most likely because of the insane life we get from it, 2nd best would most likely be a carcassjack for the area/damage. Gloves: Best inslot gloves by far would be the new abyss gloves with 2 abyss jewel sockets, with 2 really well rolled abyss sockets these gloves can out preform a mirrored pair of gloves, If you can't get a 2 abyss socketed pair settling with a pair of rare gloves is fine or a pair of abyss gloves with 1 socket. Boots: I would recommend using kaom's roots if you can fit them in or you're not using a bladeflurry setup with the new elder items. Best Inslot boots would be a pair of elder boots with High Life, Resistance and Endurance charge gained on kill. Best Enchant would be 16% Attack speed if you've killed recently. Amulet: An amulet with Life, Flat physical, High Intelligence and if you can squeeze in crit multi/chance and accuracy it would be real nice. Ring: A high Life/Resistance ring with flat physical would be ideal, if you can get them on a steel ring even better. Also if you can get a shaper ring with level12 assassins mark on hit that would free up 2 gem links which would be amazing. Belt: A high Life, resistance Stygain Belt with Weapon Elemental damage would be our best inslot. Jewels: I'm still unsure If Abyss jewels or Normal jewels are overall better, This would have to be tested. Aim for Flat Life, Flat physical damage to swords on the prefix, the suffixes have tones of good mods you can roll. Are the jewels I'm currently using. Flasks: Flask #1 An Instant Life flask with Freeze Removal(Shock removal if kaoms roots) Flask #2 Diamond Flask with Warding Flask #3 Taste of Hate, Insane defensive flask with some offense Flask #4 Lions Roar, Great for knocking enemies back and 20-25% more damage Flask #5 Atziri's Promise for the more DEEPZ
Main-Hand: 3 Link - Herald of Ice - Curse on Hit - Assassins Mark Off-Hand: 3 Link - Cast when Damage Taken (Level-1) - Immortal Call (Level-3) - Vaal Reave Chest 6 Link - Reave - Multistrike - Melee Physical - Damage on Full life - Inc Area - Increased Critical Strikes (In that Order) Helmet 4 Link- Whirling Blades - Faster Attacks - Bloodmagic - Fortify Gloves With Tombfist 2 Link- Hatred - Bloodrage Without Tombfist 4 Link- Hatred - Bloodrage - Increased Duration - Ice Golem
Bandits = Alira for the Multi/Res Normal: Bane of Legends Cruel: Endless Hunger Merciless: Headsman Uber: Brutal Furvour 22 Points 39 Points 60 Points 81 Points 114 Points Pantheon: Soul of Arakaali and Soul of Gruthkul.
I leveled until maps with frostblades and moltenstrike for single target, This setup works wonders with the new ancestral call support gem. Links:- Frost Blades - Ancestral Call - Melee Physical - Faster Attacks/Multstrike when level38 Links:- Molten Strike - Ancestral Call - Melee Physical - Faster Attacks/Mulistrike Refer to Passives for the tree to follow while leveling. If you can't afford to get some twink weapons then I would recommend using the blacksmith recipe to progress your weapons every few bases: 1x Weapon, 1x Blacksmith, 1x Rustic Sash = Weapon with Increased Physical damage
Good Twink Items I would recommend buying to level
Lochtonial_Caress - Level1 Good Attackspeed, Flat life and gives you charges on kill. Goldrim - Level1 30-40% All Resistances makes leveling a lot safer and easier. WanderLust - Level1 20% Movespeed with cannot be frozen makes leveling a lot faster. Karui Ward - Level5 - Good Stats, movementspeed, Damage and Projectile speed. Makes Frost blades and Molten strike deal more damage Prismweave - level28 Gives a ton of flat elemental damage and gives 40% Elemental damage with attacks on a Rustic sash. Would recommend this if you're lacking damage.
For the Rich Bois
Off-hand It's possible to get Four added damages with sceptres. Prefix: Gain (36–40)% of Physical Damage as Extra Lightning Damage (ilvl80) Gain (36–40)% of Physical Damage as Extra Fire Damage (ilvl80) Gain (16–20)% of Elemental Damage as Extra Chaos Damage (ilvl85) Suffix: Gain (26–30)% of Physical Damage as Extra Damage of a random Element (ilvl80) Damage Penetrates (9–10)% Elemental Resistances (ilvl83) +38% to Global Critical Strike Multiplier (ilvl73) Now THAT is an offhand. Helmet: Crafting an Elder helmet with Support with conc effect and supported attacks have increased critical strikes would be our best inslot for a 6link bladeflurry. Boots: An elder pair of boots with Life and a ton of resistances with Endurance charge gained on hit would be our best inslot. Belt: An elder Stygain belt with Life/Wed/Resistance and if you can getting 8-14% attackspeed, 31-35% melee damage on flask effect would be insane.
My Gear / Tree / Path of Building
IGN: @Norse Dernière édition par norseman21#2818, le 7 mars 2018 10:11:58 Dernier bump le 21 déc. 2018 22:24:49
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nice build
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looks fun to play, gonna try it out
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rerolling right now
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Hello I'm an avid Mathil viewer and I think Gladiator is clearly a superior choice. Also you don't want to freeze things because Mathil told me bleed explosions are better. If you need any help with the build I bet Mathil would help you out.
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Wish I would've started with that, seems pretty good
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" LOL LOOK AT THIS FUCKIN MATHIL FAN BOY who has ZERO idea what hes talking about. This is NORSE bro, hes been around and has some of the best builds on the forums by far. Take ur shit mathil builds and gtfo. This build is fantastic. Mathil makes builds that look extremely easy that 8/10 times arent. What a joke. Adam Gross
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" LOL LOOK AT THIS FUCKIN MATHIL FAN BOY who has ZERO idea what hes talking about. This is NORSE bro, hes been around and has some of the best builds on the forums by far. Take ur shit mathil builds and gtfo. This build is fantastic. Mathil makes builds that look extremely easy that 8/10 times arent. What a joke. |
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Vaal Pact is missing from your passive tree, should we be taking that?
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" LOL LOOK AT THIS FUCKIN MATHIL FAN BOY who has ZERO idea what hes talking about. This is NORSE bro, hes been around and has some of the best builds on the forums by far. Take ur shit mathil builds and gtfo. This build is fantastic. Mathil makes builds that look extremely easy that 8/10 times arent. What a joke. |
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