[3.1] Crit Inquisitor MoM Lightning Tendrils build, fairly tanky, cheap to build, beginner friendly

Ok noob question here but how can you use controlled destruction with this build if it gives you -100% chance to crit?
SC2Towelie a écrit :
Ok noob question here but how can you use controlled destruction with this build if it gives you -100% chance to crit?

It gives reduced. Not less crit. Reduced means it's -100% off what you have in the tree. Assuming you have 400%, it's 400-100. You get MORE damage at the cost of giving up that bit of crit.
Certainly a noob here, but maybe it will help someone else, as well:
It is surprising that you avoid Celestial Punishment/Celestial Judgement, as well as Heart of Thunder/Breath of lightning. I guess those just seem like *obvious* choices, but they look to give pretty good increases to lightning damage. Are they just not as good as they look, or is it that critical chance is so much better?
EightPoundOrb a écrit :
Certainly a noob here, but maybe it will help someone else, as well:
It is surprising that you avoid Celestial Punishment/Celestial Judgement, as well as Heart of Thunder/Breath of lightning. I guess those just seem like *obvious* choices, but they look to give pretty good increases to lightning damage. Are they just not as good as they look, or is it that critical chance is so much better?

Not the build creator, but I can answer this question.
Its because Inquisitor's inevitable judgement ascendency ignores elemental resistances when you crit, meaning that penetration is pointless (even if you lower enemy resistance below 0% i.e. creating a more multiplier, it ignores it), but stacking critical strikes is better.

On another note for the build guide creator: which would you say has better damage, Tendrils or Storm call? And is taking both the witch and templar AoE nodes really important for tendrils build?
Silverthorn90 a écrit :
EightPoundOrb a écrit :
Certainly a noob here, but maybe it will help someone else, as well:
It is surprising that you avoid Celestial Punishment/Celestial Judgement, as well as Heart of Thunder/Breath of lightning. I guess those just seem like *obvious* choices, but they look to give pretty good increases to lightning damage. Are they just not as good as they look, or is it that critical chance is so much better?

Not the build creator, but I can answer this question.
Its because Inquisitor's inevitable judgement ascendency ignores elemental resistances when you crit, meaning that penetration is pointless (even if you lower enemy resistance below 0% i.e. creating a more multiplier, it ignores it), but stacking critical strikes is better.

On another note for the build guide creator: which would you say has better damage, Tendrils or Storm call? And is taking both the witch and templar AoE nodes really important for tendrils build?

I would say Storm Call is better if you get overlaps. And no, you just need 1 cluster but in terms of points spend the AoE nodes give really good damage % when you look around.
Hi there, i am on mobile right now so excuse any mistakes.

I still play the build and reached red maps playing rather casually and another char (a lab farmer). So while i just killer some elder guardians, yellow elder and some basic stuff it works very very well right now.

I changed my take on the build quite a bit.

First of all my main setup changed to

Tendrils + controlled destruction + cast while channeling + arc + inc crit strikes + added lightning.

This lets me get rid of all aoe nodes.

On hard bosses i swap in conc effect and crit damage instead of cwc and arc.

My curse went from the oos setup to the cwdt setup and was changed to temp chains.

I managed to incorporate choir of the storm and gifts from above as well as kaoms roots.

Reasoning: cwdt vortex + temp chains + hinder slowes everything around you for roughly 60%. That is a huge deal actially and vs bosses you just loose 15-20% slow from temp chains.

Freeze and stun immune is great too. To keep a fast pacing i rolled myself a quicksilver flask with ~60% movespeed. Shield charge is very fast that way.

Arc + inpulsas clear is actually insane (projectile style clear speed). 7-8k effective life (5,1k life, 1,6k unreserved mana, 900es)

Arc has ~100% increased effect of shock, tendrils still 70%. That means it is actually possible to apply shocks to red bosses and therefore let mind of the council do it's job.

I changed my abyss jewels to classic jewels because of better crit multis and better life scaling.

So far the build is fantastic.

Note because i read it in this thread: the lightning nodes you mentioned are ~12% increased damage per point invested. So while quite nice you actually lack the points to grab them. You need life everywhere, some mana, as much crit / multi as possible. That's a lot of stuff. Additionally you want jewel sockets because they provide ~5-10% total damage each if rolled well while adding more life.

It is just more efficient to not take those nodes besides the fact that pen is wasted on inquisitor

I'll provide my pastbin soon
2 questions:

I like the build sort of.
1) Not digging the "Shield Charge"
Just seems to put me too far in the mix to get my butt handed to me.
Is Shield Charge just an evasion tool..
Why are we trying to use it on this build?

2) "Arc" seems the way to go here, it reaches a lot further. & As stated in the Thread Review below...

"Arc has ~100% increased effect of shock, tendrils still 70%. That means it is actually possible to apply shocks to red bosses and therefore let mind of the council do it's job."

What are your opinions on this?


The Oak

i'm obviously not Vulpix0r, but i'll try to answer your questions anyways ;-)

1) At the current state of the game you kinda NEED a mobility skill to get out of the way more quickly if necessary or just to go around much faster than usual. Shield Charge is one of the best movement skills in the game and allows us to not only move really fast but also use something like

that has no movement speed and still move around decently fast if we manage to accumulate some attack speed (which inquisitor has quite a bit of).

additionally, as it is considered a "melee skill", we can support it with fortify and if you hit something while moveing around we gain the fortify effect for 4 sec. it is one if not the best defensive buff in the game. it is not 100% up all the time because our accuracy is kinda shit but still reasonable often.

because we are an inquisitor we need to attack every couple of seconds to gain the huge attack/cast speed / damage buffs from instruments of virtue.

so shield charge solves all those problems at the same time and the only thing you have to do is just move with it constantly (which you would want anyways because speed meta ;-) )

2) If you go pure Arc instead of the CwC variant you have a different build:

arc has a natural base cast time of 0.8 sec. in order to deal good damage you have to invest in cast speed, damage, crit, multi. it is viable but doesn't solve problems but creates new ones.

so to pull some numbers from my build to show what i mean:

Tendrils dps: 200k
Arc dps: 100k

if i change my setup to pure tendrils i need to dedicate one link to aoe because otherwise i have no clear:

Tendrils: 240k / 370k single target (conc effect)

if i change my setup to a pure arc build:

Arc: 170k

that means if i go for pure tendrils i will destroy my clearspeed for minimal more damage vs bosses.

if i go for a pure arc build i get ~70% more aoe damage but be slightly above half my single target boss damage.

of course the builds would change slightly and the numbers get a little more in their repsective favor but the tendency is the same: arc is great for clearing and shit for bosses, tendrils is great for bosses but shit for clearing.

if we combine the too we still hit fairly hard vs single target and keep most of the aoe clear while being able to more or less ignore cast speed because arc's cast speed doesn't matter and is fixed at 0.35 from CwC making the character more easy to build.

another plus is we can use pantheon powers dedicated to channeling, which are not bad at all (8% phys mitigation + 2% regen for example).

hope that helped, feel free to ask more questions. i still play the build and love it a lot. if you want to see the current state of it (decently optimized in the meantime) here is the PoB link:

Pastbin link to Path of Building

Hey i've been playing this build and digging it so far. Could you possibly post what are best stats/jewels to aim for?
again sniping the attention here :P

it's actually pretty flexible:

if you have low inc% life and good flat life -> go for classic jewels
if you have lots of inc% life and not so good flat life -> go for abyssal jewels

that's your fixed roll on every jewel.
next thing is you always want at least one crit multiplier stat:

- multi with lightning
- multi with elemental
- multi with spells
- global multi
- global multi if killed recently (abyss)

life + one multi is usually not that expensive and should suffice for the most part. you can look for a random useful third property like added ## cold/fire/lightning dmg to spells or resistances if you like.

this is the filter setup i used when looking for jewels:

Link to poe.trade

overall i feel like classic jewels are better suited because they have more options for crit multipliers than abyss jewels. if you manage to get a 3 multi + life jewel you are rich / golden. aim for a total crit multiplier on tendrils of 500+. (btw, if you manage to get enough crit multi that way you can easily sub out inc crit damage from your links and add added lightning for a decent damage upgrade!)


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