[3.1] Crit Inquisitor MoM Lightning Tendrils build, fairly tanky, cheap to build, beginner friendly

I would like to give special thanks to Harest for some inspiration which got me to push my Inquisitor Lightning Tendrils build.

3.1 passive tree
Level 85 tree (completed)
Pastebin: https://pastebin.com/Gvyzx4RH
This thread is an ongoing thing, will continue to optimize my build and uploaded higher tier map videos.

There's nothing much to say, the initial look and feel of Tendrils was very boring, and the fact it was not channeling means you get locked in place for almost 8 casts before 3.1. But all that has changed, and Lightning Tendrils is a channeling spell plus a really fun spell if you want to feel like a Sith. Made this as my starter build at the start of the league, and absolutely love it.

I'm 83 right now, and just hit yellow maps, been doing well with bosses, it's fairly tanky thanks to MoM and a combination of uniques which I will cover below. This is a life and MoM based build with crit for damage and shock.

- Fairly tanky to a certain degree thanks to Mind over Matter
- Good damage to bosses
- Decent clear speed thanks to Inpulsa's explosions
- Uniques required to start maps are reasonably priced
- Sorry, this isn't a projectile build, you will not have the same clear speed.
- Requires some dodging on big hits
- Will not compare to projectile spells in terms of clear speed
- Early game is kinda painful due to short range

There isn't much to say about the play style. Just shield charge from point to point, shock everything and watch them explode. Drop a decoy totem when things are a bit hairy, and don't be afraid to use your flasks.

Level 85 tree (completed)
I consider the build complete at 85. You are free to invest the remaining 5 points to level 90 to whatever you want. Throatseeker for more damage, more life, it's all up to you.

This build can be leveled from scratch without any specific leveling gear. If you already have a well geared character, just get a lifesprig or 2. My guide will only be focusing the leveling in Normal as this is where you flesh out your gem setup and need to get a bunch of gems to get your character ready for act 5 onwards.

Level 1-10
Gems to get after each quest:
Enemy at the Gate - Lightning Tendrils
Mercy Mission - Arcane Surge
Breaking Some Eggs - Take Flame totem, buy Orb of Storm
The Caged Brute - Added Lightning Damage, Lightning Warp, Clarity
Gems that cannot be purchased by the Templar but required: Increased Critical Strikes (Can buy in Library quest act 3 later)

You can get shield charge early, but you most likely won't have the correct equipment to use it due to requirements.

Level 10-20
Gems to get after each quest:
Intruders in Black - Herald of Thunder
Sharp and Cruel - Faster Casting x2, Controlled Destruction, Power Charge on Critical, Increased Critical Damage

At this point, if you have a 3 link, link up Controlled Destruction and Faster Casting on your Lightning Tendrils.
Also, for Bandits, you can either help Alira or Kraityn. Alira if you want a more defensive reward, Kraityn for a more offensive style.

Level 20ish tree

Level 21-30
Gems to get after each quest:
Lost in Love - Warlord's Mark, Wrath
A Fixture of Fate - Increased Duration x2, Increased Critical Strikes, Wrath

You will also have access to Increased Critical Strikes and Increased Duration after clearing an optional question connected to Imperial Gardens in the Library, called Fixture of Fate. Do not be shy about the +30 dex or strength node, get them if you need it, you can spec out later.

Find at least 1 4-link item to really buff your Lightning Tendrils, you will need 4 blue sockets item to link Lightning Tendrils, Controlled Destruction, Faster Attacks, Added Lightning. Replace Added Lightning with Increased Area of Effect once you get the support in act 4.

Level 31-40
Gems to get after each quest:
Breaking the Seal - Summon Lightning Golem
The Eternal Nightmare - Increased Area of Effect, Curse on Hit

You will be in act 4, and things are going to start getting rough. Cap your fire resist for Kaom, don’t be shy to get a level at Dried Lake if you feel your character is a bit weak. There isn’t much to say here.
Level 40ish tree.
Feel free to ascend and get Righteous Providence once you feel comfortable, I recommend doing it after killing Kaom and Daresso.

Help Alira Crit multi, resist, mana regen
Help Kraityn Attack/cast speed, movement speed
It's up to you, I personally prefer Alira as it makes gearing easier and also more defensive.

Righteous Providence -> Inevitable Judgement -> Instruments of Virtue -> Augury of Pentinence

Act 6 onwards

Level 60ish tree.
Level 70ish tree.
Congratulations! If you’re still enjoying this build, things will only continue to get better as you get more gems levels. From Cruel onwards, it’s mostly just a matter of gearing up to get more life, more damage, and when you eventually hit Merciless and maps, you ideally want to get a 5L at least to get more damage. You can check lower down the thread regarding recommended gear for what kind of chest piece you should look out for.


My current gear

Recommended Unique

Singularity is a hard to beat weapon. For those who are doubtful, plug that weapon into your build, switch on Hinder on Path of Building, and try creating a rare weapon that can beat the Singularity for 1 chaos. It's a super efficient weapon that will take you even to yellow maps.

I would consider the Inpulsa's to be a core item in the build. Helps you get more damage, and clear speed too. The range of roll is quite large, so make sure you pay attention when you are buying one. Core stats will be the life and increased damage roll, first 2 lines.

Mind of the Council is really powerful defensive wise, helps you top up your mana while you are taking damage during fights. Sure, it lacks life, but you will constantly have topped up mana.

Why is Kalisa's Grace here? It's a pseudo 5L that will work even to maps, and it costs 1c. Sign me up, I love that glove!

Optional Uniques

Rathpith Globe
Nice life bonus, decent spell damage, and some defensive spell block, but I don’t like it because it’s expensive as hell. A rare spirit shield with tons of spell damage and crafted on cast speed by Catarina is a good option.

Helmet (EV/ES)
Get life, mana, and resist rolls.

Body Armour (ES)
Get life and resists, preferably also high evasion or energy shield.

Boots (or Pure ES or Str)
Get life, mana, movement speed > 20% and resists.

Gloves (EV/ES or Pure ES)
Get life, mana, resists and maybe an open suffix to craft dexterity when the need arises.

Spell damage, cast speed, crit chance for spell, crit multi

Spell damage, life, resists, mana regeneration. If you can get one with high flat ES, life and high spell damage, that would be great but it’s going to really cost a bomb.

Life, resists, mana regeneration, mana. Mana regeneration helps a lot in maintaining the flow in maps.

Spell damage (Or Lightning damage), stats for strength, dex, etc, life, mana regeneration, crit, crit multi

Strength, life, resists.


Lightning Tendrils + Controlled Destruction + Faster Casting + Increased Critical Strikes + Increased Area of Effect + Increased Critical Damage or Added Lightning
Use added Lightning until you get enough crit to use Increased Critical Damage on your 6th link.

Orb of Storm

Orb of Storm + Increased Duration + Arcane Surge (7) + Power Charge on Critical
DO NOT LEVEL ARCANE SURGE BEYOND LEVEL 7. This will be your setup for generation power charges and also keeping Arcane Surge up.

Herald, Curse on Hit

Herald of Thunder + Curse on Hit + Warlord's Mark + Clarity

Cast when Damage Taken

Shield Charge + Misc

Unsure yet, still doing it up.

Strand run in 3.1, also featuring Tul: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lPwaMS83MAE
Dernière édition par Vulpix0r#5522, le 16 déc. 2017 19:15:27
Dernier bump le 1 avr. 2018 04:58:02
So this tree is the same as bashtart's spark inquisitor which is what I'm playing. I actually got an absurd wand which I have been tinkering with using lightning tendrils+cwc+arc, maybe storm call etc. https://imgur.com/A5hoixq - The skill is pretty fun and looks awesome :)

I have been trying to come up with a setup to use the wand for LT+added lightning+conc effect for pure ST while using a 5/6L spark for clear possibly but need some super high movement speed to compensate for having to use a wand. So I'm thinking a QOTF setup somehow. Anywho good luck with the build! Just looking at what people have come up with lightning tendrils so far :D
Dernière édition par teebeewhy#7433, le 14 déc. 2017 21:16:47
found it
now that is interesting. i was planning a very very similar build and am enjoying it quite a bit.

i went for some other item choices and pathing on the tree though and managed to pull off quite some bigger numbers!

pastebin: https://pastebin.com/zZ7m5wUL

i cut out all the expensive stuff so it has 3-4 open item slots and 2 more empty jewel slots to put stuff in. additionally none of the new abyss jewels that are straight up op in my opinion. i thought i'll share it with my fellow darthmeme brothers ;-)

how important is the cwdt vortex setup? sounds kinda interesting combined with singularity. and would you say it is worth it using warlords mark over assassins mark? i am having big troubles justifying it when it is worst when i need it the most (bosses)...maybe go for the thirst for horrors shield instead and use assassins mark? berek's grip might be an expensive option too.

let us know how you progress! very nice build so far :)
Skilez a écrit :
now that is interesting. i was planning a very very similar build and am enjoying it quite a bit.

i went for some other item choices and pathing on the tree though and managed to pull off quite some bigger numbers!

pastebin: https://pastebin.com/zZ7m5wUL

i cut out all the expensive stuff so it has 3-4 open item slots and 2 more empty jewel slots to put stuff in. additionally none of the new abyss jewels that are straight up op in my opinion. i thought i'll share it with my fellow darthmeme brothers ;-)

how important is the cwdt vortex setup? sounds kinda interesting combined with singularity. and would you say it is worth it using warlords mark over assassins mark? i am having big troubles justifying it when it is worst when i need it the most (bosses)...maybe go for the thirst for horrors shield instead and use assassins mark? berek's grip might be an expensive option too.

let us know how you progress! very nice build so far :)

I was generating power charges fine with my Orb of storm, so the Assassin Mark curse on hit felt kinda unnecessary.
alright, I hit 68 yesterday and got my Inpulsa's Broken Item :D man, the clearspeed now is absolutely gorgeous! I will try the Cwdt Vortex setup of your build today and see how it goes. I opted out of Assassins Mark and went for Enfeeble now because i feel like with all the random evasion we get through mind of the council and inpulsa's it works great. maybe i can fit some stibnite in too for really nice tankyness. thinking about changing my vaal haste to vaal grace too for even more tankyness. seems great so far.
Just solo'd uber lab yesterday, slapped Izaro down faster than I expected. My single target DPS has been on point with conc effect.

My new weapon!
This build has been going good so far, still working on getting links on my chest.
Forever chillin...
what about single target? also planning to do smth similar
Good guide btw I like the way how u flesh things out with detail and sound reasoning.
Forever chillin...


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