[3.3 Raider] Muirey's 2h Freezing Cyclone - Raider Edition!
" No worries! Once you get the jewel slots you can put in a few cheap max life and dual resist jewels. http://poe.trade/search/ametuhokeyurin Pretty cheap and will help you for balancing out resists and gaining life. I'd say for you flat life would probably be preferable at this point over %max life since you're missing flat life. If you still have some Chaos left, Carcass Jack is 5c-ish and would go a long way for you. It will be one of the chests you keep all the way till end game. If you have a good pair of rare boots I'd use those over Vectors for now. Also, Fertile Mind will solve pretty much all of your int issues so you don't have to worry about having it on gearing up while balancing resists and getting life. If ya have any other questions feel free to ask. ;) |
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" It is not as crazy as expensive as you think, especially now that the season has been up for a bit. Not sure how familiar you are with poe.trade, but search manipulation can really influence your results. A 50 hp and 2 30+ resist ring is going for 1 chaos. A 50 hp and 2 40+ resist ring is going for 3-5 chaos. http://poe.trade/search/orahatenazuwar But if you do a similar search for non-crafted rings, you may find something for 1C that you can craft additional HP/resists on and be just as good as the rings in that search, if not better. Learn prefix/suffix beforehand. http://poe.trade/search/onitoherakagos Abyss jewel in belt plus the 3 you can pick up when respeccing points will equate to 120-160 hp, plus damage. Add in another 50ish HP on resist boots and 90ish HP between all 3 cheap accessories.. doubled up from HP multipliers and you're looking at around 700+ HP. I also have 3 if you've killed recently dmg mods and it jumps my damage from 60k to 67k with 6 frenzy and pre-flask. With all of the speed, it has near 100% uptime except on bosses with no adds. So to give a rough idea of budget: Flasks and re-do your skill gems: Practically free. I paid 1C for extra movement speed Quicksilver because I could. 4 Abyss jewels with HP and damage if you've killed recently or some other mod: 1-2c total (upgrade later to HP and 2 dmg mods) Bronn's armor with 45ish dmg: 1 alch up to 1c, plus currency to get 6 sock and 4-5 link. New 30% move, HP, and tri-resist boots: 4-5c New accessories with more HP and resists: Varied. Switching to resist boots may alleviate enough resists off ring to look into dmg mods as well like WED or flat phys. If you need any help looking for gear, feel free to ask. I spend way too much time on poe.trade :P Dernière édition par blackdeath101#5742, le 18 déc. 2017 09:58:31
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Finally found the last trail! Uber Lab breezed through. Was actually very easy and made easier by getting the buff from dark shrine. I always get all the dark shrines when I run so for me this is a typical run. If you prefer to speed run it you'd also be fine.
Now to spam run it till a good helm enchant. Rng please be kind!
lvl 89, 5k hp without shrine. No VP still.
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Grats on the lab. I was looking at helm enchants on trade and there are some Abyssus helms with Cyclone damage for 40-50 chaos. But Devoto helms are 160+
Also, are your Hypothermia and Vaal Haste backwards? Dernière édition par blackdeath101#5742, le 18 déc. 2017 15:06:08
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I had moved it out to see how warchief was doing without that added freeze chance to maybe free it up for faster attacks but wanted to keep leveling both the gems. Just testing stuff! ;)
Upto you on helm, I always just buckle down and save for disfavour aside from a few 1-2c upgrades I can find. I only used Abyssus rarely because I liked having the chaos res/move speed/attack speed of devoto's but yeah they tend to be more expensive. However, Warchief gives more dmg enchant on devoto's is only 30c and Protector gives % more attack speed is 20c. I have totem up 99% of the time on anything hard so it's a solid choice early on. They actually are 'better' than the cyclone enchants but require totem to be active instead of just cycloning around. Speaking of 1c-2c items... been testing out different Abyss Jewels and man they are so good! Nice regen while moving and damage, nice nice. Some free Onslaught while clearing, yes please. More damage on bosses who have adds and more penetration on bosses without adds? I'll take it! Dernière édition par Muirey#5448, le 18 déc. 2017 16:35:45
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I just got back to start swapping things around, already found a solid abyss jewel similar to what you post for an alc. not bad. I'll probably fill the other slots with similar to get by for now
also came back to find some friends had apparently found 2 of the bronn's chest pieces over night and tossed them in the bank for me, one is 5 socket but only 2 link. trying to decide if i should just try to get that linked up or buy a carcass jack. does cyclone count as a "movement skill"? is that why that chest works with the build? |
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Yes, Cyclone does count as a movement skill but it doesn't need to be socketed in the chest to get the bonus damage just the +2 movement skill. Everything else on Bronn's works regardless of where cyclone is socketed.
Bronn's is the DPS choice but if you are having HP/Resist issues Carcass jack is best of both worlds. |
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I have few things to say:
Firstly This elder belt is really good , free fortify. No need to link it in your chest. This mod can only appear on elder belts. Second, damage on full life works even with the vaal pact bug that leaves u at like 95% health sometimes. Third, i really enjoy this build. Just got a disfavour today and hoping for 6 link in few days. Dernière édition par Dobko#7895, le 18 déc. 2017 18:51:12
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" A very nice belt indeed. Grat's on getting your Disfavour and glad you're having fun. There a reason you decided to take primeval force and go up into forces of nature/Revenge of the Hunted? Using the same 112pts you could do something like: www.poeurl.com/bGUe and gain about 25k-30kish dps and bit more Hp than you have currently. It looks to me like your going for more chance to freeze which is why the ice bite and lower wheel route of Primeval Force? Regardless, if you're having fun keep at it man! What you're doing is obviously working for you heh. That's one of the things I like about the pathing of the tree. There are a bunch of other options along it people can choose and personalize it to their tastes. :D Like if someone wanted to go really REALLY fast there are 9 nodes along path to take to get even more movement speed. So on and so forth. |
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running this build right now, first time playing cyclone, pretty fun, im pretty squishy tho, definetly need more hp...still wearing a tabula...working on hitting a 5L on Carcass cause I assume a 5L Carcass is better than a tabula, then I'll probably aim towards saving for a disfavour.
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