[3.3 Raider] Muirey's 2h Freezing Cyclone - Raider Edition!

I dont wanna spam all the thread, but i have a question, i saw that u take resolute technique, so how do you proc with the "freeze all" because if u cant crit u cant freeze, something im missreading o i dont understand something
treirk a écrit :
I dont wanna spam all the thread, but i have a question, i saw that u take resolute technique, so how do you proc with the "freeze all" because if u cant crit u cant freeze, something im missreading o i dont understand something

A hit of damage that has a chance to freeze is capable of inflicting freeze. Critical strikes inherently have a 100% chance to freeze. By default, only cold damage is able to inflict freeze

As to what gives this build the chance to freeze: Frostbite curse, Hypothermia, Ice Bite and Elemental proliferation(In the 'max freeze setup' under Skill Gem section).

Those together give a 60% chance to freeze which will freeze 99% of enemies when you cyclone into a dense pack. Even without Ice Bite/Ele Prolif, because of how often cyclone hits, anything you spend more than 5 seconds cycloning on will get frozen.

As for spamming, you're fine. Questions unasked, go unanswered! heh
Hey just a quick question what Jewels do you recommend for the tree,

P.S really enjoying the build
Glad to hear you're enjoying it!

These are what I am using currently. I am really loving the abyss jewels. Pre 3.1 Max life-Attack Speed-Damage were the jewels I used but now I really don't know. The Abyss jewels open up SO many options.

This especially for bosses. I thought in 3.1 they would actually tone down ele pen but instead they gave us even more sources for it.
Dernière édition par Muirey#5448, le 10 déc. 2017 12:00:25
Muirey a écrit :
From looking at your tree I noticed you only have one jewel socket at the moment. The Abyss jewels are really amazing, especially against abyss monsters. I haven't had to use VP yet at 61 and haven't had any issues at all. The damage was so good I actually popped in fortify instead of melee phys because why not, heh. I would suggest picking up at least 2 more of the sockets you have along your path soon. We'll get almost all of them eventually anyway!

I am running Fortify and with that I have face tanked everything from act 5-7(currently just got to act 8). Also, don't forget about Belt of the Deceiver! The reduced crit damage alone is worth it but it brings so much to the table for a build that is always right up in the mix like this one.

The tree I am using on Frozen_Cyclone_ has me at 2.4ish hp at lvl 61 with the current gear she's wearing.

Level 75 now with 3.5k hp. Switching to Hez axe and the extra life steal from Axe passives has helped a lot for map sustain.

I'm aware of Abyss sockets, but they aren't crazy good from what I've gotten so far for later game. The regular jewel I got is pretty good for awhile (2 phys dmg mods, str, atk speed). For Abyss, +30 max life plus some ele dmg to attacks won't go as far as 2 points to get 10% hp or 30%+ phys dmg from what I've seen. The bonus dmg on recent kill is nice, but doesn't work on bosses with no adds. And a lot of those other mods are invalid for me.. no regen, no crit, etc. I'll need to browse around tonight to see what some of the other good rolls are and prices.
Some of the others I am keeping are +25-35% increased evasion while moving, 30-40% increased damage against abyss monsters.


I'm glad you're using VP and the feedback is awesome. Since you're using VP and I am not atm our needs obviously differ. One thing that is pushing me away from VP are those 0.5-1% life regen per sec while moving with Soul of Arakaali + Herald of Thunder soul.

With 6 jewel sockets that is 6% life per sec ontop of normal regen AND leech. Then add in that pantheon and it's some pretty crazy regen.

I've had a unusually busy weekend but I should be on maps this evening and plowing away at them to have a better idea of VP vs No Vp. Glad VP doesn't seem to be unusable for you though, keep letting me know how it goes! It is welcome information.
Muirey a écrit :

Definitely quite the spread of jewels available. Got 1 with about 100 ele dmg to bows and another one that I forgot, but definitely usable to someone.

Sure thing about the VP. I need to bump my HP up quite a bit more to be more valuable. I dropped down to 3.4k to bump my damage up more. I think I'm at 47k with 6 frenzy and Sulphur currently.

Just lost about half a level trying to learn mechanics of one of the new Abyss map bosses. Quite fun, but really tricky to weave in and out of this particular boss for 2 of his mechanics.

High damage mine field and channeled attack that takes up about a screen. Mines scattered across the area and can't figure if channeled attack followed or not because it seemed to vary.

Also, why not take the elemental damage/pen/freeze in the bottom right corner of the tree? 72% ele dmg, 5% pen, 10% freeze, and a bit of reflect reduction to make reflect possible with some minor changes. Only 5-6 points depending on routing. Dropped about 300 HP to test it out, but seems good so far.
Dernière édition par blackdeath101#5742, le 11 déc. 2017 00:02:31
Third day reporting, now im level 71, i got 3.2K hp, res capped, i bought some items included darkray boots and i can tell that for now i dont have problems mapping.

Edit: And im not using Fortify anymore in cyclone, with cyclone i got more survivality but i dont die i dont use it

Off-topic: i got my first exalt yaaaay
Dernière édition par treirk#4151, le 11 déc. 2017 05:22:40
did normal lab lvl 35

blackdeath101 a écrit :
Just lost about half a level trying to learn mechanics of one of the new Abyss map bosses. Quite fun, but really tricky to weave in and out of this particular boss for 2 of his mechanics.

I hear ya man... the new Abyss map bosses hit like trucks. I got upto t4 before had to quit for the night and t4 old bosses vs t4 new map bosses is a huge difference in the damage they output. Don't know if that's intentional or will be tuned later on but for now yeah they hit damn hard.

blackdeath101 a écrit :
Also, why not take the elemental damage/pen/freeze in the bottom right corner of the tree? 72% ele dmg, 5% pen, 10% freeze, and a bit of reflect reduction to make reflect possible with some minor changes. Only 5-6 points depending on routing. Dropped about 300 HP to test it out, but seems good so far.

From Under End Tree Variations in main guide...

General Path


These are a good balance of both worlds. Both paths bring us near everything we will need in 3.1. Life Leech, life leech rate, max life leech, plenty of life nodes. All of which are great for the 3.1 Vaal Pact. We have lost 1 frenzy charge but gained 2 more jewel sockets and much more life(with full 7% jewels 231% maximum life from first tree and 228% from second).

I am personally leaning more towards the first path shown. Both open up other options if you want to go more glass cannon or more beefy. The first path also is closer to Primeval Force cluster and Celerity. Celerity would be nice for people who want even more movement speed.

The main path has many options for more damage. With the VP changes I don't know how little HP we can get away with but once I know I will be able to fine tune it more.

As far as the Primeval Force cluster is concerned, pre 3.1 there were better options that math out to be more damage. Typically getting more physical damage is better in the end. With this being a 90% conversion we still do some physical damage and most of our elemental damage scales off of physical first. Hatred, for example, gives us % extra cold damage based off physical. So boosting physical not only boosts our over all damage but also hatred. More Elemental damage only gives an increase based off the end total and doesn't go through all the other multipliers like physical damage does.

There is a good Reddit thread around that shows the order in which things are applied when damage is calculated for elemental conversion.

For now though...

Path of Building for your tree

PoE Planner

It's 101 points, 1 more than you have currently, but taking physical nodes instead of elemental. Gives you 128k total dps and 132k on something at low life. I don't know how much you are at Full Life with VP(I assume almost always), but if you swapped Maim for a same level dmg on full life support you'd go up to 148k and 152k hitting something on low life. Both of the PoE Planner links are almost similar damage with the first taking Hatchet Master slightly edging out taking Cleaving branch in the second.

and a bit of reflect reduction to make reflect possible with some minor changes.

I'm not quite sure what you mean. Do you mean elemental reflect maps? They changed elemental reflect on rares in 3.1 so it doesn't work the same as before.

Monster mods "Reflects Physical Damage" and "Reflects Elemental Damage" have been reworked. They now appear as Nemesis mods. Attacking a monster with Physical or Elemental Reflect now triggers a mortar spell targeted at your location. This spell has a cooldown.

Both versions of Reflect now only appear on Nemesis rare monsters.

If you do mean ele reflect monsters, I haven't had any issue and barely even noticed them so far. If you mean maps I explain that under the Mapping spoiler in main guide.

treirk a écrit :
Third day reporting, now im level 71, i got 3.2K hp, res capped, i bought some items included darkray boots and i can tell that for now i dont have problems mapping.

Edit: And im not using Fortify anymore in cyclone, with cyclone i got more survivality but i dont die i dont use it

Off-topic: i got my first exalt yaaaay

Good to hear, like I said when we were chatting yesterday I almost never get to maps before 70 and definitely not at 66 heh. You had a question right before servers went down on Hezmana's vs Kaom's and as I was responding servers crashed! The answer I was going to give at the time was regarding....

I don't know why I always forget about this god damn sword. Maybe because I was trying to move away from RT pre-3.1 and it wouldn't work for that build but this sword is AMAZING to use. Sword nodes are along our path as well. As for Hezmana's vs Kaom's it really depends on price. Hezmana's seems to be more expensive at the start of a league and is slightly better than Kaom's but Kondo's actually beats both.

Grat's on that Exalt ;D

Side note, I see you took iron reflexes. If it seems to be working for you by all means continue using but I would suggest again to watch or read a few explanations on how armor works versus all the other types of defensive stats.

Demigodkinglol has a quick explanation video on it where he explains it well

Richu a écrit :
did normal lab lvl 35

Fantastic, Reapers is big damage at that level and even more after first Ascendancy automatically giving you frenzy charges.
Dernière édition par Muirey#5448, le 11 déc. 2017 11:07:10


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