[3.3 Raider] Muirey's 2h Freezing Cyclone - Raider Edition!
Do you have a path of building link for this build?
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" https://pastebin.com/hD0zYwFN This is the level 100 tree with my gear from Standard. There are two cyclone skill setups, one for each of my disfavours. Hypo/Maim for clearing and Ele Focus/Conc for boss, you can switch between them and see the differences. Putting this right by the lvl 100 skill tree in leveling tree section. Been meaning to but ya know.. life! >.< After working out and leveling up the duelist tree I think the final tree for this build will be this. PoE Planner www.poeurl.com/bJ9g or PoB https://pastebin.com/MF78C1dz Basically the same just small bit more life and damage. Gets us to constitution quicker so we can get our life up sooner rather than later as well. Thanks for the reminder! If you need anything else let me know. Dernière édition par Muirey#5448, le 16 janv. 2018 12:03:19
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Hey so i've been comparing our builds side by side. but whats strange is that when i go to see everything in PoB for my character my dps is like 600k but when i overwrite yours with mine it goes to like 1 mil dps? I just might be doing something wrong idk. but I was wondering if you could check out my build and maybe tell me the biggest changes i could make.
https://pastebin.com/cxgL7qGv |
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" There are a few things I can see. 1) Passive tree is different. You're missing 1 frenzy charge which is pretty big and most of the attack speed nodes. Also, it's a lvl 100 tree vs a lvl 90 tree. You could regret what you did on the right side of the tree to make it to be like suggested passive tree and instead use those points to pick up Hatchet Master, Vitality Void and Savagery. 2) My PoB is using a Devoto's with Cyclone Attack speed enchant. Not massive but small things add up. 3) My PoB I am using Opal rings which add quite a lot of dps. Also a rustic sash with a 35% WED roll vs your Stygian Vise with no jewel and 35% WED. 4) My PoB uses basic jewels not abyss jewels. Giving more physical damage and mainly attack speed. Flat cold damage is the lowest boost to our damage out of all the sources. 5) The Vectors in my PoB are enchanted with 16% ias if killed recently. PoB with changes https://pastebin.com/G85tdWRJ Dernière édition par Muirey#5448, le 20 janv. 2018 00:23:13
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Is the bonus range on Atziri's Disfavour notcable? I just respecced an old raider into this, and it plays quiet fluently (didn't test high lvl stuff, since I have to level my gems first). However I find it kinda lacking in the AoE department.
Before I pump out the money for Atziri's I was wondering if it helps out in that regard? Or will I have to slot in AOE as 6th Link to get noticably better range? Thanks in advance and to OP for the guide in general. |
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" You're quite welcome and I'm glad you're enjoying yourself! As for range, yes it is noticeable. Lets say you are leaping around and come down right before a good sized pack. You press cyclone and head straight through the middle to the other side. With base weapon range, no Daresso's Salute or Disfavour, there would be the outer edges of that circle still alive. You'd double back and murder them of course but that's time you could have spent leaping to the next pack like a good murder hobo. Weapon range is a huge quality of life kind of thing. It also depends on what maps you are running. If you are doing a shaped map only playstyle you could choose, for instance, to shape toxic sewers, channel, waterways and wastepool. All of which have pretty tight corridors that keep monsters together nicely. Running those kind of maps weapon range wouldn't be as noticeable because everything is tightly packed. If you aren't exclusively doing maps with tight corridors, weapon range will be very noticeable. Weapon range is the biggest boost to the cyclone area of effect. Inc AoE support is good but is a percent increase not a flat value like Weapon Range. Weapon range aside every other aspect of Disfavour is a huge buff to your overall damage. It's very noticeable both playing and in PoB. |
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Thanks alot for the info, in that case I will definitely work towards Disfavour next. Have a good weekend. :)
Dernière édition par XenoPOE#1265, le 20 janv. 2018 15:13:30
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I will!... as soon as I dig myself out of dump tab hell. Siiiiiiiigggghhhhhh :D
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What do you do about your survivability on this character? on my previous cyclone build I had a crap load of evasion / dodge so i could avoid all damage but this has significantly less so certain attacks can just kill me right out on mobs.
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" While this build isn't meant to be 'tanky' it actually has quite a few layers of defense. First, we are an evasion based as you said and, while I don't build to maximize it, I end up with just under 10k evasion with the 166% from passive tree. That's 10k without flasks, just from gear and passive tree alone. That gives 42% evasion base. If you use a Sin's Rebirth or another Stibnite flask it's upto 13k. If you have a Stibnite Flask of Reflexes with the max 100% increased Evasion it's 16k for 52% evade change. Also, you'll be dropping smoke clouds everywhere blinding anything in it bumping evade chance upto 76%. Next, we have a small amount of dodge/spell dodge. More if using Darkray Vectors but without them and just ascendancy we have 6% attack dodge and 10% spell dodge. Attack dodge chance goes upto 20% with vectors on. That's not a massive amount but if you wished you could sacrifice 8 points in damage to reach Phase Acrobatics from Fervour. If you did you would then have 60% dodge chance and 40% spell dodge. Now for our main defense and the real big one in this build, Chill/Freeze. Unless you are using Ele Focus nearly everything you hit will get frozen. Frozen things can't hit you and this really cuts down on the amount of incoming damage. Even chilled things are hitting much slower than normal allowing us to leech back before the next hit lands and they could be frozen before then anyway. Freeze/Chill kind of falls flat for ranged however. For that we have pantheons for help. Soul of Lunaris in particular is great for cutting down on projectile damage and giving us some extra Physical damage reduction while clearing. All of the bonus souls attached to it help as well. Soul of Solaris is also very good. Phys reduction on bosses, less area damage, reduced elemental damage, can't be chain critted down are all fantastic. The big issue, as long as resistances are over cap, is Physical Damage. Using a Taste of Hate helps us convert some of it to cold which is mitigated much better and using Fortify is a massive boost for reducing not only physical but other damage as well. Lions Roar gives us some armor but I don't personally run any pieces with lots of armor on it to begin with so meh. Soul of Gruthkul with the bonus soul is very good for helping us mitigate physical damage. Those are all the basic ones without taking abyss jewels with Chance to blind, evasion while moving and others. All that said, yeah some times you are just going to get Whombo-ed into the ground and be staring at your computer like "What the actual f...". It happens, not that often towards the end but yeah it will eventually happen! Dernière édition par Muirey#5448, le 21 janv. 2018 16:17:21
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