[3.3 Raider] Muirey's 2h Freezing Cyclone - Raider Edition!
" While the build is perfectly fine not using VP I believe using VP is more in line with the play style I built this build for. Super fast clears and big damage but requiring you to pay attention to mechanics and dodge things. I think face tank builds are cool but for me it gets super boring. I want to have those “fuck me!!” moments where I get destroyed because of being in the wrong place at the wrong time. I find that exciting! I believe non-vp and vp versions can both be tanky with enough investment and hp. I think vp suits the more glass cannon style better though. In short it can be played with or without vp just fine. Hell it really isn’t even a “cyclone” build. The passive tree allows for any melee skill to be used, cyclone is just my favorite. |
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Hi, i read your guide and i love it. already have 6link disfavour and daresso's salute but i find your trees confusing because you have a lot of them.
can you plz give me one tree for the disfavour with some life nodes? ty. |
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" Thanks, glad you like it. As for the trees, if you have a disfavour already just look at the hezmana/axe trees under the leveling trees section. You just have to decide if you want to use VP or not. The early leveling trees are not axe/sword specific. Don’t pay attention to the “end tree variations” spoiler much those are just me placing ideas so I don’t forget and can try later. Dernière édition par Muirey#5448, le 27 déc. 2017 17:40:50
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Do you think you could run QOTF on this build? Ive always wanted to try a cyclone with QOTF?
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" Yup, you will want to make sure you using evasion pieces to get the max out of it but other than that works perfectly fine. Maybe rare boots with 30% move speed to get life/resists to allow you to use Essence worm+grace. There are some nodes along the main path that offer more evasion as well. Not to send you away but I believe there are one or two cyclone builds that are specifically built around QotF. The forest fire build is only one that comes to mind at the moment but am pretty sure there was another I saw. Regardless of which build the abyss jewels would be great for QotF. They can have flat evasion and upto 35% increased evasion while moving. Pretty good for QotF. Dernière édition par Muirey#5448, le 27 déc. 2017 20:38:44
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So last night in rage of continuously not being able to get my windripper build to be any good, I said fk it and spent more currency than I'd like to admit in a re-spec to your build here. It was late so I rushed it a bit, but I got the tree right and the majority of your budget gear with Kondos. I just wanted to say it already feels awesome. Yellow elder bosses dumped on me for not having a fortify setup yet, plan on getting that right after work today, but everything else felt powerful and fun. Thank you for the guide here. Wanted to also see if you could give me any pointers on my next upgrades or anything I'm doing wrong gear wise, besides the obvi fortify setup. Thanks again! Cheers exiles.
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" Get at least 3-4 link helm to add Faster Attacks and Fortify to Leap Slam. 20% Kondo's and Devoto's. Enchants on rings. I prefer phys dmg or WED on my accessories. Or you can get some extra resists and free up jewel slot resists for dmg rolls. You can also salvage a skill point by changing your pathing around VP, if you don't plan on taking it to save 1 point. But quite a few Regret orbs you are probably short on for little gain. If you plan to take VP, you can also move pathing and drop the 2 4% HP nodes for 2 5% HP nodes either around Bloodless or Constitution. My opinions: Change Vector's to life & resist rare boots. This will free up a ton of resist requirements until you get +1 frenzy Vector's to go with really high resist from other slots. And if all of your jewels had HP and 2-3 dmg rolls, that will add quite a bit more damage than regular Vector's will. I would change Executioner passive to finish Razor's Edge and grab another HP & 2 dmg mod jewel. That will also mean you get Constitution 3 levels sooner. I also used to be pro-Fortify in Cyclone link until I picked up a Fortify on melee stun belt. It makes a big difference and having the Leap with Fortify for bosses means pretty much constant uptime. Then you can change Fortify in Cyclone with Maim or Dmg on Full Life for quite a bit more damage. They are relatively cheap to start with for just 90 HP and Fortify, and more expensive with extra stuff on them. Then the rare HP/resist boots become mandatory. http://poe.trade/search/dooinanokohote |
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" Not a problem an I am glad you are enjoying it. Looked at your gear and I agree with what blackdeath101 said on the gear. I assume passive tree stuff he mentioned is right as well, heh. Last day of vacation and then I can actually look at passive trees again. Definitely get yourself a pair of rare boots with life and resists on them with 25%-30% speed preferably. Vectors are really the end build “I just wanna go as fast as possible” option. I only really run a tri-res life rare or death doors on standard. Rares for boss, deaths door for mapping safety. If ya need anything else answered let us know! I check the thread every few hours from my phone to answer questions and blackdeath101 is around as well. Speaking of which thanks again for taking the time to help out BD. As I said before it’s very appreciated, especially at the moment when I cannot check passive trees! Dernière édition par Muirey#5448, le 29 déc. 2017 13:21:10
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" No problem. Mainly a lot of downtime at work :P.. I just hit 24 challenge last night and doubt I will push for 36 this season. Lag spikes are getting the best of me and I'd probably be 93 by now with no XP loss. I did do Hydra last night with only 1 lag death. But I'll probably be slowing down a bit and weaving in other games. |
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Ah, after a week off I am itching to plow my way to 98ish when I get back. I want to check out all the different abyss uniques and some elder weapon crafting before league is up. The elder 2h weapon mods specifically could be incredibly good for this build. Shaped ones not so bad but I like the 8-link possibilities.
For example, with max rolls, you could get an elder Vaal axe with 763.43 dps, lvl 20 onslaught or fortify(not both), culling strike, 21% increased attack speed and 20% more if killed recently... with 2 weapon range thrown in for quality of life. That would add onslaught/fortify+culling strike onto our six link which is very nice. I lean more towards fortify+culling combo with an onslaught on kill abyss jewel. Shaped you could get 907.44, 27% attack speed, 10% elemental pen and 1 max frenzy charge. Could get this build back to 9 frenzy(or 10 with a passive reroute). Pretty strong as well, not an 8-link but don’t need an 8-link with 907 pure phys dps and 10% additional ele pen. Would be nice to have 10 frenzy charges. With 9 charges vectors were so stupid fast I had to stop using them heh. I may focus on trying to get a shroud if the lightless to test out instead of disfavour since I have two already in standard. I have been saving most of my shapes/elder items for later crafting along with abyss jewels. A shroud of the lightless 5-link with the elemental pen from chest, that shaped weapon I mentioned above and throw in some ele pen if haven’t killed recently abyss jewels and you’ve got a great combo. Dernière édition par Muirey#5448, le 29 déc. 2017 17:15:10
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