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3.1 KimiiG's LowLife RF/SR. Facetank whole Atlas! 1.4m+ dps.

It’s time for another KimiiG’s build. Enjoy Exile!

Follow me on Twitch: KimiiGs Just stared for PoE! You can ask question etc. there!

This is my second build guide for Path of Exile game. I wanted to make a build which can facetank everything and anything. This is suitable for both HC and SC leagues. I don't use anything legacy items (this is Harbringer league character, not a character show case at Standard league) and can get easily 14-15k ES and over 1.4m DPS without putting millions of exalts on gear. I Killed shaper, Uber Atziri and Chayula breach with 5 – link and normal gems. This build cost about 5-6exalt to work. You can facetank shaper and his guardians without dodging anything. My whole idea was to make a build, which requires zero effort to dodge attacks or try to move away from Atziris flame blast / Shaper’s slam. Enjoy!

So.. another LL RF/SR build, what’s the difference?

- I don’t use any GG ES – items, I can clear whole Atlas with 5 – link chest or even without using SR at all. This build is meant to be as tanky as possible, kinda cheap and still have fast clear speed and immortality to reach lvl 100 or prevent from dying at HC league if playing smart. We also don't need almost any resistance from gear, we get almost maximum resistance from our auras. I think this is most complete build what I’ve ever played.


- Clear all content easily
- Both SC and HC viability
- Farm Maps fast and safely
- Can do almost every map mod
- Doesn't require much awareness when playing SC.
- Easy to reach lvl 100


- Can't run no regen map mod
- Can't run - maximum resistance map mod
- Can be done as league starter, but to really shine, it requires some uniques which aren't common until after few weeks of league.
- Expensive when playing HC - league due Shavronne's wrapping.

- Wouldn't do Phoenix map on HC, since boss mechanism lowers your maximum fire resistance.

To Build:

This build uses four mandatory unique items, which are:

We use Doon Cuebiyari as weapon to give us huge ES pool and scale our damage. Shavronne's Wrapping is needed for Lowlife. Rise of the Phoenix shield for Maximum fire resistance. You can use also pure ES shield with Leo's "5% reduced damage taken over time - mod", but it isn't necessary since everything dies w/o it. Shaper's Touch Crusader Gloves are mandatory. +1 to level of socketed gems or Purity of fire lvl 21 is must for extra maximum fire resistance.


Since we all want videos, here's one facetanking Shaper with 5-link. I'll put more videos later when i have time. What do you want to see? This is example how extremely tanky my build is. I don't even try to doge Shaper's Slam or beam.

SHAPER with 5 - link
Chimera facetank with 5- link

My current gear and gems.


This build dosen't require any unique flask other than Witchfire brew. Other flasks are up to you. I recommend Ruby flasks for ES regen throught reaching 97% maximum fire resistance. If you can match all your over the cap resistances, I suggest to use Wise Oak - flask for extra tankiness (10% reduced elemental damage taken).


We have 5- jewel socket. Try to focus on following stats in following order:

- Cap your missing resistance if there is any
- % increased maximum ES
- Dexterity if you can't cap it through gear
- Increased Burning Damage
- Increased Fire Damage
- Increased Dot Damage
- Increased Damage
- Increased Area damage

NOTE! Increased burning, fire and dot damage scales both SR and RF damage. Increased area damage scales only RF damage.

I have for example following jewels on my build:

3.1 UPDATE! I would recommend using Watcher's eye jewel. It's brokenly OP and with it you can reach 2k+ES and insane amount of regen.

Try to get following aura mods. In this order

1) 18% of Maximum Mana as Extra Maximum Energy Shield while affected by Clarity
2) 2.5% of Maximum Energy Shield Regenerated per Second while affected by Disclipine
3) 135.9 Life Regenerated per Second while affected by Vitality

This new jewel is expensive, but it's ridiculous how powerful it is.


-Either Increased RF or SR damage. Other enchants (like reduced mana reservation) might actually be more harm than good because of Radiant Faith Ascension talent.! I would personally use increased RF damage on Hubris, only if it didn't cost more than my whole build.


Best rings are Opal ring's due increased elemental damage mod. Elemental damage scales our SR and RF damage. If you have some extra currency try to roll with Essence of Anger increased fire damage mod. Like these one:

If you can't afford Opal rings, you can use Moonstone Ring's or any other rings with following stats priority:

-One ring must contain added elemental damage other than fire for Elemental Equilibrium!!
-To maximum Energy Shield
-Dexterity if needed

Offensive stats in Path of Building, lvl 96 Talent tree. 1.4M DPS and 2M dps if you use Vaal trap


Defensive stats, no flask etc. active



- Kill All for 2 Talent points


Take skillpoints in this order:
- Radiant Faith
- Unwavering Faith
- Time of need
- Uber is not required, but if you kill him you can put 2 extra points for increased ES nodes. No need for Prayer of glory since we don't use Warcry. For HC players Bastion Of hope can be usefull when combining it with Rumi's flask



- Take Soul of Arakaali and Soul of Abberath.
- If you don't have chayula amulet, use Soul of the brine king!

TALENT TREE (lvl 95) and Pastebin for Path of Building


and normal URL- talent version


Link for Mana reservation calculation:


1) check you have 23 PoF and ALL the Aura effective nodes
2) Check you have 2% life regen enchant on boots
3) Focus on Life regen nodes on tree
4) Get watchers eye jewel with 2.5 ES regen mod (new in 3.1)
5) Nerfed RoTF is still good for leveling, but i would suggest updating it for crafted 2%max fire res, reduced dot damage taken 250 ES shield. (new in 3.1)


This is lvl 68 tree. At this point you can do anything already. I would suggest reaching level 68 with sunder in SC and with totems in HC. And then respecting. Leveling with LL RF if tricky and you need certain uniques to make it work. It's much faster to do w/o RF and respecting at lvl 68 at which point you can faceroll whole game. If you want level with LL RF, there is guide at Ytube or google.

Some notes: at lvl 68 tree, you need to use Conqueror efficiecny jewel, since you can't run lvl 21 or 20 blood magic gem. You need to be lvl 72, if you want to use Blood magic lvl 21 gem. At this point, you can switch Conqueror jewel off.

LVL 68 tree: DONT SWITCH ANYTHING! just follow the tree..

PoB link: https://pastebin.com/WNJe5aQx

LVL 75 tree: https://pastebin.com/uChD3UfK

LVL 80 Tree: https://pastebin.com/2Mfvv3zm

LVL 85 tree: https://pastebin.com/46R30TVe

LVL 93 tree: https://pastebin.com/Z7GhLYkN at this point on, you can pick what you want or need.

Ask me anything!
Dernière édition par KimiiG#7298, le 7 janv. 2018 13:31:10
Dernier bump le 26 sept. 2018 11:53:33
Which jewels you use for this build?
Vindameyo a écrit :
Which jewels you use for this build?

Hi! I updated the guide! Check jewel section
Impossible to run without a lvl 21 blood magic to get low life?

was able to get low life with conquerors efficience

What should i upgrade next?

My gear:


Im currently on level 88 with 8k ES and 290k DOT with RF with increased AOE.
Dernière édition par babsbegood#1902, le 7 nov. 2017 18:39:49
babsbegood a écrit :
Impossible to run without a lvl 21 blood magic to get low life?

was able to get low life with conquerors efficience

What should i upgrade next?

My gear:


Im currently on level 88 with 8k ES and 290k DOT with RF with increased AOE.


You must replace right opal ring since it has "added fire damage to attack" it might proc Elemental Equilibrium and you make -25% less damage. You have added cold damage one at left ring, so you don't need flat damage on right ring. First and most important upgrade is your Shaper's gloves. Either get +1 socketed gems corrupted version or use level 21 Purity of Fire and lvl 3 empower. You need to hit lvl 23 PoF for reaching 91% Fire resistance. Swap right Opal ring and get either Shaper's gloves +1 gem version or PoF lvl 21 and empower level 3. Shape'r gloves are much cheaper and you can change colors even if it's "corrupted" already with Vorici lvl 8. If you dont't have it, just ask global. Usually people are willing to change it for free. After right ring and gloves upgrade. Try to get +50 str on every rare item. You can spam Deafening Essence of Rage on belt and boots. You can't roll +str on sorcerer boots without it. I recommend what i did, buy cheapest Sorcerer boots with "2% regen if you have been hit recently" scourge it slam Essence of rage on it. Shouldn't even be pricey at this point of the league. I payed 30c from mine. Stats priority are following when rolling rare items 1) Str +50 roll 2) to maximum ES 3)Life. Remember that STR scales both your maximum ES AND your damage due Doons scepter and Shaper's gloves! You can roll increased fire damage to opal rings via Essence of Anger but it might get expensive if you'r unlucky.

I also recommend using Basalt flask instead of granite. The overflowing is kinda of useless since you can kill everything so fast that you should have flask charges up all the time. Replace it with sulphure flask for inc damage and consecrated ground. Consecrated ground gives us 6% ES regen when beeing stationary, which is huge.

P.s Don't use level 3 enlighten on gloves. Use level 1. Try to get mana reservation as high as possible. Less you have mana, more you have ES via Radiant Faith ascension talent. you don't need more than 70 mana to cast SR, Stone Golem or Curse.

Hope this helps!
Dernière édition par KimiiG#7298, le 7 nov. 2017 19:50:41
I'm running very similar variant of LL guardian.
Just want to note that:
— Efficient training gems are great (and better than anything else)
— Alberon's Warpath boots adds you 18% Strength (which is about 120 in my case)
— Legacy enchants +%ES on rings are very helpful
— Since I have maxed one of the resistances, i don't run 1 purity and use Blasphemy-Flammability instead

For now I have about 14700 ES — with shitty helmet which is very hard to craft.
My profile is open if you need to check things.
hwat a écrit :
I'm running very similar variant of LL guardian.
Just want to note that:
— Efficient training gems are great (and better than anything else)
— Alberon's Warpath boots adds you 18% Strength (which is about 120 in my case)
— Legacy enchants +%ES on rings are very helpful
— Since I have maxed one of the resistances, i don't run 1 purity and use Blasphemy-Flammability instead

For now I have about 14700 ES — with shitty helmet which is very hard to craft.
My profile is open if you need to check things.


- First thing first, you play Standard league and use legacy item's 400es+ Shav and 400es + shield and ring enchants. I have 14000+ ES when i equip ES shield instead RotF without using any legacy items. I can't get items or mods since i play Harbinger league. I also think i have better damage output even w/o legacy items.

- Efficient training aren't even close as great and far from better than anything else.

- Alberon's warpath are "Okeys'h" league starter if you max STR on every peace. Still even with max rolled and 5x efficient training jewel's on tree, damage or ES values aren't as great. 200 ES shoes with 50 str roll are much better than 16% alberon's. Also it's also much easier to get "2% life regen when hit mod" when buying sorcerer boots, scourging it and using Essences by yourself.

- Purity gives +6% to maximum resistance, i wouldn't trade it for Blasphemy. I don't even have socket for it either. Everything dies so fast w/o flammability that i rarely even cast it. Shaper and guardians have -80 reduced curse effectiveness, so curses are basically useless when fighting them. Also gear is much cheaper to buy/upgrade when you don't have to relay on resistance rolls.

- Your version is okay and it focuses on other things. And also.. it's standard character with Legacy (ES value) items. You can try these steps via Path of Building, and you'll notice full STR isn't optimal way to go. It's not bad, but there is better alternatives with much cheaper gear which doesn't relays any resistance rolls. Cheers mate!
KimiiG a écrit :
babsbegood a écrit :
Impossible to run without a lvl 21 blood magic to get low life?

was able to get low life with conquerors efficience

What should i upgrade next?

My gear:


Im currently on level 88 with 8k ES and 290k DOT with RF with increased AOE.


You must replace right opal ring since it has "added fire damage to attack" it might proc Elemental Equilibrium and you make -25% less damage. You have added cold damage one at left ring, so you don't need flat damage on right ring. First and most important upgrade is your Shaper's gloves. Either get +1 socketed gems corrupted version or use level 21 Purity of Fire and lvl 3 empower. You need to hit lvl 23 PoF for reaching 91% Fire resistance. Swap right Opal ring and get either Shaper's gloves +1 gem version or PoF lvl 21 and empower level 3. Shape'r gloves are much cheaper and you can change colors even if it's "corrupted" already with Vorici lvl 8. If you dont't have it, just ask global. Usually people are willing to change it for free. After right ring and gloves upgrade. Try to get +50 str on every rare item. You can spam Deafening Essence of Rage on belt and boots. You can't roll +str on sorcerer boots without it. I recommend what i did, buy cheapest Sorcerer boots with "2% regen if you have been hit recently" scourge it slam Essence of rage on it. Shouldn't even be pricey at this point of the league. I payed 30c from mine. Stats priority are following when rolling rare items 1) Str +50 roll 2) to maximum ES 3)Life. Remember that STR scales both your maximum ES AND your damage due Doons scepter and Shaper's gloves! You can roll increased fire damage to opal rings via Essence of Anger but it might get expensive if you'r unlucky.

I also recommend using Basalt flask instead of granite. The overflowing is kinda of useless since you can kill everything so fast that you should have flask charges up all the time. Replace it with sulphure flask for inc damage and consecrated ground. Consecrated ground gives us 6% ES regen when beeing stationary, which is huge.

P.s Don't use level 3 enlighten on gloves. Use level 1. Try to get mana reservation as high as possible. Less you have mana, more you have ES via Radiant Faith ascension talent. you don't need more than 70 mana to cast SR, Stone Golem or Curse.

Hope this helps!

Cool, i managed to get the +1 gloves and craft regular opal and boots:

The belt will be hardest since ill probably need some resistances, i'm also lacking some Dexterity.

Thanks for the help.
babsbegood a écrit :
KimiiG a écrit :
babsbegood a écrit :
Impossible to run without a lvl 21 blood magic to get low life?

was able to get low life with conquerors efficience

What should i upgrade next?

My gear:


Im currently on level 88 with 8k ES and 290k DOT with RF with increased AOE.


You must replace right opal ring since it has "added fire damage to attack" it might proc Elemental Equilibrium and you make -25% less damage. You have added cold damage one at left ring, so you don't need flat damage on right ring. First and most important upgrade is your Shaper's gloves. Either get +1 socketed gems corrupted version or use level 21 Purity of Fire and lvl 3 empower. You need to hit lvl 23 PoF for reaching 91% Fire resistance. Swap right Opal ring and get either Shaper's gloves +1 gem version or PoF lvl 21 and empower level 3. Shape'r gloves are much cheaper and you can change colors even if it's "corrupted" already with Vorici lvl 8. If you dont't have it, just ask global. Usually people are willing to change it for free. After right ring and gloves upgrade. Try to get +50 str on every rare item. You can spam Deafening Essence of Rage on belt and boots. You can't roll +str on sorcerer boots without it. I recommend what i did, buy cheapest Sorcerer boots with "2% regen if you have been hit recently" scourge it slam Essence of rage on it. Shouldn't even be pricey at this point of the league. I payed 30c from mine. Stats priority are following when rolling rare items 1) Str +50 roll 2) to maximum ES 3)Life. Remember that STR scales both your maximum ES AND your damage due Doons scepter and Shaper's gloves! You can roll increased fire damage to opal rings via Essence of Anger but it might get expensive if you'r unlucky.

I also recommend using Basalt flask instead of granite. The overflowing is kinda of useless since you can kill everything so fast that you should have flask charges up all the time. Replace it with sulphure flask for inc damage and consecrated ground. Consecrated ground gives us 6% ES regen when beeing stationary, which is huge.

P.s Don't use level 3 enlighten on gloves. Use level 1. Try to get mana reservation as high as possible. Less you have mana, more you have ES via Radiant Faith ascension talent. you don't need more than 70 mana to cast SR, Stone Golem or Curse.

Hope this helps!

Cool, i managed to get the +1 gloves and craft regular opal and boots:

The belt will be hardest since ill probably need some resistances, i'm also lacking some Dexterity.

Thanks for the help.

Glad to hear pal! Yes dexterity is hardest part, you can't roll dex on belt without essence. Try to get either dex on rings or use few talent points on +30 dex nodes and replace them when you get better gear. Also buy lvl 20 PoF instread your current lvl 19. It will cost like 2 chaos, but it'll give you 2% to maximum fire resistance. Cheers!


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