[3.3] League starter, pure physical Slayer Cyclone (Do Shaper with Kondo/ ISC UberElder down)
I have Carnage Heart, Kondo´s and Lions Roar so I´m thinking about rolling this build on HC SSF Bestiary
Dernière édition par NoDiscoSisqoOrCalypso#2571, le 2 avr. 2018 13:11:33
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" It seems that you want to try the Scion version. Be warned though, the progression of Scion tree is not as simple and straight forward as Slayer version. If you want to save regrets and go for the endgame tree right away, you will have a hard time leveling due to un-optimized tree (which is what I saw on your current character profile). https://pastebin.com/XyMBhH3L Here is the POB when I kill shaper/Guardian the first time in early league. Import it into POB, there is a scrolling option below, in there you can see my planing tree progression at different stages (separate by labs), at Uber lab there is a passive re-spec, and I also switch some passives around during leveling to suite my current need. Also the unique jewel: "Might of the Meek" is included in my final Scion RT version. Which is the one that I use to farm uber elder and basically all other endgame contents. Don't use this version if you don't have "Might of the Meek" (since you're playing in SSF). POB: https://pastebin.com/R6HzJnJg I would still recommend Slayer version to people that aren't familiar with cyclone or melee class in general, the progression is much easier and it's still very capable at any endgame content with right gears and some practice at boss mechanics. Dernière édition par Drosophila#6951, le 3 avr. 2018 04:33:45
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Currently running this with Kaoms on an Ascendant (about to hit lvl 80)
Actually pretty starved out for sockets like this as i am also using tombfist (1 socket though). What would you drop/change with my gear? maybe just run a blank warchief and add bloodrage later on? |
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" With Koam you will have to give up all the damage from your totem, just blank totem for the buff purpose. Bloodrage is important because it's the easiest and reliable way to proc. Arakaali pantheon, and the leech%/AS% is also good for your leech duration/DPS. Drop the links for totems(just leave it blank), and put in BloodRage and Haste/Grace. Alternatively if you have a very good rare with suffix open, you can craft Aspect of spider on that suffix and replace Hast/Grace with it. For your tree progression, I would say Wrecking Ball is much much stronger than Executioner, you should always prioritize Wrecking Ball as 2H build. Also the points at Berserking should go into Butchery. And since you want to use Kaom at chest, the value of % life from gears and jewels will be much stronger than flat life in your case. One easy/cheap way to upgrade is to get a "Mark of the elder" and a random Shaped ring with just some life and resist. "Mark of the elder" is actually very good for the build, because the "add phys damage" from normal steel ring is very non-efficient for 2H weapon with high base damage, scaling through dmg% from "Mark of the elder" is much more stronger, and it also give 10% life, which easily beat T1 life rolls on normal ring in your case (with Kaom), . Another upgrade I would recommend is the elder belt. Leather version will be expansive, since RF build also want to use that, but since you use Kaom, a Rustic Sash is very good as well. A itlv75 elder belt will be all you need, try to craft it to roll (16~20)% life recovery rate and Life(% or flat), for my experiences, this Life recovery rate appear much more frequent compare to last league, my belt in POB cost less than 2EX for me to craft (try to make use of the Bestiary crafting, they are very powerful and underappreciated, especially the "remove pre/suffix, add suffix/prefix" one.) Also I think it goes without saying that your boots suck a lot. With a decent boots and the resists from scion starting area (I prefer to take those resist instead of % melee dmg), upgrading gear will be very easy and cheap. Dernière édition par Drosophila#6951, le 4 avr. 2018 02:08:15
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Thank you for the in depth & fast reply.
I know about my boots, they are just a placeholder for fast leveling, still had them in stash. Already running asepect of the spider on my helmet like you are doing aswell, i must say it feels nice. Cheers. |
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" good idea. i will try this next time. |
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Uber Elder down, props for the build.
Any update on your crit version, how is that one going along? Saw you also beat U-Elder with the crit version. |
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" First I have to warn that going crit with Starforge (5% base crit) is very expansive and require high leveled character (definitely not League starter as the title said LUL), if trying crit without heavy investment, it will perform even worse than RT version. I'm just trying new things since I have spare wealth and never done this before (and start with Scion also help a lot thx to Might of the Meek jewel). The video I uploaded is my initial Slayer/Jugg version, I currently feel it has the best overall performance, less DPS than Slayer/Ass and less life than RT version, but I feel I am even more tankier than RT version thx to perma Endurance charge, long duration immortal call and stun/chill immune. My current planed POB of Crit Slayer/Jugg : https://pastebin.com/yXUckv7s Bit more optimized than the POB in video, but if you have enough resist/int from gear, you should drop some nodes on tree to get the 12% MS at scion region that is overlapped by Might of the Meek, since Jugg version dose move slower. However I'm currently trying Slayer/Ass version, which have the highest DPS since you can drop Crit Chance on cyclone link and use Dmg-on-Fulllife without feeling inconsistency in crit. But it is indeed much more squishy than RT and Slayer/Jugg version, and is more expansive (need lots of accuracy on rings and abyss jewel to feel more consistent) My current planed POB of Crit Slayer/Assassin : https://pastebin.com/2VR0ixBi Dernière édition par Drosophila#6951, le 9 avr. 2018 03:18:12
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Thanks, I just wanted to mention that I really appreciated your build.
It was a great inspiration and I think so far one of the top two characters in feeling powerful over all content I have touched so far (yet with this guy only up to t14 corrupted maps, nothing higher found so far). Bosses are a breeze, I did not feel taking vaal pact was necessary. With a lot of luck I have 6l'ed my first Armor (Crystal Vault) and due to cnbf and %phys2cold watcher's eye build a funny variation. Since that armor/watcher's eye I have zero deaths and rofl-stomped everything I have tried. Running Blashphemy Vulnerability (with Impresence), PoI, Aspect of the Spider, and Arctic Armor. https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/xpctarget/characters (Henman) for those interested in a closer look. |
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" Nice, really like the +2 level unset ring to get 1 additional max cold resist. Shaper based armor (itlv 83+) can also get up to "15% Phys dmg taken as cold", and can potentially give you more life and resist. Also an easy way to proc Rampage is to get a Dancing Dervish on weapon swap, and at the start of every map, swap to Dancing Dervish and kill 1 worm from flask then swap back to normal weapon and proceed to clear map. Killing anything with Rampage item will start the rampage clock, and even if you swap it out, the clock is still running and can be refresh with each kill. So you don't need the belt actually (unless you use it just for the item rarity%, which is very low actually). |
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