Travesty9090 a écrit :
Nevermyndz a écrit :
hey guys
this is more of a leveling question, just switched to the cyclone > melee physical / brut / maim..
question.. how do i get my cyclone moving faster?
after going from MS / ancestral call to this, it feels slow
any other leveling tips would be great ( uniques to get that last a while or gems such as auras to invest in )
ty guys
also if anyone would like to look at my gear and advise what to get, you would be the peoples champ
In addition to the move speed and haste aura suggestions you've already gotten which are both good, roll a Quicksilver with added movespeed.
As far as uniques, you're in luck. There are very cheap options to twink out the leveling experience on this build.
Pick up The Blood Reaper for your next level, then grab Terminus Est for when you hit 51(it's a sword, that's fine, just wait on axe nodes on the tree). That'll carry you very nicely until the budget endgame options in this guide.
Also, grab a pair of Shavronne's Pace boots. They'll give you 35% move speed most of the time and the int is a nice bonus.
All of those uniques should cost you less than 1c each and will vastly smooth out your leveling experience.
Also a general tip if you're new to cyclone, click in short distances. The animation lock of long cyclone's can suck, it feels much smoother and more maneuverable if you're going short distances.
Great advice! Will add this leveling advice to the faq
🎆🎆 www.youtube.com/c/Ahfack
🎆🎆 NEW #1 LLRF Helm -> 30% MORE|25CON|25BURN|-12fire|352es
🎆🎆 #1 Phys/Impale Leg 70% Multi Amulet + #1 Phys Rings!
🎆🎆 ^^Free 7L Fortify Cyclone!
🎆🎆 https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/534134
Posté parAhfack#1969le 13 déc. 2017 11:01:18
Ahfack a écrit :
Thorriorlinkdv2 a écrit :
Hey, you mention "no more witchfire" in your crimson cyclone guide but don't really say why, what's the reason? what happened? Also, I don't see a mention in the guide of what auras to use if at all, guidance would be appreciated! Enjoying the build :)
Old vulnerability was changed to despair. Despair is for chaos/dot builds. New vulnerability is for phys builds. Witchfire gives despair
I appreciate the reply! And what about auras?
IGN: Thorriorzz
Racing is what I do.
Posté parThorriorlinkdv2#3625le 13 déc. 2017 11:05:20Membre Alpha
Ahfack a écrit :
Travesty9090 a écrit :
Nevermyndz a écrit :
hey guys
this is more of a leveling question, just switched to the cyclone > melee physical / brut / maim..
question.. how do i get my cyclone moving faster?
after going from MS / ancestral call to this, it feels slow
any other leveling tips would be great ( uniques to get that last a while or gems such as auras to invest in )
ty guys
also if anyone would like to look at my gear and advise what to get, you would be the peoples champ
In addition to the move speed and haste aura suggestions you've already gotten which are both good, roll a Quicksilver with added movespeed.
As far as uniques, you're in luck. There are very cheap options to twink out the leveling experience on this build.
Pick up The Blood Reaper for your next level, then grab Terminus Est for when you hit 51(it's a sword, that's fine, just wait on axe nodes on the tree). That'll carry you very nicely until the budget endgame options in this guide.
Also, grab a pair of Shavronne's Pace boots. They'll give you 35% move speed most of the time and the int is a nice bonus.
All of those uniques should cost you less than 1c each and will vastly smooth out your leveling experience.
Also a general tip if you're new to cyclone, click in short distances. The animation lock of long cyclone's can suck, it feels much smoother and more maneuverable if you're going short distances.
Great advice! Will add this leveling advice to the faq
Throw Reaper's Pursuit in there at 33 too. It's also 1c or less and can actually fairly easily carry through to Terminus Est, I only recommended The Blood Reaper cause he's 1 level away.
Thorriorlinkdv2 a écrit :
Ahfack a écrit :
Thorriorlinkdv2 a écrit :
Hey, you mention "no more witchfire" in your crimson cyclone guide but don't really say why, what's the reason? what happened? Also, I don't see a mention in the guide of what auras to use if at all, guidance would be appreciated! Enjoying the build :)
Old vulnerability was changed to despair. Despair is for chaos/dot builds. New vulnerability is for phys builds. Witchfire gives despair
I appreciate the reply! And what about auras?
Read the guide man :)
🎆🎆 www.youtube.com/c/Ahfack
🎆🎆 NEW #1 LLRF Helm -> 30% MORE|25CON|25BURN|-12fire|352es
🎆🎆 #1 Phys/Impale Leg 70% Multi Amulet + #1 Phys Rings!
🎆🎆 ^^Free 7L Fortify Cyclone!
🎆🎆 https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/534134
Posté parAhfack#1969le 13 déc. 2017 11:48:36
Boax a écrit :
I got a jewel with 12% increased damage over time / 16% inreased damage with bleed / phys dmg with axes and life. Is that good for this build?
Lets see:
- We use bleed as DoT, so you will benefit from 28% more DoT on the jewel.
- We are pure phys axe fighters, again you will benefit from the inc dmg with axes on the jewels.
- IDK about you, but most of us need as much life as we can get, so yes life on that jewel is good.
TL/DR Yes, that jewel is good for this build
Posté parvardows#5338le 13 déc. 2017 12:04:16
Dude first of all, thanks for this guide. Is good, hope you are good , and well and happy. Am saving to buy your mirror gloves ONE DAY !!!!!
Ok question is this, in my axe, you say we can change the last gem.... for conc, or damage on full life, but what about maim> i think that conc gives more damage then maim, and maim can be put into the totem !!!! what do you think
Jesus Christ, how much hand holding can one thread endure. I feel like every time I read questions here it's the same regurgitated questions that have been asked and answered over and over again.
People for the love of God just start from the last page of the thread read back for like 10 pages and you will get all your questions answered. Or I don't know try actually reading through the entire guide that on page 1...?
Posté parTrimorden#4515le 13 déc. 2017 14:36:01
Very true, i found the answer to my question. ( it was, stop playing and go clean the house XDDD ) BUT also to maim am noob so i need it to ask the master . The creator .
Trimorden a écrit :
Jesus Christ, how much hand holding can one thread endure. I feel like every time I read questions here it's the same regurgitated questions that have been asked and answered over and over again.
People for the love of God just start from the last page of the thread read back for like 10 pages and you will get all your questions answered. Or I don't know try actually reading through the entire guide that on page 1...?

🎆🎆 www.youtube.com/c/Ahfack
🎆🎆 NEW #1 LLRF Helm -> 30% MORE|25CON|25BURN|-12fire|352es
🎆🎆 #1 Phys/Impale Leg 70% Multi Amulet + #1 Phys Rings!
🎆🎆 ^^Free 7L Fortify Cyclone!
🎆🎆 https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/534134
Posté parAhfack#1969le 13 déc. 2017 16:19:06
sry if i ask that question again, but which Pantheon used we know? Still Arakaali and Yugul?
Posté parKurokâ#6610le 13 déc. 2017 18:17:08