[On Hold] Glacial Cascade Totems [ALL Content in the Game]
Monti_Jones a écrit :
So I hit maps today and wanted to give a little perspective from a totem noob, as it is my first time playing that style past act3.
I leveled in a group the first 7 acts and even there, on a 3-link mind you, the damage was respectable. The switch to Ancestral Bond worked nicely right at the first lab. The second totem makes izaro a cakewalk because you can use a Decoy Totem as well as your damage totem. I switched to GC as soon as I could and clear speed as well as single target damage felt very sufficient. Overall Decoy Totem was my leveling MVP. 2 damage totems are more than enough to kill anything while the decoy keeps bosses or syndicate members in check. I chose Conviction of Power at cruel because I thought I would need the damage, but in hindsight Ritual of Awakening would have been the better choice. The regen, the placement speed and the double totems are just too good.
When I got started dying a few times at a tier 3 map boss I realized: I hadn't changed my gear since I switched to a 4link! I ran 2 whole tiers without even noticing my negative resists, while being at 2.5k life. To say this build is easy and save is an understatement.
My big investments up until now were 2 Kikazarus and a helmet for 1c, found the rest. I am not even fully converted, it doesn't seem to matter at this point. Any ideas what I should do with my free sockets? I don't really need them...
check my links for ideas, but I just did my first gear pass and got max sockets and picked up what skipped/forgot. I'll be changing them later when I get better gear. Might wanna drop cold pen for inc crit until full conversion? Prolly doesn't matter though, build is stronk like bull. I do the same thing with the resists every gc totem starter, *ONE SHOT IN YELLOW MAP* oh, i'm wearing level 20 gear still. huh.
So I hit maps today and wanted to give a little perspective from a totem noob, as it is my first time playing that style past act3.
I leveled in a group the first 7 acts and even there, on a 3-link mind you, the damage was respectable. The switch to Ancestral Bond worked nicely right at the first lab. The second totem makes izaro a cakewalk because you can use a Decoy Totem as well as your damage totem. I switched to GC as soon as I could and clear speed as well as single target damage felt very sufficient. Overall Decoy Totem was my leveling MVP. 2 damage totems are more than enough to kill anything while the decoy keeps bosses or syndicate members in check. I chose Conviction of Power at cruel because I thought I would need the damage, but in hindsight Ritual of Awakening would have been the better choice. The regen, the placement speed and the double totems are just too good.
When I got started dying a few times at a tier 3 map boss I realized: I hadn't changed my gear since I switched to a 4link! I ran 2 whole tiers without even noticing my negative resists, while being at 2.5k life. To say this build is easy and save is an understatement.
My big investments up until now were 2 Kikazarus and a helmet for 1c, found the rest. I am not even fully converted, it doesn't seem to matter at this point. Any ideas what I should do with my free sockets? I don't really need them...
nice transition. may i ask what's your tooltip with no buffs and full buffs?
Great to see so many replies on this thread! Grats on all the progress I see being made!
Just wanting to point out that Soul Mantles extra totem health is nearly as important to me as the extra totem it offers. The totem health is very useful as without it I feel that totems die way too fast, especially on ele reflect maps.
This is really big for me as well. While I always push people toward individuality and making the build your own - I highly highly recommend soul mantle for the build and honestly would not play a build without it. I understand the curse drawback is big for some and we're at a point where players are doing plenty of damage so moving away from it is an option... just not a route that I want to take myself.
Just one beginners hint just go with arc totem after lvl 12 and youre completely fine, stay there, if you like it, its almost as good as GC or turn to GC.
This question came up a LOT on stream, looks like a lot of my viewers went arc totems and transitioned into GC once they hit a wall in red maps.
I loved the build in the Delve League. Just went with the build for Betrayal but I am really annoyed by the movement skill changes.
So what would you guys recommend? Previously I liked Whirling Blades but I am not sure if two daggers is ok/the way to go. I went with Dagger mainhand and scepter offhand in 3.4.
Thanks for your advice/help.
Double dagger until they activate the +1 Totem shields.
And whats with people arguing with OP about this build. I adjusted the build to fit me, there is no right or wrong. Wanna try it? Try it. Does it works? Neat. Does it not? Try something else. "I wanna see numbers" bleh.
This guy gets it.
Dumb question but... In the leveling guide you don't say at what level you switch to using GC?
Right at 28 is fine.
I was thinking about that build some time.
How about on finish build use soul mantle +2x kukizaru + self-flagellation
which boost mod of "increased damage"
And use 4-socket item for 2 aura spells (hatred + maybe haste/anger) + reduced mana cost + multiple totem support (we need also a jewel which reduce mana cost of that totems by 60%). We won't summon 2 totems at once caouse aura skills got cd. So we will have 2 different aura totem and 4-5 GC totem.
Ofcourse aura totem we will need only for bosses caouse GC-totems clean mobs fast enough.
In that way new patch can be a buff for that build inestad nerf.
What do you think about it?
Do it!
I'm messing around with ideas and this build is appealing but... How SSF friendly it is? The uniques here are MANDATORY? or this build is still a beast to get, maybe not to endgame, but at least far into the atlas?
Depends on what your goals are, it's a strong starter for SSF to get gear/drops going in a fresh league. Consider using Increased Item Rarity Support!
hey, which passive tree should i follow.. the one in PoB or PoE planner.. becoz theres a lot difference between this two tree.
I'll make a note under the PoB that clarifies. I just put my most recent PoB link in the guide - but I try things out just to be different each league (check out my gear snapshots). The tree in the main guide is the one I recommend.
Has anyone found the +1 totems to shield veiled mod?
Stat stick nerf is really bad for me, I was planning to play with a shield, and even pretty mediocre 1-2ex shaper stick is worse then divinarius 4c unique dagger
So I hit maps today and wanted to give a little perspective from a totem noob, as it is my first time playing that style past act3.
I leveled in a group the first 7 acts and even there, on a 3-link mind you, the damage was respectable. The switch to Ancestral Bond worked nicely right at the first lab. The second totem makes izaro a cakewalk because you can use a Decoy Totem as well as your damage totem. I switched to GC as soon as I could and clear speed as well as single target damage felt very sufficient. Overall Decoy Totem was my leveling MVP. 2 damage totems are more than enough to kill anything while the decoy keeps bosses or syndicate members in check. I chose Conviction of Power at cruel because I thought I would need the damage, but in hindsight Ritual of Awakening would have been the better choice. The regen, the placement speed and the double totems are just too good.
When I got started dying a few times at a tier 3 map boss I realized: I hadn't changed my gear since I switched to a 4link! I ran 2 whole tiers without even noticing my negative resists, while being at 2.5k life. To say this build is easy and save is an understatement.
My big investments up until now were 2 Kikazarus and a helmet for 1c, found the rest. I am not even fully converted, it doesn't seem to matter at this point. Any ideas what I should do with my free sockets? I don't really need them...
nice transition. may i ask what's your tooltip with no buffs and full buffs?
I am no expert on this, but the tooltip dps and even the PoB dps seem very missleading to me. Can't vouch for accuracy on these numbers but I get 12k unbuffed and 25k buffed shaper dps in PoB. Please keep in mind that I am not fully converted, have a 4link Soul Mantle and haven't done uber lab. No jewels, no Atziri's Promise, just Hatred.
Still I can easily clear white maps, lvl 72 temples as well as syndicate members. Delving seems smooth too but I havn't gotten far down yet.
PS: Found something for my open slots. Vaal Haste is instant cast now and gives nice speed whenever the quicksilver or Phase Run is down. Extra cast speed is a nice bonus.
Dernière édition par Monti_Jones#4875, le 11 déc. 2018 à 17:53:37
I’m using cwdt frost bomb for -% cold resist, frost bite and cold pen support. Correct me if I’m wrong but if frost bomb is -25% cold resist, frost bite -50%, I would potentially have -75% cold resist. Will that make cold pen kinda useless if there’s no resist to penetrate? I do know that curse effectiveness against harder bosses like Shaper is a reduced. Just wondering in general. Was thinking of swapping cold pen out for hypo and only cold pen during bosses.
PS: Apologies if this has been asked and answered already previously.
I think this build would be alright for SSF because currently I'm easily clearing Tier 9 maps using a Tabula, which is technically farmable in blood aquaducts. Only other uniques I'm using is an Atziris Promise flask and Kaoms Roots and they're nice but I don't think I'm relying on them entirely, other than that most of the items I'm using I actually found ( including the Tab ). I had really good luck this league finding nice resist gear.
I leveled using Arc, and switched over to GC around Tier3 maps.
Anyone have advice for getting a 6L mantle? Basically just pumping fuses into a decent Mantle?