[3.4] ELE CLAW INQUISITOR | Farm Shaper on 3Link! + UberElder, UberAtziri | very Budget friendly!
i have a question. got my first 6L (4R - 2B) and now i wonder what i should put in.
in my opinion the range is totallly ok so i dont want to put in increased area. but what would be better dps wise? concentrated or ele focus? or what... |
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So I remade my level 68 BF Inq when you reworked the guide. Love the MS version of the build. I'm currently level 66. I'm not able to run the Blasphemy Support yet along side the Herald of Thunder and Herald of Ice. Running all three leaves me with not enough mana to cast MS. I've been manually casting it which works out alright. I assume this issue will go away once I get my Enlighten Support leveled up? That thing takes forever to level though.
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Hey, just wanted to make a quick post and see if anyone could give some advice on what would be a good thing to focus on upgrading next. My gear seems to be in a pretty good spot, but I want to get an idea of what to shoot for next.
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" What base it is? Maybe you could just recolor IT for 3b3r. If not: Dont use ele focus for map clear it will prevent HoI/innervate /onslaught from procing. Obsiouly Inc aoe increases your aoe but decreases the dmg of the projectiles and conc effect does the opposit. So If you have a hard time killing packs/single monsters use conc. If they die in 1 or 2 hits anyways use Inc. Aoe. But keep in mind for bosses acestral call is a big less dmg multiplier and the effect wont help at all if he doesnt spawn adds. If you struggle vs bosses you should switch it out for another gem or if you dont have another just use MS as a 5linked without it. |
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" i dont have englighten on 2 but if you have mana on hit on weapon and soul raker you can easylie use all 3. I have 34 mana and it works fine |
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" Well, for clearing 4r2b is ok of you are ok with the area.: MS Ancestral Call EDWA Multistrike Concentrated Effect Added Lightning Never use Ele. Focus for clearing, you won't get Onslaught and Innervate from your Herald of Ice if you do. For single target you would really want 3r3b. But what you could do is use Ruthless instead of Ancestral Call and Ele. Focus instead of Added Lightning? The reason why 2b is so hard for single target is, because you really need Ele. Focus on single target. Because it will give us +100% increased crit chance (from Righteous Providence ascendancy) and that in turn will make most of our hit ignore enemy resists. And bosses have A LOT of resists so it is kind of important :D The problem is that both, added lightning and conc effect give so much damage, but you need Ele. Focus. But anyway, you should be ok with that setup I think. But keep an eye out for a chest you can color 3r3b ;) Dernière édition par Mecielle#3021, le 15 déc. 2017 à 17:31:43
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what will be batter the old jewels like you havbe in PoB or the new ones with flat dmg and flat hp?
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" Anyone? Pleaaaaaaase :) |
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" Your gear is already much better than mine, I am still trying to 6-link my damn Belly... 1700 fuses in. Stygian Vises are really cheap, even good ones. Because they drop like snow in winter :D You should be able to get one with good life, acceptable resists and 35%+ elemental damage with attacks rather cheaply. That would be a pretty good upgrade if you can balance the resists. Also, why use normal jewels? You will get much more damage out of your jewel slots with flat ele damage from Abyss jewels. Our crit chance is still not high enough (rough estimate is always ~60% without diamond flask up to make multi better than flat damage) to make crit multi better than flat damage. So a 30-40c AByss jewel with 3 or 4 flat ele damage to attack or claw attack would give you at least triple the damage than one of yours gives you. To balance lost resists if you do change your belt: Get Shrieking Essences of Loathing and craft Spiked Gloves with life and resists. Can get expensive if you are unlucky but will end up with not much damage lost and 200+ life gained. Last, get a second DIamond Ring :D As I said you are geared much better, well apart from the much worse jewels. Take a look at my character if you want to see what jewels I use. I sniped them over the last 3 days for around 20c each, are worth much more. If I take all 4 jewels out (one in belt) I do around !HALF! the damage I do with them. Maybe that will drive the point home :D " Well, take the proj. damage if you want. But 36% resists is much better. It enables you to get more damage mods on your gear. And 12% proj. damage is nothing really... Dernière édition par Mecielle#3021, le 15 déc. 2017 à 17:46:01
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" Get the head enchant, thats a massive boost. |
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