[3.8] LiftingNerdBro's Uber Lab Warchief Totem Champion - Great League Starter!
" yes both the champion and the chieftain % taunt on hit works for the totems |
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Hey guys,
Well i will start this build for 3.2, since i want to farm currencies. Everything in the build is clear enough, but i have questions about farming uberlab: - How do you rush your uberlab labyrinth on maps ? There is a way to do it pretty fast or i will farm maps from ages before being able to go uber ? - When you farm uberlab, how do you make currencies with enchant ? Taking some usefull unique helmets and enchanting it until you have something interesting and then taking another unique helmet for next run ? All tips to the way of making currencies with this build are very welcome. Cheers |
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" Well the fastest way to get all the trials is joining /global820 [ reddit master/quest/trial sharing]. You will find some peoples offering different trials, usually for free but some of them hoping for some tiny tip [ not required but appreciated]. Usually im using ilvl84 white burgonets to enchant. Youre just buying white ones for like alch/chaos and enchanting them till you get something decent. Ofcourse some peoples are using unique helmets. Depends on your "taste". Obviously in first week getting ilvl84 helmets might be hard so you should settle with lower ilvl helmets. About the difference between white/unique helmets...ofcourse if you will get cyclone dmg enchant on devoto's devotion that would be a perfect most expensive helmet for that but in the same time if youre getting for example righteous fire enchant on some meele unique helmet its basically worthless and white ones are better [ shaper/elder helmet even better]. So its up to your personal taste what helmets youre going to use. Dernière édition par Deziowy#6998, le 2 mars 2018 07:59:23
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Hi there :)
2 more questions: - Can this build farm higher tier maps with a reliable speed? Whats a good flask/item priority setup for maping with this build? - is there a good lategame orientated build to switch to when geting rich enough? |
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thanks Lifting for the 3.2 update, bro. sure, will do this build again for a great starter.
" just wanna give my 2 cents about this. i believe everyone got their own nice ways to get currencies. but well, this is what i did. at least, during Abyss. i consider myself as a new player, since i joined in at 2 days last of Harbinger. still learns a lot about the game. 1. rushing the trial? yep, joining /global820 still the quickest & the most effective one to complete all the trials. but mostly i use global820 to rush my Elreon and Vorici. got lucky that i encountered all the trial consecutively in maps before i even know global820 exist. and maybe if you like me that enjoying all the content in solo (but still needs the other to trade stuff), just buy a few "The Dream Trial" prophecy, put it in Navali, and just running some maps til' you meet with any trial(s) you needed. idk about the price for the prophecy at the early league, but later on i believe it'll be constantly on 2c, sometimes you'll meet the ones that just want quick chaos doing 1c. i'm still frequently buying this to get a 'cheaper' Offering when doing maps. 2. enchantment? i have a perspective that enchanting and selling a 'great' helmet needs a lot of time to get profit. sure, maybe you just spent 1alc-5c to buy the 'ingredients' helmet and sells it for hundreds of chaos or exalt. i did twice sell two good helmets with eth.knive & molten strike enchants for a huge profit. but refers to these: https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Enchantment AND, https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1QJsy97gYXB91LlvBKJRpH-_rg--ABWmkbiOPnqYmyBE/pubhtml?# (from PoELab) you see there's a lot, i mean, A LOT of helmet enchantment. sometimes, that's just frustrating. for basic helmet required, white 84ilvl Royal Bugonet works. for uniques; Devoto, Rat's Nest & Starkonja. i did Lightpoacher too in Abyss. the sad things is, i have 5x Devoto scattered in my standard stash now after the league xD once again everyone has their own way. but this is mine: - i did experiment with boots. for me, this is more constant than doing helmets. it gets the 'right' enchant and sells fast. - looks for 'meta build(s)'. the few ones with so many peeps trying to build. im using these 3 great sites as a source: https://www.poebuilds.cc/ http://www.buildofexile.com/ https://www.poebuilds.io/builds/sc - find the needed enchantments for the build. in this case, im looking for the boots. you can apply this for the helmets or gloves either. - generally for boots, what i mostly needs are: life and mana leech; life and mana regen; increased movement speed. - buy the needed item. after you look on poetrade, click the wiki page on that said item, look for what max stats/mods that you can get as a good roll. this is for 'to selling the good shit fast' occasion. as an example: in Abyss i did a lot of Goldwyrm boot ( https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Goldwyrm ). i always looking at minimum '18% increased Quantity of Items found' AND '48% to Fire Resistance'. most days, i could bought it for 20-25c. then working on it to get 'life and mana leech' enchantment. 0,6% if uber/eternal OR 0,5 when you just want a quick run at merciless will do just fine. mostly, i would sell it for 2ex on good days or just underprice it for 1ex or 100c for a quick profit. all depends on the other 'provider' too. so you see? a simpler, quicker & more constant 75-100c net profit all the time. hopefully it'll help a bit for an input about enchantments. nb: sorry for the awful english, guys xD |
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" I honestly doubt that the real problem of the champion is the survivability of the totems. While i dont have a direct experience with melee totems to say that, i never had huge problems when building spell totem. After all, enemy always moves around (someone actually teleports on another place), so every 3-4 seconds you have to replace them. The huge con of this build, compared to chieftain, is the lack of leech and the low life regen. A lot of times you have to fight against dot, and leech+regen helps a lot. Champion has litteraly zero leech with totems, and just a bit of regen. Chieftain is way better in that sense. Champion is the best choice dps-wise for melee totem build i think. It has very strong defensive stats, but no leech in this crazyspeed game can be a huge downside if you don't know how to move correctly in battle if the fight doesnt end quickly. Especially against Elder/Shaper/Atziri that are in tiny arena. Dernière édition par Serge91#5363, le 2 mars 2018 09:09:12
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Best option dps-wise is berserker but in my opinion thats not a starter build. More like high-end AW farmer. I played berserker AW once. 800-900k per totem with facebreakers is way more superior compared to champion but like i said...its not a starter/low budget one. Ofcourse you can go berserker but gl staying alive without proper investments. Youre usually using abyssus on berserker too so... :P
Dernière édition par Deziowy#6998, le 2 mars 2018 09:46:56
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" ye thats also a downside. the chieftains totems leech for u and for them as well. champion relys on life flasks. i have both characters (aw chieftain and aw champion), but with facebreaker and bringer of rain. i dont have too much of a problem to keep the champion alive with 2 instant life flasks, but i notice that the totems of the champion die significantly faster. dont forget that ur totems taunt 100%, that means all the dmg of the enemy monsters focuses on the totems. the chieftains totems are immune to fire dmg and u have a lot of fire dmg in the game, thats also a big point. i also have an aw berserker. the dmg is nice, but forget that for hc. Dernière édition par Freya98#1314, le 2 mars 2018 10:26:54
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Is there really not a better choice for the weapon?
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" This is an uber lab farming build, not a build for bossing / mapping (if you read the title). Totem survivability isn't an issue because if a totem is dying to izaro its dying whether you're playing chieftain or champion either way.. So the extra totem durability as chieftain gives you really nothing. If you know how to properly do uber lab and have a good amount of experience in it, you know how to dodge izaro abilities and should not be taking much of any damage while totems tank for you, so the leech from Chieftain should be irrelevant; especially since most deaths to izaro are typically fast 1-2 shots where a bit of extra leech will not do much of anything to prevent it. Lastly, champion after the changes is far more OP/broken than chieftain is. Chieftain for warchief totems would be better suited to mapping. Dernière édition par Enzymaticc#2444, le 2 mars 2018 11:04:57
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