[3.0] The Gatling Storm Burster - MOM-Crit-Life 1,8 Millions DPS Inquisitor

SongokuSSj5 a écrit :

I’ve opted for a life based (considering the nerf of ES and boost of life on gear)

Life was not buffed.
Dernière édition par Zodr#2872, le 18 sept. 2017 05:09:05
I ended up making a few tweaks to my build (upgraded gear, switched from Hiero to Inquis). I also decided to swap out Storm Call to try out Storm Burst (just had to rechrome my armor). Overall I'm not very impressed. The DPS seems substantially less, especially against bosses, and survivability is also a bit worse. For some reason I thought the leech would be more reliable with Storm Burst but that turned out not to be the case.

According to Path of Building, each explosion (with 6 power charges, wrath, herald of thunder, and lightning golem) does around 50k DPS. This is about how much DPS my Storm Call was doing, but Storm Call is way more targeted and less of the blasts are going to waste (also with Storm Call I can link up Spell Echo, so cast speed is ridiculous). I understand that your setup with 450k per explosion was using 2x Void Battery but those numbers still seem way too high. Maybe I'm doing something wrong but Storm Burst has just been lackluster. I linked my gear below and passive tree is in profile. I'll also include a pastebin for my character in case you want to take a deeper look. Any feedback would be much appreciated.


Also, keep in mind I'm using a MoM setup for extra survivability. That's why I have Cloak of Defiance plus Atziri's Foible and Dream Fragments.

Dernière édition par Zand#3256, le 21 sept. 2017 23:47:02
Zodr a écrit :
SongokuSSj5 a écrit :

I’ve opted for a life based (considering the nerf of ES and boost of life on gear)

Life was not buffed.

You should read the patch notes before contesting others:
[quite]Added new prefixes for Armours. These are not restricted to pure or hybrid items, but can only appear on items which have the defense they provide: Added Armour and Life, Added Evasion Rating and Life, Added Energy Shield and Life.[/quote]

Please forgive my delay, but pretty busy at work, I'll deeply check on your gear/tree/build and see what's going on. Will be back on you on approximately 8h

Please forgive my delay, but pretty busy at work, I'll deeply check on your gear/tree/build and see what's going on. Will be back on you on approximately 8h

Awesome, thank you! It's worth noting I made a few additional changes. Will update gear/pastebin in my original post
Dernière édition par Zand#3256, le 21 sept. 2017 22:20:55
Zand a écrit :

Please forgive my delay, but pretty busy at work, I'll deeply check on your gear/tree/build and see what's going on. Will be back on you on approximately 8h

Awesome, thank you! It's worth noting I made a few additional changes. Will update gear/pastebin in my original post


I've checked on your PoB build.
Basically you are checking the dps from a spare unlinked StormBurst gem: you have 2 Storm burst, change the SB from the menu and you'll go to almost 100k


If i were you i'd drop the cloak of defiance for the carcass, grab a void battery (it will also mitigate the mana loss from using Carcass), take from tree the Deep Thoughts notable and get rid of the Healthy Mind jewel for a life-dps one.
Drop quicksilver flask for a diamond one (using whirlin baldes for movement)
The Unshattered Will shield wich is very cheap now, can provide a nice layer of defence plus a decent dps


Maybe you can change faster casting for a more dps support (conc effect or bettere ele focus, you are anyway shocking with the vinktar)


Increase the life nodes from tree (122% life is very low) by taking nodes like DEvotion and Blood Drinker. With 3k life you should not go mapping..discard MOM for life if necessary and use a pair of Kaoms Roots


I'd stick to Pious Path to be honest. If Pious Path is enough for mana, change ring and ammy accordingly for a more dps one

Anyway i'm having durvivability issue as well. Basically it seems like it's not leeching from the explosion..Don't know why...

Hope my tips can help!

Let me know how it is going!

Dernière édition par Effe86#2062, le 22 sept. 2017 00:26:23
I'm not sure if this was addressed at all because I'm not going to read 10 pages of posts, but your PoB you linked is not optimized properly at all. If you're trying to theorize a REAL build and see what it's capable of, you need be a little more thorough.

Also, sorry to burst your bubble - but PoB dps doesn't reflect the damage per orb explosion. If you look at the numbers, each explosion is doing roughly 125k average hit. So your "400k dps of single explosion" advertisement is a hoax. PoB simply multiplies the Orb hit by the cast rate which is NOT how the skill works necessarily.

Your resists are capped ONLY while flasks are active. Thats an extremely risky play style I don't think suits end game farming or boss play. Some items are completely missing stats and only have 4/6 prefixes/suffixes. The build is also set for level 99 - this is a bit too excessive for me personally. Level 92 is usually what builds stop at. I altered the tree a bit to match. - scaled to lvl 92

I fixed up the gear, made some stat improvements for more DPS on the jewels. Edited and assigned gem sockets. Overall a massive improvement in dps, lost a little surivability due to less skill points. See below for explanation and PoB Pastebin:

I replaced Kaom's Roots with a pair of ES boots to compensate for the lacking resists. The build already has an abundant amount of Life for a MOM setup. - Added boot enchant to avoid stuns if you have killed recently.

I changed the 6L setup. Slower porjectiles makes for clunky and unsafe playstyle. Added Lightning is a bigger dps increase and QoL improvement anyways. Also replace increased crit damage with Increased Crit Strike. - DPS while diamond flask is up is equal. Dps while diamond flask is down is much higher.

Your HoT - CoH - Assassin's mark setup doesn't work on pure boss fights. I'd suggest putting this on a Ball Lightning - CoH - Assassin's Mark - Inc Duration / Faster Casting for the 4L boots mentioned above. It will slow down the clear speed potentially - you can either cast the ball lightning or the orb of storms on occaision for the power charges.

I condensed HoT and Wrath into a 3L with enlighten for the weapon 1 slot. -- I'm not sure with being MoM and reserving so much mana is smart though. The spell costs 35 mana per channel start & sustained cast and will drain / end early if we take a smack and only have 680 mana max. Personally I'd take off HoT, we can afford the DPS loss for major quality of life.

Orb of Storms doesn't need Duration as it will likely be replaced frequently. 3L in Weapon 2

Added a CWDT - Immortal call - Lightning Golem- Inc Duration 4L for Helmet. - ALSO i changed the helment enchant to storm burst damage. Much more dps to be gained from this.

The 4L gloves can be used for Arcane Surge procs / movement: Flame Dash - caster casting - arcane surge. I'm shocked you missed this massive dps boost and didn't have a movement skill in the build.

Keep kraityn as the bandit always. A jewel socket pickup from the 2 points nets 6k dps in this high end gear, but you lose dodge chance and move speed.

Overall - 500k+ dps. 143k+ dmg per orb. Level 92. 4750 life, 1250 ES, 1131 unreserved mana. Roughly 6.5k EHP to survive 1 shots. Little on the low end and worth considering dropping some DPS for more life. I'm too tired to rework things at the moment. I will say this: If you're fortunate enough to have the Atziri gloves - you can pick up a jewel socket + 3 HP nodes. Overall a 35k DPS LOSS, but a 600 life + 100 ES gain. Completely worth trade off IMO.

POB Pastebin -- MoM Build with no Acuity Gloves and no Herald of Thunder:

All in all - the build looks strong. Everything in the PoB is EXTREMELY expensive(70 EX+) and not realistic for people just starting up or wanting to try out the build sadly. I'm really interested in the skill though. I'm going to mess around with some entry level gear and a cap of 2 EX and 5L to see what numbers on POB I can get. My only issue would be clear speed with this build, I usually like faster play styles. Hopefully this helps you continue improving things!

Side note - your original post is fairly inconsistent and a little scatter-brained. You should consider cleaning it up and editing it with info ive provided as it is innacurate currently.
CptKeys a écrit :
I'm not sure if this was addressed at all because I'm not going to read 10 pages of posts, but your PoB you linked is not optimized properly at all. If you're trying to theorize a REAL build and see what it's capable of, you need be a little more thorough.

Also, sorry to burst your bubble - but PoB dps doesn't reflect the damage per orb explosion. If you look at the numbers, each explosion is doing roughly 125k average hit. So your "400k dps of single explosion" advertisement is a hoax. PoB simply multiplies the Orb hit by the cast rate which is NOT how the skill works necessarily.

Your resists are capped ONLY while flasks are active. Thats an extremely risky play style I don't think suits end game farming or boss play. Some items are completely missing stats and only have 4/6 prefixes/suffixes. The build is also set for level 99 - this is a bit too excessive for me personally. Level 92 is usually what builds stop at. I altered the tree a bit to match. - scaled to lvl 92

I fixed up the gear, made some stat improvements for more DPS on the jewels. Edited and assigned gem sockets. Overall a massive improvement in dps, lost a little surivability due to less skill points. See below for explanation and PoB Pastebin:

I replaced Kaom's Roots with a pair of ES boots to compensate for the lacking resists. The build already has an abundant amount of Life for a MOM setup. - Added boot enchant to avoid stuns if you have killed recently.

I changed the 6L setup. Slower porjectiles makes for clunky and unsafe playstyle. Added Lightning is a bigger dps increase and QoL improvement anyways. Also replace increased crit damage with Increased Crit Strike. - DPS while diamond flask is up is equal. Dps while diamond flask is down is much higher.

Your HoT - CoH - Assassin's mark setup doesn't work on pure boss fights. I'd suggest putting this on a Ball Lightning - CoH - Assassin's Mark - Inc Duration / Faster Casting for the 4L boots mentioned above. It will slow down the clear speed potentially - you can either cast the ball lightning or the orb of storms on occaision for the power charges.

I condensed HoT and Wrath into a 3L with enlighten for the weapon 1 slot. -- I'm not sure with being MoM and reserving so much mana is smart though. The spell costs 35 mana per channel start & sustained cast and will drain / end early if we take a smack and only have 680 mana max. Personally I'd take off HoT, we can afford the DPS loss for major quality of life.

Orb of Storms doesn't need Duration as it will likely be replaced frequently. 3L in Weapon 2

Added a CWDT - Immortal call - Lightning Golem- Inc Duration 4L for Helmet. - ALSO i changed the helment enchant to storm burst damage. Much more dps to be gained from this.

The 4L gloves can be used for Arcane Surge procs / movement: Flame Dash - caster casting - arcane surge. I'm shocked you missed this massive dps boost and didn't have a movement skill in the build.

Keep kraityn as the bandit always. A jewel socket pickup from the 2 points nets 6k dps in this high end gear, but you lose dodge chance and move speed.

Overall - 500k+ dps. 143k+ dmg per orb. Level 92. 4750 life, 1250 ES, 1131 unreserved mana. Roughly 6.5k EHP to survive 1 shots. Little on the low end and worth considering dropping some DPS for more life. I'm too tired to rework things at the moment. I will say this: If you're fortunate enough to have the Atziri gloves - you can pick up a jewel socket + 3 HP nodes. Overall a 35k DPS LOSS, but a 600 life + 100 ES gain. Completely worth trade off IMO.

POB Pastebin -- MoM Build with no Acuity Gloves and no Herald of Thunder:

All in all - the build looks strong. Everything in the PoB is EXTREMELY expensive(70 EX+) and not realistic for people just starting up or wanting to try out the build sadly. I'm really interested in the skill though. I'm going to mess around with some entry level gear and a cap of 2 EX and 5L to see what numbers on POB I can get. My only issue would be clear speed with this build, I usually like faster play styles. Hopefully this helps you continue improving things!

Side note - your original post is fairly inconsistent and a little scatter-brained. You should consider cleaning it up and editing it with info ive provided as it is innacurate currently.

Thank you a lot for your post and for pointing out the dps error, i'll correct it immediately.

But first let me say i'm not searching defenses in the gear used in PoB, but just dps. As you said, i used gear with 2-3 mods on 6, looking for only dps. The remaining open slots are for resists. Guessed it was quite clear.

Added lightning is quite a nice tip even if it's hard to decide which gems swap for it.
Talking about gems, inc crit dmg is overall better than inc crit strikes: you need dmg vx bosses, and vs bosses you will have the flask up. normal mob are not an issue!

From your tree life is a lot less than mine, (165% from your tree, 181% from mine). I suggest you to increase life over ES and Kaoms are a nice paie of boots making you also immune to stun, TC and freeze..Don't underestimate them. moreover you don't need resist from boots that much

I'm considering going to Pious Path for a better mana sustain, will let you know how it will go!

I'll deeply check on your post and PoB link, surely in the weekend when i have time, this is just a fast answer with a not-so-indeep study on your post.

Will change mine by the weekend with the relevants data ;)

The point of my post was to point out this: yes your build has alot of DPS but it isnt at all viable for play without picking up defenses, skill gem setups for movement/ defense, ect...

Anybody can play a godly build with a skill gem but completely lack defenses and realistic attributes / level requirements. It doesn't show the skill's potential at all when you dont play with reasonable limits. Anybody going into red maps or beyond will need defenses, movement skills for clear speed, and so on. I just tried to bring your build into line with how people ACTUALLY play the game and give them a realistic view of things. That's what a guide is really for.
Dernière édition par CptKeys#4335, le 30 sept. 2017 02:03:01
CptKeys a écrit :
The point of my post was to point out this: yes your build has alot of DPS but it isnt at all viable for play without picking up defenses, skill gem setups for movement/ defense, ect...

Anybody can play a godly build with a skill gem but completely lack defenses and realistic attributes / level requirements. It doesn't show the skill's potential at all when you dont play with reasonable limits. Anybody going into red maps or beyond will need defenses, movement skills for clear speed, and so on. I just tried to bring your build into line with how people ACTUALLY play the game and give them a realistic view of things. That's what a guide is really for.

Totally agree.
That's why i'm totally reworking it and testing in T10+

Stay tuned, new update will be up soon :)
This is my first time back in POE in almost a year. I rolled a new character the other day and I've been following this build. So far so good. If this is an idiotic question, please forgive me.

My question is this: Given that the damage is mostly based on AOE explosions and crit, how do I assess whether a certain item is an upgrade in terms of damage done? My tooltip DPS is completely different than the actual DPS I am doing.


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