[3.10 HC] Apep's Darkpact Totems are BACK (original build 3.1-3.3)

The gear you posted at page 6 has 2x enfeeble, one in the weapon and one in the boots, can you explain what the reason for that is?
Grimmzy a écrit :
since we are grabbing that bottom jewel node, would Battle Rouse be helpful? seems like it would synergise well with MoM:

+15 to maximum Mana
15% increased maximum Mana
3% of Damage taken gained as Mana when Hit

Unless you need the mana for a 3/2 health/mana split then I think you're giving up too much by going down to get it. If you need the mana though I think that's one of the best options you can take.
Re 2x enfeeble: Because there was an extra available gem slot and this is one way to get it to proc more often.

Re foible: usable if balanced by more flat life in other slots. Agree good for leveling.

Thank you for this awesome build, it is the first totem build I really liked :)

I would like to share some gearing options I chose.

I picked up a 6L white chest with 40c (it might be even cheaper now), and a Shrieking Essence of Greed for 5c to get 110+ life on it. I think it was an easy upgrade from a tabula. Just keep in mind that we need 4B color so find a base with energy shield.

For ultimate endgame chest I think Cherrubim's Maleficence might be the best for offense. But the coloring cost might be over 6L'ing it.

I also crafted 1 rings and 1 amulet with Screaming Essence of Envy (23-26% chaos dmg, 2c each, next tier is 3 times expensive but only 3% increment). Both turned out to be quite ok. Unbuffed tooltip went from 16k to 20k.

Also for the 6th link, POB suggests Efficacy (for its 20% more spell damage) and Iron Will (I had 300+ str just from tree and gears so ~100% increased) over Faster Casting. Tooltip also told the same thing as I swapped in. Without Faster Casting totems also tend to not kill themselves too quickly. So those can be viable choices.
I don't feel the need for conc effect, in fact, I am feeling the aoe radius is not large enough to cover moving boss. But I am only at T13 maps, things might change at guardians and shaper.
Sollkomol a écrit :
In Legacy i tried dual FB totems as a League starter and i was really disappointed once i started mapping. However, i gave this totem build another try and it felt really smooth. Leveling was a blast. Even with really crappy gear everything was easy doable. Mapping feels ok. Sometimes it feels like we are lacking some single target damage? For example the (fully buffed) Arid Lake Rhoa. Or is this boss kind of chaos immune?

If someone of you would like to sacrifice some tankiness for more damage, wich way would you go? In the witch starter area are some spell damage/cast speed nodes easily available. Are they worth it? What does POB say?

BTW, killed uber Izaro yesterday with Lvl 74. Im sure that this is possible even earlier. But i just upgraded my gear at this point.

Was wondering that myself and was playing with Orion's character/build in PoB.

Depending on how much you want to sacrifice:

There are 5 10% spell damage nodes right off the path (next to Retribution and Light of Divinity) that were about a 10% dps increase.

Pathing to Atrophy is 12 points for a 14.5% increase and there is a jewel node within two nodes on that path.

Pathing to and filling in the Ironwood circle is 11 points for 12% more dps (plus 20% more totem life). It also has a jewel node within two on the path.

A great dps jewel could boost dps by like 6%. An epic one by closer to 9%, but those can be expensive.
You need 79 dex for a single lvl 1 phase run... And basic I have only 34...
Have you thought about using grand spectrum cobalt jewels for extra mana?
I picked up a healthy mind jewel from a prophecy to get a unique from a tormented spirit. I'd like to use it for the time being since I think the mana could be useful for leveling because of MoM but I'm not exactly sure where to put it. My first thought was to put it in the jewel socket by witch and leave that area until later since i assume it sucks up the life nodes up there without me having to allocate them. But then i saw the one socket by ancestral bonds and I'm not sure where i should put it. I don't imagine I'd keep it socketed forever, probably swap it out later and take the life up properly but I'm not sure. I'm level 36 right now so I'm just getting to the AoE nodes by witch in the next few levels here.

So far this is going wonderfully, my tooltip claims i'm getting 384 dps per totem, I got good enchants on my wands, they both have 30+ spell damage on them and they could both be improved a great deal. Also one of them is giving the spell flat extra lightning damage which is nice.

I know i need a 6 link but i only have a little over half the chaos i need for a tabula so I'm not quite there yet. cheapest seem to be 12c i have 9 in my stash.
Anyone else had trouble with suncaller asha (high gardens boss) in this build?
Map had +chaos resist on it, fight was very unpleasant. Basically to avoid dying i had to kite her, but if i kited her the consecrated just regend her back to full every time.
Any smart way to do it or just get more damages?
Re fighting Asha:

This is one of those fights that is easier with 2 decoys cast in constant rotation with 2 attacking totems. The decoys help keep her in place while the other totems do the damage.

Re Grand spectrum:
Hadn't given these thought previously. Test them out and compare to life/Mana/damage jewels and see if you like them. Let us know. :)



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