[3.8] LiftingNerdBro's Tri/Quad Frostbolt Totems Hierophant - Strong League Starter!

KurodaTsu a écrit :
Hello Lifting, hope you are having fun prepping for the league. I'm still somewhat lost on what to play, but this build looks promising and I haven't ran totems in a while, so I wanted to ask a few questions.

First, you mention in the video that it would be viable to drop ancestral bond, moving to a three totem setup. Would we then be able to take advantage of Elemental Equilibrium as a single target damage boost? Not sure how EE works with totems when compared to minions, but I know SRS uses it to boost the minion damage.

My other question is around controlled destruction vs elemental focus as I'm new to crit based builds. Looking at PoB it seems that Elemental focus has a higher dps output, but of course you lose the aliment. I guess my real question is, when looking to increase boss dps, would it be better to swap controlled destruction for elemental focus?

Hey, thanks! :)

If you aren't using Ancestral Bond you can use another damage dealing skill if you prefer. Unfortunately, it is not going to work well with EE. EE works by making the monsters more resistant to what ever elemental damage type hits it, but making them less resistant to the other elements. Since the totems will keep hitting the target they will remain cold resistant. There are some exceptions that could work, but they are fairly gimmicky and I wouldn't recommend it.

Righteous fire builds often have a setup that effectively procs EE. For instance hitting the enemy with orb of storms (lightning) and then dealing fire damage with RF. The reason this works is because RF doesn't have a "hit" mechanic and does thus not proc EE by itself. If it did it would make the monster fire resistant.

Elemental Focus does indeed deal more damage than Controlled Destruction (higher dmg multiplier and no crit chance downside) and can in some cases be better if you are going up against a boss that is chill/freeze immune. That said The Pandemonius amulet grants 20% cold pen against chilled targets, so, for the most part, it isn't worth swapping out :)
Weekly build guides: Youtube.com/LiftingNerdBro
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Friendly PoE community: Discord.gg/Lifting
verard a écrit :
Hello there, can I run a full magic find setup with this build for low tier maps?

What do you mean by a "full magic find setup" - what exactly are you looking to use?
Why that amulet to crit build? basicly u freeze everything on hit, so that ammy is pretty much useless most of time.. U get more dmg with rare ammy with spell, crit, crit dmg, cold dmg% etc..
KeijoKuningas a écrit :
Why that amulet to crit build? basicly u freeze everything on hit, so that ammy is pretty much useless most of time.. U get more dmg with rare ammy with spell, crit, crit dmg, cold dmg% etc..

I don't understand why it's bad.

According to the wiki "when a target is frozen, it is also chilled for the entire freeze duration, plus an additional 300 ms"

jolsen26 a écrit :
KeijoKuningas a écrit :
Why that amulet to crit build? basicly u freeze everything on hit, so that ammy is pretty much useless most of time.. U get more dmg with rare ammy with spell, crit, crit dmg, cold dmg% etc..

I don't understand why it's bad.

According to the wiki "when a target is frozen, it is also chilled for the entire freeze duration, plus an additional 300 ms"


Well then i would use hypothermia gem instead controlled destruction if that your logic is correct to chill and freeze.. Dont lose crit chance and get more dmg also..
KeijoKuningas a écrit :

Well then i would use hypothermia gem instead controlled destruction if that your logic is correct to chill and freeze.. Dont lose crit chance and get more dmg also..

Seems like a good idea as well. Ice Bite will be an option too as it has been reworked with a good amount of flat added cold and added cold per frenzy.
KeijoKuningas a écrit :
jolsen26 a écrit :
KeijoKuningas a écrit :
Why that amulet to crit build? basicly u freeze everything on hit, so that ammy is pretty much useless most of time.. U get more dmg with rare ammy with spell, crit, crit dmg, cold dmg% etc..

I don't understand why it's bad.

According to the wiki "when a target is frozen, it is also chilled for the entire freeze duration, plus an additional 300 ms"


Well then i would use hypothermia gem instead controlled destruction if that your logic is correct to chill and freeze.. Dont lose crit chance and get more dmg also..

Actually, that is exactly what you should do. Once you get a Pandemonius amulet, hypothermia will be better than CD :)
Weekly build guides: Youtube.com/LiftingNerdBro
Daily live streams: Twitch.tv/LiftingNerdBro
Friendly PoE community: Discord.gg/Lifting
This guy's content is so organized.. I love it.

Thanks for the guide @LiftingNerdBro
Are you leveling freezing pulse with spell totem or just self casting it at the lower levels?

Also, what are the best support gems to level with freezing pulse until you get your first frozen trail and switch to frostbolt?
Hi, lifting, for boss fight, what about swap the frostbolt and hypothermia with a firestorm setup?


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