[3.6] Milky's Scorching Ray Totems (updating process)
that might be correct with 151\150, i've used a elemental weakness map which is afaik just a lvl 15/16 curse and soulmantle curses with lvl 20 curses. It didnt overwrite the mapmod.
I will update it later once i can verify it myself, thanks for pointing it out https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCi-NL9JevOxF-6W3n-a7o-w My Youtube channel with builds, unique and mechanic discussions etc Dernière édition par Milkyslice#1099, le 3 juin 2017 à 11:55:28
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The Video-Guide is finally uploaded (~2.5gb). Its a 35 min video with two maps, explanations about my gear, gems, skilltree and playstyle. Not the greatest videoguide and like 15mins too long, but it might be worth a look for those who are really interested in the build. It does not (cannot) go so much into detail like the written guide, like showing 10 excamples of useful chest items. With Patch 3.0 i will probably make a new one if many things change, like overhauled uniques, skilltree, gems etc. which are more or less useful for the build. Maybe i do it better then ;) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCi-NL9JevOxF-6W3n-a7o-w
My Youtube channel with builds, unique and mechanic discussions etc |
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Hi, i'm following your guide for my hc char and it's worked really well so far. :)
My question is about rapid decay. Does it really work with the rf-totem? If i hover over the rapid decay gem it only highlights the decay gem, meaning it's not supporting RF or the totem? Or am i missing something here? Wer nichts weiß, muss alles glauben.
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" It works with Spelltotem + Righteous Fire + Rapid Decay. If you use (or test) Righteous Fire + Rapid decay alone it wont work. RF alone has no duration, you turn it on or off (by 1hp or flask or death). A spelltotem has a set duration of 8 seconds and those are translated to the RF, giving it a duration tag. This interaction lets rapid decay work with rf. Its basically the same with traps or mines. If you use idk... Arc on a mine it doesn't get supported with the mine/trap dmg suppoer or cluster traps. With remote mine support however it gains the 'mine tag' and everything related to mines works with it (except increased aoe with mines for excample because it still is not an aoe skill). https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCi-NL9JevOxF-6W3n-a7o-w
My Youtube channel with builds, unique and mechanic discussions etc |
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Thanks for the full-fledged reply. So it could be seen as a bug that the rapid decay gem doesn't highlight in that case when you mouse over it.
Wer nichts weiß, muss alles glauben.
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i dont know what you mean with highlighting.
If you use spelltotem + rf + rapid decay in a 3 link or more links it will pop up in the tooltip. Do the same without spelltotem and it wont show up. is there some hidden feature that shows fitting supportgems or something like that? If thats the case it will probably not detect changes of a skill (duration tag) via supportgems https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCi-NL9JevOxF-6W3n-a7o-w
My Youtube channel with builds, unique and mechanic discussions etc |
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If you mouse over a socketed gem, it will have a white cirlce around the socket. Also all linked gems, that apply to that gem will get the same white circle around the socket. If the gem is not supported by the linked gem, it wont be highlighted.
I just made a screen with rapid decay, righteous fire and spell totem linked in a weapon. ![]() If you mouse over rapid decay, only rapid decay get's that circle, if you mouse over spell totem, the totem gem and the rf gem will get that circle. Wer nichts weiß, muss alles glauben.
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well that feature is not really working it seems. never noticed it (and i play poe since dez. 2012) :D
just toying around on standard, got coldnap, incinerate and cast while channeling and coldsnap highlights cast while channeling (which doesn´t use the support gem, its vice versa basically :P). After playing around with this highlighting stuff ... it seems like its not working really well. It doesnt know that RF is supported by a totem and thus does not highlight rapid decay. Use a spell, trap support and trap cooldown recovery and the spell won´t highlight trap the cooldown recovery. we can extend this list even more. It scans the gem for it´s "tags" and restriction. Righteous Fire has a "spell" "aoe" and "fire" tag. Then there are restrictions. RF is a spell that does not benefit from spelldamage which can be missleading if you don´t know why it has the tag. And the system does not account changes to a skill via support gems. On the other side the system accounts changes to a skill changed by a threshold jewel which is NOT used. Link Glacial Hammer and Increased AoE and increased AoE will be highlighted, but does absolutely nothing. There is however a jewel which gives it splash damage and then it will work, the excact opposite what happens with righteous fire + totem + rapid decay. The moral of the story is: we cannot take this feature too serious ;) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCi-NL9JevOxF-6W3n-a7o-w
My Youtube channel with builds, unique and mechanic discussions etc |
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Added this to the General Information:
Rapid Decay and Righteous Fire Many players get confused or don´t understand the rapid decay interaction with RF. Normally RD does not work with RF if you use it with your character. RF damage is a degeneration effect, but has no duration. You turn it on or off (ignite removal, 1hp or death). Linked with a spelltotem it works. The reason is: Spelltotem support has a Duration and Totem ´tag´ in the tooltip which are now combined with RF. Both together create a skill that places a totem which casts RF (degeneration) over a duration (over time) of 8 seconds (+/- with duration nodes and rapid decay). It´s now a DoT.. It works for the same reason Totem Damage increases the RF damage when its on a spelltotem or trap damage increases the damage of a skill with the trap support. Some Supportgem or Threshold Jewels grant new Tags to a skill which let you support the skill with new stuff that originally didn´t work. also made some better visualisation in the section with colors and lines (and still working on it). Finally got more space for those extra letters i need ;) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCi-NL9JevOxF-6W3n-a7o-w My Youtube channel with builds, unique and mechanic discussions etc Dernière édition par Milkyslice#1099, le 4 juin 2017 à 02:56:12
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EDIT: Just noticed that iberion corrected this earlier. His analysis is exactly right, but here's a bit more explanation since I already wrote the damn thing.... Oops.
" This is a really excellent point and I'd like to elaborate further on it. See TLDR for the takeaway if you like. Many builds elemental overcap if at all possible to basically ignore the Elemental Weakness map mod and to hedge against the off-chance that they get a random -elemental resist curse that they don't get rid of with a flask in time. Most players don't bother to "double overcap" for both Ele Weakness and a random, say, flammability curse, because the investment is too steep for such a rare case. With Soul Mantle/self flagellation, however, not only is it possible that you'll be double-cursed like that, it's inevitable. Let's math this out. From what I can find online, the map mod is level 15, so -34 to all elemental resistances. The Prophet necromancer monsters seem to give in the neighborhood of -40. Soul Mantle always gives level 20 curses (so -39 elemental weakness and -44 single element curses). Path of Exile always rounds down for integers, so with 2x kikazaru, ele weakness costs you 7 resist all (39 *.2=7.8, round down) and single-elements cost you an additional 8 resist all (44 * .2=8.8, round down) for a total of -15 resist all. This gives us the following levels of resistance necessary: •Required to cap res normally: with barbarism 136/135/135 (fire/cold/lightning) •Required to map mod ele weakness overcap (level 15): 170/169/169 •Required to map mod and random enemy curse overcap (level 15):215/214/214 •Required to Soul Mantle "double-overcap" (level 20): 219/218/218 •Required to Soul Mantle "double-overcap" with 2x kika: (level 20) 151/150/150 So, your 2x kikazarus effectively work together to provide a hidden 68% resist all for a Soul Mantle build. Taking the new Scion Guardian ascendancy secretly provides another 15% resist all, because from what I can tell there is no need to overcap at all (except perhaps in Hall of Grandmasters against an Elemental Equilibrium build or something funky like that). Feel free to double-check this in game to see if I got the rounding stuff right by dropping totems like a madman in Merciless somewhere with the character screen open; I'm at work right now. TLDR: •If you don't use soul mantle and want to map safely, you should shoot for 170/169/169 fire/cold/lightning resist like usual. •If you use Soul Mantle, you should use 2x Kikazarus (of course), and you should shoot for 151/150/150 fire/cold/lightning resistances. •The new Scion Guardian should use 2x kikazarus with Soul Mantle and only has to shoot for 136/135/135 resistances. Dernière édition par Norc#2523, le 5 juin 2017 à 12:02:54