[3.6] Milky's Scorching Ray Totems (updating process)

the stuff written down in the gem section if you mind looking at it ;)

I'd just like to add to his question. Are the gems listed in PRIORITY order for a 5L? I.e.

Burning Damage
Elemental Focus
Inc Aoe
Swift Affliction

This is the order listed in the thread. So if I have a 5L soul mantle, I leave out Efficacy and use the other 5?

And assume that it is the start of a league and I only have 1C to afford a 4L soul mantle. In this case do I run with:

Ele focus
Inc Aoe

And leave out swift affliction until I have got the C for the 5L? Thanks.
yes they are listed in order.


My Youtube channel with builds, unique and mechanic discussions etc
I've reached lv 90 with your build but i feel lacking in survivability? Mind looking at my character ?
AweTurtle a écrit :
I've reached lv 90 with your build but i feel lacking in survivability? Mind looking at my character ?

Since no one answer you yet, I will try.

First of all, I would rather gather remaining life nodes in the tree instead Herald of Flame branch.
Second, boots have no %Life/Mana regen enchant.
Also, personally I prefer Bubbling flasks over Seething. Also I use two of them.
Since you're already level 90, you have to optimize tree, so try to get +Dex on gear and respec another point as well.
If you have ~5k hp and 500 es - it should be enough for any encounter if you're not afk.

Also personally I don't like clearing speed with only SR totems, though it's up to you. I feel that your Immortal Call set up don't make sense outside of HC league. It's clunky and unreliable, in reality you don't want to take any damage at all. Only my opinion, though.
just no time atm for long answers.

from a quick glance i saw no shield (lower blockchance or armour/evasion)

and yeah, cwdt immortal call often even reduces survivability since we loose endurance charges and dont recharge em quick enough back. The most dangerous stuff for me were arc witches from null portals which deal purely elemental dmg ;)

My Youtube channel with builds, unique and mechanic discussions etc
Does increased elemental damage with attack skill affect our totem dps? I got a pretty good belt roll.
ntpphong a écrit :
Does increased elemental damage with attack skill affect our totem dps? I got a pretty good belt roll.


My Youtube channel with builds, unique and mechanic discussions etc
Hey Milky,

I've been lurking here all of Bestiary and I just wanted to thank you for all the hard work you poured into this guide. Despite all the salt, this has been the most fun league for me and i owe a lot to this build. I am super casual so I don't have time to roll three different builds to do different kinds of content, but with this I was able to:

- Level smoothly using my end game skill (no deaths to Act 10 Kitava)
- Crush early maps as a poor boi with SR in Balefire for Bosses and RF in 4L Soul Mantle
- Run Uber Lab at 75 for the first time and farm it for a while
- Get lucky and find a Farrul's Fur which funded my 6L Soul Mantle and lots of other goodies
- Run HoGM for the first time
- Kill all Guardians on Corrupted maps with only a couple deaths
- Defeat Shaper for the first time
- Go 157/157 for the first time - my league goal accomplished
- T15 Elder killed for the first time
- 15/15 memory fragments (my second elder spawned on a T15 so I leveled an alt to do the memory fragment trick)

The only bummer is that now I am spoiled. I loved the progression with this build. It was effective at all levels and in every stage of game play from early leveling to endgame maps, from a poverty budget to a modest 6-8ex budget. If you happen to come across another build that offers this level of versatility please let me know! Do you plan on doing the Flashback league? If so, what build do you plan to run? I'd love to follow along. Thanks again!
Quick question, does the #%increased totem damage from elder boots affect the totem damage overall or just the skilled gem in it? I'm thinking about switching out RF with Immortal Call/CWDT for a little more defensive set up since I only use SR totem.
Quick question, does the #%increased totem damage from elder boots affect the totem damage overall or just the skilled gem in it? I'm thinking about switching out RF with Immortal Call/CWDT for a little more defensive set up since I only use SR totem.

yes its a global stat like the fire dmg% on hrimnor's resolve... just for totem damage ;)
Philliam a écrit :
Hey Milky,

I've been lurking here all of Bestiary and I just wanted to thank you for all the hard work you poured into this guide. Despite all the salt, this has been the most fun league for me and i owe a lot to this build. I am super casual so I don't have time to roll three different builds to do different kinds of content, but with this I was able to:

- Level smoothly using my end game skill (no deaths to Act 10 Kitava)
- Crush early maps as a poor boi with SR in Balefire for Bosses and RF in 4L Soul Mantle
- Run Uber Lab at 75 for the first time and farm it for a while
- Get lucky and find a Farrul's Fur which funded my 6L Soul Mantle and lots of other goodies
- Run HoGM for the first time
- Kill all Guardians on Corrupted maps with only a couple deaths
- Defeat Shaper for the first time
- Go 157/157 for the first time - my league goal accomplished
- T15 Elder killed for the first time
- 15/15 memory fragments (my second elder spawned on a T15 so I leveled an alt to do the memory fragment trick)

The only bummer is that now I am spoiled. I loved the progression with this build. It was effective at all levels and in every stage of game play from early leveling to endgame maps, from a poverty budget to a modest 6-8ex budget. If you happen to come across another build that offers this level of versatility please let me know! Do you plan on doing the Flashback league? If so, what build do you plan to run? I'd love to follow along. Thanks again!

thank you for the kind words :)

I always run into the same issue with a build thats awesome for mapping and then shit for bossing or lab... then the next one vice versa or can do anything but slower or for 20x the budget :p

I intend to play flashback, probably ssfscbtw. But i have no clue which class or build atm.
First i thought about some classy essence drain trickster, now some sweep berserker.
There are some good basic uniques available from kondos pride, doomsower, kongors etc which are rather common... so 2h ssf builds can work well with barely anything... especially with beastcrafting available. The top weapons like disfavour are just nearly unobtainable in this time except with huge rng.
Doomsower into a crafted rare weapon would be the dream. My main issue with 2h uniques is the lack of attack speed on most of em (rather slow leaps)

My first goal will be farming a Headhunter the first week or two, dunno how much time i have to play. Then go for more xp to reach at least lvl 95. no matter which build i choose ;)

Probably not unlocking any t3+4 except burual chamber, upgrade all those other t3/4 that may drop (hi relic chambers) until i unlock the t3 shaper orb for a t8 burial chamber. Maybe i farm a kaoms hesrt set afterwards. Using all IIQ gear i can find no matter which build :p

Once i got the HH i go for some shaped t10 or t11 map and run it until the race ends :p

farming a HH solo shouldn't be that hard with Anarchy, Invasion, Breach, Ambush, Torment, Perandus, Beyond, Nemesis, Bloodlines, Abyss and Harbinger active and it benefits much from most mods ;)

Some ssfsc buildthoughts for Flashback

Something Something Elementalist No matter what you wear or which skill you use, the clearspeed is nice with double/triple heralds. Thinking about Flamesurge with three dragons and triple. heralds. FS is usually enough to start a herald chain, hits like a truck if it can shock and orb of storms (+ herald of ash) easily trigger ignite/burn for the extra dmg. literally just needs 1-2 cold dmg (three dragons) for oos to ignite. Can use brightbeak.
Downside is: rather socket starved and squishy.

Sweep/Heavystrike Berserker good (until low red maps at least) 2h uniques definetly drop early on or can be beastcrafted. There is always a good base dps available.
Berserker is probably the fastest class for 2h builds with 68% atkspeed (leapslam!) from the class alone and has great dps boosts. gotta go quick.
Isn't as reliant on uber lab like other classes as well and is very generic in terms of gearing. With all the extra monsters added the degen shouldn't be noticeable as well.

Essence drain Trickster also doesn't need anything to be effective, but from my experience it struggles with singletarget dps (red beasts etc) and is a bit annoying over time for me.

SRS + Spectre Necro cookie cutter stuff. Benefits greatly from a headhunter and/or rampage. Probably too normal for me.

Occultist Wander High survivability with low investent, explosions and easy to level as a caster. Good hybrid choice with up to 30% es regen/recover and leech for the lifepool especially with massive packsize.
Qotf is not really usable tho

In general i want a mix of reliable progress and hipster choices that still can run maps rather quick and has no need for huge shaper dps or rare uniques. Atm i tend to try the berserker, but that may change tomorrow ;)

My Youtube channel with builds, unique and mechanic discussions etc
Dernière édition par Milkyslice#1099, le 24 avr. 2018 à 02:15:30


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