[3.4 Update!] Thor's Little Sister; Mjolner Build (ELE + SLA) (PoB included)
Hi all, so, I'm not sure where to begin aside from showing off what I've pulled together, initially, I decided to throw this together just to see if it was even possible and ended up enjoying it and didnt want to scrap it outright.
Thor's Little Sister
The Build
Optional Alternate Pieces
Useful Offhand Items
For a bit of a quality of life improvement, I chose to use these for faster mobility options
Keep in mind with the Prismatic Eclipse, best results require all 3 slots to be green to gain additional speed.
I chose to run with a handful of flasks in the process of experimentation and found that situationally, some were better than others for general purposes. Here's what I typically use.
Standard Flask Arrangement
Situational Flasks
Gem Links
Here I will explain the many Gem setups that I use, as well as a few alternate options I've used in the past. First and foremost, Mjolner: I chose to run Arc + Discharge + Elemental Focus for a well rounded Pack Clear with strong Single Target options. I've found that Ele Focus provides the best boost to elemental damage in this setup. Helm: Running all Auras in Alpha's felt that it was the only thing that makes sense due to the support it offers to aura gems. Gloves: In the gloves, I've chosen to setup my standard Cast When Damage Taken configuration for a reliable layer of survivability, I chose to run Immortal Call for those momentary nukes that could otherwise cause problems. Blood Rage (Self-cast due to it having massive mana degen) is also present for some extra speed and leech for increased sustain. Boots: Here, I've chosen a pair of movement skills to run with faster attacks and fortify, for the purpose of having a "general movement skill" along with a "situational" movement skill. Typically, you mostly use shield charge to get around quickly and trigger fortify, and leap slam to cross over gaps and low obstacles. Since these are not connected to blood magic in this setup, the "mana cost" will be drained from your energy shield which is placed over the mana due to Eldritch Battery. Shield: This particular setup is your "go-to" golem setup, when combat gets bad quickly, it will trigger by high level Cast When Damage Taken to provide a powerful stone golem, granting a powerful life regen buff to you, as well as a strong minion with Taunt ability. 6-link Body: This setup is reserved for your primary attack skill, depending on the configuration you choose to run, it can potentially open up new combinations elsewhere in your setup. I've chosen to run Molten Strike with several supports linked to Blood Magic, since all of our mana is effectively non-existent due to aura reservation. With the support of Kingsguard's gear synergy and stone golem, we have more than enough regeneration and healing to bother worrying about blood magic support's cost.
Alternate Gem Links
I'll keep the explanation brief and simple here, This was the setup I used back during the leveling phase of this build, it had pretty good pack clearing ability, but dropped off pretty harshly with single target and bosses due to the main skill's need to have multiple targets to chain between. Use it if you want to, I liked it for thematic reasons, but I dont recommend it in end game without proper adjustments and investments. This was the setup that would eventually take the place of Lightning Strike, I felt it came a long way compared to previous efforts, but it still lacked powerful single target abilities like the current iteration has. Still better than previous though. Lastly, here is what I had used in my boots as a result of the highly compacted 6-linked setups that I had taken advantage of. I felt that the CWDT + COH combination was spectacular in its usefulness with adding an additional layer of defense to the build, but in the end, it wasn't for me personally. I hope these are insightful in regards to how uniquely flexible this build can be with enough imagination and efforts.
Passives: Level 89 (current)
For this build, I recommend picking Elementalist first, and then go for Slayer second, the reason for this is due to the prioritized elemental damage used will gain immediate benefit as a result.
Be sure to grab each +1 passive point rather than either class start, as the +2 passive points are much more beneficial to the build, and neither starting point offers any benefit.
Kill All (+2 passive)
Major: This feels like a tossup between Solaris and Lunaris, you may have to figure out what feels best for your personal needs.
Minor: Soul of Yugul (Reduced Reflect is a huge help)
Ideally, I strongly recommend following the melee leveling setup with Cleave into Sunder or Earthquake, this feels like the most reliable method of brute force leveling that I've personally experienced so far and it makes the overall process less stressful.
Recommended Uniques
When playing a scion with the ambition of using Mjolner, you will find that getting enough strength can be a hassle by the time the level requirement has been met, I've figured out a few useful uniques to make leveling the build a lot more enjoyable
Meginord's is mandetory if you plan to use Mjolner as soon as possible, since grabbing all of the strength points on the tree can take a while and the gloves give a massive +100 to strength, speeding the process a lot.
Stats (Level:88)
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Combat Tactics
Combat is extremely simple for this build, shield charge into and through packs, cleanup with molten strike, and leap slam into or out of hard to reach spots, such as ledges, or activate fortify. Use flasks as needed on a situational basis. Defenses in this build are derived from the advanced mechanics of Kingsguard + Mind over Matter working together, in conjunction with high elemental resistances along side it. When dealing with your active auras, you will only have enough mana to reserve a max of 3 in this current setup, how I've chosen to handle this was by keeping Purity of Fire/Lightning active at all times, and alternating between Purity of Ice and Arctic Armor on a situational basis.
The healing in this build is entirely focused around Kingsguard having endurance charges being rapidly used through discharge, and running a stone golem for constant regen and bulk healing.
Concept and other info
The general concept I was going for, was to embrace some advanced mechanics for a mix of sustain and tankiness with some situational flask usage set to the pace of an easy and effective playstyle. I'm fully aware that scion is probably the least ideal for the build, but I chose to test it out and I am happy with the results so far, but I do not know how to further improve.
Mapping Tidbits
I feel that the build is quite fun and simple to operate, and survives some fairly nasty map mods, and currently can survive at least up to tier 12 maps, I have not had the chance to test higher yet.
So far, triple cursed high tier maps are very challenging for me with the build, but are still doable, and elemental reflect was extremely difficult when attacking packs, but was doable with careful attacks and use of topaz flask.
Fun Maps Cleared
I'll be adding more to this as I run through more fun maps.
![]() This was a Malformation map that I crafted and corrupted, it was surprisingly easy for this build, even face-tanked the boss without flasks, and ended up with a zana mission with an uber trial in it.
Unique Maps Cleared
1. Caer Blaidd, Wolfpack's Den<corrupt>
Major Map Mods Beaten
1. Players are Enfeebled + Elemental Weakness + Vulnerablility
2. Players have reduced Regeneration (all types), and Flask Recovery 3. Players cannot Leech 4. Monsters have 15% Elemental Reflect 5. Players have Elemental Equillibrium 6. Players have no life/mana/es regen More to come as I continue pushing the build's limits :D
Pros and Cons
Pros: Simple Combat Mechanics Fun Extremely Durable and Great for tanking (No F**ks Given!) Flexible Socket Usage Great Recovery Mechanics Reasonable Clear Speeds Effectively Physical Reflect Immune Cons: Requires *some* Practice with Shield Charge Expensive To Build (11+ exalts; depending on market) Elemental Reflect Is A Nightmare Pre-Ascendancy (ELA) Poor Clearspeeds in Groups at Higher Tiers
Path of Building (updated to V1.4.108): Import Codes (9/24/2018)
3.4 raw code
3.4 Pastebin Code
Useful Info
Here is some useful general tips and tricks for the build;
As all builds are constantly reminded, everything has some sort of requirement, be it stats, levels, etc. This build, happens to have some rather steep stat requirements, and one of the easiest I've been able to figure an option for, is the Helmet. If you find yourself struggling to maintain the required Dex for Alpha's Howl, perhaps you can try using a different helmet and running just 2 auras with enlighten instead. More to come!
Video Footage
Before I begin here, I just want to state; Videos will come as they are ready,
I'm rather new to video editing and recording, all apologies for any poor quality. Some links that appear here may be to videos that are still being processed, do not be alarmed, just check again later.
Video Links
Thanks for reading, enjoy! Dernière édition par Ravvynfall#4259, le 30 sept. 2018 11:52:47 Dernier bump le 30 sept. 2018 11:33:27
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[Cleaned up main post, and migrated info into a better layout] [Update] Adjusted passive tree for better damage coverage Adjusted skill gem setups for extra defensive options [Update] Added basic leveling info [Update] Updated Passive Tree, Bandits, Gem Links, Stat Pictures, Added "experimental notes", added Path of Building Import Codes, and Jewels [Update] Added Clarification on Auras in "combat tactics" section. [Update] Updated Flask setup. [Update] Added 3.0 Passive Tree Import Codes for Path of Building, based on available tree found in the version update 1.4.22 [Update] Added information about Gem Links and Ascendancy [Update] Added Videos, and Alternate Gem Links [Update] Updated PoE Passive Tree for non-PoB users (finally, sorry about that!) [Update] Updated "Experimental Notes" spoiler under the "Useful Info" section. Dernière édition par Ravvynfall#4259, le 21 sept. 2017 15:21:41
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After a bit of a stretch away from the game, I've returned along with some new tinkering to the build. I've added a new, higher dps tree for path of building to show what i've come up with, with additional, optional gear (currently using Malachai's Loop and Fairgrave's Tricorn for experimentation). So far, I feel confident that with the current revisions, this build should be able to push a bit harder without substantial detrement to survivability by dropping the investment to eldritch battery. I hope you enjoy and give these adjustments a try for yourself and feel free to let me know how the alterations work for you. Cheers! Dernière édition par Ravvynfall#4259, le 2 févr. 2018 23:21:45
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Dernière édition par Ravvynfall#4259, le 8 juin 2017 19:29:52
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Dernière édition par Ravvynfall#4259, le 8 juin 2017 19:29:26
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You have 3 purities and arctic armour running at the same time? How is that possible with just Alpha's Howl for reduced mana reservation?
Also, you say that scion is possibly the worst choice for this build, what would be better options? I took a long break from PoE when Mjolner builds became OP and then nerfed but have wanted to try one out. I really enjoyed the recent Cospri's builds and like cast on crit in general for all the spells and things happening at once. How would you say this compares to those? |
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No, it runs 3 auras at any given time. Ideally, you alternate purity of cold for arctic armor as needed.
Sorry about the confusion, I'll add a note to make more sense out of it :) As for comparison with cospri builds, i'd have to say that damage-wise, cospri's is clearly superior to any mjolner build that i'm aware of. however, as i've played both cospri's and mjolner, i do find that i enjoy mjolner more because of it's non-reliance on high crit strike values, basically, i feel that it is a more "fun" focused build because of how reactive mjolner is when combining romira's with resolute technique for easily sustainable charges. The only current downside that I am presently aware of regarding Cast on Crit and Cospri's at this time, is the nerf to the cast on crit support that had taken place a while back, and that many Cospri builds are Energy Shield based, and in the upcoming updating to 3.0, many things are changing with Energy Shield, such as Vaal Pact no longer effecting Energy Shield in any way. Too much is unclear to be any clearer on that topic however. The upside is, life based builds should more than likely thrive and shine (Which this build is :D ) As for classes, you're probably better off to go with a marauder due to having better damage bonus options in its ascendancies. I went with scion because I found it easier to get the required stats and early resistances I needed, and I generally enjoy scion because it is a bit of an odd-ball that can still pull off a lot of neat builds even if it's just lackluster compared with others (if that makes any sense). if i've missed something, feel free to ask :) Dernière édition par Ravvynfall#4259, le 6 juin 2017 12:30:42
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Hi, I like the build and it seems interesting enough for me to want to actually give Scion a shot for once. I'm still a newbie in the grand scheme of things for this game, but have a good understanding of how majority of the concepts in this game work. What I want to ask though, is would it be possible if you gave a bit more reasoning behind why you took some of the other gear that you have, or what to specifically look out for, and also reasoning behind the skill tree?
And also, I noticed in the skill tree you went through practical application and Occult Dominion, spending 6 points that don't seem to fit in the build, when you could have continued the int path under cruel intention. Was there any real reasoning behind this? And forgive me if I've missed out on something that was critical. Thank you for the interesting build nonetheless. *Edit* Also, I forgot to mention, if possible could you had a gem section as well? Dernière édition par LuckHasFallen#6835, le 9 juin 2017 17:45:59
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" To answer your questions to the best of my ability, I'll gladly add a gem section as soon as I can, as for the points on the passive tree, I've found that it can be a bit of a challenge to pick up enough stats between the passive tree and gear as a scion that will enable you to make use of Mjolner and Repentance. The points also help to gain a little bit extra spell damage to help discharge hit that much harder. Before I forget, thank you for taking an interest in my build, It was a lot of fun figuring out how a Mjolner build typically works, and more fun adapting it to work on a scion. If I've missed anything, feel free to ask, Cheers! [EDIT] Completely missed your gearing question, here's the best answer I can provide for you; Since this build would otherwise, have terrible accuracy and extreme difficulty with generating reliable power charges, I've chosen to solve that set of problems by using Resolute Technique (hits can not be evaded; 100% accuracy/no crits) and Romira's Banquet Ring (non-crits give power charges, crits makes you lose all power charges). I chose the helm for freeze protection and the mana reserve on aura reduction to comfortably allow the build to use 3 auras at the same time. I chose Kingsguard for the fact it allows rapid and reliable healing (yay for being resilient enough to tank!) due to using Voll's Devotion amulet to generate reliable endurance charges that get expended through Mjolner's discharge spam (lots going on there, right?) I chose the Death's Door boots for the extra endurance charge and bleed immunity as well. The collective whole of the gear setup was selected for its overall synergy with each and every part working so well together between mechanical compatibility and extensive protections gained that allow you to just run into combat without a care in the world. I hope that answers that question :) Cheers...Again! Dernière édition par Ravvynfall#4259, le 9 juin 2017 18:20:36
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Where is the video?
Look how Awesome my MTX Marauder RF looks
https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1695395 |
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