[3.11] Shaper = Stunned, Tidebreaker Heavy Strike Stunner Build
This is my current pastebin for the zerker variant im using. Slightly more HC geared but should be good https://pastebin.com/LRievb2s
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" Uber Elder can be stunned pretty consistently - if we are given to. In reality, the other target would force us to move around, which makes stun-locking difficult to achieve. I tried a couple of times and I was able to stun-lock to the next stage only 2 or 3 times before I die to a mistake. Maybe Uber Elder is doable with better frame rate (or a better player), but it definitely is not as trouble free as basically any other boss fights in the game. And yes, this build has enough stun capability to stun-lock everything as long as 1. the target is not immune to stuns; 2. we are not attacked and forced to move by someone else. |
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" I checked your PoB link and 3 things I want to bring up: 1. I am not quite understanding the intentions behind the Daresso's Salute amulet, is it just for the attack range mostly? 2. Getting more max endurance charges seem really good right now. It's 4% more damage, 4% physical mitigation and some life regen. 3. The Devotion cluster is better than Tireless (besides the reduced mana cost, which isn't important in my opinion). This also brings us closer to another endurance charge node. |
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" 1. Yes its for the atk range as it gets us +2 added range which can help in a longer range stun. The 60% increased melee damage also helps a lot 2. That was the idea for getting more charges both frenzy and endurance 3. Its mainly for more life and the reduced mana cost does help at times Dernière édition par BeoWulf981#6999, le 8 juin 2018 03:32:38
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Hey Bright:
The gem section of the guide mentions a "Totem 3L" but explanation part only lists Warchief + Maim. Is the section supposed to be titled "Totem 2L"? What was the 3L suggestion previously? Thanks. |
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" Thanks for noticing. I have corrected the "Totem 3L" to "Totem 2L". Previously it was Warchief + Maim + Chance to Bleed. Now I put Chance to Bleed as #1 in the Alternatives list. The alternatives list exists because different version may have different number of gem sockets available (for example, you have 1 less gem socket if you choose to use Tombfist); it's also because those gems are not 100% necessary so I think it's better to let people choose according to personal preferences. So the Chance to Bleed gem being #1 in the Alternatives list means that it's a pretty good gem, and you should probably use that unless you prefer something else or are out of gem slots. |
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Messing with Champion 2 hand-ers and the "cannot evade hit" mod. Think I found what to apply my concept to... Going to post a 2 hand Staff PoB to leverage off this Stun Mechanic :)
This thread is amazing, and OP is so thorough and informative in this build. Thank you. |
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Here's the Staff Crit build pastebin: https://pastebin.com/hjg4sQdb
The Thought Process I've been trying to make a Crit build for the longest time. It made a lot of sense to use Champion as the ascendancy as it gives the "hit cannot be evaded mod". Since we don't need to use Resolute Technique, we can definitely go bonkers on Crit (especially since accuracy gets checked twice for us to Crit). The best 2 handers for Crit is actually Staves. And the Disintegrator is just amazing. Hence how this variant of the build came about. I haven't made this build yet, but I'm stoked to try this out... Already bought my own disintegrator and 5linked it myself xD The amazing thing about disintegrator is that once we get sufficient life regen and elder items, our DPS increases accordingly. The PoB build isn't even min/maxed at all... Rambling Current DPS: 2.2m against Shaper (the PoE shows ~900k hit damage, but I think the top end damage should be higher since as Bright mentioned, PoE doesn't calculate ruthless and double damage correctly) Currently the rEST on this character should be 114 (if my calculations are correct), resulting in 8.6% effect shaper HP, meaning we would be guaranteed to stun at around 860k DPS. Assuming we're Level 97 and have 6 elder items, we can actually hit this as our average DPS xD Assuming a more reasonable [3 elder item, Level 90] character, we still get 1.7m shaper dps (pastebin: https://pastebin.com/ZS2EQ0NH), average main hit being 608k dps. Not too shabby for a Staff build hey? (read: Disintegrator is so good :D) One thing is the gloves - might be better to get the reverse knockback effect... especially since the staff nodes give knockback effect upon crit...which would be super annoying. But we would struggle a lot more with unique gloves, since we really do want the resists (as we're stacking increased crit chance). Dernière édition par hawleyyau#3525, le 16 juin 2018 10:37:57
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" It's one of the better variants being suggested so far. Usually when I open up a suggested PoB page for a crit variant, I see 4900 life with Abyssus on; glad this is not the case this time. I expected to see Hegemony's Era but it seems Disintegrator might be stronger. Thanks for suggesting, I actually never tried building around this weapon before. Now a couple of points I want to make:
1. You're using some unrealistic items (amulet, jewels, etc.) in your PoB, which is in my opinion a fatal mistake in building planning. These GG items make up a huge portion of your DPS, which may be very misleading when evaluating powers of other choices of items or passive nodes. 2. There are no reliable ways to generate power and endurance charges. From what I've seen, the only power charge generation is the 10% on block, which is just not gonna happen. Endurance charges may be able to be stacked up while fast mapping, but when you just start a boss fight, due to low attack rate you may have 0 endurance charges for the first 5 seconds of the fight. 3. If you reduce the life regen from the GG items you input, and reduce the number of endurance charges you currently have, your life degen from Blood Rage and Siphoning charges will surpass your life regen, and deactivating Damage on Full Life. This means bringing 6 Elder items for 6 max charges is not realistic; I see a maximum of 4 should be safe. 4. You did max your resists but your attributes are lacking. This put up more pressure on your items. 5. A very huge problem with a low attack rate crit Champion is that your Champion has only 59% chance to hit when hitting enemies that are not taunted. And who are not taunted? everything that you hit for the first time. This means that while mapping, your Sunder's first hit will miss half of the times, which is very very painful. 6. As you have also mentioned, not having Empire's Grasp can be pretty problematic. It's not that serious of a problem, but it's a bit annoying that your Sunder will also knockback. Results from my simulation code:
So I used data from your lvl 98 PoB (didn't change any of your items but lowered the siphoning charges to 4 due to the reason mentioned above) and ran my simulation code. For chances of stun-locking to death, it's showing 100% on T15, 98.7% on Uber Izaro, 96.6% on T16 Guardians and 54.2% on Shaper. (My Berserker has 100%, 100%, 100%, 89%, respectively.) From my experience, if chances of stun-locking Uber Izaro is not 100%, it means a low consistency in keeping up stuns, which is caused by 3 factors: going crit and low crit chance, low attack rate, low stun duration. The 54.2% on Shaper is not bad, it's around what the Scion variant is achieving. It shows enough damage to stun Shaper with crits, but due to either low attack rate or stun duration mentioned above, it's not too promising to chain-stun Shaper. I see some potential in further min-maxing, but the data I used was also from a lvl 98 tree with a couple of GG items. Maybe these numbers can grow a bit but realistically not too much. Maybe with Abyssus you will get 20% higher DPS, but that's a very debatable choice in my opinion. I will consider maybe not investing into endurance charges and grab more jewel sockets instead. It may also be a good idea to use Ground Slam instead of Sunder for clearing, this makes stunning some high health mobs easier. To sum up, I want to conclude some pros and cons of this variant:
Pros: 1. 32% block chance. I've always wanted some block chance on this stunner build. It's so safe when we are actively playing, but occasionally we can rip to lag or frame issues. Having 1/3 chance is another layer of passive defense that helps in this case. 2. Good life, armour, evasion and mitigation from ascendancy. More life nodes are available if needed. I see this variant potentially good for HC. 3. High DPS against map bosses. Against normal map bosses the Stun Support is not necessary, which means another support gem can be used to boost DPS in those fights. Cons: 1. Good but mediocre Shaper stunning performance. 2. Mediocre clear speed and mobility. 3. Weak life recovery. This variant suffers the same issue as the Berserker version of this build. There are too much life degen and recovering life is a bit painful. 4. Can be difficult to find gears for this build due to needing Elder items and good crit gears. Dernière édition par brightwaha#1717, le 16 juin 2018 20:31:59
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" Thanks for actually taking the time to consider my thoughts Bright, appreciate it :) Here's another pastebin (after digesting your comments): https://pastebin.com/JrqV9dDy 1. Never realized the problem with landing the first hit (before enemies are actually taunted)... This forces me to get 300+ accuracy on 3 pieces of gear (bringing up my chance to hit to around 89%) 2. The endurance charges probably would be sustainable around 3 (could maybe get 1 from warcry at the start), since we get an additional 120% chance to crit if we haven't crit recently. Which means when we aren't critting, our crit chance gets boosted a fair bit (which would in turn let us have endurance charges) 3. Without the absurd amounts of life regen from GG gear, definitely facing problem sustaining even 2 siphoning charges. Especially with the lower base total life pool (when we focus on getting crit strike chance/crit multi from jewel slots instead of life). It's an intersting trade off, since if we stack life, we get higher life regen, and with that means we can use more siphoning charges. A weird situation where getting more life leads to more DPS. 4. Noticed getting an elder chest would give us +1% to (base) critical strike chance, and also % life regen. Quite handy.. it also has a +% of maximum life mod... which I didn't take (since that's not a necessity for the build). With those minimal stats (regen and +1.x% to base crit chance), those chests by themselves costs around a few exalts... A 6 linked Elder chest would be way more expensive (compared to a Kaoms). 5. We can also get the corrupted mod of up to "+1 to (base) critical strike chance" on our gloves as well. This lightens the load of trying to hit 50% crit chance from our other pieces of gear. Specifically, we aim for 50% crit chance because that gives us the biggest bonus from using a diamond flask. 6. I took a few more "increased stun duration" nodes from the tree and from our gear... with hopes that maybe that would improve the chain-stun possibility against Shaper? I also tried to get more attack speed (up to 3.0x), though its still a long ways off from the Beserker's 3.61/s attack rate unfortunately Bright, would you be able to check the percentages of stunning Shaper again? I tried running your program, but wasn't too sure how to input the numbers :) Dernière édition par hawleyyau#3525, le 17 juin 2018 09:58:34
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