[3.0] How to Flicker. Terminus Est Edition!

What should be my next avenue in regards to upgrading my gear? Some bosses take longer than i'd like to kill, but i'm more interested in survivability.

To KorgothBG

"You could use a Cast when damage taken + Power charge on critical + Increased Critical strikes + Blade Vortex (or another spell of your choosing) for power charge generation in boss fights"

i don't know if you know but, when blade vortex crits,it gives you, not only a power charge (if you are lucky with power charge on critical) but also a frenzy charge for free thanks to Terminus Est.

This is extremly helpful, not only for mapping if the crit chance that you have it's not quite enough, but also for maintaining 5 frenzy charge in a boss fight (you are gaining and spending frenzies with flicker and in parallel gaining frenzies with BV)

I think you have to put Blade Vortex in a more important lvl for this build, and not just in the "Frequently asked questions", because is an incredible importan spell for generate frenzy charges.

Dernière édition par FernetB, le 22 août 2017 02:37:59
Probably asked but i can't found sorry :( . İs your recommended helm abyssus after nerf ?
Hello everyone. I have a problem,I'm still using "Ice crash gem" on l54 coz i can't use "Flicker strike gem" he needs too much "Frenzy Charges" and i can't regenerate this,maybe i have not work sockets,help me please.
My gear:
errRel a écrit :
Hello everyone. I have a problem,I'm still using "Ice crash gem" on l54 coz i can't use "Flicker strike gem" he needs too much "Frenzy Charges" and i can't regenerate this,maybe i have not work sockets,help me please.
My gear:

You need more crit. Your terminus Est has a very low crit roll. Also, you did not link increased critical strike and multistrike to flicker, you need a 4link at least, right now you have 2+3, that's not good at all !

Another thing, why did you link Frenzy with blasphemy ? Link Blasphemy with Assassin's mark. most of your links are bad right now, read the first post and follow them exactly.

P.S : Get yourself a diamond flask as well.
Aerendir a écrit :
errRel a écrit :
Hello everyone. I have a problem,I'm still using "Ice crash gem" on l54 coz i can't use "Flicker strike gem" he needs too much "Frenzy Charges" and i can't regenerate this,maybe i have not work sockets,help me please.
My gear:

You need more crit. Your terminus Est has a very low crit roll. Also, you did not link increased critical strike and multistrike to flicker, you need a 4link at least, right now you have 2+3, that's not good at all !

Another thing, why did you link Frenzy with blasphemy ? Link Blasphemy with Assassin's mark. most of your links are bad right now, read the first post and follow them exactly.

P.S : Get yourself a diamond flask as well.

Okay,thank you very much dude ;)
Hello, i was wondering if someone could take a quick look at my gear and give me some reccomendations for further upgrades, ive got about 150c now willing to invest further in my gear but not quite sure where i should be spending it


Thanks for looking :)

Oh man, you are missing some fundamental PoE knowlege. Support gems affect skills that are directly linked to them. For Example let's take a look at your gloves - they have 3 sockets and all of those 3 sockets are linked. In the sockets you have the skill "Leap Slam" and the support gems "Blood Magic" and "Faster Attacks" and because the sockets where the support gems are socketed are linked to the socket where the Leap Slam is socketed they will affect that skill
Now let's examine your sword - while it does have 6 sockets they are not all linked together. In fact of the 6 sockets you have 3 linked together (2 red + 1 blue), another 2 linked together (1 red + 1 green) and 1 compeltely unlicket socket (red). Your flicker strike support gem is socketed in the group of 2 linked sockets - the red and the green one, and in the red socket, linked to the socket where your flicker strike is, you have Melee physical Damage support gem. Because of that the Melee physical Damage support gem will affect your flicker strike. Unfortunatelly all of the other support gems (Fortify, Multistrike, Increased Critical Strikes and Damage on full life) that are in sockets which are not linked to the socket where your flicker strike WILL NOT AFFECT YOUR FLICKER STRIKE at all!
There are many wrong things about your sockets - long story short - your ice crash is not linked to any support gems, your blasphemy is not linked to your assassin's mark, you have leveled up your cast when damage taken and immortal call when the guide tells you not to, your frenzy is not linked to anything.
i'd Suggest that you read this wiki page: https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Item_socket

Yes it is still recommended

This is true, though i never experienced problems regarding frenzy charges myself. I've tested Blade Vortex with CWDT but i found it to be very inconsistent and honestly not proccing often enough to justify the sockets. Maybe that's just me though ... in any case it's definitely worth using if you are not using Kaom's Heart (which i strongly suggest that you use). To each his own of course and if you find it to be working well for you i'll say stick to it!

Kaom's heart

Evasion evasdes only attacks. Now on the Daresso vs Belly. There isn't really a clear winner in my opinion. Daresso gives you leech, endurance charge generation and dodge while Belly boost your life pool much more significantly.

"I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!"
I'm at 6.2k life and I just got one shotted at the Beacon boss.

Do you think Acrobatics is good for this build? Since you can deal with trash easy wouldn't it be better to put those point's in a bigger HP pool?

I don't see how this build will be able to solo guardians, what are the benchmarks for those?

heres all my gear: What can use improving?

IGN - Imgur
Dernière édition par Madbeats, le 22 août 2017 11:59:35


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