[3.0] How to Flicker. Terminus Est Edition!

hi. cant find if anyone asked about it on this many pages: do you use any golem? and which one you advice? i feel ice golem would be perfect here.
BTW awesome build. Always loved flicker and this is perfect for me (currently 63 lvl)
keep up the good work and may the rolls be ever in your favor
does anybody know why frenzy charges are 6?
after patch 3.0 bandit, maximum frenzy charge are 5.
Am i wrong?
Are you sure that you are looking at your flicker strike damage and not your basic attack stats. Also flicker strike does not display DPS but damage per use, multiply that to your attacks per second to get your DPS. Now level 69 is very low so is 2.6k life - many of your gear pieces have no life and that's definitely a problem. Just level up, upgrade your gear and so on. Also your Termiuns Est has a horrendous crit chance roll.

Ice Golem would be the best choice yes. Personally i don't use a golem because A) not enough sockets and B) Golems die way too quickly and for me at least recasting them constantly is a huge pain in the ass, but that's just me :)

Just get an amulet with Intelligence (Lapis, Agate or Turquoise)

@Bloodytrailz, VsDreaMz, SoulTouched

Ok guys let’s talk damage mitigation, armour and one-shots.
First of all I want to explain two things that it seems some players are not aware of.
Dodge IS NOT the same as evasion. They are 2 separate and very different mechanics. Think of dodge as you think of chance to block

does not mitigate flat % of the incoming damage (unlike elemental resistances for example) instead armour mitigates more against small hits (and we don’t care about small hits) and considerably less against large hit (those that might actually kill you)

The rule of thumb of armour is as follows: To prevent one third of damage, you need armor 5 times the damage (e.g. 500 Armor for 100 damage) To prevent half of damage, you need armor 10 times the damage (e.g. 1000 Armor for 100 damage) To prevent two thirds of damage, you need armor 20 times the damage (e.g. 2000 Armor for 100 damage) To prevent three quarters of damage, you need armor 30 times the damage (e.g. 3000 Armor for 100 damage) To prevent 90% of damage, you need armor 90 times the damage (e.g. 9000 Armor for 100 damage) Armor will never prevent more damage than its value divided by 10 (e.g. 1000 Armor will never prevent more than 100 damage)

Now about the order of mitigation:
First the damage conversions take effect (Taste of Hate)
Then the armour reduction and the flat % reductions (Soul of Gruthkul) kicks in
Now the reduced damage from Fortify and the increased damage from things like Abyssus, shock and vulnerability curse are factored in
The "less" multiplier of Arctic Armour is last
So with all that said let us imagine an average character using this build and having no dodge. He would have: 6500 life Taste of Hate (20% damage converted) Gruthkul and just to make things in out favor we’ll say that at the time it will mitigate 5% Kaom’s Heart + Perfect Abyssus + Armour boots + Lion’s Roar for a total of 830 + 400 + 931 + 3000 = 5161 and the tree that has 96% increased armour so you’ll end up with 10115 armour … let’s round it up to 11000 for easier calculations (remember your armour will never mitigate more than 1/10 of its value or in this case 1100) Fortify (20% reduced damage) Arctic Armour level 20 (13% less physical damage)

We’ll calculate 2 incoming hits with and without the 50% penalty from dodge One that does 5000 and one that does 10000

1st case without dodge
You take a 5000 physical damage hit
- Taste of hate converts 20% of that hit to cold damage which is mitigated by your cold resistances (75%+6% from ToH)
Remaining damage 4000 physical and 190 cold damage
- Soul of Gruthkul will mitigate 5% of the physical damage
Remaining damage 3800 physical and 190 cold damage
- You armour will mitigate roughly 22% of the incoming physical damage
Remaining damage 2964 physical and 190 cold damage
- Fortify will mitigate 20% of the physical damage but Abyssus will increase it by 40% so in the end it will be increased by 20%. Fortify will also reduce the incoming cold damage
Remaining damage 3557 physical and 152 cold damage
- Your arctic armour will mitigate 13% of the incoming physical damage
Remaining damage 3095 physical and 152 cold damage

So to summarize a 5000 physical damage hit will be reduced to 3285 damage hit (3095 physical + 190 cold )

1st case with dodge
You take a 5000 physical damage hit
- Taste of hate converts 20% of that hit to cold damage which is mitigated by your cold resistances (75%+6% from ToH)
Remaining damage 4000 physical and 190 cold damage
- Soul of Gruthkul will mitigate 5% of the physical damage
Remaining damage 3800 physical and 190 cold damage
- You armour will mitigate roughly 12% of the incoming physical damage
Remaining damage 3344 physical and 190 cold damage
- Fortify will mitigate 20% of the physical damage but Abyssus will increase it by 40% so in the end it will be increased by 20%. Fortify will also reduce the incoming cold damage
Remaining damage 4012 physical and 152 cold damage
- Your arctic armour will mitigate 13% of the incoming physical damage
Remaining damage 3490 physical and 152 cold damage

So to summarize a 5000 physical damage hit will be reduced to 3642 damage hit (3490 physical + 152 cold )
The difference between dodge and no dodge is 357 points of damage. In both cases it won’t one-shot you

2nd case without dodge
You take a 7500 physical damage hit
- Taste of hate converts 20% of that hit to cold damage which is mitigated by your cold resistances (75%+6% from ToH)
Remaining damage 6000 physical and 285 cold damage
- Soul of Gruthkul will mitigate 5% of the physical damage
Remaining damage 5700 physical and 285 cold damage
- Your armour will mitigate roughly 16% of the incoming physical damage
Remaining damage 4788 physical and 285 cold damage
- Fortify will mitigate 20% of the physical damage but Abyssus will increase it by 40% so in the end it will be increased by 20%. Fortify will also reduce the incoming cold damage
Remaining damage 5746 physical and 228 cold damage
- Your arctic armour will mitigate 13% of the incoming physical damage
Remaining damage 4999 physical and 228 cold damage

So to summarize a 7500 physical damage hit will be reduced to 5227 damage hit (4999 physical + 228 cold )

2nd case with dodge
You take a 7500 physical damage hit
- Taste of hate converts 20% of that hit to cold damage which is mitigated by your cold resistances (75%+6% from ToH)
Remaining damage 6000 physical and 285 cold damage
- Soul of Gruthkul will mitigate 5% of the physical damage
Remaining damage 5700 physical and 285 cold damage
- Your armour will mitigate roughly 8% of the incoming physical damage
Remaining damage 5244 physical and 285 cold damage
- Fortify will mitigate 20% of the physical damage but Abyssus will increase it by 40% so in the end it will be increased by 20%. Fortify will also reduce the incoming cold damage
Remaining damage 6292 physical and 228 cold damage
- Your arctic armour will mitigate 13% of the incoming physical damage
Remaining damage 5474 physical and 228 cold damage

So to summarize a 7500 physical damage hit will be reduced to 5702 damage hit (5474 physical + 228 cold )
The difference between dodge and no dodge is 475 points of damage. In both cases it won’t one-shot you

3th case without dodge
You take a 10000 physical damage hit
- Taste of hate converts 20% of that hit to cold damage which is mitigated by your cold resistances (75%+6% from ToH)
Remaining damage 8000 physical and 380 cold damage
- Soul of Gruthkul will mitigate 5% of the physical damage
Remaining damage 7600 physical and 380 cold damage
- You armour will mitigate roughly 12% of the incoming physical damage
Remaining damage 6688 physical and 380 cold damage
- Fortify will mitigate 20% of the physical damage but Abyssus will increase it by 40% so in the end it will be increased by 20%. Fortify will also reduce the incoming cold damage
Remaining damage 8025 physical and 304 cold damage
- Your arctic armour will mitigate 13% of the incoming physical damage
Remaining damage 6981 physical and 304 cold damage

So to summarize a 10000 physical damage hit will be reduced to 7285 damage hit (6981 physical + 304 cold )

3th case with dodge
You take a 10000 physical damage hit
- Taste of hate converts 20% of that hit to cold damage which is mitigated by your cold resistances (75%+6% from ToH)
Remaining damage 8000 physical and 380 cold damage
- Soul of Gruthkul will mitigate 5% of the physical damage
Remaining damage 7600 physical and 380 cold damage
- You armour will mitigate roughly 6% of the incoming physical damage
Remaining damage 7144 physical and 380 cold damage
- Fortify will mitigate 20% of the physical damage but Abyssus will increase it by 40% so in the end it will be increased by 20%. Fortify will also reduce the incoming cold damage
Remaining damage 8572 physical and 304 cold damage
- Your arctic armour will mitigate 13% of the incoming physical damage
Remaining damage 7457 physical and 304 cold damage

So to summarize a 10000 physical damage hit will be reduced to 7761 damage hit (7457physical + 304 cold )
The difference between dodge and no dodge is 478 points of damage. In both cases it will one-shot you.

Ok after all that what can I say. Is loosing 40% chance to receive no damage from attacks (both physical and elemental ) and 30% chance to receive no damage from spells (both physical and elemental ) worth the extra 350-500 points of mitigated damage and 6 free passive points? Honestly it’s really hard to say. In my opinion yes – it is worth it. It literally means that half of the one-shot hits that you’ll normally take will instead be dodged and you won’t take any damage from them. What is the exact % of attacks that would deal just the right amount of damage so that these 350-500 extra points of mitigated damage will save I can’t say, but I doubt that the % is actually big given how specific that amount of damage must be. I’m tired of calculations if someone wants to do them be my guest, though my guess would be that a hit that deals 9000 physical damage would kill you if you have dodge but won’t kill you if you don’t have dodge, below 9000 you’ll survive in both cases over 9000 you’ll die anyway and that’s the point that I’m trying to make. Loosing a huge % chance to mitigate everything in favor of surviving a very small number of hits that you’ll take is not worth it, especially when you consider that you’ll also always take hits that will kill you 100% of the time without the chance of dodging them.
I’ll give you this fictional example: In an hour you’ll take 10 hits that won’t kill you with or without dodge, 10 hits that will kill you with or without dodge and 5 hits (and honestly that’s a very generous number given how little the difference in mitigation between with and without dodge is) that will kill you only if you have dodge . Without dodge you’ll die 10 times per hour, with dodge you’ll dodge 40% of the hits so you’ll die 6 times per hour. Of course it’s not that simple because there are many factors : exactly how many hits of each of the 3 kinds you’ll take what about dodged spells that otherwise will one-shot you what about dodged elemental attacks that will otherwise one-shot you what if you are cursed with vulnerability and/or you are shocked what about amour and dodge related map mods what if you are especially unlucky that day and you fail to dodge most hits what if you are especially lucky that day and you dodge almost all hits
Now the extra 6 passives can make up a bit for the armour version but I’d still go with the dodge. Don’t get me wrong I’m not saying that you won’t do fine without the acrobatics/phase acrobatics, but I think that you’ll do better with them. In the end of course, as always, it is up to you.
"I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!"
how should i level up , i upgraded what i can efford , i have problem with tier 1 maps......big problems
flicker strike dpu is 3.1 k now , thats too low , is it rly useful to uprade the terminus with another terminus ? i lack in chaos orbs xD and i dont know how i can farm them good , in the breach league i dropped atthe start an exalted so i had no problems but now i drop nothing
life is 3k now , equip gets better but that dont rly help at mapping until now
I can't really say what you are doing wrong mate ... care to give me a screenshot of that 3.1k flicker because it is literally impossible.
"I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!"
i upgraded the terminus to a better one , upgraded some equip , still no chance at tier 1 normal map bosses
thats a screenshot from flicker offense without any flasks or something


and thats with flasks


just crazy for me , not much more dmg

i rly need help
lol srry not with flasks just auras on , my fault

and thats my defense now ,
very low armor , maybe no wonder that i get often 1 shotted
but in tier 1 maps ? the bosses rly hit so hard that i have no chance
and if my frenzy charges are down and flicker stops im instant down

That explanation was definitely far and above what I expected and for your efforts of explanation, I humbly thank you good sir!


Get an Atziri's Promise flask, try for a 20% on the physical damage roll. This flask will cost you maybe 1-2c and upgrade your damage ~20% during flask effect (Replace sorrow of the divine with it)

Your amulet has no life, Your left ring has no life.

You don't have an abyssus, which is a huge boost to damage (i know, they cost like 20c-25c for even bad ones, just make this a goal)

If the character builder on POE is correct, your passive skill tree is alotted horribly. (It shows you as taking a bunch of random dexterity points and attack speed nodes from the duelist starting area... if this is just a bug, disregard this, but if this is what your tree is... fix it, this is 7 more or less wasted points.)
--http://imgur.com/a/xIWLk this is what I see as your passive points on poe site, If it's true I circled in red, the points that should be removed / put elsewhere.

These are just a couple suggestions off the top of my head. Slightly hard to judge off a couple screenshots what a problem might be.
Dernière édition par Bloodytrailz, le 18 août 2017 13:41:26


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