[3.0] How to Flicker. Terminus Est Edition!

Thank You for this guide, it was an inspiration for my flicering Est slayer kurwa build in beta and I have to say its really great experience. Never did maps so quick anmd smooth. Although I'm little dissapointed how bleed works atm because I was trying to make bleed flicker works. Its not working for me, maybe new keystone will help with that.
Do what You will shall be the whole of the law.
I have the feeling that bleeding still won't be that great even with the new keystone .. we'll see though.
"I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!"
There's another Terminus est slayer build on the forum and you guys both have pretty similar stuff except some things on tree.

Do you have any recommendations and or preferences to which tree would suit better for someone who is doing their 2nd char on this league.
I mean ... you are asking this on my guide thread ... i think it's obvious what my choice would be :D
"I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!"
I have been wondering; why do you take impact instead of using Melee Splash on mob and then switch it out for boss?
If you're mentioning Mosby's terminus league starter...I did review the tree. I prefer Korgoth's version because of the added defense layer from acrobatics.

I did some modifications on the passive tree for a 5th jewel slot. So far it's pretty good.

my tree.

Thank you, I'm starting to respec towards a few of the things I missed now.
Hi! Really like your guide)

I want to try it on 3.0 HC for fun. Maybe any suggestions to maintain better chance of not suiciding (more fat nodes or gear)?
Kendirom a écrit :
Hi! Really like your guide)

I want to try it on 3.0 HC for fun. Maybe any suggestions to maintain better chance of not suiciding (more fat nodes or gear)?

It's possible..but i wouldn't consider as a viable HC build. There are too many variables...desync, reflect, running out of frenzy in a middle of a pack are real possibilities to rip a character (seen it, experienced it).

Can it hit lvl 100? absoluutely. You might want to review the non-crit frenzy build by korgoth.
Well swapping gems in and out is something that i always desperately try to avoid as it is extremely annoying. Most importantly though having splash nowadays is something important in boss fights as well given the fact that many bosses constantly spawn adds or at least have a pack of magic monsters with them

I've never considered Flicker Strike builds truly HC viable due to the unpredictable nature of the skill alone. Like Molochmane suggest my other flicker strike guide is a bit more safe (especially when it comes to reflect) and you can always drop some damage nodes in favor of more life. With a well built character, careful gameplay and map crafting deaths are very rare, but of course in HC even 1 death is 1 death too much so there's that.
"I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!"


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