[3.0] How to Flicker. Terminus Est Edition!

Well the changes for 3.0 that we know of so far don't really affect this build that much. We'll have some choices regarding support gems though i'm not sure if any of them are worth replacing a gem in the already existing setup.

I'd say that even with nerf Abyssus is the BiS helmet when it comes to damage, the huge amounts of flat physical is insane and even after the nerf the crit multi is still a lot. Marylene's Fallacy is awesome if you can handle the 40% less crit, but given the overall idea that GGG have about crit multi in 3.0 i won't be surprised to see the amulet nerfed as well.
"I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!"

As i think about it, is this even a League Starter?^^

I started playing one week ago, and the stuff you need is pretty "cheap" by now.
Well it can be a league starter.
"I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!"
I also have 2 Jewels with 14% crit chance each. My problem is that I am running decent gear for my price range and copying the tree. I am hitting 48% crit chance in base. This is usually find untill I hit a boss on t10+ and get 1 shot because I stop flickering.
I trully have no idea what I need to do to increase my crit chance, any help would be greatly appreciated.
Skill tree https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAABAQBAAHcBS0GIAaiCLEJlg2NEPAUIBRxFewX3BuqI_Yk_S5TMHEwfDWSOQ46QjrhPfw-zz_8QzFHfkp9S3hM_02STeNOKlBHUUdR2lhjWhpbr18_ZU1vO3SgdO12rHfjeA14enloggeE2YTvhVKGtIdqh3aK8IzPjX2Nv5J9lSSXeZhvo4qmV6knqW6plK2NsoC18rkdvTa95r6nwBrBBMMzypDPftNv1CPUUtZY2L3ZYdl82sHcI92o5FHlz-dU6GbpRuoY6wnuDu8O8kXyWvZI9zL46_zF_o__3g==?accountName=Wa%C3%ADseheill&characterName=Wa%C3%ADseheill
Is the 48% with or without Power chargers? Are you taking into account the extra crit chance from assassin's mark? Are you saving your diamond flask for boss fights.

Add 20% quality to your sword asap ... please.

And god ... why are you casting blood rage with CWDT ... the guide made it very clear that you need to be able to cast it by yourself so you could recast it if needed.

Not using Arctic armour is another thing that could help you survive.

And something very important - your gear lacks life .... big time... in fact only your belt has flat life and that's a HUGE problem. With 0 life from your boots, rings and amulet you lose at least 600 life... and makes your belly of the beast less than optimal to put it lightly.
"I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!"
Dernière édition par KorgothBG, le 13 juil. 2017 04:05:43
I finally reached lvl 97! I gave a shot with with double vaal temple + vulnerability, tough but manageable once the frenzy charges gets rolling.

Then I tried once for uber atziri, the flicker build is viable once past the trio (hence i tried the vaal temple bosses first). Viper strike was good enough to deal with atziri...it's just a matter of dodging her attacks.

I was able to tweak the tree for my character to get an extra gem slot, and plan to get vitality hold key stone once reaching lvl 99 (oh god why!)


Dernière édition par Molochmane, le 13 juil. 2017 06:43:15
Gratz! And good luck on your way to 99 (maybe 100 eventually?).
"I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!"
Thanks! mapping with flicker strike was a breeze, It gets really annoying that 100% of my deaths are from volatiles even with 9500 hp with abyssus. I tried to avoid -min-max maps, extra life or extra damage elemental mods. Hopely with the new changes in 3.0...we can flick away from volatiles (I can only dream).
Well the beta volatiles are just big floating balls that follow you around and explode after a good 2-3 sec. delay so if the change is introduced in 3.0 sudden deaths by volatile blood will be a thing of the past.
"I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!"
rebuild swap dpu for hp (lost ~10k dpu and now have +2k hp)
cancel herald of ash and use assasin mark+slasphemy now
save playing ...


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