[3.0] How to Flicker. Terminus Est Edition!

I'm playing terminus flicker and on shaper, guardians and red elder I sometimes lose all my frenzy charges while having 93% accuracy and 95% crit (i dont think i should count ass mark here due to bosses curse effect reduction). Question is how is that even possible and what do i need to do in order not to lose charges? I realy apriciate any advice!
Dernière édition par Into_dust, le 17 mai 2018 18:25:59
When I'm using a 5 link what gems should I use?

Edit: I do have a tabula that I can use instead of the belly of the beast. Would a tabula be better than a 5link?
Dernière édition par nathanielvd, le 20 mai 2018 07:40:41
It was probably already asked. But is this Build league starter viable?
I'm still kinda new to this game so its hard for me to judge.
Arcania202 a écrit :
It was probably already asked. But is this Build league starter viable?
I'm still kinda new to this game so its hard for me to judge.

A league starter build doesn't require much unique items to begin with , since that build require lots of unique items you can't start a league with it, but give it around 10-15 days after the league starts and you "may" find most of the required items.
I recently threw this build together, and I'm having a blast with it. It's the only build I have in this game that I would use words like "thrilling" and "astonishing" to describe. Definitely my fastest map clearer, although you do have to do quite a bit of backtracking to find drops.

I had to go to some trouble to get the crit chance above 70. My ice golem still hasn't fully leveled so I'll get a little more there. Global crit chance on rings and amulets is very valuable for this. The build did not work smoothly until I went to this trouble.

At first I thought this would be a fairly weak, but fast build, but now I can't believe the damage. PoB indicates that when my gems are maxed out I'll get over 500k. I'm at 375k now and that is overkill for red maps I have tried. That does include warchief which I don't ususally use except on bosses for the culling.

I also expected it to be pretty much a glass canon, always running into unseen trouble and getting killed. It's not nearly as much as I thought, but I have died twice to red map bosses that are normally easy (factory and pit). I have 5400 life but I guess not enough mitigation for some one-shot hits. It's hard to dodge mechanics when you're flickering away. I also did not take the acrobatics side tree, so I guess I'm getting what I set myself up for.

One question: I have a slot on the skill bar open and wonder what I might put there to help this build. I use flicker, blood rage, warchief, ice golem, HoA, hatred and leap slam now. What would compliment this build in the extra slot? I'm trying phase run there, since the extra speed is useful when backtracking. I guess I ought to have arctic armor there, but my mana is seemingly too tight to use that skill as things stand.

I hope we get some more discussion of this build. I plan to level it to 90+ and farm a lot of maps with it.

You could go for Vaal Grace (defensive option) or Vaal Haste (offensive option) if you have the free sockets.

A few words about the slight survivability issues. For some reason Acro and Phase acro are very underestimated but for this build they are a core defensive mechanic. You see this build has nothing to lose by grabbing them - no ES to lose, not nearly enough armour to care about the penalty and on top of that theya re in a part of the tree where there are many other desirable passive nodes.

TL;DR - get Acro and Phase acro !

The other thing is arctic armour. It provides substantial defensive boost and it shouldn't be easily discarded as something that's not good enough. Hatred on the other hand while providing a good paper DPS well... it's just that paper DPS because the extra cold damage is mitigated by the resistances of your targets and the targets against which you actually need that extra damage have 75% res so you end up dealing much less than what your tooltip says. Instead of Hatred i'd suggest running Arctic armour and a Blasphemy + a curse of your choice. Which curse you might ask? You need more damage - go for Vulnerability! You feel squishy - use Enfeeble! Warlord's mark is also an option for it's additional mana/life leech and endurance charge generation.

TL;DR - Arctic armour + a curse of your choice > Hatred
"I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!"
Thanks for those suggestions. The curse may not work well because I'm using Oskarms for the free assassins mark. However, with blasphemy I'd curse things I haven't hit yet, so maybe that still works?

PoB does make Hatred look much better than it is. If I set the enemy resistances to 75, not only is hatred less than a 10% gain, but herald of ash is actually only about 3%. Makes good sense to at least swap herald of ash for arctic armor.
Dernière édition par shrunn57, le 10 juin 2018 21:11:34
AH yes, when you are using Oskaram there is no point in getting another curse (unless you have a +1 curse corrupted amulet). Herald of ash is nice in my opinion because the overkill effect takes care of thrash mobs that otherwise are left behind at low life (and of course it's only 25% mana reserve) You could go for AA + HoA + Purity of (pick one).
"I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!"
I tested with arctic armor for a number of maps, and I honestly can't feel any benefit from it. My squishiness had already pretty much gone away when my damage/leech got a lot higher (434k). I'm at the stage (level 89 working on 90 now) where pretty much only one shots that can take all of my 5600 health are a problem, and I haven't seen any of those in a while.

So I went back to herald of ash and hatred, and with those combined the build feels totally different. Most packs seems to die in one quick explosion, and map clearing feels much more efficient. I guess I have found my preference so I'll see if I have any problem with dying before I get to 90.
Do the Flicker Strike/Support Gems need to be in the weapon or can they be in the chest if I'm running a 6 link chest? Would rather not dump exalts on a 6L Terminus if it's not needed.


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