[3.0] How to Flicker. Terminus Est Edition!

Nuraihyon a écrit :
I've noticed that getting stunned sometimes stops flicker strike until I release the button and press it again, have you tried that?

Yes, actually this is a good tip.

@whitetee03 your character list is set to private, make it public so i can check it out
"I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!"
Hiya, I've been going on with my own version of Flicker Strike Slayer this league and thought I'd link my current philosophy behind the build concept to maybe try and push some more thought into the overall build. So far I have cleared up to Guardians and Uber Lab runs are short and sweet. Will be doing Guardians and Shaper today or tomorrow. I will try and record some video.

This is my current gear set up. I think the kaom's set up is great but I like the resist of the Belly and I'm still rocking 6.5k hp with socket/links to play with. I do have two totems in the build, mostly just for trololol reasons. The Decoy is just there for guardians, just for testing but I mostly throw out the AW totem. My auras are just Hatred and AA atm. maybe once my enlighten gets higher, I'll throw in Herald of Ash as well. The health flask I have mostly just collects dust at this point or if I goof on a lab trap. My sitting CC with golem out and 0 power charges is currently 74.59%, so I'm not really seeing a point into rushing power charges w/ blasphemy or using a diamond flask. Would love to hear your thoughts on this to bounce ideas off of. I will admit, I have yet to add in the Abbysus Helmet due to 1 shot potential and always having enough damage to easily clear all content so far.

Feel free to look at my profile and see my passive tree as well. I did not pick up Acrobatics/Phase. I just did not see the worth. Also, I think Melee Splash + Headsman scales better than added Fire + Impact. If I am wrong, please educate me. I'm honestly curious to hear more from another lover of the flicker strike. Cheers and happy hunting.

This was my first Minotaur attempt. I downed him but as you can see from my latency, my internet did not like me at all haha. The fight is extremely doable, you just have to not lag and be a baddie XD.


You raise some interesting points. More specifically the need for Assassin's mark once you have the needed passives and good gear. I'll do some testing without it and see how it goes, though if i loose the assassin's mark it would be in favor of another curse (warlord's mark, temp chains or enfeeble) and definitely not for hatred , while also loosing the HoA. Little is gained in terms of damage in that exchange and it's simply not worth it. As for the chest - the belly sure is an option especially if you want extra sockets and if you need some resists, i don't need those though so i prefer the kaom for the extra life ( i'm at 7100 life atm).

About melee splash + headsman vs impact + added fire damage ... i'd say that this is a false dichotomy, why not impact + added fire damage + headsman? I mean that's exactly what i do. Brutal fervor is ... rather meh if you ask me. Stuns were never an issue for me, the extra leech is unnoticeable when you have Acuity, and the bleeding immunity ... i achieve that with a single press of a button ("1"). At the same time added fire damage (OR increased critical strike damage) provides huge offensive benefits that i'm simply not willing to loose (and that's especially true if you don't use Abyssus)

Currently i'm playing with The Retch as a belt and i must say that it works quite nice.
Another thing that i'm thinking about for some time is dropping the abyssus ... though the loss of damage is huge it might be worth doing especially vs. Guardians, Uber Atziri's Trio and Shaper.

Though i must mention that loosing the Abyssus for me means loosing over half of my entire dps (buffed with flasks) and yeah... that's just .. terrible.

Btw i already did Minotaur, Phoenix and Hydra guardians. With the minotaur i died once due to sever lack of brains on my part, in the Phoenix fight - one death because i failed to get out of the charge explosion in time due to a huge lag spike, the hydra fight went well ... though i failed to record that (was a bit frustrated after the other two -_-). In any case, the guardians are totally doable even deathless if you are concentrated and you know what you are doing. Haven't tried the Shaper yet so i don't know how that will go. I tired Uber Atziri and sadly i failed miserably to the trio, loosing the Abyssus though might help with that (and that's when my thoughts about doing so came to be)

As for acro + phase acro ... honestly you can't get that much survivability for those points, not picking them when you are already there is a huge mistake in my opinion, but to each his own i guess.

EDIT: added some more thoughts
"I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!"
Dernière édition par KorgothBG, le 25 mars 2017 09:12:20
KorgothBG a écrit :
You raise some interesting points. More specifically the need for Assassin's mark once you have the needed passives and good gear. I'll do some testing without it and see how it goes, though if i loose the assassin's mark it would be in favor of another curse (warlord's mark, temp chains or enfeeble) and definitely not for hatred , while also loosing the HoA. Little is gained in terms of damage in that exchange and it's simply not worth it. As for the chest - the belly sure is an option especially if you want extra sockets and if you need some resists, i don't need those though so i prefer the kaom for the extra life ( i'm at 7100 life atm).

About melee splash + headsman vs impact + added fire damage ... i'd say that this is a false dichotomy, why not impact + added fire damage + headsman? I mean that's exactly what i do. Brutal fervor is ... rather meh if you ask me. Stuns were never an issue for me, the extra leech is unnoticeable when you have Acuity, and the bleeding immunity ... i achieve that with a single press of a button ("1"). At the same time added fire damage (OR increased critical strike damage) provides huge offensive benefits that i'm simply not willing to loose (and that's especially true if you don't use Abyssus)

Currently i'm playing with The Retch as a belt and i must say that it works quite nice.
Another thing that i'm thinking about for some time is dropping the abyssus ... though the loss of damage is huge it might be worth doing especially vs. Guardians, Uber Atziri's Trio and Shaper.

Though i must mention that loosing the Abyssus for me means loosing over half of my entire dps (buffed with flasks) and yeah... that's just .. terrible.

Btw i already did Minotaur, Phoenix and Hydra guardians. With the minotaur i died once due to sever lack of brains on my part, in the Phoenix fight - one death because i failed to get out of the charge explosion in time due to a huge lag spike, the hydra fight went well ... though i failed to record that (was a bit frustrated after the other two -_-). In any case, the guardians are totally doable even deathless if you are concentrated and you know what you are doing. Haven't tried the Shaper yet so i don't know how that will go. I tired Uber Atziri and sadly i failed miserably to the trio, loosing the Abyssus though might help with that (and that's when my thoughts about doing so came to be)

As for acro + phase acro ... honestly you can't get that much survivability for those points, not picking them when you are already there is a huge mistake in my opinion, but to each his own i guess.

EDIT: added some more thoughts

Hiya, thanks for the reply. Starting from the top, I do like the AM curse for the power charges, cc, and cm. I just don't need a diamond flask for like trash mobs to flicker around. For Bosses, it seems after I get hit and my BV is giving me PCoC with the AM, my longer flicker fights are most reliably fought w/ the curse up. I could try and test the set up by keeping the PCoC and just switching the curse to something like enfeeble. Like I stated, once my enlighten gem gets higher, I can add in HoA to my Hatred and AA for even more damage just don't have the fund atm to straight buy it yet QQ.

Yeah, I think Kaom's and Belly both are awesome. I just have trouble w/ the Blasphemy set up over the CWDT BV set up. I think both are great. It's like AM + HoA + AA vs Hatred + HoA + AA + eventually AM on harder fights that need it/would be more consistent w/ the crits with longer flicker fights.

As far as the ascendancies go, I'm a sucker for hitting less buttons w/ the bleed immunity and stun immunity. I can understand that you will get more damage going your route but I'ma lazy POS XD. I like just having my "get this freeze off of me" flask and like possibly a "screw this shock" too and that's it. I think it's totally preference fo sho.

I'm thinking about keeping belt of the deceiver, picking up the indomitable passive to stack that anti-crit and try out abyssus to really see that dps shine and play w/ the offense/defense balancing act but everything will just never matter again once we get Headhunters! #LetsDoIt

Grats on your guardian kills! After a couple of comp restarts and such, I did manage to get my lag down a bit. I'll be knocking out the guardians later today or tomorrow and hitting up Shaper. I'll share my findings w/ you as well.

Idk the acro perks w/ the 50% reduced armour makes what little reduction I have poopoo. Dodge always makes me nervous. idk, maybe I'll just mess around w/ it and see what I like.

Again, I really appreciate the feedback.
In the i totally agree that most of the differences come from personal preference and i think that that's perfectly fine!

Vashseden a écrit :

Idk the acro perks w/ the 50% reduced armour makes what little reduction I have poopoo. Dodge always makes me nervous. idk, maybe I'll just mess around w/ it and see what I like.

I think that the answer actually lies within this sentence - "the 50% reduced armour makes what little reduction I have poopoo". Your armour already does nothing for you. By going acro and phase acro you only benefit from it.

Can't wait to hear about the Shaper run!
"I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!"
Speaking from my experience with slayer, brutal fevor is not necessary for this build when you have obtained acuity. The reason to choose Brutal fevor is mainly for the max life to leech rate and stun imunity. With acuity you leech instantly on crit anyway so it does not benefit you as much. As for stun and bleed imunity with a good life buffer its not a problem.
Impact is a 7th link and a strong one at that as it does not interfere with single target dps.
My builds:
https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1809378 - Lazor Inqusitor
https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1781498 - Burning Arrow Raider
https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1800999 - Perfect Formless Inferno Slayer
FLicker Strike is viable with Dual wield?
Viable in this build or viable in general?
In this build - no it's not, it's after a Terminus Est build so you kind of need ... you know ... Terminus Est.
As for dual wielding flicker strike in general - i honestly don't see a point to it. When you use flicker while dual wielding you'll just alternate weapons - so besides the basic dual wield bonuses (10% more Attack Speed while Dual Wielding, 15% additional Block Chance while Dual Wielding, 20% more Attack Physical Damage while Dual Wielding) which of course are nice but nothing more, there isn't really a point going dual wield. So i'd say this - personally, unless a new flicker strike related unique weapons are introduced to the game i would never, and i repeat NEVER go for a dual wield flicker build, as it is simply inferior to all other available options.
"I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!"
This isn't related to the build itself, but I'm still wondering:

How do I get the currency to get myself atziri's acuity? That's 11ex at the cheapest and my RNG seems to be quite bad in the last few days.

Any pointers, perhaps?


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