[3.9?] Sidefx Frost Blades - Hyped for Support +
This update add nothing really huge to what we already have. You did only checked more boxes on pob. It was fun but im going to respec! Thanks!
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Have no problems with the build, got to level 92 with only decent items (only "expensive" was the 2x claw of anguish, rest is crap)
Cleared all maps to t14 and done 2x t15. Gonna try and clear the atlas but need to invest way more into gear for T16 and shaper. I personally do not use kaoms boots because I think the no evasion is garbage, I never get stunned anyway and temp chains is nullified with a flask with curse removal. Point blank is a must imo, there is no use not to use it with claw of anguish, all trash instadie anyway with the chain. |
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ahah nice pob update, setup for max dps with impossible items, no hp flask, no anti-bleed, theorycraft's build so nice
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" yes, its was just a ad for his stream |
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" cheap build with impossible items :)) nice meme I hate people with poe building... |
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" Thank you for quick reply! For rings, how do I get opal rings that arent insanely expensive? I feel even when I search for a half decent one they cost so much more than anything else in the build. Also, what kind of helmet should I be getting? I honestly only have mine because I got a high life roll on it. I will definitely use your suggestions though thanks again. |
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For those thinking the gear is "impossible"
Yes the pob shows max rolled geared to show the potential dps out the the build. If you cant figure out what items are close to the items posted without having the guide hold your hand through poe.trade then I feel for you. The idea of any PoB is to show maxed out character with the gear possible for you to get. If you think getting Uniques is impossible, or yellows with resistances and flat damage is hard or even a belt with weapon ele is hard. Then this game is too hard for you. As Far as not having a life flask. Have you never played a character that attacks so fast and has endless leech? guess what! You dont need a life flask. No bleed removal? What do you think the blue flask is for on the PoB? oh what was another thing read. Oh that's right was only a "add" for my stream. Really? All this effort into guides and updates ect? Remember one thing no one told you to be here or force you to play my builds. For anyone else who is enjoying the build or my other guides or anything in that nature. Thank you and I am glad you are :) |
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" potential dps? who cares? 6xT1 opal rings with exact stats never existed... what's the point of this? Every char with perfect gear would be op but again the build is to what people to goal, expect. The main purpose of this guide is to people CAN actually follow. When i read first, i make my choice of it, cause i like rangers etc and wanted new build. Tho first thing i needed is to farm 4 exalts for claws. That was still when build called "cheap". Even then you played you other build on stream, but this build is like theorycrafting. So you weren't farming (and now still) t11+ maps and making build. This build MUST have a healing flask. Cause even with great gear it's still glass cannon. I can feel so much difference from playing Voltaxic ranger last league with 10K ES with this build even can achieve. You always (at boss especially) is low on health so having a healing flask is VITAL. Maybe you just don't play enough with your own build? Then - you don't add almost anything to the build, you use kaoms but still don't have iron reflexes etc. You only post another PoB link. Just make few phrazes here. But I know why you don't make - it's not your priority. Don't get me wrong - it's cool build, very fast and very glassy. Still it lacks single target DPS, than you could easily post in the post 1, so people not ask again and again. Like these: + ultimate freeze feel build + high dps + good AoE - expensive - glass cannon - can have problems with single target (bosses) etc etc. something like that So people reading you can understand, they want or don't want this build. Actually with like 5 ex or below this build isn't good for T11+. It's like 130 pages and you can't write basic things. Especially FAQ, like no need allocating 40 dex to unique jewel full potential etc. I mean thanks for the build but be glad for answers, it's helping you to improve your guide. If you really want. Also, farming T10 with 4 link is a LIE. But when you post HUGE update and all people see is different items and slightly different flasks.. they WILL get dissapointed. Also it would be good for build to have something like recommended items for each slot explaining why this is good or not that good. It seems I always chose those build what i need to respec or get 2nd char cause author don't care to play for the endgame. Last league it was Neversink crit barrage, it was more advertising, then i decided to change my build. Dernière édition par divinity#3723, le 20 août 2017 11:54:00
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But Frostblades claw does have good singletarget dps, and is viable for all content.
And it is not really a glasscannon either if you plan some. But ofc if you ignore things like point blank then you should not expect any singletarget dps either for T14-endgame. |
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I have point blank in my build but it's still semi good single target. You could check before writing. But OP doesn't have still.. and write these 4.5MDPS and all content it's just lie.
I was playing TS-Barrage, TS 6 link + 2 tornado shot projectiles helm was great single target comparing to this. No offense. |
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