[3.25]g00fy_goober's EleBuzzsaw Deadeye (Easily Clear All Content) *REVAMPED AGAIN*
" And there may be many new ways how to craft elemental damage with Bestiary. |
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" He is talking about the very basics which is not covered at all compared to the other guides. New players don't understand shit about LMP, GMP, 5link this and then add EW, then 4link this and so on. I think it would be a really good idea to compile a small text here that says what gems to get from who and what rewards are the best to take from quests. Some example items that are good for leveling from 1-30, 30-60, 60-90. If we could put together a nice little explanation maybe Goofy can add this in the orignal guide post aswell ;). It seems to me that some of the more experienced players are really arrogant towards people who are asking for help really nicely. Why would you even waste your time on typing something that helps nobody and reflects rudeness ? Everyone can guide people to google, instead of that enlighten us with your knowledge. I am 100% sure there are a lot of people who would love to see more in depth leveling guide that the one we have. |
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" This is covered in the guide. " You are misunderstanding that this is a build guide. While I completely understand new players are going to be vastly overwhelmed with many things (I know I was with this game). This a guide on a build, not a guide on how to play the game. I already have a detailed and full passive tree leveling guide in there. As for all the items and gems I have all the ones that you need for your build. I also have other suggestions of how to look for leveling weapons and what to use for your starting links and some basic uniques that can be helpful while leveling and why. If you honestly expect me or any others to type out an entire section for new POE players and explain every step of what gem to take as a reward and what to look for on every single piece of gear well that's simply not going to happen. Again please remember that this is a build guide. All the help pages, google, streamer guides, youtube videos about the basics are meant to teach ppl how to play POE. |
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" I must agree with you. When I started playing I had to search for everything. Some guides have nice tutorials for leveling and that helped me a lot, so why not? The first few things (how to get gems etc.) could be written even before start of the new league. |
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In depth leveling guide
WP = Way Point SP = Skill Point RP = Respec Point GM = Gem EX = Extra BA = Bandit RI = Rare Item QF = Quicksilver Flask UF = Utility Flask UJ = Unique Jewel MP = Map LB = Labyrinth WT = Walktrough TP = Teleport Part 1 (Acts 1-5 )
Kill Hillock and buy spectral throw from Nessa.
WP: The Coast (get WP). EX(QF): The Coast, go to Tidal Island, kill Hailrake, get Medicine Chest. Relog to get back to Town. Complete EX: "Mercy Mission" (Nessa). Take Quicksilver flask as a reward from Nessa. WP+GM: The Coast, go to The Mud Flats, find all eggs (3), go to The Lower Submerged (get WP). Complete "Breaking Some Eggs" (Tarkleigh). EX(RP): The Lower Submerged, go back to The Mud Flats, go to The Fetid Pool. Complete EX: "A Dirty Job" (Tarkleigh). WP+SP+E(LB): The Lower Submerged, find The Flooded Depths, kill Dweller of the Deep, go to The Upper Submerged, go to The Ledge (get WP), go to The Climb (get WP), go to The Lower Prison (get WP, EX: LB), go to The Upper Prison, kill Brutus. Complete "The Caged Brute" (Tarkleigh) & "The Dweller of the Deep" (Tarkleigh). Take Lesser multiple projectiles as a reward and link it with Spectral throw. If you can, buy added lightning damage from other players and add this to the link WP+SP: Prisoner's Gate, go to The Ship Graveyard (get WP), find The Ship Graveyard Cave, get Allflame. Find Fairgraves and defeat him. Go to The Cavern of Wrath (get WP). Complete "The Marooned Mariner" (Bestel). WP: The Cavern of Wrath, go to The Cavern of Anger, kill Merveil, go to The Southern Forest (get WP), go to The Forest Encampment. ACT 2
WP+BA(1)+GM: The Forest Encampment, go to The Riverways (follow the road, get WP, keep following the road), go to Western Forest (get WP), kill/help Alira (you can find her by finding a break in the road), go south and kill the Blackguards and open the blocked pass, go to Weaver's Chambers (to find it, look for trees with spiderweb), go to Weavers Nest, kill The Weaver, take Maligaro's Spike. Complete "Sharp and Cruel" (Silk).
Take elemental damage with attacks as a reward from Silk. Link it up with spectral throw > lesser multiple projectiles > added lightning damage > elemental damage with attack skills. SP: Go back to Town in Act 1. Complete "The Way Forward" (Bestel). Go back to Act 2. WP+BA(2): The Forest Encampment, go to The Old Fields, go to The Crossroads (get WP), go to The Broken Bridge (north, get WP), follow the road and kill/help Kraityn. Town. WP+EX(RI+LB): The Crossroads, find The Great White Beast and kill it, go to The Fellshrine Ruins (west, good farm spot), go to The Crypt (get WP, E: complete LB). Complete "The Great White Beast" (Yeena). WP+GM+EX(LB): The Crossroads, go to The Chamber of Sins (east, get WP), go to The Chambers of Sins lvl 2 (E: LB), complete "Intruders in Black" (Greust). WP+BA(3)+GM: The Riverways (find a break in the road near WP, that path will lead you to the next area), go to The Wetlands (get WP), kill/help Oak, get The Apex (or get The Apex from Eramir in town), poison the tree, go to The Vaal Ruins, go to The Northern Forest (get WP!). WP: The Northern Forest, go to The Caverns (get WP), go to The Ancient Pyramid, kill Vaal Boss, go to The City of Sarn (get WP). ACT 3
WP: The City of Sarn, kill Blackguards, talk to Helena, go to The Sarn Encampment (east).
WP+GM/RI+EX(LB): The Sarn Encampment, go to The Slums, go to The Crematorium (get WP, E: LB), kill Piety, take Tolman's Bracelet. Complete "Lost in Love" (Clarissa). WP+SP+PP: The Crematorium, go back to The Slums, find Sewer Grating, go to The Slum Sewers, find the all the Platinum Busts, go to The Marketplace (get WP), find Ornate Chests. Complete "Victorio's Secrets" (Hargan). E(LB): The Marketplace, go to The Catacombs (E: LB). WP+EX(RI): The Marketplace, go to The Battlefront (get WP, E: find Ribbon Spool), go to The Docks (east, get WP, good farming spot), talk to Fairgraves & find Thaumetic Sulphate. WP: The Battlefront, go to The Solaris Temple (up, get WP), go to The Solaris Temple lvl 2 (get WP), give Lady Dialla the Thaumetic Sulphate for Infernal Talc (E: give Ribbon Spool for RI). WP+SP+E(GM): The Sewers (use Infernal Talc on Undying Passage), go to The Ebony Barracks (get WP, E: kill General Gravius). The Lunaris Temple (get WP), go to The Lunaris Temple lvl 2, kill Piety, take Tower Key. Complete "Piety's Pets" (Grigor). WP+EX(GM/RI): The Ebony Barracks, go to The Imperial Gardens (get WP), go to The Library (get WP), go to The Archives, find all 4 Golden Pages, complete "A Fixture of Fate" (Siosa). EX(LB+RI): Imperial Gardens, go to The Hedge Maze (LB, get Chitu's Plum). The Docks, complete "A Swig of Hope" (Fairgraves). WP: The Imperial Gardens, go to The Lower Sceptre of God (get WP), go to The Upper Sceptre of God (kill Dominus). Go to The Aqueduct (get WP), go to Highgate. Complete "Sceptre of God" by talking to Grigor in town in Act 3. ACT 4
WT+GM: Highgate, go to The Dried Lake (good farming spot), kill Voll & get Deshret's Banner. Go back to town & open The Mines. Complete "Breaking the Seal" (Oyun).
WP+SP: Highgate, go to The Mines, go to The Mines lvl 2, kill & release Deshret's Spirit, go to The Crystal Veins (get WP). Complete "An Indomitable Spirit" (Tasuni). WP: The Crystal Veins, go to Daresso's Dream, go to The Grand Arena (get WP), kill Daresso & get The Eye of Desire. The Crystal Veins again, go to Kaom's Dream, go to Kaom's Stronghold (get WP), kill Kaom & get The Eye of Fury. The Crystal Veins again, complete "The King of Fury" & "The King of Desire" (Dialla). WP: The Crystal Veins, go to The Belly of the Beast, go to The Belly of The Beast lvl 2, kill Piety, go to The Harvest (get WP). WT: The Harvest, kill Malichai's 3 Guardians, (important! Enter The Black Core before leaving area or going afk, or you will have to kill all the Guardians again), talk to Piery, go to The Black Core, kill Malachai. Complete "The Eternal Nightmare" (Dialla). Take Greater multiple projectiles as a reward from Dialla and swap it out with Lesse multiple projectiles. WT: Highgate, go to The Ancest. ACT 5
WT+RI: The Ancest, take teleport to Oriath. The Slave Pens (get WP), kill Overseer Crow, go to Overseer's Tower. Complete "Return to Oriath" (Lani).
QF: Go to The Control Blocks, find Experimental Supplies (Miasmeter), kill Justicar Casticus & get Eye of Zeal. Go to Oriath Square (get WP). Complete "The Key to Freedom" (Lani). WP+EX(UJ): Oriath Square, go to Templar Courts Entrance (get WP), go to The Chamber of Innocence (get WP), complete "Death to Purity" (Lani). SP: The Chamber of Innocence, kill High Templar Avarius. Complete "In Service to Science" (Vilenta). WP+SP+RP+EX(UJ): The Chamber of Innocence, go to The Torched Courts, go to The Ruined Square (get WP), find Utala and kill him (EX: UJ). Go to The Reliquary (get WP), find Kitava's Torments. Complete "The King's Feast" (Bannon) & "Kitava's Torments" (Lani). WP: The Ruined Square, go to The Ossuary. Find Sign of Purity, go back to The Ruined Square, go to The Cathedral Rooftop (get WP), go to Cathedral Apex (don't forget to use Teleport outside if you die), fight Kitava, take the boat to Part 2/Act 6. Part 2 ( Acts 6-10 )
EX(RP): Clear Twilight Strand, go back to Lioneye's Watch. Complete "Fallen from Grace" (Lilly).
WP+E(RI): The Coast (get WP), go to The Tidal Island, get Bestel's Manuscript. Complete "Bestel's Epic" (Bestel). WP+SP: The Coast, go to The Mud Flats, find Nessa, enter The Karui Fortress. Enter Tukohama's Keep, kill Tukohama, go to The Ridge (get WP). Complete "The Father of War" (Tarkleigh). WP+E(RI+LB): The Ridge, go to The Lower Prison (get WP, E: LB), go to Shavronne's Tower, go to Prison Rooftop, kill Shavronne. Go to The Warden's Chambers, go to The Prisoner's Gate (get WP). Complete "Essence of Umbra" (Tarkleigh). WT+SP: The Prisoner's Gate, go to Valley of the Fire Drinker & start fight with Abberath, go to The Gloven Pass, go to Valley of the Fire Drinker & kill Abberath. Complete "The Cloven One" (Bestel). WP+SP: The Prisoner's Gate, go to The Western Forest (get WP), go to The Riverways (get WP, find a break in the road, that will lead you to next area), go to The Wetlands, go to The Spawning Grounds, defeat The Puppet Mistress. Complete "The Puppet Mistress" (Tarkleigh). WP: The Riverways, go to The Southern Forest (get WP), go to The Cavern of Anger, go to The Beacon (get WP), Light up The Beacon, Sail to The Brine King's Reef. WP: The Brine King's Reef (get WP), go to The Brine King's Throne, kill The Brine King, take the boat to Act 7. ACT 7
WP+MP+E(UF+LB): Go to The Broken Bridge, find Weylam's Silver Locket (E: UF), go to The Crossroads (get WP), go to The Fellshrine Ruins (west, good farming spot), go to The Crypt (get WP, E: LB), find Maligaro's Map. Complete "The Silver Locket" (Weylam).
WP+RI: The Crossroads, go to The Chamber of Sins (east, get WP), enter Maligaro's Map & kill Maligaro. Complete "Essence of the Artist" (Helena). WP+SP+E(LB): The Chamber of Sins, go to The Chamber of Sins lvl 2 (E: LB), go to The Den (get WP), go to The Ashen Fields (get WP), go to The Forest Encampment, kill Greust, go to The Northern Forest (get WP). Complete "The Master of a Million Faces" (Eramir). SP+E(RI): The Northern Forest, find the Azmeri Shrine (E: RI), go to The Dread Thicket, find all Fireflies, go to Den of Despair, kill Gruthkul. Complete "Queen of Despair" (Eramir) & "In Memory of Greust" (Helena). WP+SP+RP: Talk to Helena, The Northern Forest, go to The Causeway (get WP), find Kishara's Star, go to The Vaal City (get WP). Complete "Kishara's Star" (Weylam). WT: The Vaal City, enter The Temple of Decay, go to The Tempel of Decay lvl 2 (place TP in case you die), go to Arakaali's Web, kill Arakaali. Go to The Sarn Ramparts, go to The Sarn Encampment (Act 8). ACT 8
WP+RI: The Sarn Encampment, go to The Toxic Conduits, go to Doedre's Cesspool, open Loose Crate, kill Doedre the Vile, go to Sewer Outlet (get WP). Complete "Essence of the Hag" (Hargan).
WP+SP+RP: The Toxic Conduits, go to The Quay, find Ankh of Eternity, go to Arena, kill Tolman, go to The Grain Gate (get WP). Complete "Love is Dead" (Clarissa). WP+SP+E(UJ+LB): The Toxic Conduits, go to The Grand Promenade, go to The Bath House (get WP, E: LB), kill Hector Titucius (E: UJ) & take Wings of Vastiri, go to The High Gardens, go to The Pools of Terror, kill Yugul. Complete "Reflection of Terror" (Hargan) & E: "The Wings of Vastiri" (Hargan). WP+SP: The Grain Gate, kill Gemling Legionnaires, go to The Imperial Fields (get WP), go to The Solaris Temple (get WP), go to The Solaris Temple lvl 2, kill Dawn, take Sun Orb. Complete "The Gemling Legion" (Maramoa). WP: The Bath House, go to The Lunaris Concourse (get WP), go to The Lunaris Temple (get WP), go to The Lunaris Temple lvl 2, kill Dusk, take Moon Orb. WP: The Lunaris Concourse, go to The Harbour Bridge (south), go to The Sky Shrine, kill Solaris & Lunar, go to The Blood Aqueduct. ACT 9
WP+SP: The Blood Aqueduct (get WP, good farming spot), go to Highate, go to The Descent, go to Supply Hoist, go to another Supply Hoist, go to The Vastiri Desert (get WP), find Storm-Weathered Chest, kill Mumies, take Storm Blade. Complete "The Storm Blade" (Petarus & Vanja).
WP+RP: The Vastiri Desert, go to The Foothills (get WP), kill Boulderback, take the Calendar of Fortune, go to The Boiling Lake, find Basilisk Acid. Complete "Fastis Fortuna" (Petarus & Vanja). WP+SP+E(LB): The Foothills, go to The Tunnel (get WP, E: LB), go to The Quarry (get WP), kill Kira/Gurakhan, take The Sekhema Feather, go to The Refinery, find Trarthan Powder. Complete "The Ruler of Highgate" (Tasuni) & "Reccuring Nightmare" (Sin). WT: The Quarry, enter The Belly of The Beast, go to The Rotting Core, go to The Black Heart, kill the spirits of Shavronne, Maligaro & Doedre, enter The Black Heart, kill The Depraved Trinity, talk to Lilly & Sail back to Oriath (Act 10). ACT 10
WP+UF+SP: Oriath Docks, go to The Cathedral Rooftop, kill Kitava's Cultists, go to The Ravaged Square, go to The Reliquary (south, get WP), find The Teardrop. Complete "Safe Passage" (Lani) & "Map to Tsoatha" (Lilly).
WP+RP+E(LB): The Reliquary, go back to The Ravaged Square (get WP), go to The Ossuary (E: LB), go to The Bone Pits, find The Elixir of Allure. Complete "No Love for Old Ghosts" (Weylam). WP+RI: The Ravaged Square, go to The Torched Courts, go to The Desecrated Chambers (get WP), go to The Sanctum of Innocence, kill Avarius, take The Staff of Purity. Complete "Death and Rebirth" (Bannon). SP+WT: The Ravaged Square, talk to Innocence, go to The Canals, go to The Feeding Trough, kill Kitava. Complete "An End to Hunger" (Lani). Dernière édition par MrWestons#6678, le 1 mars 2018 10:36:20
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" I totally agree with you. That is why i am trying to put together a more detailed guide for leveling. And MAYBE if i manage to get it together nicely (with the help of others who love this build as much as i do) you can add it in the original post :). I already started and will move on once i get home. If anyone has any suggestions or if i am doing something wrong, please let me know :). |
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" Sounds good! Can't wait |
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" Again I would have to completely disagree. I have seen guides that literally told you one step at a time what to put your passive into, what to take as a reward, how to socket your gear etc etc. The few times I see this I have a good chuckle at it. These are build guides to showcase a build and give people an explanation of how it plays, what tree looks like, what end game gear looks like and a brief explanation of how to play/level it. What you and a couple others are looking for is complete handholding so you can be told every single step of the way what to do. That is not and should not be the intent of any build guide. Honestly if you are a new player and overwhelmed (which again is completely understandable, this game is nuts for a new player with so much info) you will learn absolutely nothing by having your hand held every single step of the way. It is the same as a child trying to walk for the first time, or roll over, or starting to crawl. They need to try and fail on their own so when they succeed for that first time they UNDERSTAND why. Now it is not like I am leaving people high and dry. I explain exactly while leveling what stats to look for on gear, I explain what weapons + base to look for, I have a leveling tree guide that is segmented to show generally what to pick next... I also explain the first 4 link setup you want to do. The rest is up to you, there is no 100% best way or best gear piece over another, time to play a little and learn a little. " I appreciate you trying to help out the newer player base and the enjoyment that you have for the build. However I will not be adding anything to the build guide on this order, my thoughts are written above in response to irende |
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Hi, do you think it's possible to run this in CI version? Thanks and sorry if this was already answered.
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I am not saying that you should write there exact walk-through of the game. But I've seen some build with explanations for new players why does it work that way. I know, that builds were very long but before i read them i was nearly lost why does it work that way.
Of course you don't have to do that. Its hard even to update it every 3 months. But as a new player I chose my build not by what i liked most, but by what was explained more. Before that, none of the builds i tried to make hasn't worked well. It got better when i played with build guide that wasn't focusing directly on specific items but on pretty well explained mechanics how should i choose items and why its better or worse. Also there were mentioned 2 different skills which could be used as main skill. It helped me a lot. I don't want you to write it like that. Just sharing my own experience. It would be nice to have more builds explained that way, but it is not necessary. You know, as a new player you don't want to watch videos with theory. You want to watch videos with theory for your build explained in a way you can understand. And then you can focus on different mechanics and learn it all. Trying to learn all PoE mechanics at once is nearly impossible. You dont have to edit your build that way. Just consider adding permalink to some comment with explained theory behind it and how to start it and what you can change and what not. Of course someone has to write it before that :) And its nothing against you, i don't want to argue here. Your build is well explained but not for a new players. Some of my friends don't want to play PoE with me only because they think they would have to spend hours and hours just learning mechanics and not playing. And its hard to prove them its not like that. I hope my post can be understood. I think its the longest text I've ever written in English. Also I am posting it from mobile phone so there could be many misspelled words just because i haven't hit the right letter :) In any case, thanks for the build. :) EDIT: PoB now supports 3.2, so you can update your PoB link :) But I don't think that it needs to be done immediately. Only Ascendancy points are different, right? Dernière édition par irendie#7500, le 1 mars 2018 14:07:28
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