Solo Self-Found Support in 2.6.0

This is fantastic news. I've never been much of a SSF player, aside from a couple of short race events in the past, but I'm very much looking forward to the personal challenge next league. I've at times felt my overreliance on trading ultimately diluted my enjoyment of the game. Now it feels like I have a chance for some new perspective. Thank you for this opportunity.
Thank you so much. This calms my worries about the xbox one annoucement by a lot.
I am so excited for this. I never thought we'd get official support... Thanks GGG!
Would the towns be empty upon starting the game? I really hope so.
Also it would be nice to have a very small incentive like some exclusive vendor recipe, maybe darkshrines activated or exalted sold for chaos by vendors with a not too fair ratio.
Dernière édition par ammenz, le 23 janv. 2017 00:03:33
ProjectPT Reddit Response

So according to ProjectPT, he knew about this Chris and Co. were in contact with him regarding how SSF is implemented.

I can't help but think you are missing the mark, GGG, as ProjectPT's views on the game (re: console/casual) are basically 180 to the direction you are taking the game.

I myself want SSF because I hate trade, not because I want to no-life the game like ProjectPT to make progress. I'd like to pick any build to start a league (not one that will be gear independent) and work towards that build with smart loot/deterministic progress on the level of trade.

You already recognize how the niche HC market is not enough to grow the game, so you are going after the casual/console crowd to bolster player numbers/revenue. Providing this type of SSF is just further fracturing your already dwindling niche HC audience.

༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Give moar Power Creep Pls

Dernière édition par Druga1757, le 23 janv. 2017 00:05:33
love this... but i think it will be better if we can join and chat in global chat in hardcore or softcore,,not in the ssf global chat only..and sharing town with other non ssf player
thanks to
Dernière édition par DentaGram, le 23 janv. 2017 00:07:31
I freaking Absolutely Love this!!!

I play in an Anti-Social way to begin with. Just recently started trading. But it's not something I depend on at all. Really like this idea and can't wait for the implementation.
This is pretty much how I've always played PoE, so I'm very glad to see it become an official thing.
so the xbox one version will be SSF it seems..
I think this is awesome. However, since they are separate leagues I feel like maybe the SSF players should get some kind of drop rate bonus but then it would be unfair if they transferred to the regular league and began trading those items. Maybe have some sort of option that is a permanent SSF that gives a drop rate bonus and one that isn't permanent and allows you to transfer to the regular league if you want to.


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