[3.17] For Slayer / Champion - Ngamahu Cyclone / Consecrated Path / Tectonic Slam

Sosaynight a écrit :
Yo, playing this char right now and its going pretty good, the problem i have that to get a impresence with flammability it costs like 125+ chaos, is it still worth using carnage heart instead while saving up to that and also if u have time could u go to my profile and check what i should change feels like i have pretty okay gear so far but i don't know i die sometimes on lab and struggle with life with like 4,7k hp only i dont realyl know how to get more tbh :/

Yes u can use Carnage Heart in the mean time, u might also consider a rare amulet with life if it is a problem for you.
Shaade a écrit :

Given we compensate the 50 dex loss with another piece, wouldnt Lightpoacher would be great damage buff for the build ?

We maybe lose Dex/Chaos Res / 10% Ms, but we gain 20% Spirit Burst trigger chance, 1 Abyss sock, and some all resist.

It seems pretty brokken to me.

Any thoughts ?

PS : If it has been answered before, then my bad. I didnt find anything through research fonction in this thread

Lightpoacher is fun to play with. It pretty much works like Ngamahu axe and you can socket the following gems into it and Spirit Burst will do good damage:

Slower Projectile + Controlled Destruction + Elemental Focus

For end game boss fights, Devoto is still a better helm.


kazafz a écrit :
I feel like it is getting harder and harder for me to get a Xoph's Amulet with the increase in prices of exalts ><

Impresence is a great alternate amulet and it is much cheaper. :)


AssassinPride a écrit :
Can we gain endurance charge without using Endurance Cry?
Using this skill tree

Red Dream jewel will enable you to get endurance charges on kill. Or as stated by @fur4sx, link Endurance Charge on Melee Stun with Leap Slam.


mwmorais a écrit :
Is it worth taking the leech node above Vitality Void (on the way to VP) if we don't go VP? PoB already has me capped at max life leech so it adds nothing. I don't fully understand leech, but I'm assuming this point helps out on single target bossfights?

Yes it is definitely worth it. More leech % = you leech longer. Enabling you to run through long stretches of traps in Uber lab.

But of course, if you feel you can live without that 0.4%, you can definitely don't pick it. :)


_Tiem a écrit :

I've been playing Cyclone for a couple of leagues now and been refining the build over time. I think you're tree could be better optimized. I've included a link above of my current build in Abyss. It more than doubles your dmg and offers more life and defense (even if you opt for Fortify instead of Added Fire). With just enemies covered in ash, POB reports the DPS at 390k (can exceed 400 with corrupt gems and dropping the coral rings for steel or opal). Yours clocks in at about 160k.

The one thing I've been trying this league is to run with Starkonja. It brings more Dex and about 400 life with it. Losing the movement speed and Chaos defense is a hard trade but the former is only worth it during general mapping. For boss fights, movement speed is far less important. I'm still bouncing between the two, but I find having that added life pool has kept me alive in many more encounters.

Just some notes:

The link above is at 92. I would grab Point Blank and Iron Grip to finish it off at 95. I just didn't include it in the link because 95 takes a bit and tbh, it does so much dmg now that missing those nodes won't inhibit you from doing content really.

I took Iron Reflexes because I hate evasion. I think it's totally unreliable and walking around with 9k armor feels great. Lots of the annoying damage in the lab and other areas are really put to rest with a decent about of armor. Up to the player if they want to grab that.

I don't feel Immortal Call is worth anything without endurance charges and since the only way to generate them would be to self cast Enduring Cry, which means no longer spinning, which means no longer doing damage or leeching, which means open to stuns, so yeah, just not a fan. So I opted to beef up Ancestral Protector (better than Warchief) and that brings another 72k dps along with it. To me, that is far more valuable than a split second immunity to phys damage. Granted he doesn't stay up long end game but he does get a few whacks in. And if the enemy leave him alone, he can get some good damage down.

Sanctity is purely QOL. It's nice to have enough life regen to handle Blood Rage and a bit on top helps in constrained maps that inhibit your regen. Ancestral Knowledge is a trade off unless you have god gear. Then you can save a point.

The int travel nodes up to Purity of Flesh take some of the constraints off the gearing (int is a real b*itch for this build) and because you get 10 str alongside it, make it a good life cluster to grab, especially with the added Chaos defense. Thick Skin and it's respective group brings nothing but 20% life and your spending 5 points to get to it. You're better off just taking the remaining points by Constitution imo.

I'm on the fence about Butchery. I think Hematophagy might be better considering the nerfs to the Slayer in 3.1. I'm still testing that cluser swap, but the former brings about 8% dps with it. Hema gives you back 6% to your maximum life leech (so down 4% after the nerf) and with the 20% increased damage while leeching (we are always leeching) we are only down about 4% dps. I don't know about you, but I definitely feel the nerf and Hema makes it far less impactful. I suspect this will mostly come down to a playstyle thing.

Anyway, thanks for the guide, I got some good tips on how to refine the build, just returning the favor and sharing what I put together in my travels.


(Sorry for the novel, just wanted to explain the tree lol.)

Thank you for your input. What you have stated have been discussed on various occasions and some of it are listed in FAQ. :)

Iron Reflexes is pretty much up to individual preferences. I don't feel it is needed as long as you have 3000 armor rating from your gears.

In fact, I have imported your pastebin into POB and did a comparison using your skill tree + gears with the tank and primeval force skill trees listed in the guide.

The stats I obtained are as follows:

With your skill tree at level 95 (point blank + iron grip):
Cyclone damage: 390402
Cyclone APS: 5.94
Molten Burst: 26917
Life: 7126
Life Leech: 0.4% lower

Tank skill tree listed in guide at level 94:
Cyclone damage: 396861
Cyclone APS: 6.35
Molten Burst: 25266
Life: 7274

Primeval force skill tree listed in guide at level 94:
Cyclone damage: 437234
Cyclone APS: 6.35
Molten Burst: 28165
Life: 6723

On the topic of Hematophagy, it is not worth it in my view because even though Brutal Fervour is nerfed, but the impact isn't as huge as what people thought it would be. You will still be able to kill Shaper with the current listed skill trees.

The 3 points on Hematophagy are better spent on life nodes which will help you leech more life per second.


sas115 a écrit :
Okay i need some help, Im lvl 87 scion and im dying to traps on uberlab all time. I would like to know what im doing wrong. Maybe my gear is wrong or my passive tree idk... Im new player and i dont understand a lot, probably chosing scion was a bad idea too...

I saw your post in Scion forum and have replied to it. :)

But in terms of Uber lab farming, Slayer definitely have an edge because of Brutal Fervour. Which makes you immune to bleed during leech.


essencevox a écrit :

I just vaaled this glove in abyss and I'm wondering if it's better to run anger now or use flammability + blasphemy?

Wow. Congrats on that corruption!

If you have Xoph's Blood, you can certainly run Anger with Watcher's Eye (extra fire damage when you have Anger).


fuzzybearz a écrit :
Hi thanks for this amazing build!

For Ascendency, would changing brutal fervour/headsman for impact be fine? Impact's AOE seems to give a good clear speed and QOL.

Brutal Fervour is better than Impact because of bleed and stun immunity. It also provides faster life leech.


Lutcha a écrit :
Hello and thanks for this build, very fun and makes things a breeze.

But i don't understand how to proc enduring cry, or am i misunderstanding and have to cast it myself while spinning out of control ?

You have to self cast it. If you have Cast When Damage Taken + Immortal Call setup, you can drop Enduring Cry and should still be fine mapping.

Otherwise, Red Dream jewel will greatly improve the QOL when it comes to generating endurance charges.


Sosaynight a écrit :
Yo, playing this char right now and its going pretty good, the problem i have that to get a impresence with flammability it costs like 125+ chaos, is it still worth using carnage heart instead while saving up to that and also if u have time could u go to my profile and check what i should change feels like i have pretty okay gear so far but i don't know i die sometimes on lab and struggle with life with like 4,7k hp only i dont realyl know how to get more tbh :/

You can definitely run a rare amulet with high life roll similar to the one I am using now:

To run Uber lab comfortably, you will want 5500 life and 3000 armor. Ensure you are following the flask setup mentioned in the guide. They help greatly in ensuring better survivability.


Djangooo a écrit :
I sold my flicker character and levelled this one two days ago. I'm lacking life (3.8k) and armor. How do you get 5K+? I feel like my rolls are "decent" enough already.

I also have two jewels with +30 to life.

Where do I get armor? Just some more from my boots & belt? That can't be all right?

High life rolls on rare gears and the new abyssal jewels provide huge life pool too.

On armor, there are 3 main slots that you can get armor from, namely: belt, gloves and boots. Each of them can roll up to 600+ armor.

Your character is currently only level 75, by the time you reach level 90, you will have 6000 life with proper gears.
Hey I have a question, if I reskin my Ngamahu with Wings of Entropy will that mess things up? (2H weap nodes)
Could I possibly spec into Iron Reflexes?
sm0ke52 a écrit :
What is your opinion on Avatar of Fire + Impresence (flammbility) + Anger + Watcher's Eye jewel? I don't think the Hatred mods on the Watcher's Eye Jewel are as good as the Anger mods, specifically the Gain Phys as Extra Fire mod.

I am Using Impresence and the Essence Worm with "Anger". The thing is the 40% increased mana reserved of Essence Worm, oddly reserves 14% Mana for the flammabilty Aura. Is that bugged?

Another Question: What would you say is the minimum Amount of mana you need for the build?

Couldnt you go with the Avatar of Fire skill tree / go for Sovereignty and get extra 14% reserved reduced and then add enfeeble to the Auras ending up with herald of ashes / enfeeble / anger / flammabilty. I would sacrifice the Golem for that.

What keeps me from trying, is that weird 14% reserved for flammabilty Aura when you use Impresence + Essence Worm
If I am using flammability I should not use Elemental Focus Support right? I have 2 blue slots and I am using Concentrated Effects Support on the other blue on my chest.
Iridian a écrit :
sm0ke52 a écrit :
What is your opinion on Avatar of Fire + Impresence (flammbility) + Anger + Watcher's Eye jewel? I don't think the Hatred mods on the Watcher's Eye Jewel are as good as the Anger mods, specifically the Gain Phys as Extra Fire mod.

I am Using Impresence and the Essence Worm with "Anger". The thing is the 40% increased mana reserved of Essence Worm, oddly reserves 14% Mana for the flammabilty Aura. Is that bugged?

Another Question: What would you say is the minimum Amount of mana you need for the build?

Couldnt you go with the Avatar of Fire skill tree / go for Sovereignty and get extra 14% reserved reduced and then add enfeeble to the Auras ending up with herald of ashes / enfeeble / anger / flammabilty. I would sacrifice the Golem for that.

What keeps me from trying, is that weird 14% reserved for flammabilty Aura when you use Impresence + Essence Worm

I'd guess the 100% reduced flammability mod is not "free lammability". Essence worm's 40% increased mana reserved works against it.
If I don't have a xoph's blood but plan on getting avatar of fire on the skill tree, should I be using anger + herald of ash or flammability + herald of ash? I am using elemental weakness on hit on my glove
essencevox a écrit :
If I don't have a xoph's blood but plan on getting avatar of fire on the skill tree, should I be using anger + herald of ash or flammability + herald of ash? I am using elemental weakness on hit on my glove

Mobs can normally only have one curse from you at a time, so unless you have some form of 'can have additional curse', then there's no use in using flammability.
Is anyone using Widlfire in this build? Is it worth it?


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