[3.17] For Slayer / Champion - Ngamahu Cyclone / Consecrated Path / Tectonic Slam

What is your opinion on Avatar of Fire + Impresence (flammbility) + Anger + Watcher's Eye jewel? I don't think the Hatred mods on the Watcher's Eye Jewel are as good as the Anger mods, specifically the Gain Phys as Extra Fire mod.
IGN: Titania_
What would be like top 5 gems to 20% for this build first? using 5 link carcass jack no xophs.
RiftHawk a écrit :
Are the flasks portion of the guide updated? It seems like it is still geared toward reflect mobs. Any reason to run ruby potion regularly anymore?

Cyclone - fortify - Elemental damage on attacks support - Elemental focus - Conc effect/Inc area

You could also go Cyclone - Elemental damage - melee support - Elemental focus - Con effect/inc area and put fortify on leap slam.

If you dont want to bother with so many chromes for a 5 link, you'll most likely get green x2

So something like this will get you by:
Cyclone - Faster attacks - Elemental damage(or fortify) - elemental focus - Con effect/inc area

Basically 1g/2red/2blu should be your strongest 5 link combo 2g/2blu/1red is also good, not optimal but good.
Vakturion a écrit :
Looking at using this build pretty soon. I'm wondering how Primeval force goes, is it worth the cost in life? How much more damage do we see on bosses?


Primeval Force still provides good damage to the build but the 10% reduced reflect damage taken is no longer useful since the mechanics for regular reflect mob has been changed.

In terms of damage, a simple comparison will be Primeval Force > (Slaughter / Cleaving).


MrProtoX a écrit :
What is the best option for a 5L chest? Bronn's, belly or carcass?

Bronn is really good for mapping due to the huge speed buff it provides.

Belly is more tanky while Carcass is more balanced.


Jonamitsu a écrit :
How do you guys 6L your chests? Do you just buy or risk or vorici it?

For me. I will be using Vorici bench this time round in SSF.


RiftHawk a écrit :
Are the flasks portion of the guide updated? It seems like it is still geared toward reflect mobs. Any reason to run ruby potion regularly anymore?

Good catch. I missed that out and I will be updating the flask section. Ruby flask is no longer needed but Dying Sun is still recommended for the damage boost.


Rocksteadee a écrit :
Having some bad luck with chromes on my Bronn's chest. I did end up with 3R2B linked, 1G unlinked though, and I'm wondering if any build would use this/could I sell it for anything?

Vorici calculator gave me an estimated 400chromes to hit 3R2G1B or 2R2G2B but I put around 900 into it so far and haven't hit either :(

e: Oh dang never mind just noticed that my colours are listed in the OP as 'Provides the highest damage, hardest to roll on Bronn's Lithe'. Nice. Now just gotta 6L it :/

What I would do is get another Bronn chest if you are in trading league and use it on a 5L. Roll 6L on the 6 sockets chest that you have now.

I am still running on 4L in SSF using Bronn. ;)


Anbokr a écrit :
So I dumped my cremation setup and went for Lightpoacher + Shroud of the Lightless. It's a ton of fun I gotta say; I think the lightpoacher by itself is a better mapping setup than cremation/volatile dead. Definitely sucks to lose Devoto's, but gotta try the league uniques and spice things up :).

Running GMP + ele focus with ancestral warchief in the helm to buff both the helm projectiles and warchief cause I'm link strapped.

I still do ultimately believe having tried out the various cremation setups and now this new Spirit Burst (Lightpoacher) setup that Bronn's + Devoto's is still ultimately the fastest clear and best boss killer (just because of sheer damage and movement speed), but these other builds are pretty fun and I do recommend trying them if this is your 2nd or 3rd Ngamahu's. Especially playing around with Lightpoacher spirit burst, lotta fun.

One thing OP, @kira1414 that I've been trying to theorycraft that you might want to look into is fitting Anger into this build. The reason being the new Watcher's Eye jewel. If you pair Anger (which is already a big damage increase but hard to fit with mana) with Watcher's Eye free 10%+ fire pen and/or 20%+ extra phys damage as fire it's pretty insane. I've been thinking of taking the mana reservation at the bottom of the tree + enlighten or simply using blood magic in chest. Helm enchants for mana reservation help too. Not sure if it's ultimately worth it, but it's worth exploring this league.

Another way to fit this is to use the new Impresence amulet, which I do not think can be better with Xoph's blood, but I haven't played with it in PoB and the like too much -- and quite possibly, maybe there is a way to make it better than Xoph's (though I suspect not). I think the better play is just trying to fit Anger in with Xoph's by using blood magic cyclone with some mana reservation and an enlighten.

Thanks for the update on your LightPoacher, Shroud runs and confirming that Bronn + Devoto still provides the most damage output.

I took a look at Watcher's Eye (Anger version) and yes. This jewel will be very fitting for the build.

For Anger. I suggest having it socketed into Essence Worm. This way you will still be able to handle Flammability + Herald of Ash + Englighten 4.

In terms of damage, Xoph's Blood > Impresence because Xoph's Blood has Covers in Ash (this is huge damage buff).


Jonamitsu a écrit :
Hey guys what's the verdict on Shroud of the Lightless? I just dropped it and was thinking if I should sell it to add to the 6L Bronn funds or use it. What do you guys think about the chest?

Check out @Anbokr's feedback on Shroud which is just a reply above you. :)


swiftwilly a écrit :
So can someone explain to me if I can run those maps with reflect elemental damage % now or i still cant run them with this build?

You can't run maps that roll elemental reflect. The mechanics for this has not change in 3.1.

The only thing that changed are single elemental reflect mob in regular map now fires a projectile at you instead.


MysticN a écrit :
Hey there, didnt find a clear answer in the guide. What is the reccomended gems for 5L chest? im using Avatar of Fire and a Bronns.

It is mentioned in 5/6L gems setup for chest.


sm0ke52 a écrit :
What is your opinion on Avatar of Fire + Impresence (flammbility) + Anger + Watcher's Eye jewel? I don't think the Hatred mods on the Watcher's Eye Jewel are as good as the Anger mods, specifically the Gain Phys as Extra Fire mod.

Thank you for linking the items above! I have been wanting to include them in the guide but do not have access to the items.

Yes. Avatar of Fire skill tree + Impresence (Flammability version) + Watcher's Eye (Anger version) is a very good combo.

In terms of damage, Impresence will still lose out to Xoph's Blood but for folks that run the build using Avatar of Fire skill tree, they are very good combo to use.
There's two way to have gems in the build a version with ignite and one without, which one does better against bosses?

What would you guys try to add on this? i can craft like armor% / armor+eva% / armor+es% / eva+es% / phys leech as life 0.2-0.4% / phys leech as mana 0.2-0.4% / armor / energy / eva (with master crafting tool)
And which glove should i use between those 2?
Dernière édition par AssassinPride#0696, le 17 déc. 2017 01:02:55
Okay, noob reporting in again!

I was checking in Path of Building, and exchanging fire pen for added fire damage is pretty much ALWAYS a damage gain, except against shaper (in which case its even). This damage gain is true in both chest 6L for cyclone, and molten burst. So why use fire pen when added fire damage is just better?

I've already learned so much about mechanics in this thread, I would love for one of you poe gurus to help me out :D Thanks in advance!
Dernière édition par Kurnis#0620, le 17 déc. 2017 00:48:38
kira1414 a écrit :

Yes. Avatar of Fire skill tree + Impresence (Flammability version) + Watcher's Eye (Anger version) is a very good combo.

In terms of damage, Impresence will still lose out to Xoph's Blood but for folks that run the build using Avatar of Fire skill tree, they are very good combo to use.

So I was running the numbers on POB and Impresence + Avatar + Anger + Watcher's Eye should beat out Xoph pretty hard on mapping mobs(50-100k difference) and on bosses it should be much closer, but the Anger/Impresence combo should win against Xoph(somewhere around 20k-ish), this is on Cyclone, for molten burst the gap is still there. Xoph gives 20% more fire damage when ashe is applied but Watcher's eye gains up to 40% of physical damage as extra fire damage, so that's pretty big.

Also a lot of Xoph's damage is in its Ashe since we can get the avatar of fire from the tree at minimal cost. If you're dodging a majority of hits from a boss, you're probably better off going with Anger/watcher set up.

The only thing that Xoph has going for it is that it can bring Vaal lightningtrap. Anger/Watcher's eye I believe will need enlighten support gem due to its hefty 50% mana reserve cost on top of ash's 35%. However, if you can make it work it could be an alternative cost to buying Xoph's(100-200 c vs 450+c).
Dernière édition par Hitoseijuro#0756, le 17 déc. 2017 00:59:21
Any suggestions on which new abyss jewel that would be best to use?
Haven't gone through all 300+ pages yet, but this may have already been answered.

Is there a reason we aren't using Hatred over HoA or Ancestral Protector over Warchief? Both give bigger numbers in PoB (although I'm not sure how the overkill burn works for HoA and how that gets factored in).

Also, I don't have Xoph's yet, but managed to get my Bronn's 6L w/ 3r2b1g. Is conc/inc aoe better than ele focus when mapping? Will I be shocking enemies and even if so, will it be worth it? Seems crazy to give up 50% MORE dmg from focus with how shock works now


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