[2.5] Dela's Beastmode CI Regen Inquisitor ALL CONTENT

You said you see an ignite DPS improvement, which is in fact not the case if EE is calculated properly (or correctly ignored with AoF).
There is an option to check for monster hit by lightning, which calculates the -ress from EE. I do think the calculations are correct. You're free to prove me wrong though, and I might be. But the math seems solid enough to me. Since its been working so far, with the build before the nerf. I don't see why that would chance. I updated my earlier post to share some info on the EE build and I can share it here too for you to see: The EE version isnt dead in anyway even after the nerf unless the AOE is too small. Im seeing over 700k dmg with conc effect, EE proc, EO, concecrated ground, shock and flask proc. This is on a 6L and with the 40% pyre. I know its a simulation, but its pretty accurate. I know boss dmg is lower, like 200-300k and shaper even lower, but it always was. I do think this will be plenty. My gear isnt great in any way, and with 4 propety jewels it might even be higher, and if you have the green dream for frenzy charges, it will be even higher.

The Avatar setup with the same buffs, does show Around the same dmg, a little more for some reason. But I do believe that the EE version is better for fire resistant mobs in general/bosses. Im pretty sure that the +25 you are refering to is when you cast repeatedly, and if you check the monster hit by light, it actually calculate it properly.

Anyway, Im not here to convince anyone about anything so I dont know why I try. Im just saying that the dmg seems solid and I do think Ill try vortex again and see how the AOE is :)
Dernière édition par Leeown#6438, le 2 mars 2017 15:13:40
I had a similar issue at first. I had "Enemy was hit by Light. Damage?" checked. And I had OoS socketed in an actual piece of gear, but the numbers still seemed off. I thought the same thing as you about the repeated casting is all that the +25 meant. But if you check the box below light dmg, "Ignore Skill Hit Damage?", then EE is properly calculated (except in the case of Avatar of Fire, having AoF allocated still grants EE for whatever reason, an oversight of the tool I guess). Granted this dps is only accurate if OoS hits IMMEDIATELY after applying ignite, but in the actual game, checking that box is much closer to the actual dps.

And to compare numbers, I get similar stuff with 40% Pyre, decent gear, shock, but no flask (not 100% sure about flask). Ignite DPS: 795K with the incorrect EE (comparable to yours), 1.25M with EE (the "Ignore Skill Hit Damage?" box checked and the -50 from this shows in place of the +25 on the calculations tab when highlighting Effective DPS). This is for regular mobs, 6 linked, Conc Effect, Controlled Destr, Chance to Ignite, Cold to Fire, and Fire Pen (replacing Fire Pen with Empower 4 gives 1.35M ignite DPS with correct EE. Bosses I get 300K with the incorrect EE (again comparable to yours) and 650K with correct EE.

So yeah, I agree the build is not dead (in terms of DPS at least), the AoE is looking crappy in my opinion. I just wanted to make sure people got the correct information and that the AoF idea gives less Ignite damage and overall damage than the conversion one with EE.
Dernière édition par Deadseeds#3194, le 2 mars 2017 15:41:05
Then we do agree :)
I didnt quite know how the ignore checkbox worked, so glad you could clarify that. But this should proof that we will still have plenty of dmg. The flask I used to buff was the Sulfur Flask, as we use it to create conc ground at will anyway, and it gives 40% inc.
On a side note we do actually convert more than 90 with cold to fire gem, as it is 40% from ring, and 50% and 29% extra from gem, resulting in 119% conversion if Im not mistaken. Not that you missed that, it was just to clarify any confusion for anyone else, as I missed this at first my self. There is so many things to keep track of, even with the App.
Added one small tidbit to my previous response saying I agree but am worried about AoE.

It's still not 100% conversion exactly, the 29% is extra, so you deal 10% cold and 119% of the original vortex damage as fire. With the old Pyre you did 0 cold and 129% fire. Same total damage technically, but with conversion, converting more to fire means the Snorforged wheel gives more dps, and jewels or gear with increased fire damage is even better when all is converted to fire.

Another small bonus was dealing 0 cold with the old Pyre means the cold DoT from the Vortex skill did even more due to EE (even without having to cast OoS). But that DoT is pretty small compared to the ignite anyways, another argument for the AoF version if you want to be lazy and wouldn't cast OoS anyways (can't argue with wanting to be lazy).
Dernière édition par Deadseeds#3194, le 2 mars 2017 15:47:20
Oh yeah you're right, it actually shows that. Oh well. Yes the AOE is my main concern aswell at this point. The avatar version won't be as good after looking more into it, with you, im pretty sure. The -50 is massive on bosses, like I did say, but couldnt figure out how to calculate it properly, glad you showed me that. So lets see about the AOE. I will diffiently go vortex and see how it goes. If the aoe isnt good enough, i might try other stuff, but will have to see what that will be though.
That's my plan too. Try this first, if the AoE is that bad I might try Scorching Ray, similar tree and works well with a regen character. Hoping Vortex is good enough so I can save SR for a RF guardian I want to try near the end of the league (haven't done a LL or a Guardian yet), especially with the RF area buffs.
so i think the best is swap cold to fire as one of main gems + avatar of fire

u lose on cold degen (very minor dps lose 25k cold degen vs 446k ignite on my coc vortexer)

u dont need pyre so gain ring slot for some nice ring

What about double Pyre + Cold to Fire and Chayula for stun? Lose amulet slot instead of ring but still get the full benefit from Snowforged and jewels, and you don't have to mess around with AoF.
ruzga a écrit :
so i think the best is swap cold to fire as one of main gems + avatar of fire

u lose on cold degen (very minor dps lose 25k cold degen vs 446k ignite on my coc vortexer)

u dont need pyre so gain ring slot for some nice ring

I do think the EE variant is alot stronger overall. The AoF conversion isnt worth it, as we want to reduce boss ressi as much as possible for ignite dmg. You wont be able to make the same dmg on bosses and mobs overall with the AoF version. We wrote a few posts back and forth about it, you might want to read :)

@Dandan88, it dont seem to worth it as we will have enough dmg with just one.

The only thing I worry about atm is the AOE change.. We dont know if the ring will be big enough, but lets pray it is.
Dernière édition par Leeown#6438, le 2 mars 2017 17:37:40


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